Chapter 87
"Why, isn't brother Xiao also afraid of that little bastard?"

He Jincheng took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that I feel a little troublesome! Although Ma Feixiang is just a little bastard, he may do some nasty things. It's easy for the king of Hades, but it's hard for the little devil!"

Xiao Jingran said with a wry smile.

"That can't be tolerated, brother Xiao, let me handle this matter, if that Ma Feixiang dares to play any tricks, I will make him regret it for the rest of his life!"

He Jincheng said calmly.

Seeing that He Jincheng had already said that, Xiao Jingran had nothing to say.

"Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind, I won't care about this matter!"

Xiao Jingran shook his head, and didn't stop talking about it, "Brother He, why do you have time to come to the winery to inspect today? It shouldn't be just to deal with a security captain!"

"Today, the clinic picked up a patient. It is a well-known businessman named Zhang Yuanshan. I mentioned Brother Xiao to Boss Zhang. He admired Brother Xiao very much, so I decided to set up a wine party and let everyone get to know each other!"

He Jincheng explained the purpose of coming here today.

"Zhang Yuanshan? Is that the Zhang Yuanshan known as Chaoyang Leather King?"

Xiao Jingran was taken aback for a moment, then asked quickly.

He Jincheng thought for a while, and it seemed that Zhang Yuanshan was really in the leather business, so he nodded with a smile.

"Hahaha, Brother He, you are really amazing. You can recognize such a character, and introduce them to me. Then I must go and meet them!"

Xiao Jingran laughed out loud, obviously he knew about Zhang Yuanshan.

Zhang Yuanshan is two years younger than Xiao Jingran, but before the opening, he started the leather business, and has been doing some speculative things in coastal cities before.

I have also been arrested several times, but every time I come out, I continue to buy and sell, and I have earned a lot of capital from the rent.

After the opening, Zhang Yuanshan focused his business on Chaoyang City.

Because of the resources and contacts in coastal cities in the early years, Zhang Yuanshan's business in Chaoyang City has a great price advantage.

In just three years, it became the leader of the leather industry in Chaoyang City.

Less than forty years old, already worth nearly a million.

A millionaire in 81 is no different than a billionaire in the 21st century. One can imagine how strong Zhang Yuanshan is.

"Since Big Brother Xiao is interested, it would be great! I also want to borrow Brother Xiao's phone number and invite another person!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, then picked up the phone and called Guo Youwei as well.

Guo Youwei is the director of the No. 1 Garment Factory in Dongshan County. If these three can be united, they will definitely be able to integrate resources. The effect of 1+1+3 is far greater than [-].

"Is there anyone else? Brother He, your network is wider than mine!"

Xiao Jingran said with a smile.

Zhang Yuanshan is already a big shot, so the person He Jincheng is going to invite again must not be an ordinary person.

When he heard that the man was Guo Youwei, Xiao Jingran somewhat understood He Jincheng's purpose.

When Guo Youwei heard that He Jincheng wanted to set up a wine bureau, as well as Zhang Yuanshan and Xiao Jingran, he agreed without hesitation and was about to drive over immediately.

After everyone was notified, He Jincheng drove his motorcycle back to Lianhua Village.

Zhang Yuanshan was still staying in the Huanxin Medical Center, lying on the hospital bed, reading an economics book with great interest.

"Mr. Zhang still has some research on economics?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

The number of books is limited these days, and it is not easy to have a book on economics.

Even this book by Zhang Yuanshan took a lot of effort to get it.

"Hahaha, I can't understand it either. I just read it blindly. Don't go out and talk nonsense. If some pedantic people see this, they will say that I am a banned book!"

Zhang Yuanshan laughed out loud and put the book away.

"How could that be? I've read this book too. Its analysis of market economy and planned economy is relatively accurate. It's good to read!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng still had some research in economics, which surprised Zhang Yuanshan.

"Doctor He, aren't you a Chinese medicine doctor? Why do you still understand economics, market economy and planned economy? I still read books to understand the difference between these two economic methods!"

"It's just a little understanding, and it's all nonsense! But I think Mr. Zhang has studied the market economy a long time ago, otherwise, it would be impossible to have the current net worth!"

He Jincheng smiled, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Oh, Doctor He is laughing at me for speculating! I'm so ashamed! By the way, what are we going to do tonight?"

Zhang Yuanshan quickly waved his hand.

"I've already contacted him. Let's have a light meal in the humble house tonight. Boss Xiao also has good lotus wine. If you get drunk, sleep at my house!"

He Jincheng talked about the arrangement

"Okay, I haven't had a good meal these few days. After Dr. He treated me today, I'm a little hungry now! We won't go home until we're drunk tonight, and I'm not even a minor injury. I will give you a toast to Dr. He when the time comes, hahaha!"

Zhang Yuanshan laughed out loud.

"Alcohol is not a good thing. It's good to have a small drink, and getting drunk can hurt your health. As a doctor, I still suggest that everyone drink well. It's best not to get drunk!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"All right, all right, who told you to be a doctor? I'll listen to you!"

Zhang Yuanshan also shook his head and smiled wryly, but he didn't think so in his heart.

In the beginning, I actually didn't want to drink too much of something like a wine bureau.

But as long as you drink it, once the atmosphere intensifies, and the strength of the wine rises, you can't stop it.

He Jincheng asked Zhang Yuanshan to continue resting in the clinic, while he went home and told his mother-in-law and Ye Qingmeng that there would be guests in the evening.

When the mother-in-law heard that several big bosses were coming for dinner, she immediately took care of the cooking, took the money to buy vegetables, and decided to organize the dinner herself.

Ye Qingmeng took the child while listening to the English speech in the tape recorder.

The success of the last speech contest gave Ye Qingmeng even more confidence.

Ye Qingmeng felt a lot of pressure at the thought of going to the city to compete next time. Whenever she had free time, she would listen to tapes and practice her English accent.

As the evening approached, Ye Chunlin came over first, carrying a lot of packages, big and small, all of which were bought for the family, as well as lotus wine for the evening.

The bastard's son took something home for the first time, which made Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe very happy, thinking that his son was like He Jincheng, a prodigal son who turned back.

But Ye Chunlin knew very well that if it wasn't for his brother-in-law, he would have gone all the way to the dark.

All of this is due to brother-in-law He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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