Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 91 Sudden myocardial infarction, He Jincheng went to the county

Chapter 91 Sudden myocardial infarction, He Jincheng went to the county
A few days later, Chen Fasheng also sent various documents, and He Jincheng started construction.

He Jincheng doesn't need to be too concerned about the construction of the factory, he just comes over every day to check the progress of the project and check the quality of the project.

In these days, some big things happened.

Ye Qingmeng participated in the Chaoyang City English Speech Contest, and finally won No.3, successfully advancing to the next round of the competition.

The next thing is to go to the provincial capital for a competition. There is a great possibility that because of this competition, he will be directly selected by the university.

Of course the whole family was happy, and they all fully supported Ye Qingmeng to continue her studies.

Lianhua Village is full of fun, but outside the intensive care unit of No. 1 People's Hospital in Chaoyang City, the atmosphere is very dignified.

Guo Zhengkun, the number two person in Chaoyang City.

A few days ago, I suffered a sudden myocardial infarction and was admitted to the People's Hospital.

In the future, general myocardial infarction will be treated with Western medicine and will be treated with heart stents. The operation is very difficult and has a high success rate. It can be said to be a very common disease of the elderly and not a serious disease.

However, in the era of 81, stent surgery has not been popularized in China, and domestic hospitals are relatively backward in the field of cardiovascular diseases.

And Guo Zhengkun just felt chest tightness at first, thinking it was because he was too tired these days, so he didn't pay much attention.

As a result, four or five days passed before I felt a little unbearable. I felt dizzy when I walked, so I went to the hospital for a checkup.

The doctor just took an electrocardiogram, and immediately admitted Guo Zhengkun to the intensive care unit, and issued a critical illness notice on the same day.

This action immediately alarmed most of the people in Chaoyang City.

Chen Fasheng also rushed to the People's Hospital, his face full of anxiety and sorrow.

Guo Zhengkun is Chen Fasheng's leader and old leader.

With this No. [-] person in Chaoyang City, his future is bright.

Moreover, Guo Zhengkun was in his prime, and there were even rumors that Guo Zhengkun's next step would most likely be to enter the province.

But who would have thought that this sudden illness would directly knock down this promising figure.

At present, Guo Zhengkun can't get out of bed, all kinds of monitoring equipment have been used, and various infusions of cardiotonic drugs have been put on. It seems that the posture is very scary.

"Doctor, what is the situation, is it serious?"

When the doctor came out of the ward, Guo Zhengkun's parents, wife and children immediately surrounded him to inquire about the situation.

Chen Fasheng was here, and his status was relatively low, so he didn't surround him, and could only listen worriedly from the outside.

"Hey, you have to be mentally prepared. With the medical level in our country, there is currently no good way to treat myocardial infarction. We can only use drugs to try to break through the thrombus!"

"However, the patient's onset time has been a bit long, and the best time for rescue has passed. The current cardiovascular blockage is very serious. Any alarm may kill the patient. It is no exaggeration to say that even the patient is now, If you defecate with a little force, your life may be in danger!"

The doctor said sternly.

At this moment, everyone showed panic, and Guo Zhengkun's wife and mother immediately burst into tears.

"How is this possible? How could a person who was alive a few days ago be so serious all of a sudden!"

"My dad was always in good health, why did he have a sudden myocardial infarction!"

Everyone was unwilling to accept the reality, and said painfully one by one.

"I'm really sorry, but this is the truth now. Please rest assured that our hospital will do its best to treat patients, but the risk is really high. I hope you can understand! Don't say it is us, even if it is the province If the experts from the hospital come here, there will be no good solution!"

The doctor said helplessly.

When Chen Fasheng heard what the doctor said, he also realized the seriousness of the old leader's condition. He was very anxious, but he couldn't make it through.

Although he was brought out by the old leader, many of the people who followed the old leader had a higher status than himself. As a small business leader, he really couldn't be ranked high.

Therefore, it was not his turn to say anything more.

"Brother He gave me three pills before, saying that they can hang my life for three days. I don't know if it's true or not! If it comes to the most critical moment, no matter what, I will use these pills!"

Chen Fasheng said secretly in his heart.

He tried to explain this to the family of the old leader, but he never found the opportunity

"By the way, Brother He's medical skills are superb, why don't I let him take a look?"

Thinking of this, Chen Fasheng immediately went out and called Lianhua Village.

The village chief Huang Baofu answered the call. As soon as he heard that he was looking for He Jincheng, Huang Baofu asked Chen Fasheng to wait, and then hurried to find He Jincheng.

"Brother He, help the world, you must help me this time!"

As soon as He Jincheng received the call, he heard Chen Fasheng's anxious voice from over there.

"Brother Chen, don't be in a hurry to speak slowly, I will definitely be willing to say anything that is useful!"

He Jincheng said immediately.

He had long thought of returning some of Chen Fasheng's favor, otherwise, he would be ashamed to ask for help next time.

"It's like this. One of my old leaders suffered a sudden myocardial infarction. He is now in the intensive care unit of No. 1 People's Hospital in Chaoyang City. The doctor here said that there is no good way, so I want to ask Brother He to show you look!"

Chen Fasheng went straight to the point and explained the matter concisely.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, of course he knew about myocardial infarction.

In the future, it will only be a common geriatric disease. In addition to the use of stents, it will require relatively harmful bypass surgery.

In the future, stents are just a minimally invasive operation, which can usually be completed in about two hours.

Bypass surgery requires the chest to be opened, and then the patient's heart is stopped to connect the cardiovascular system with other blood vessels.

The stent surgery is good, and the harm to people is relatively low, and as long as the maintenance is good, the validity period will be very long, and some people will not even relapse for 30 to [-] years.

The validity period of the bypass surgery is generally about ten years. At that time, there is a high probability that the blood vessels will be blocked again, and another stent surgery is required for treatment.

Moreover, bypass surgery can only be done once in a lifetime, and for people in their 50s and [-]s, it is really too harmful.

Thinking of this, He Jincheng no longer hesitated, and immediately agreed to Chen Fasheng. After asking about the specific ward, he hung up the phone, and after talking to his family, he rode a motorcycle and went straight to the county seat.

Fortunately, I have a motorcycle. It takes more than an hour to drive to the county town, which is very convenient.

An hour later, He Jincheng arrived at the gate of the People's Hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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