Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 80 Shanzhai Capable Man, He Jincheng Buys Electric Appliances

Chapter 80 Shanzhai Capable Man, He Jincheng Buys Electric Appliances
The young man in sunglasses shook hands with He Jincheng with a smile, and accepted the sheet of Great Unity without any trace.

"It's easy to talk about, self-improvement, do some scattered business on weekdays, brother, if you can afford it, just say what you want, original original, we can't guarantee it, but we can get you anything made by ourselves!"

He Jincheng understood what this young man in sunglasses did.

Dare to love this one, he is a copycat!

These days, it is definitely not allowed by policy to do this kind of thing.

However, many things are being explored, and the definition of speculation is relatively vague.

Maybe your business in one province is speculative, but in another place, it becomes a normal thing.

So, as long as you are careful, it's not a big problem.

Like this Gao Ziqiang, nine out of ten it is to engage in some parallel imports, or get some parts from some sources, and then find someone to assemble them by himself.

The price of such a product is more than half cheaper than the original brand, but the quality is not much worse.

He Jincheng is not particularly resistant to this product, the key is that he really needs it.

"That's great, where can I buy it?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and took out another Hongtashan and handed it over.

Gao Ziqiang took the cigarette, lit it and took a deep puff. After looking around, he waved his hand towards He Jincheng.

"Come with me, right behind!"

Soon, the two came to the back of the department store.

There is a dilapidated factory building here. It used to be a tractor factory in the town, but it failed to manage well and closed down. I don’t know how Gao Ziqiang got it.

However, if it wasn't for Gao Ziqiang's strong background, he dared to engage in these parallel imports in the department store, or he was very courageous.

Gao Ziqiang swaggered to the door of the factory building and knocked on the big red iron door.

A small door on the gate opened, revealing a pair of piercing eyes.

"Old Meng, it's me, bringing the guests!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile.

The big red iron door was opened.

That Lao Meng was a middle-aged man with a thick beard and fierce eyes. He glanced coldly at Gao Ziqiang and He Jincheng, then nodded slightly, and let them go in.

"Brother, don't worry, Lao Meng looks a little scary, but he is actually a warm-hearted man! This small factory was built by me and a few friends. It is our finished product warehouse. There are several kinds of motorcycles. , you pick and choose!"

Gao Ziqiang laughed.


Naturally, He Jincheng would not be frightened by this small scene. Although Lao Meng looked very fierce, if they really fought, He Jincheng could subdue him with one move.

As for cheating and abducting, He Jincheng was even less worried.

People like Gao Ziqiang, unless hundreds of people came, He Jincheng would not pay attention at all.

There are also a few workers working here, and I don't know where they received the second-hand or scrapped machines. These workers are very skilled in disassembling and sorting various parts.

Once these parts are disassembled, they are sent to be cleaned and repaired, and then sent to be assembled, and finally become a new product.

Seeing the skillful appearance of these workers, He Jincheng secretly admired them.

I have to say, Gao Ziqiang is quite good at doing business.

It's just that this road will definitely not take too long. Before long, the country will make a very serious rectification of these irregular industries and businesses.

If there is a chance in the future, I still have to persuade Gao Ziqiang.

With his talent, even if he only does legitimate business, I believe he can have a very good development.

The two continued to walk inside, and after passing through the cleaning and repairing area, they came to the assembly area.

Various assembled products are neatly placed aside. In addition to motorcycles, there are also some bicycles, radios, TVs, etc. It seems that there are quite a lot of varieties.

"Brother, take a look, these motorcycles are very cheap, at least half cheaper than the market price!"

Gao Ziqiang pointed at those motorcycles with a smile and said proudly.

"Yes, it seems that your craftsmanship is really good. How much are the prices of these motorcycles?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Although this Qingqi 15C is assembled, the components are no different from the genuine ones."

"This Jialing 50 is not the best in quality, it's definitely not inferior to the real Jialing 50!"

"There is also this one, Jianshe. If you don't like speed, you can choose this one!"

"These three models are the most popular motorcycles at the moment. The most expensive is Jialing 50 yuan, Qingqi 800 yuan, and Jianshe brand 600 yuan!"

Gao Ziqiang introduced them to He Jincheng one by one.

He Jincheng nodded slightly. In his memory, only these brands of motorcycles were more popular in this era.

And the price is indeed much cheaper.

In the future, 800 yuan will not even be able to afford an electric car.

Even now, genuine motorcycles cost several thousand yuan.

"That's right. I see there are TVs and radios. Is there a tape recorder?"

It's all here, since there are so many good things, He Jincheng is going to buy them all at once.

"Haha, brother, I wasn't joking with you just now. I only have what you can't think of here, and there is nothing you can't buy! Electric fans, radios, tape recorders, gramophones, TVs, etc., we have them all!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll buy another tape recorder, radio and TV set. Let me figure out how much it costs. If you buy so much, you should give me a discount!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, brother, you are so forthright. Naturally, I, Gao Ziqiang, am not the kind of person who doesn't understand everything. How about this, you choose the things well, and I'll show you how much it is in total!"

Gao Ziqiang is happy.

It seems that my business today is not a small one.

With so many things added together, even if you give He Jincheng a [-]% discount, there is still a lot of money.

He Jincheng carefully selected a few things that he needed very much.

For the motorcycle, I chose the Jialing 50, which is also the most popular motorcycle in this era.

He bought a radio and a tape recorder, and bought two TV sets and two electric fans at the same time. Unfortunately, there is no washing machine here, otherwise he would like to buy one, so that his wife or mother-in-law does not need to wash clothes by hand.

At the end of the calculation, the seven items cost a total of 500 yuan, and then Gao Ziqiang gave He Jincheng a discount of 200 yuan, and the total cost was 300 yuan.

At this price, He Jincheng was quite acceptable, and he paid immediately, and it was in cash.

This made Gao Ziqiang very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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