Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 93 Coma again, Chen Fasheng is determined to recommend

Chapter 93 Coma again, Chen Fasheng is determined to recommend
He Jincheng, who was standing outside, shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene.

Among the three, Jin Daming has some courage, but everyone can see that he just wants to give it a go, and he has no certainty at all.

Although his spirit is good, but he doesn't have this ability, he is just messing around.

As for He Chengwei and Ma Juan, they both suggested conservative treatment, which made it even more unbearable.

They didn't want to take responsibility at all, that's why they hesitated so much, but they didn't think about it, if no treatment measures were taken, and the patient died in the end, how could they get away with it?

"It's not good, the old leader is in a coma again!"

At this moment, a nurse turned pale and hurried in and shouted.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they quickly got up and walked towards the intensive care unit.

This is a terrible situation. The number and frequency of Guo Zhengkun's coma are getting higher and higher, which shows that the drug's suppression effect on myocardial infarction is getting lower and lower. If it continues like this, it really won't work.

A group of people rushed to the intensive care unit, quickly rescued them, and gave several injections of cardiotonic drugs, which managed to keep the patient's condition in a reasonable state.

He Jincheng failed to enter the intensive care unit, but when the door of the ward opened, he glanced at the equipment on the bed.

"Brother He, what do you think? Are you sure?"

Chen Fasheng pulled He Jincheng and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Chen, don't worry too much. I think the old leader should be fine, but if you look at the situation, I'm afraid that even if I want to make a move, I won't have a chance!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

I've been here for more than ten minutes, and I and Chen Fasheng are like two transparent people. I'm afraid no one has noticed me until now!

"Tell me the truth, are you sure? As long as you are sure, I will fight for the future, and I will definitely recommend you to the old leader for treatment!"

Chen Fasheng gritted his teeth and said with determination.

Given his status, he was so quiet that he might not have the chance to speak at all.

But if He Jincheng could really heal the old leader, even if he was reckless once, it would be no big deal.

"Okay, if you let me treat it, it will take up to 15 minutes, and I can get Brother Chen's old leader to get out of bed and walk!"

He Jincheng spread his hands and said with a smile.


Chen Fasheng couldn't help but let out an ah, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Brother He, are you kidding me?"

So many doctors and experts find it very difficult.

As a result, on He Jincheng's side, he made people get out of bed and walk within 15 minutes.

It sounds like it's impossible!

"Brother Chen thinks I look like someone who likes to make jokes like this?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Chen Fasheng thought about it for a while, and thought that He Jincheng was indeed not a reckless person. Since he said so, he must be fully sure.

"Okay, bro, I'm going to go all out too, bro, don't let me down!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Chen Fasheng made up his mind.

At this time, the three experts began to argue about which treatment plan to choose.

"Doctor He, the current patient's condition has proved that conservative treatment is less and less effective, so we should arrange bypass surgery as soon as possible!"

Jin Daming said in a deep voice, his face was very serious.

He Chengwei was tangled in his heart, how could he not know that if this continues, the patient's condition will only get worse.

However, the success rate of bypass surgery is only 50.00%, which is really too low!

"Otherwise, let's contact foreign experts again. I believe that under the leadership of Guo, it can last for about three days. The success rate of overseas experts will definitely be higher!"

Dr. Ma Juan proposed a method.

This made Jin Daming very unhappy.

Although the success rate of this operation is not high, as long as I successfully perform this operation today, my status in the cardiology department will improve a lot in the future.

Even if it fails, others have no reason to blame themselves.

After all, even if he doesn't act, the patient can only wait to die.

Li Huijuan's feet were limp, and at this moment, she was completely lost.

She couldn't imagine that her husband, who was only 50 years old and had a bright future, would just disappear like this.What can I do in the future!

"Can you give me an accurate plan? How to treat it? It's been a few days. You guys have let me down!"

At this time, Li Huijuan couldn't suppress the anger in her heart.

What kind of bullshit expert, I can't come up with a plan for several days.

"I insist on bypass surgery!"

Jin Daming said in a deep voice.

He Chengwei and Dr. Ma Juan looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

They were noncommittal, and could only be regarded as acquiescing to Jin Daming's treatment plan.

"Then proceed as soon as possible, Doctor Jin, and please do your best!"

Li Huijuan also gritted her teeth, although Jin Daming was not sure about it, but her attitude was very firm, it was better than sitting still and waiting for death!
"Wait a minute! Ma'am, I want to recommend a doctor who can treat you without surgery!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Everyone immediately looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

Chen Fasheng came out from behind the crowd with a nervous look on his face.

"you are?"

Li Huijuan was a little stunned. She felt that Chen Fasheng looked familiar, but she couldn't call out Chen Fasheng's name. She presumably was her husband's subordinate, but not the more important subordinate.

"Ma'am, I'm Chen Fasheng. I was the secretary of Leader Guo for a year before!"

Chen Fasheng quickly said that he was also very helpless. He had only been a secretary for a year, and then Guo Zhengkun was promoted to the city, while he stayed in the county.

"Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Chen. I remembered. Where is the doctor you recommended, Xiao Chen? Are you sure you can cure Lao Guo?"

Li Huijuan already has a certain impression of Chen Fasheng, but now is not the time to talk about these things, her husband's illness is the most important thing.

"Doctor He, please come out!"

Chen Fasheng called He Jincheng, and He Jincheng followed from behind the crowd with a faint smile on his face.

The faces of the people became very exciting.

Some were curious, some were surprised, some were puzzled, and some felt that Chen Fasheng had ulterior motives.

However, basically everyone is expressing a sentiment, and that is mistrust.

Because He Jincheng looked really young, and he didn't look like a doctor with very good medical skills.

Li Huijuan's originally expectant look froze, and then her face turned cold, and she glared at Chen Fasheng angrily.

Nonsense, when is this, is this Chen Fasheng still speculating here?
Even if you want to show your loyalty, find a more reliable doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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