Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 95 Betting to cure diseases, He Jincheng's domineering side leaks

Chapter 95 Betting to cure diseases, He Jincheng's domineering side leaks
This time, everyone was a little stunned.

What did He Jincheng see, why did He Chengwei immediately start talking about He Jincheng?

Li Huijuan was also very surprised, and even suspected that He Chengwei and He Jincheng really belonged to the same family, and they joined forces to deceive themselves?
But what's the use of lying to yourself?
Guo Zhengkun didn't have any enemies either, so if He Jincheng put Guo Zhengkun to death just for fame, he wouldn't do any good!

"Okay, then ask Dr. He to take action! However, Dr. He, it's not that I don't believe you. You are too young. I hope you will do what you can during the treatment! Although Lao Guo's condition is not good , but there is still a possibility of a successful operation! I hope you don’t make mistakes!”

Li Huijuan stared at He Jincheng and said with burning eyes.

He Jincheng smiled lightly and shrugged noncommittally.

"No, how can you do such nonsense? Dr. He, this young man has no experience at first glance. If we let him treat him, what face will we have in the medical field in the future?"

Unexpectedly, Li Huijuan agreed, and Jin Daming, who was supposed to preside over the operation, was unwilling instead.

First of all, Jin Daming didn't believe in Chinese medicine, and even questioned He Jincheng's medical skills, thinking that this kid was at best an intern.

Isn't it nonsense for an intern doctor to see such a complicated disease?

Secondly, Jin Daming wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of this operation to make a name for himself. How could this kid take advantage of it?

"Doctor Jin, you are advocating surgery and bypass surgery, right? Since this is the case, in fact, we don't have conflicts. Give me 5 minutes of treatment time. If the patient's condition does not improve after 5 minutes, you can send the patient directly to the hospital. Go into the operating room and perform bypass surgery!"

Alloy smiled faintly, "I can guarantee that my method will definitely not affect your operation!"

"Boy, what qualifications do you have to talk to me? The patient's situation is extremely urgent now, and I don't have time to let you see it again. Ma'am, I firmly oppose letting this person see the old leader. If there are any consequences, we will not be responsible for it." !"

Jin Daming once again expressed his attitude.

This made Li Huijuan hesitate.

What should I do? Is there no reliable way now?
"Doctor Jin, right! How about this, let's make a bet, if I don't improve the situation of the old leader within 5 minutes, I will let Doctor Jin handle it!"

He Jincheng also said directly. "If you and I do it by chance, please ask Dr. Jin to copy the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic!"

This made everyone a little stunned.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng was so confident.

Looking back, He Jincheng has always looked calm and relaxed since he appeared on the stage, as if he really knew how to treat him.

"Doctor Jin, since Dr. He has said so, you are not short of five minutes, why don't you just wait and see?"

He Chengwei persuaded again,

"Yes, Doctor Jin, it's okay to let this young man try, if he dares to lie to us, his fate will definitely not be much better!"

Everyone said.

Li Huijuan also nodded.

Among the three treatment options now, it seems that only He Jincheng said that he is [-]% sure.

"Okay, I'll bet you! If you don't do it, stop practicing medicine, lest you come out and harm others!"

Jin Daming said angrily.

He Jincheng asked him to copy the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics without steaming the steamed buns. This is another insult to himself!
"A word is settled!"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, and looked at Li Huijuan again.

"Okay, I'll trouble Dr. He!"

As soon as Li Huijuan gritted her teeth, she had made up her mind.

He Jincheng nodded, put on a sterile suit, and entered the intensive care unit.

Everyone also followed in, wanting to see how He Jincheng cured Guo Zhengkun.

"There are so many people, I'm afraid it's not very good, just invite the three experts and the wife to go in, and please wait patiently for others, it's only 5 minutes!"

Seeing so many people coming in, He Jincheng said helplessly.

Li Huijuan waved her hand, so the others obediently stayed outside.

He Jincheng first gave Guo Zhengkun a pulse.

This move made everyone frown slightly.

You still have to take the pulse, you haven't even figured out the condition of the disease, you are talking nonsense and saying that it will be effective in 5 minutes.

Jin Daming hummed coldly in his heart.

He was convinced that He Jincheng was just bluffing, but in fact he was just an idiot doctor.

He Jincheng didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction, and took half a minute to get a pulse, and he got a general idea of ​​Guo Zhengkun's current situation.

In fact, it is also displayed on the monitoring instruments.

Now Guo Zhengkun's heartbeat is only over 30, which is due to insufficient blood supply in his eyes.

After taking the pulse, He Jincheng pondered for a while, and after a minute, he took out the needle bag he was carrying with him, and then took out a seven-inch needle.


Everyone frowned again.

Their understanding of Chinese medicine is limited to seeing, hearing, asking, acupuncture and moxibustion and good medicine.

But now the patient's condition is myocardial infarction, can you make the patient's blood vessels unobstructed after two acupuncture and moxibustion?It's ridiculous, this is simply impossible.

He Jincheng unbuttoned Guo Zhengkun's shirt, exposing the skin on his chest, and then directly pricked it with a silver needle.

The three experts kept a close eye on the monitoring equipment, as long as there was any slight fluctuation in the data above, they would immediately organize He Jincheng to continue.

With one stitch, it penetrated six inches directly.

This startled everyone, this is where the heart is, how dare this kid?

Fortunately, there was nothing unusual about the data on the monitoring equipment, so everyone nervously and patiently continued to watch He Jincheng for treatment.

Three minutes later, He Jincheng used six needles to surround Guo Zhengkun's heart.

Then I saw him walk up to Guo Zhengkun's head, reach out and slap it violently.

Before everyone could react, the palm was slapped.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Jin Daming was the first to yell at him, and immediately rushed forward, trying to stop He Jincheng.

"Don't move around, or you will bear the consequences!"

He Jincheng let out a low cry, with an undoubted chill in his eyes, he suddenly calmed down Jin Daming, and forced him back!
"He Jincheng, don't mess around, otherwise, you will never be able to get out of this ward!"

Jin Daming gritted his teeth and shouted in a deep voice.

"Shut up, don't affect my treatment!"

At this moment, He Jincheng's arrogance leaked out, and he was full of promises in his heart. This Jin Daming is really annoying. I don't know when he is seeing a doctor, is he the most taboo to be disturbed by others?

(End of this chapter)

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