Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 83 Induced poison, Zhang Yuanshan's status.

Chapter 83 Induced poison, Zhang Yuanshan's status.

"you are a doctor?"

Just as He Jincheng was about to walk in, he was stopped by the two men in black suits.

The two were the bodyguards of the big shots inside. He Jincheng dared to say that he was a doctor at such a young age, which made them suspicious to some extent.

Seeing the other party's disbelieving expression, He Jincheng was very displeased.

I was going to save people, and I had to be checked by the bodyguards.

"Get out of the way! This is my clinic, if you want to be treated, be honest with me, and if you don't want to be treated, just take it away!"

He Jincheng said very bluntly.

"Presumptuous, what are you!"

A bodyguard was furious and punched He Jincheng.

As the saying goes, the prime minister's concierge is the third-rank official.

This person who acts as a bodyguard next to a big shot is naturally much more arrogant than ordinary people.

Usually when they meet people like He Jincheng, they don't pay attention to them at all.

I didn't expect this kid to dare to speak so rudely.

Village head Huang Baofu was worried.

I heard that the doctors in the next village were severely punished by the two bodyguards because they did not dare to treat this important man.

I have already reminded He Jincheng, why is he still so reckless!

He Jincheng's face remained unchanged, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

These people are really too arrogant. In their own territory, they beat people even if they disagreed with each other.

People who bully others will always bully them.


He Jincheng snorted coldly, raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's fist, and then twisted it violently, only to hear a click, and the bodyguard's hand was dislocated directly.


The bodyguard let out a scream, and immediately bowed down.

"Bastard, let go!"

Another bodyguard immediately reprimanded, raising his hand to do it.

He Jincheng didn't give the opponent any face at all, just raised his leg and kicked him, and before he could make any move, he kicked him flying.

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to make trouble on my one-acre three-point land, this is the end! Be honest with me, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

He Jincheng said coldly, and then walked in very chicly with his hands behind him.

The people around were dumbfounded.

Especially Huang Bao Fu Ma accountant them.

It can be said that they know He Jincheng well.

On weekdays, He Jincheng would definitely give up immediately when he encountered a difficult problem. What happened today?
Not only did he not give up the slightest bit of cowardice, on the contrary, he shot fiercely, and with one punch and one kick, he took away the two obviously well-trained bodyguards.

Huang Baofu knew He Jincheng better.

I don't understand why He Jincheng is so powerful!

As for the two bodyguards, their faces were extremely ugly, but they had seen He Jincheng's skills.

Although they were unwilling, they knew very well that with the strength of the two of them, they were no match for He Jincheng at all.

After entering the hospital, He Jincheng saw a middle-aged man in Tang suit lying on the hospital bed.

The middle-aged man's complexion was dark, his breathing was weak, and he fell into a coma. The situation was indeed serious.

He Jincheng frowned, and guessed that the other party must have been poisoned without feeling his pulse.

However, he still needs to confirm what kind of poison it is.

Walking to the side of the middle-aged man, He Jincheng stretched out two fingers to feel the pulse, and after a while, the look of doubt on his face became more and more.

"Jincheng, what's the matter with this guy? Can you cure him?"

Seeing He Jincheng's puzzled face, the village chief hurriedly asked.

"It can be cured, but it is poisonous after eating poisonous mushrooms, but it is a little strange!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"It can be cured? That's great, Jincheng. No matter what, we must cure this man! You must know that he is Zhang Yuanshan, a member who is very important in the city. If he is cured, our village will Your investment will be settled!"

Huang Baofu said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, it's not a serious illness!"

He Jincheng is not interested in any investment.

However, as a doctor, if you encounter a patient, you must still take action to treat it.

Doctors are benevolent, this is He Jincheng's family motto.

"That's good, that's good!"

Huang Baofu was very happy.

If Lianhua Village cured Zhang Yuanshan, Zhang Yuanshan would definitely be very grateful to Lianhua Village.

Once the investment lands, the newly appointed village chief will not only gain a lot of prestige, but also leave an impressive mark on his political career.

He Jincheng ignored Huang Baofu, took out three thin needles made of embroidery needles, and pierced three acupuncture points on Zhang Yuanshan's body.

Immediately, Zhang Yuanshan frowned.

Obviously, even in a coma, he still felt the pain.

"Boy, don't mess around! If something happens to our chairman, our Donghua Group will never let you go!"

At this time, the bodyguard saw that He Jincheng had directly stabbed the chairman, and immediately scolded him loudly.

"Are you guys too thick-skinned and want to be beaten again?"

He Jincheng didn't even turn his head, but just said something lightly.

The faces of the two bodyguards were extremely ugly, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

Although they just met He Jincheng, they had already suffered enough.

They don't want to provoke this person who fights when they disagree with each other.

Three minutes later, after the three thin needles were inserted, He Jincheng reached out and slapped Zhang Yuanshan's abdomen twice.

Just when everyone was still wondering what He Jincheng was doing, Zhang Yuanshan suddenly sat up.


I only heard him let out a long breath, like a drowning person who has just been rescued.

Before Zhang Yuanshan could say anything, He Jincheng slapped him on the back again.

With a wow, Zhang Yuanshan immediately vomited.

For a moment, a disgusting stench filled the entire hospital.

From Zhang Yuanshan's mouth, a large amount of undigested food was spit out, and there were some black things in it, which looked extremely disgusting.

After vomiting for several minutes, Zhang Yuanshan finally recovered.

He Jincheng unceremoniously pulled out his own needle from him.

"Okay, you can pay now!"

He Jincheng said calmly while washing the fine needle with water.

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Zhang Yuanshan was short of breath, and he was still a little dazed up to now.

"It's nothing, it's just that I just saved your life. If it was 5 minutes later, you would have gone to see Lord Yan by now!"

He Jincheng put away his thin needle and said with a faint smile.

"By the way, I only felt a cramping pain in my abdomen, and then passed out, little brother, you saved me?"

Only then did Zhang Yuanshan remember what happened before he fell into a coma, and said quickly.

"That's right, this is He Jincheng, the village doctor of our Lianhua Village, and he cured you.

Mr. Zhang, you are really lucky and lucky this time. If it weren't for Dr. He in our village, you would be in danger, Mr. Zhang! "

Huang Baofu quickly said with a smile.

This time is the time to invite credit.

It is necessary to let Zhang Yuanshan know how much contribution Lianhua Village has made this time.

In this way, Zhang Yuanshan will feel grateful and have a greater probability of investing in Lianhua Village.

"I see, thank you so much, Doctor He!"

Zhang Yuanshan got up quickly, wanting to shake hands with He Jincheng to express his willingness to accept.

It's a pity that my body is still very weak, and after barely supporting myself, I sat down weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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