Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 90 Zhang Luo builds a factory, He Jincheng presents pills

Chapter 90 Zhang Luo builds a factory, He Jincheng presents pills

He Jincheng had been thinking about the idea of ​​building a medicinal material processing factory for several days.

Now there are not too few villagers who plant medicinal materials with me. If the medicinal materials of more than 100 mu of land are sold directly to the medicinal materials dealers, the profit is not low, but if there is a chance, why not go to many villagers to fight for it? some?

Of course, there are only one hundred acres of medicinal materials, which is still not enough.

Since we want to open a factory, we need more sources of procurement.

So He Jincheng wanted to talk to the village chief again to see if he could invite people from the next few villages to grow medicinal herbs together.

He Jincheng is not sure about anything else, but Qianwang Village is definitely not a big problem.

After all, Xiao Jingran had always been in Qianwang Village before, and if he appeared to persuade the villagers, the villagers would definitely save face.

Building a factory is not an easy task. First, you need a piece of land, and then construct the factory building, purchase machines, recruit employees and so on.

I don't know if the 9 yuan in my hand is enough.

After sending Xiao Jingran, Guo Youwei and Zhang Yuanshan away, He Jincheng went directly to the village chief's house.

"Uncle Baofu, are you home?"

He Jincheng knocked on the door outside and shouted loudly.

"Here, wait a minute, I'll open the door for you!"

Huang Baofu's voice came over, and he was still wearing clothes while walking.

When he opened the door and saw Huang Baofu's face flushed and his clothes a little messy, He Jincheng couldn't laugh or cry.

It seems that the prescription given to Huang Baofu last time is still very effective, but this morning, he is still doing that thing.

"Ahem, Jincheng, why did you come to find me so early!"

Huang Baofu pretended that nothing had happened, and muttered in his heart, this He Jincheng really knows how to pick his time, he just finished his work, and he wanted to rest on his wife's belly for a while, but he came up.

"Hehe, Uncle Baofu, it seems that I have interrupted your good business! Well, why don't I come back later?"

He Jincheng said with a smirk.

"You kid, you're still joking with your uncle. Talk if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say!"

Huang Baofu blushed, and He Jincheng said with a blank look.

"Hahaha, Uncle Baofu, don't be angry, come and smoke a cigarette!"

He Jincheng quickly took out his cigarette and put one on Huang Baofu.

Taking the cigarette, lit it and took a puff, Huang Baofu let He Jincheng into the yard.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Huang Baofu said.

"It's like this. I want to build a medicinal material processing factory, which is in our village, but I have to trouble you, Uncle Baofu, about this land!"

He Jincheng stated his purpose.

If you want to build a factory, you must first of all have a plot of land for the factory.

"Medical material processing factory? You kid still want to build a factory, where did you get the money?"

Huang Baofu didn't take it seriously at first, but when he heard that He Jincheng was going to build a factory, he was a little surprised.

A factory is not so easy to build.

The most critical thing is money.

He Jincheng has also made a small amount of money by opening a medical clinic in the past few months, but with such a small amount of money, he definitely cannot build a factory.

"I have the money, and it was Mr. Zhang Yuanshan, Mr. Guo Youwei, Mr. Guo, and Mr. Xiao Jingran who raised it together. It is definitely no problem to build a small medicinal material processing factory!"

He Jincheng smiled.

"Oh? You guys can do it, and you even brought in investment for me, which is not bad! How about it, I'll call the relevant department in the town today to see what information I need!"

Huang Baofu was startled, then said with a smile.

He was very happy to help He Jincheng, not to mention what He Jincheng did, it would definitely make Lianhua Village rich. Last time He Jincheng gave him a prescription, he made himself very grateful.

In the past, Huang Baofu was always unable to do what he wanted, but now, if he doesn't come two or three times a day, he feels weak all over.

According to this frequency, it won't be long before the wife will definitely become pregnant.

"Haha, thank you, Uncle Baofu, it seems that my last prescription has had some effect. This is a new medicine I made for you. One dose a day. After three doses, I promise you will get what you want in half a month." !"

He Jincheng took out three small packets of medicine from his pocket and stuffed them quietly into Huang Baofu's hands.

Huang Baofu was overjoyed immediately. He had seen the power of He Jincheng's medicine before, so of course he believed in it.

Now that He Jincheng said so, he could be a father within half a month!
"Jincheng, you are really nice. Uncle loves you for nothing. Don't worry about the factory. Uncle will definitely take care of it for you!"

Huang Baofu laughed and said.

After leaving Huang Baofu's house, He Jincheng went to the county again.

Regarding the construction of the factory, you must also say hello to the industrial and commercial department.

Chen Fasheng warmly entertained He Jincheng and invited him to have a meal at the state-run restaurant.

Hearing that He Jincheng was going to build a factory, he also strongly supported him, and promised to complete all the procedures, so that He Jincheng could rest assured.

In order to thank Chen Fasheng, He Jincheng specially prepared three life-saving pills for Chen Fasheng.

"Brother He, what is this pill?"

Chen Fasheng looked at the pill in his hand, puzzled.

I don't have any heart disease or anything like that, so I'm afraid I don't need it.

He thought that what He Jincheng gave him should be something like Suxiao Jiuxin Pill, so he was a little puzzled.

"Brother Chen, this is a pill I prepared myself. In case of any accident, or if someone around me suddenly becomes ill, take one pill, and within three days, your life will be safe!"

He Jincheng said very seriously.

Chen Fasheng is in the official business, and he will always encounter various situations.

For example, if a boss is sick, if Chen Fasheng takes out a pill at this time and saves the boss's life, it will be a great achievement, which will play a great role in Chen Fasheng's future.

Chen Fasheng understood.

If you use this pill yourself, then you have reached the most critical moment.

In three days, no matter where He Jincheng is, he can come here.

"Okay, then I'm not going to be polite, thank you Brother He!"

Chen Fasheng put away the pills very carefully, his face full of gratitude.

"I should thank you, Brother Chen. During this time, thanks to your help, Brother Chen, I have saved a lot of trouble! There is nothing to thank Brother Chen, these are my little wishes!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

After returning from the county seat, He Jincheng began to prepare for various things to build the factory.

In this way, more than ten days passed peacefully, and the village chief Huang Baofu brought good news.

The land for building the factory has been approved, just behind Lianhua Village, a piece of wasteland of [-] mu.

He Jincheng went to check the site and was very satisfied with it.

Although this is a wasteland, the ground here is very flat, so it is more suitable for building factories.

(End of this chapter)

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