Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 81 Lianhua Village, the old man greeted with cannons

Chapter 81 Returning to Lianhua Village, the old man greeted him with cannons

Two thousand and five hundred yuan, after deducting the cost, this business made a full one thousand and five hundred yuan.

Apart from the labor-intensive disassembly and repair of these things, the purchase price is unimaginably low, so even if he gave He Jincheng some discounts, Gao Ziqiang still made a lot of money.

Moreover, He Jincheng was so forthright, he just looked at things casually, and immediately bought them with money.

If this order can be completed, there is no fear that He Jincheng will not come again in the future.

This is a long-term business.

"Okay, brother, you are refreshing, we Gao Ziqiang can't be too stingy, what do you think I should send? I will drive it to you personally!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile.

"I'll take that tape recorder and motorcycle with me, and leave the rest to Boss Gao!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

The tape recorder was bought for Ye Qingmeng so that it would be convenient for her to study.

So He Jincheng simply drove his motorcycle and took him there.

"Success, I'll arrange a car for you right now!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile, he was in a good mood.

"Boss Gao, I still need to go shopping, I will come to you later, let's go together!"

He Jincheng thought about it. He saw some tapes in the department store before, but he didn't see what tapes they were.

I can buy some back home, and it would be even better if there are English tapes.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be waiting for you at the door!"

Gao Ziqiang agreed immediately.

He Jincheng returned to the department store again, and went straight to the place where the tapes were sold.

After a closer look, I found that most of them are still some song tapes.

In addition to some foreign music, there are also some very popular songs in China, such as "Du Shiniang", "Old Dreams Don't Need to Remember", "Whenever I Walk by the Teacher's Window" and so on.

In this era of material scarcity, it is already very good to have these kinds of music appear.

There were relatively few English tapes, and they were all foreign speeches. He Jincheng bought some of them. He bought [-] tapes for only ten yuan, wrapped them in a black plastic bag, and went to Gao Ziqiang’s again. The factory gate.

At this time, Gao Ziqiang had found Yiliang's tricycle and was directing people to move things up.

"Brother, your motorcycle is here, I filled you with a tank of gas, and this tape recorder, you have to put it away, we have tested all the electrical appliances before, and they are guaranteed to be good! You can rest assured about this, we just eat this food, and we are counting on you, brother, to be a repeat customer!"

Gao Ziqiang promised with a smile.

"Haha, I believe in Boss Gao's character, so I will lead the way on a motorcycle, thank you Boss Gao for helping me!"

He Jincheng laughed out loud, thinking that this Gao Ziqiang not only had a bright mind, but also a good verbal skill, he was a person who did things.

After 10 minutes, everything was loaded on the car.

In his previous life, He Jincheng often rode a motorcycle by himself. After getting acquainted with this old motorcycle, he already knew how to ride it.

After beckoning to Gao Ziqiang, the two started their cars and headed towards Lianhua Village.

With a car, the speed is naturally much faster.

In less than 10 minutes, He Jincheng returned to Lianhua Village.

As soon as they entered the village, all the villagers were attracted by the motorcycle under He Jincheng's crotch, and they all ran out to watch.

"Hey, what kind of bicycle is this? Why is it different from what I saw? It's really fast!"

"Yeah, how come there are bicycles that don't need to be pedaled? It's really easy!"

The villagers were all very curious. Many of them had never seen a motorcycle, and they even wondered why Jincheng was riding a new type of bicycle.

"You guys who don't know much, this is a motorcycle. It burns oil. It's like a car. It's fast. Many people in the city ride this kind of motorcycle!"

"Good guy, this is the first time I've seen a motorcycle. It's so precious!"

"Of course, it's so expensive that most people really can't afford it!"

The villagers talked a lot, and their eyes were full of envy.

"Jincheng, you are well-developed. You even bought a motorcycle. If you have a chance, let uncle ride it for a good time!"

Someone shouted with a smile.

"Okay, as long as I don't need it, you can come and play anytime!"

He Jincheng didn't dislike the villagers coming to borrow cars, since they were not worth much anyway, as long as he didn't need them, he could drive them freely, as long as he was willing to refuel.

He Jincheng's straightforwardness won cheers from the villagers.

Everyone thinks this motorcycle is a rarity, so of course they want to try it. Seeing how cool He Jincheng is riding on the motorcycle!
The various electrical appliances in the back made the villagers even more envious.

TV sets, electric fans, radios, these are all things that everyone dreams of.

Let's just talk about this TV. In the entire Lianhua Village, there is only one in the village chief's house. On weekdays, the village chief is not even willing to turn it on, for fear of breaking it.

"Jincheng, you even bought a TV set, when will you let us see it?"

Someone shouted with a smile.

"This TV is just for the big guys. I will give it to the village chief, and then we will watch TV together regularly!"

He Jincheng laughed loudly.

"Hey, this kid in Jincheng has a really good heart, and he doesn't forget the folks when he is prosperous. We are really lucky in Jincheng!"

"I used to scold him, but this prodigal son will never change his money back, that's the truth!"

"Yeah, what a jerk He Jincheng used to be, but now he really has changed his mind, it's like a different person!"

"This is also because he has real skills, otherwise, why don't I get rich!"

The villagers had everything to say, and some even mentioned what happened to He Jincheng before, and they all found it incredible.

He Jincheng also heard some remarks, and smiled wryly in his heart.

Back then, I was really a jerk, and there was nothing wrong with what others said.

However, the current self will never be the same as before.

Before he got home, He Jincheng saw his wife Ye Qingmeng holding Tingting waiting for him at the door.

The mother-in-law and the old father-in-law are also there. They have heard such a big commotion in the village.

Ye Shanhe felt that He Jincheng was honored to come back like this, so he bought a plate of firecrackers from the village chief, and when He Jincheng came to the door, he lit a cigarette butt and threw it out.

Suddenly it crackled for a while, and it was very lively.

In this day and age, buying electrical appliances in rural areas is a big event, and firecrackers need to be set off to celebrate.

Especially He Jincheng is buying a motorcycle and a TV, so of course it is worth celebrating.

"Mom and Dad, my wife, I'm back, and I happened to see these things, so I bought them all!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hey, good son-in-law, what are you riding, like an iron donkey!"

Guo Lan asked curiously, causing everyone to laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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