Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 89 Chatting at the Wine Table, He Jincheng Raises Funds

Chapter 89 Chatting at the Wine Table, He Jincheng Raises Funds
"How old are you? You can be regarded as the eldest brother among us. Then I will throw bricks to attract jade and talk about my own opinions. If there is something wrong, please bear with me!"

Guo Youwei took a sip of tea, and spoke with a smile.

Everyone looked at him and listened quietly to Guo Youwei's words.

"As you all know, I am in the garment factory business, but now I feel that our garment factories are getting more and more backward. Some time ago, I went to a coastal city to inspect and found that there are not only many styles of clothes, but also the production efficiency of the factory. Much taller than us!"

"After I came back, I seriously reflected on it, and finally found that the reason why my garment factory is not big is because our thinking is bound by the previous thinking!"

"What style is not suitable, what clothes do not fit, etc. These problems abound, this is because the people are not willing to take the risk of trying new clothes!"

"To solve this problem, we need to be able to guide consumers to consume, guide trends, and guide fashion! So, I have been saving money and want to take down our clothing factory. At that time, if I If it is a shareholder or a boss, it will definitely rectify Dongshan County's clothing industry!"

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard the words.

It can be seen that Guo Youwei really wants to make his factory bigger and stronger, but it is a pity that although he is the factory manager, his power is really limited and he can't control the employees at all!
"What do you think, if I buy our factory, what will be the future income?"

Guo Youwei looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

"The direction is naturally good, but can you bear the pain during this period? I have read a book that talks about risks. I think it is very important. When we first started our business, we all I was thinking about what to do next, how to allocate employees, materials, markets, etc. There are too many factors!"

Zhang Yuanshan said with a smile.

"Yes, the winery I am running now, if it is not for Brother He's help, the risk I have to take is also very big. To be honest, if it is not for Brother He's help, I would not be able to achieve some achievements now!"

Xiao Jingran also said with a smile, and at the same time raised his wine glass and clinked a glass with He Jincheng.

"Brother Xiao, don't make fun of me anymore. It's just a coincidence. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to go so smoothly!"

He Jincheng drank his wine, waved his hand and said.

Everyone expressed their views on future reforms one after another, and they all felt that the current reform and opening up is really good and has brought countless business opportunities.

Although the gap between the rich and the poor is inevitable, and even widens, the overall economy will still rise.

The rise of the economic level has brought about the improvement of the living standards of the people, the progress of social science and technology, and the substantial improvement of material life.

Letting some people get rich first does not mean helping the rich to get richer first. What’s more, these people can promote the development of the national economy. Many inventions and creations are basically made by those who get rich first. out of the contribution.

He Jincheng was filled with emotion.

It's no wonder that the three of them thrived in the future. It turns out that their thinking has long been similar to modernization.

Regarding the growing gap between the rich and the poor, He Jincheng didn't say much, but he still had some thoughts of his own.

Let some people get rich first, and these people can provide a good boost for the progress of the whole society.

A typical case is the rice of the future.

With the advent of rice, everyone can afford a smartphone.

Looking at the present, anyone who can drive a car is already considered rich.

I don't know if they will be very uncomfortable if they see the appearance of modern life?

The few people chatted very speculatively, and finally He Jincheng suggested that the four of them join forces to create a company.

As for the direction, He Jincheng put forward his own ideas.

"The elder brothers all know that I, He Jincheng, am a doctor. To be honest, doing business is definitely not a good idea, but planting medicinal materials and treating people are my specialties. So, I want to work with my brothers , open a medicinal material processing factory.”

He Jincheng said it very seriously, showing that he was not joking.

"Brother He, just tell me how much you need. I'm not being polite to you. Each of you invests 3 yuan, and I'll give each of you [-]% of the shares!"

He Jincheng stated his conditions.

When everyone heard the words, they thought in their hearts,
We are all businessmen, so we naturally resolve this matter according to our own wishes.

"I think Brother He, your vision is absolutely right. Although the working capital of the winery is a bit tight now, it is relatively easy to take out 3 yuan. Well, I don't care about you. I will invest 3 yuan first. !"

Xiao Jingran was the first to express his willingness to join He Jincheng's entrepreneurial journey.

Seeing what Xiao Jingran said, Zhang Yuanshan and Guo Youwei, who were still a little hesitant at first, agreed with Xiao Jingran's words, thinking that what he said was right.

"Okay, I will also invest 3 yuan, I believe in Brother He!"

Guo Youwei thought about it, nodded and said.

"Since that's the case, if I don't invest, wouldn't it be the end of my life?"

Zhang Yuanshan also said with a wry smile.

3 yuan was definitely an astronomical figure for people at that time, but it was really nothing in front of their bosses.

"Okay, thank you brothers for your support. This is a plan that I wrote and passed down. I'm running out of time. If there are any deficiencies, please correct me!"

He Jincheng smiled and raised his glass to toast.

"Hahaha, okay, the four of us work together, this medicinal material processing factory will definitely not have any problems!"

Everyone laughed and drank the strong wine in the glass in one gulp.

In the evening, everyone drank heavily, so they all stayed at He Jincheng's house overnight.

Fortunately, the house had just been built before, and there were still enough rooms, so He Jincheng arranged them in his own home.

The next day, Zhang Yuanshan recovered from his illness, so he offered to leave, but before leaving, he still left 3 yuan in investment funds!

Guo Youwei and Xiao Jingran also had their money withdrawn and sent over.

This time, He Jincheng had 9 yuan in cash in his hand.

Including some of my own, the total assets even reached more than [-], which is not a small sum!
Of course, He Jincheng's ultimate goal is to build a medicinal material processing factory in Lianhua Village.

This is also his main purpose of inviting these three to have dinner together today.

(End of this chapter)

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