Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 84 Investment Willingness, He Jincheng Guides 3 Businessmen

Chapter 84 Investment Willingness, He Jincheng Guides the Three Merchants
"Forget it, you just got detoxified now, you should take a rest! Let your people clean up my place!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, pointed to the vomit on the ground, and said with disgust.

"Yes, yes, what are you still doing, hurry up and clean this place up!"

Zhang Yuanshan quickly looked at the two bodyguards at the side and ordered.

The bodyguard was in a very depressed mood, but he had no choice but to hold his nose and clean up.

Moments later, the vomit is cleared.

Although there is still some taste, it is already bearable.

"Doctor He, you said that I was poisoned. I want to know why I was poisoned? I didn't eat any poisonous things along the way!"

After resting for a while, Zhang Yuanshan felt that he had gained some strength, so he asked.

As the chairman of Donghua Group and worth tens of billions, he is more particular about his food.

This time I came to the mountains for inspection, I just ate some wild game, all of which were very fresh, how could I be poisoned?

This puzzled him a lot.

"Your poison is very complicated. If I didn't take the wrong pulse, I should have been poisoned before I came here!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

"What? Then why am I having an attack now?"

Zhang Yuanshan froze for a moment, then said in shock.

"The poison you took before was just a hidden poison. It needs a certain primer to detonate the poison! And this primer should be a kind of mushroom. If I guessed correctly, you passed out after eating Let's do it!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"That's right, that's right! After I finished eating the wild game, I felt a bit uncomfortable in my stomach. I thought it was diarrhea, but I didn't feel like going to the bathroom. After I rested for a while, my stomach hurt unbearably. In the end, he passed out directly!"

Zhang Yuanshan nodded repeatedly.

He was a little surprised how He Jincheng knew this, and at the same time, he had some trust in He Jincheng's deduction.

"That's right, it should have been poisoned before. This kind of poison can't be unintentional. Someone must have poisoned it. As for who it is, you can figure it out after thinking about it!"

He Jincheng said.

Zhang Yuanshan pondered for a moment, then slapped the bed suddenly, his face was full of anger.

"Asshole, that bitch must be her! Doctor He, thank you so much this time! I don't know how I should repay you!"

Zhang Yuanshan did not continue to say who poisoned him, but looked at He Jincheng and said very seriously.

"It's only natural to pay for medical treatment, you can pay whatever you want!"

He Jincheng didn't think that the other party would repay him anything, but it would be great if he could give him a few hundred yuan for medical expenses.

"Okay, I understand! Take out all the cash in the car!"

Zhang Yuanshan nodded and instructed the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards quickly said yes, ran to the side of the car and took down a yellow paper bag.

"Doctor He, here is [-] cash, please accept it!"

Zhang Yuanshan said respectfully.

He Jincheng was stunned.

What?I heard it right, ten thousand?
Suddenly, He Jincheng felt like the sky had fallen from the sky.

Didn't expect that a person I saved casually would be so rich?
I just gave him a few needles.

If it is an ordinary person, he can ask for three or five yuan.

But this Zhang Yuanshan is richer, so He Jincheng wanted to charge more.

Who would have thought that Zhang Yuanshan would be so rich that he would directly give away 1 yuan.

Zhang Yuanshan, who was on the opposite side, saw that He Jincheng was in a daze, and thought that He Jincheng thought the money was too little, so he quickly explained.

"Doctor He, I only brought so much cash when I went out. If you think it's not enough, I'll ask someone to withdraw the money!"

1 yuan is nothing to a rich man like Zhang Yuanshan.

Compared with his own life, let alone [-], even if it was [-], he would give it without hesitation.

"Enough is enough, Boss Zhang is really generous. If the conditions here are not bad, please invest a little or two in our Lianhua Village, and our common people will thank you very much!"

He Jincheng smiled, and was not polite, and directly put the yellow paper bag away.

"Definitely, I found that the scenery in our Lianhua Village is very good, and we have planted a lot of Chinese medicinal materials. If possible, I would like to invest in a farmhouse here. Of course, if I need help in the sales of medicinal materials, I will also I can do my best!"

Zhang Yuanshan laughed.

"In terms of medicinal materials, we already have a fixed sales channel. Boss Zhang doesn't have to worry about that. As for the farmhouse, it's a good idea!"

He Jincheng didn't expect that Boss Zhang's thinking was quite advanced.

Farmhouse music will be very popular in the future, mainly because of the rapid economic development, and people in the city who have money always like to go to the countryside to eat local flavors.

However, in this day and age, if you want to make money from this, it still takes a certain amount of time.

Zhang Yuanshan had another idea.

Rich people like him often care more not about making money from investing, but what they can bring to themselves during the investment process.

For example, investing in a farmhouse project in Lianhua Village means that you have maintained a long-term relationship with Lianhua Village.

In this case, what if I get sick in the future, I can ask He Jincheng to show me.

"Boss Zhang, our Lianhua Village won't let you suffer! Coincidentally, I have two friends here. Let's have dinner together tonight. I'll call those two friends over and let's get to know each other!"

He Jincheng thought of Xiao Jingran and Guo Youwei.

These two are both capable businessmen, and they will definitely have a lot of common topics with Zhang Yuanshan.

"You know Xiao Jingran and Guo Youwei? That's really great. I also wanted to visit them before, but I never had the chance. I didn't expect that the two bosses are also good friends with Dr. He!"

Zhang Yuanshan was really surprised.

Xiao Jingran is a well-known philanthropic entrepreneur who has appeared in newspapers many times. It is said that he is now a winery and the business is very good.

Guo Youwei is an investor who has returned from overseas and has done several projects, all of which have aroused considerable discussion in China.

Some people say that Guo Youwei is completely capitalist, and some people say that Guo Youwei dares to innovate, but the overall evaluation is still good and upward.

Zhang Yuanshan is an investor in the province with an official background behind him. He can be regarded as a private entrepreneur supported by the province, and he is also in a stage of exploration and innovation.

If you can meet and chat with Guo Youwei and Xiao Jingran, maybe you can expand your thinking and broaden your horizons.

(End of this chapter)

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