Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 94 Facing doubts, what is holding in the right hand

Chapter 94 Facing doubts, what is holding in the right hand

"Xiao Chen, is this the doctor you invited?"

Li Huijuan still had a smile on her face, but her heart was filled with dissatisfaction.

It's just nonsense, now that Lao Guo is in danger and the situation is urgent, how can there be time to waste on a young doctor!

"Yes ma'am, this is my good friend, he is a very powerful Chinese medicine practitioner, he is sure he can cure the old leader!"

Chen Fasheng said quickly that he couldn't take care of so much anymore.

Now that he has opened his mouth, he must try to get He Jincheng to treat the old leader, otherwise, he will have no way out.

"Chinese medicine? Still a Chinese medicine doctor!"

Li Huijuan couldn't help shouting, her tone full of doubts.

The common people's concept is that old Chinese medicine practitioners are really capable Chinese medicine practitioners. If you don't have 30 to [-] years of experience, who would dare to come to see you?
"This little brother is actually a Chinese medicine doctor. I don't know who the little brother studied under, how many years has he been a doctor?"

The doctor on the side was also a little dissatisfied.

The three experts on my side have no way to do it. You, a young man who claims to be a Chinese medicine doctor, dare to speak nonsense and say that you have a way?

Doesn't this mean that we are not as good as you?

It really makes no sense!
"That's right, I'm a Chinese medicine practitioner, and I'm self-taught. I've been practicing medicine for almost half a year!"

He Jincheng said with a faint smile.

"Half a year!"

Li Huijuan immediately stood up, looking at Chen Fasheng with anger on her face.

Finding a Chinese medicine doctor who has practiced medicine for half a year, this is no longer showing loyalty, but harming my husband!
How unreasonable, really unreasonable!
Chen Fasheng, Chen Fasheng, what do you mean by this?
Seeing that the leader's wife was angry, Chen Fasheng was also very nervous.

That's right, when I knew He Jincheng before, I was a little surprised at his age.

It's unbelievable that someone in his early twenties can have such medical skills.

It is normal for people to have this kind of reaction now.

"Chen Fasheng, we appreciate your kindness, but now we don't have time to waste on a doctor who has only been a doctor for half a year. The old leader's situation counts against every second, so you better stop messing around!"

He Chengwei said lightly.

He himself looked down on Chinese medicine a little bit, and felt that these were deceitful, and they were not credible at all.

Besides, now that Guo Zhengkun has suffered a myocardial infarction, what can Chinese medicine do?Medicine or Acupuncture?Can acupuncture still open blood vessels?How ridiculous!
"Doctor He, from what you're saying, do you despise traditional Chinese medicine?"

He Jincheng was not angry either, but just smiled lightly.

"It's not that I don't like it, but your experience is too little, we dare not use you! Your surname is also He, maybe we were one family 800 years ago, and the reputation of our He family cannot be ruined by this!"

He Chengwei said very indifferently.

What he said was ugly. He was clearly saying that He Jincheng's nonsense would ruin the reputation of He's surname.

"Hehe, since that's the case, may I ask Dr. He, what is it that you are holding in your right hand in your pocket?"

He Jincheng calmly said with a smile.

Hearing this, He Chengwei's face suddenly changed, and his whole body froze.

Everyone's eyes fell on He Chengwei's right hand, and they found that his right hand seemed to be stuck in his pocket most of the time, and he didn't know what was in it.

Others don't know, but He Chengwei knows it very well.

His action is subconscious.

After a physical examination, I found that the right kidney had some shadows, and then I decided to remove the right kidney.

It was only after surgery that I found out that there was actually no problem at all, and a kidney was removed for nothing.

He Chengwei regards this cup as the most shameful thing in his life, so every day, subconsciously, he would put his hand in his pocket and touch his right kidney unconsciously.

Even my own wife didn't know about this matter, but I didn't expect that a young Chinese medicine doctor who just met today would spot it at a glance.

How can this be?Does his vision have x-rays?
"Doctor He, this..."

Someone asked.

Only then did He Chengwei come back to his senses, and quickly put away his astonished expression. When he went to see He Jincheng again, his eyes were a little more high-spirited.

Awesome, such a young Chinese medicine doctor with such sharp eyesight, maybe this little brother really has some skills, it's hard to tell!

"Ahem, I'm sorry, little brother, I just wanted to test you out. Now it seems that you are not incompetent. Madam, why don't you let Dr. He show you?"

He Chengwei's attitude took a 180-degree turn, leaving everyone present stunned.

What is the situation? He Jincheng just said what you are holding, why did He Chengwei change his attitude?
"Doctor He, what do you mean? Do you want this man who has been a doctor for half a year to see a doctor for Lao Guo? I don't agree!"

Li Huijuan didn't care about He Chengwei's attitude, but only knew that He Jincheng was a young doctor who had been practicing medicine for half a year. How could he cure Lao Guo?
"Ma'am, my method only takes 5 minutes to be effective. Since everyone doesn't have a good method now, why don't you let me try it?"

He Jincheng was not angry either.

He was already ready to be misunderstood.

There is no way to do this, even if I am myself, I will not let a young doctor who is only in his 20s see a doctor for his wife and daughter!

"Yes, ma'am, since He Jincheng said 5 minutes, there must be nothing wrong! Ma'am, no matter how bastard I am, Chen Fasheng, I will never forget the old leader's care for me. What about the leader's medical treatment? If He Jincheng's medical skills were not so good, I would never have called him here!"

Chen Fasheng also said quickly.

"5 minutes, can you really?"

Li Huijuan hesitated a little.

Now other experts have no better way, if He Jincheng really only needs 5 minutes, it seems that he can really try.

"Yes, I am willing to issue a military order. If the situation of the old leader does not improve in 5 minutes, please send me to the Security Bureau for fraud!"

He Jincheng directly blocked his way out.

The crime of fraud is a very serious crime in this era. If it is as light as squatting for ten years, the words in the eyes may be shot directly.

This guarantee made Li Huijuan a little surprised.

"Ma'am, I think this little brother is full of confidence. Maybe he really knows some methods that we don't understand. I, He Chengwei, am willing to make a guarantee. If this Dr. He is lying, I will also be jointly and severally responsible." Bar!"

He Chengwei also asked why Jincheng spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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