Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 82 He Jincheng is the first to receive emergency treatment

Chapter 82 He Jincheng is the first to receive emergency treatment
"Mom, this is a motorcycle. It's much faster than a donkey cart. Qingmeng will go to school soon. It will be more convenient for me to buy a car!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, the motorcycle is good, this thing must run fast!"

Guo Lan touched the motorcycle and said fondly.

"You young people like to do these things, how far can you go to the town, and you have to ride such a thing, I don't think it's very safe!"

Ye Shanhe said very disapprovingly.

When he joined the army, he had seen many motorcycles, but he had never ridden one.

"You old guy, you don't want to have a good time all day long. What's wrong with your son-in-law buying a motorcycle? What's bothering you?"

Guo Lan is the only one who dares to say that about Ye Shanhe.

Everyone hurriedly moved all the things from the car and put them into the house.

Ye Shanhe didn't care much about other things, he liked the radio very much, so He Jincheng asked his father-in-law to take it back to his room.

After lighting a cigarette for Gao Ziqiang, the two exchanged a few pleasantries, and then Gao Ziqiang drove away in a tricycle.

Everyone went back to the house, and after a long time of fiddling, they finally fixed the TV, but these days, there are not many TVs, only CCTV and a few local channels.

"I didn't expect that we could also have our own TV. This is something that only urbanites can afford. Good son-in-law, you are really talented!"

Guo Lan watched the pictures of characters appearing on the TV, and liked it very much, and kept praising He Jincheng for his ability.

This made He Jincheng a little unaccustomed to it. It would have been impossible to imagine this in the past.

After the little girl Tingting watched the TV, she jumped up and down and clapped her hands happily, she was very happy.

Ye Qingmeng's heart is full of happiness, who doesn't want her husband to be capable?

In the evening, Guo Lan cooked a sumptuous dinner.

While eating and watching TV, the room was full of laughter and joy.

While watching the news, Qin Ze accidentally saw a piece of news about the auction of exhibits in the Kyoto Museum.

This is a group of auctions of traditional Chinese paintings, mainly works of modern painters.

Because the display space of the Kyoto Museum is limited, part of it will be auctioned.

It was nothing special at first, but when He Jincheng saw a few masterpieces, his eyes lit up.

Because he saw several paintings by Master Qi Baishi.

This reminded him of someone, Xu Huachi.

This is a great collector. There were more than 9000 paintings that no one cared about back then, and Xu Huachi bought them all for 20 yuan.

Calculated in this way, the average price of each painting is only 22 yuan.

For most of these works, the value will skyrocket in the future.

Xu Huachi also relied on these paintings to directly own a family property of hundreds of billions, because each of these paintings will be worth hundreds of millions in the future.

However, this batch of paintings in the Kyoto Museum was auctioned, and basically no one cared about them. Only Xu Huachi, a collector who loves calligraphy and painting, made a decision after going through various entanglements. He almost broke his fortune and collected 20. All works were bought.

But everyone thought Xu Huachi was a fool.

Facts have proved that the truth is often in the hands of a few people. After the 21st century, the value of each of these unattended paintings has skyrocketed to tens of millions, or even more.

Since Xu Huachi's funds are relatively tight and hesitant, He Jincheng wondered if he could try it.

Even if you can't buy all the paintings, it's good to be able to sell dozens of them.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng immediately rushed to the capital to find Xu Huachi and cooperate with him to buy it, thinking that he would have an opportunity in the past few days.

If it was an ordinary business, He Jincheng would not be so concerned, mainly because he also likes calligraphy and painting very much. When he was free in his previous life, he would also write and paint. This can calm his mind for a while.

Seeing that there are so many things to sell now, He Jincheng's heart is of course moved.

When going to bed at night, Qin Ze took out the tape recorder and tapes and gave them to Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng burst into tears of joy, threw herself into He Jincheng's arms and began to cry.

However, at night, Ye Qingmeng took the tape recorder and played it fondly, and He Jincheng once again had no chance to go further with Ye Qingmeng.

This made He Jincheng very depressed. He felt that he had lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

The next day, everything was as usual, nothing special happened.

On the contrary, the number of people visiting He Jincheng's house has increased significantly.

Most of them wanted to see the new batch of gadgets that He Jincheng bought, especially when they saw the TV, they were even more envious.

Of course, they are just envious.

Now in the entire Lianhua Village, no one went to He Jincheng for medical treatment, and probably not many people.

Now He Jincheng has naturally become the signboard of Lianhua Village, and Huanxin Medical Center has also become the most central location of Lianhua Village. There are many patients every day, basically coming from the next village!

This afternoon, He Jincheng felt that there was nothing else to do, so he went home early to spend time with his wife and children.

As a result, as soon as he got home, someone rushed over and called He Jincheng to see a doctor.

"Jincheng, hurry back to the medical clinic. Someone has a sudden illness. It's at the gate of the medical clinic. The village chief asked me to call you!"

He Jincheng heard the words, immediately put down the things in his hands, trotted all the way, and came to the medical hall.

At this moment, many people gathered at the door.

Among them are the village chief Huang Baofu and the village accountant, Accountant Ma

Beside them, there were two strong men in suits whom He Jincheng didn't recognize.

Seeing He Jincheng approaching, Huang Baofu hurriedly greeted him, shouting anxiously.

"Jincheng, come here quickly!"

"What's wrong, village chief?"

He Jincheng stepped forward, "I heard that there is an emergency, where is the patient?"

"It's on the hospital bed inside, take a look!"

Huang Baofu's face was full of anxiety, and he whispered in He Jincheng's ear, "The patient is an investor from the city. This time, he went to the next village for inspection. He didn't know what happened, and suddenly fainted." In the past, the village doctor in the next village didn’t dare to give treatment, and the county hospital’s ambulance took an hour to arrive, and I don’t know who suggested that our village also has a medical center, so it was sent here!”

Huang Baofu's original intention was to remind He Jincheng that the patient's status was unusual and his condition was relatively serious. If He Jincheng was not sure, he should not move casually.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, but there was no worry on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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