Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 88 The guests came, He Jincheng exchanged learning

Chapter 88 The guests came, He Jincheng exchanged learning
Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe were very pleased with Ye Chunlin's change.

Now Ye Chunlin is doing a great job in the Pingyao winery, bringing a lot of income to the winery, and he can be regarded as a hero.

As a parent, of course I hope that my son will be successful.

However, Ye Shanhe was still serious on the surface, and taught Ye Chunlin coldly.

"You kid, don't be so cocky when you have a small achievement. If I find out that you are just fooling around like before, I will break your dog legs!"

"Father, I was not fooling around before. Didn't I find the right direction? It's different now. I feel a red star shining in front of me, leading me to the Kangzhuang Avenue. Don't worry!"

Ye Chunlin said helplessly.

"Okay, my son finally came back, old man, you still teach others, if you have the ability, you go to sales, and see if you can do better than your son!"

Guo Lan gave Ye Shanhedao a dissatisfied look.

In the past, you scolded your son for not doing his job properly, but now you scold him when he is promising. It is really annoying.

"I think what my father said is right, you boy will go to work honestly from now on, don't think about those messy things anymore, let alone father, even if I find out, I will never forgive you!"

He Jincheng walked in with a smile, and also gave Ye Chunlin a lesson.

This kid's temperament is still not stable, and he becomes proud of some achievements, and it takes a long time to beat him.

Ye Chunlin is very innocent, he doesn't seem to have done anything wrong, why are they all scolding him?
However, he didn't dare to say anything more.

In this family, He Jincheng was the most unpopular in the past, and he was the most favored.

The times are different now. He Jincheng, an old farmer, has become the master of the family, and he has become the pillar of the family. On the contrary, he has become the one who has the least family status.

No way, who made himself the most unpromising?
"Brother He, I'm here!"

At this time, a laugh came from outside.

He Jincheng recognized Xiao Jingran's voice, and hurried out of the room to greet him.

Xiao Jingran brought a roast chicken, two cold dishes, and a box of the best lotus wine.

"Brother Xiao, why do you bring something when you come to our house? We are all ready!"

He Jincheng said politely, reaching out to take what was in Xiao Jingran's hand.

"Come to your house, brother, how can you come empty-handed? I came here in a hurry, and I didn't prepare anything. There happened to be a place selling roast chicken nearby. I have eaten it a few times, and it tastes very good. Let's serve it as a drink for us today. Already!"

Xiao Jingran laughed.

At this time, there was a car noise outside.

It must be Guo Youwei.

This guy drove a Santana, brought a lot of gifts, and walked inside with his things.

"Hahaha, Dr. He, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I miss you so much. Fortunately, you haven't forgotten me, Guo Youwei. Don't forget to call me when you have a drink!"

Guo Youwei laughed out loud.

"Our place is so lively when Mr. Guo comes, that Chunlin, go to the medical clinic and call Mr. Zhang, we can have dinner!"

He Jincheng accepted the gift with a smile, and was not polite to Guo Youwei, and pulled him to sit down.

Ye Chunlin nodded quickly and ran to call Zhang Yuanshan.

He was very excited now, and at first he couldn't understand why his brother-in-law wanted to treat him to dinner, but after seeing Guo Youwei, he finally understood what was going on.

This Guo Youwei is the director of the county garment factory, he has great energy, and Ye Chunlin never dared to think about having dinner with such a person.

There is also Zhang Yuanshan, the big boss in the city, a well-known rich man in Chaoyang City, not to mention his status.

After a while, Zhang Yuanshan came.

He Jincheng introduced several people to each other. Almost all of them have heard each other's name, but they haven't seen each other much before. This time, taking this opportunity, it is the first time to meet each other.

At the wine table, Ye Shanhe took the first place.

He Jincheng sat across the Yeshan River, Guo Youwei and Zhang Yuanshan sat on the left, Xiao Jingran and Ye Chunlin sat on the right.

As for Ye Qingmeng and Guo Lan, they didn't go to the table, they just ate in the kitchen and were ready to cook and serve the men anytime.

He Jincheng has always been opposed to this custom of women not eating at the table.

However, in this day and age, many traditional concepts are still very profound, and He Jincheng is not easy to violate them, so as not to cause trouble.

"To be able to get to know you all today, I would like to thank the old uncle for providing the venue. I suggest that we first toast the old uncle Ye together!"

Xiao Jingran raised his wine glass, called everyone to drink this first glass of wine, and toasted Ye Shanhe.

Everyone toasted and greeted Ye Shanhe.

This made Ye Shanhe very happy.

In terms of knowledge and ability, he is definitely not as good as everyone present.

He is just a farmer who has retired from the army, and he can farm some land on weekdays, and has no other skills.

It's a shame to be toasted by so many big bosses.

Of course, this is all thanks to the son-in-law.

"Hehe, you young people can just drink your own, don't worry about me, an old man! You guys, treat this place as your own home, don't be too polite, eat your own vegetables!"

Ye Shanhe drank a glass of wine and greeted everyone to eat with a smile.

The atmosphere on the wine table gradually became warmer.

Guo Youwei, Zhang Yuanshan, and Xiao Jingran also got to know each other better over glasses of wine.

"Come on, let's toast Brother He together for this cup. If it wasn't for Brother He, how could we all get together? Brother He has contributed a lot!"

Guo Youwei was very forthright, raised his wine glass and suggested.

"Yeah, we usually only hear his name but never see his person. Today is a big loss, Brother He! Come on, let's have a drink!"

Zhang Yuanshan also laughed, raised his glass and drank it down.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The old man Ye Shanhe was so happy that he drank a little too much, so he was helped into the house and lay down on the bed to rest.

He Jincheng sat and chatted with Guo Youwei, Zhang Yuanshan and Xiao Jingran.

"Brother He, you were so anxious today that you called all three of us over. Could it be that you just want us to get to know each other?"

Zhang Yuanshan said with a smile.

"Hehe, based on what I know about Brother He, he won't waste so much trouble just to meet him once!"

Xiao Jingran shook his head, said with a wry smile,

"Haha, I was really hit by a few brothers. I invite the three of you to come today. I mainly want to learn and communicate with the three of you, and I want to hear your views on the future trend."

He Jincheng laughed.

"Learn from us, hahaha, this is really unprecedented, but you have found the right person, we are not good at seeing a doctor, but you have more or less experience in business!"

Guo Youwei immediately laughed when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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