Chapter 96
Everyone was shocked by He Jincheng's eyes, and they didn't dare to disturb He Jincheng anymore.

Jin Daming was furious in his heart, but now he didn't have much time left anyway, he just waited for the time to see what this kid had to say.

He Jincheng ignored the others, and after waiting for about three seconds, he slapped Guo Zhengkun on the head again.

This time, everyone was surprised to find that on the monitoring equipment, Guo Zhengkun's heartbeat actually accelerated a bit, from the original thirty or forty to more than fifty.

"It works!"

Li Huijuan shouted in surprise.

In the end, He Jincheng glared at him again, and quickly covered his mouth, not daring to make any more noise.

Next, after He Jincheng slapped it a few more times, he took off the silver needle and put it back into the needle bag.

At this moment, Guo Zhengkun's heartbeat has returned to about seventy per minute, which is completely within the range of a normal person.

It could be seen with the naked eye that Guo Zhengkun's complexion was a little more bloody, and his condition had obviously improved.

5 minutes is just about right.

The three experts were a little stunned. This made them all helpless. He Jincheng really relieved the disease, and it only took 5 minutes, which is incredible!

"Doctor He, thank you so much, what can I say, I was wrong just now, I shouldn't question you!"

Li Huijuan rubbed her hands and said guiltily.

Before, she was only thinking about her husband's illness, and she didn't pay attention to her words. Now that her husband has improved, she has calmed down now.

Even if He Jincheng didn't say anything, Li Huijuan knew that her husband's condition was much better now just by looking at the data displayed on the heart detection device.

"You're welcome, let's go out and talk, don't disturb the patient's rest!"

He Jincheng waved his hand and signaled everyone to go out and talk.

After everyone walked out of the ward, people waiting outside immediately surrounded them.

Seeing that Li Huijuan had a bit of joy on her face, and that she was the first to come out with He Jincheng, everyone was surprised immediately.

Could it be that He Jincheng, a young Chinese doctor, really cured Leader Guo?

Chen Fasheng also let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that He Jincheng really succeeded.

"Xiao Chen, thank you this time too. If you hadn't invited Dr. He, Lao Guo really doesn't know what would have happened!"

When Li Huijuan looked at Chen Fasheng at this time, she was also a little warm.

This little Chen also made a big impression in her heart.

If it weren't for Chen Fasheng, Guo Zhengkun would really be in trouble today.

"Ma'am, don't say that, it's all my duty, as long as the leader is fine, I can rest assured!"

Chen Fasheng said quickly, overjoyed.

The madam has kept her credit in her heart, and she will definitely repay herself after Leader Guo recovers in the future.

For people like Guo Zhengkun, there is no need for me to claim credit. How could such big shots like them not know how to repay their kindness?

So, don't worry about your own future!

"Doctor He, I don't know how my husband is doing now? How will he be treated in the future?"

Li Huijuan smiled, looked at He Jincheng again and asked.

"I will prescribe a prescription, take the medicine according to my prescription, one dose a day, for seven consecutive days, as long as the patient can get out of bed and walk within seven days, the medicine can be stopped!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

This time, no one dared to question He Jincheng's words.

The three experts pricked up their ears, wanting to see how He Jincheng treated Guo Zhengkun.

They were also overwhelmed by He Jincheng's medical skills. Such a method can be called a magic hand, and this treatment method is also of great help to their medical skills.

In the future, when encountering such a situation, there may be an additional treatment method.

"Also ask Dr. He to write the prescription!"

Li Huijuan said quickly.

The secretary at the side came over with a pen and paper.

He Jincheng didn't bother, he wrote down a prescription and handed it to the secretary.

"After the patient recovers, make sure he quits smoking and drinking!"

He Jincheng asked again.

Nowadays, many cardiovascular diseases are caused by smoking and drinking.

These days, which leader is not a smoker.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely watch him, if I smoke again, I will never spare him!"

Li Huijuan carefully put away the prescription, nodded repeatedly and said.

"By the way, Doctor Jin, don't forget to copy the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, and I will trouble Madam to check it for me then!"

He Jincheng looked at Jin Daming with a smile and said.

Jin Daming wondered why Jincheng forgot about this matter, and when he heard this, his face immediately became ugly.

What a shame, what a shame.

I have lost all my old face today.

"Haha, don't worry, Dr. He, I will definitely check it out. Doctor Jin, I am willing to admit defeat. This bet was agreed in front of everyone, and I hope you will take it seriously!"

Li Huijuan said with a smile, and settled the matter.

Next, He Jincheng didn't stay too long, and Chen Fasheng drove He Jincheng back by himself.

Along the way, Chen Fasheng was extremely grateful to He Jincheng.

Now he feels more and more the necessity of building a good relationship with He Jincheng.

In the past, I made friends with He Jincheng mainly because of his good medical skills.

But now it seems that what He Jincheng can bring to himself is much more!

This time, he is very likely to enter the city to develop, which is all thanks to He Jincheng.

After returning home, He Jincheng had nothing else to do. In the past few days, he spent time with his wife, coaxed the children, sat in the hospital, and saw a few patients sporadically.

Seeing a doctor for Guo Zhengkun didn't seem to bring much change to his life.

On this day, He Jincheng welcomed several new patients in the medical clinic.

These people, He Jincheng, looked unfamiliar, and they were not countrymen at first glance.

The people who came were a bunch of mothers and daughters. The mother's name was Zhang Meihui, and the daughter's name was Xiaoyue.

"Excuse me, Doctor He, we are from the town, and I want you to show it to my daughter!"

Zhang Meihui walked in nervously and said.

He Jincheng looked at the two of them, motioned them to sit down and said.

However, although Zhang Meihui walked into the hospital, she looked at He Jincheng with some doubts.

He Jincheng was very helpless, he had no choice, he was indeed too young, whether it was traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, who would be willing to let a young man in his early twenties treat his illness?
After all, in the profession of doctors, age, to a certain extent, represents the level of qualifications and medical skills.

"This... Dr. He, we have been to the town hospital many times, and the results are the same every time, so..."

Zhang Meihui hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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