Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 85 Winery Cancer, He Jincheng Fires Employees

Chapter 85 Winery Cancer, He Jincheng Fires Employees

Seeing that Zhang Yuanshan had no objections, He Jincheng asked him to rest in the medical clinic temporarily, and then rode a motorcycle to Pingyao Town and came to Pingyao Winery.

He Jincheng has never been to this winery since it was taken down by Xiao Jingran.

When I drove to the gate, I was stopped by the security guard and asked to show my ID.

The security guard seems to be a new recruit, and he doesn't know He Jincheng.

"Hello, comrade, what are you here for?"

The security guard was quite polite, standing in front of He Jincheng and asked.

"My name is He Jincheng, and I'm one of the shareholders of the winery. Come and have a look today!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

I own 20.00% of the shares in this winery, and my wife Ye Qingmeng also owns 20.00%. It can be said that I am the real major shareholder of the winery.

"Shareholders? Sorry, our boss is Xiao Jingran, I don't know you! Either you find someone to pick you up, otherwise, I can't let you go!"

The security guard's face was full of question marks, he didn't know what a shareholder was, he only knew that the boss was Xiao Jingran.

"Well, why don't you call your Boss Xiao and tell him my name!"

He Jincheng didn't blame the security guard for his ignorance, he hadn't been here much, and he was doing his duty.

"I can't make a phone call from the boss. I can only call Chief Ma of our security department. You should wait for a while!"

After the security guard looked at He Jincheng again, he went into the guard's room and made an internal call.

After a while, a big fat man with a large body and a wide body, wearing this security helmet, twisted his body and walked over.

Chief Ma, Zhang Feixiang, was the chief of the security department before Xiao Jingran and He Jincheng bought Pingyao Winery.

Later, Xiao Jingran didn't make any big changes in personnel, so Ma Feixiang continued to serve as the chief of the security department.

Looking at this guy's physique, I think the benefits given to him by coming to the factory are very good, otherwise, it would be really not easy to eat like this.

"Who, what shareholder, why haven't I seen it before!"

Ma Feixiang rubbed his stomach, walked to the door, and said impatiently, without even looking at He Jincheng.

This made He Jincheng frowned slightly.

The little security guard stopped him from letting him in. It was his job responsibility. He Jincheng understood and supported him.

It must be a good thing that the factory has such dedicated employees.

But this Ma Feixiang felt that he didn't come to work, but rather like the kind of little gangster who watched the scene.

He Jincheng was clearly standing there, but Ma Feixiang didn't seem to see it, he just looked at the security guard and asked aloofly.

"Oh, Captain Ma, this is the man!"

The security guard quickly pointed to He Jincheng and said.

Only then did Ma Feixiang twist his body, glanced at He Jincheng, and sneered.

"You? Shareholder? I have been working in this factory for three years, why haven't I met you? You just say you are? I also said that I am the boss of this factory?"

He Jincheng frowned slightly, feeling very unhappy.

How old is the security captain?If everyone who came to the winery had to be treated like this, how would the winery do business?
"Whether I am a shareholder or not, it seems like you, a security captain, can't control it! Let Director Xiao come out, and then you will naturally know whether I am real or not!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

There is nothing to talk to this kind of person, it's just a waste of time.

"Hey, I gave you a face, didn't I? And let Director Xiao come out, who do you think you are?"

Ma Feixiang said very displeasedly, the outstretched hand was almost pointing to He Jincheng's nose.

"Behave yourself, otherwise you will be the only one who is unlucky!"

He Jincheng said in a cold voice.

"Ma De, I am too talkative, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Ma Feixiang was in the winery, except for the boss and a few workshop directors, no one dared to challenge him.

This kid was young, dressed in ordinary clothes, he was definitely not a big shot, yet he dared to talk to him like that, and when Ma Feixiang raised his hand, he was about to hit someone.


At this moment, a cold shout came.

Ma Feixiang stopped, turned his head to look, and saw a man riding a bicycle with a briefcase under his arm, riding towards this side in a hurry.

The person who came was He Jincheng's brother-in-law Ye Chunlin.

Ye Chunlin stopped the car quickly, ran over in a hurry, and pushed the horse Feixiang aside.

"Ma Feixiang, what are you going to do? Do you know who this is? This is my brother-in-law, the second boss of our Pingyao winery, don't you want to do it?"

Ye Chunlin said angrily.

He is now working as a sales manager at Pingyao Distillery. During this time, he has also made a lot of orders, and he still has a lot of prestige in the winery.

Although Ma Feixiang is arrogant, he is not ignorant of current affairs. Ye Chunlin's status and contribution to the winery are not comparable to him, and a fawning look appeared on his face immediately.

"Ah? It turns out that he is really a shareholder of our winery. Hey, little boss, look at my dog ​​eyes, I didn't even see you, Taishan. I just did it for the sake of the winery. Please take care of me, don't mind! "

Being able to bend and stretch, this is how Ma Feixiang behaves.

In addition to the security team, he brought up more than a dozen brothers, so even Xiao Jingran couldn't blame him too much for the winery.

After all, once the security team goes on strike, the winery will lose a lot of security.

"Really? I can't even enter my own winery, and I don't even have a chance to defend myself. If Chunlin didn't come today, would you have hit me?"

He Jincheng didn't want to just let Ma Feixiang go.

This kind of person is a cancer of the winery. If it is not cleaned up as soon as possible, it will definitely be a big hidden danger in the future.

The smile on Ma Feixiang's face froze, feeling a little displeased.

I even took the initiative to admit my mistake, you kid is so shameless, do you want me to kneel down and beg you?

"Hehe, little boss, you are joking. I am such a hot-tempered person. Let's get along a lot in the future, and you will know that this matter is indeed my recklessness. Please, little boss, you have a lot of adults, so let me go this time." Bar!"

Ma Feixiang didn't want to lose his current job.

In charge of a dozen people, with a salary of 80 yuan a month, I can get some extra money if I have nothing to do, and the winery also includes food and housing. Where can I find such a good job.

Superficial skills have to be sufficient, but Ma Feixiang is not worried at all.

He Jincheng just reprimanded himself a few words, does he really dare to fire himself?
"Clean up, don't come to work tomorrow, our winery can't accommodate a big Buddha like you!"

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng didn't show any face to Ma Feixiang, he just waved his hand and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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