Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 92 Arriving at the hospital, 3 experts are undecided

Chapter 92 Arriving at the hospital, the three experts are undecided
From the outside, the People's Hospital seemed to be the same as usual, with people still coming and going.

He Jincheng went directly to the cardiology building in the backyard according to the address given by Chen Fasheng.

There are only six floors in this building, but it is specially equipped with elevators.

The first floor is the operating room, the second to fifth floors are general wards, and the sixth floor is the senior cadre ward.

He Jincheng got on the elevator and went directly to the sixth floor.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he was stopped by someone.

"Hello, please show your ID!"

A security team member looked serious, staring at He Jincheng and said.

At the same time, the two looked at He Jincheng very vigilantly, and put their hands on their waists without a trace.

He Jincheng knew that these two must be bodyguards, and only the patients inside were really high-ranking and powerful, so there would be such a configuration.

"I'm a doctor, and Chen Fasheng invited me here!"

He Jincheng raised his hands and said with a faint smile.

In this case, you need to express that you are not threatening at the first time, otherwise, you may be attacked by the opponent with one action.

"You wait here, I'll ask!"

A bodyguard said coldly, and then quickly left to ask for instructions.

After a while, Chen Fasheng hurriedly followed the bodyguard, and when he saw He Jincheng, his face showed joy.

"Brother He, you are finally here! Two brothers, this is the doctor I invited, please let me go!"

Chen Fa first greeted He Jincheng, and then said hello to the two bodyguards.

The two nodded slightly and retreated to the sides.

"Hey, the security here is really good!"

He Jincheng made a joke.

Chen Fasheng shook his head with a wry smile.

There are big people inside, can you not be more cautious?

How could it be possible for anyone to come in and out at will?

"Brother He, don't mind, it's really a special situation, you come with me first, there are already several experts doing research!"

Chen Fasheng whispered.

He Jincheng nodded, and followed Chen Fasheng to a consultation room.

At this time, there were already many people inside, old and young, men and women. It seemed that in addition to the doctor, there were also many family members and subordinates of the leader.

It's just that there are quite a few people now, and a small half of them are standing, without even a seat, let alone Chen Fasheng, who also has no place. As for He Jincheng, he can only stand outside with Chen Fasheng .

The two people's entry only attracted a few people standing there to take a look, and they didn't even ask who He Jincheng was.

"Now there are three experts coming to consult. Among them, the old man sitting in the center is the most experienced. He is the chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of the Provincial Hospital, named He Chengwei, and is also an expert of the Provincial Health Care Group. The other two wear The one with the black-rimmed glasses is Jin Daming, a cardiovascular expert who has returned from studying abroad. Although he is young, he is already well-known in the field of cardiology. Another female doctor, Li Juan, is a doctor at the Municipal People's Hospital. Chief Physician of the Cardiology Department!"

Chen Fasheng briefly introduced the current situation of doctors to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng murmured in his heart, it's really hard work, but it's no wonder that the current level of medical treatment is completely incomparable with the level in three or forty years.

Myocardial infarction can only be regarded as a minor disease in the future, but in this era, it is indeed a serious disease.

"Okay, let me hear the results of their consultation first!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly. He also knew that Chen Fasheng had nothing to say here, but he still had to help him.

"Doctor He, what treatment plan do we choose?"

A middle-aged beautiful woman asked worriedly.

She is Guo Zhengkun's wife, named Ma Huijuan.

She was usually well educated and reasonable, but at this moment she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

After all, her husband was still in the intensive care unit, so of course she was in a hurry.

"The patient's condition is indeed very critical now. In the past few days of hospitalization, coma has occurred several times, indicating that the blood supply is seriously insufficient!"

He Chengwei said in a deep voice, his old face was also gloomy and terrifying.

"I suggest doing a bypass surgery immediately. Now the drug treatment has proven to be a failure. If the delay continues, the patient's blood vessel blockage will only get worse!"

Jin Daming, an expert who has returned from studying abroad, spoke.

"Bypass surgery is too traumatic to a person's body, and it is irreversible. Dr. Jin, although you have experience in this field, you haven't done it many times after all. Are you really sure?"

Ma Juan asked.

She knew this Jin Daming, and she claimed to have performed bypass surgery on people overseas, but in fact, he participated in the surgery as an assistant doctor.

If we talk about the experience of actual surgical treatment, it can be said to be zero.

"Although I don't have much experience, under the current circumstances, I'm the only one who performs the operation! The success rate is too high, I can't guarantee it, but 50.00% is still possible!"

Jin Daming frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Nonsense, 50.00% success rate, this is simply a gamble, this plan is absolutely not acceptable!"

He Chengwei immediately denied it.

He didn't dare to let Jin Daming perform the operation. If Guo Zhengkun was really not rescued because of the operation, then he, a health care expert, would be done. He didn't want to lose his life later.

"Expert He, do you think there is any better way?"

Jin Daming was also young and energetic, and he was a little dissatisfied when he heard that his plan was rejected, he said in a deep voice.

"The safest way now is to use cardiotonic injections and antithrombotic drugs to maintain the status quo as much as possible. The best situation is to let the patients self-guidance, so that the damage can be minimized!"

He Chengwei said in a deep voice.

"Isn't this equivalent to looking at the patient's own fortune? I don't agree with conservative treatment. The patient's current situation is very dangerous. We can't sit still!"

Jin Daming continued to advocate surgical treatment, turned his head to look at Li Huijuan, and said seriously: "Madam, the situation of Leader Guo is not optimistic. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to fight. You must make up your mind as soon as possible!"

He Chengwei clenched his fist, feeling very helpless in his heart.

Whether it is conservative treatment or bypass surgery, he is not very sure, it is too tricky.

Forget it, then let Li Huijuan choose one of the two, even if something really happens at that time, she will have an excuse.

Li Huijuan saw that several experts were not very sure, and she was also flustered.

You are the experts, how can I choose the treatment plan?How do I know these things!

(End of this chapter)

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