Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 97 Arranging surgery, Chinese medicine can also perform surgery

Chapter 97 Arranging surgery, Chinese medicine can also perform surgery
Not only the township hospital, the county hospital, the city hospital, and even the provincial hospital, they threw them away, but the result was still the same, nothing was found.

Therefore, although they really wanted to cure the disease, they had little hope of counting on a young doctor who had just come to work in the hospital. Moreover, He Jincheng claimed to be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, which was even more unreliable.

"I know the reason for Xiaoyue's pain!"

He Jincheng was not angry either, and smiled lightly.

"What? You know?"

Both Zhang Meihui and Xiaoyue's eyes lit up.

Xiaoyue's leg pain has never been cured, mainly because the specific reason cannot be found out, but He Jincheng saw Xiaoyue for the first time, and he said that he knew the reason, how could people believe it easily?
"That's right, if I'm not mistaken, Xiaoyue should have broken her leg in November last year!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

"That's right, that's right, there happened to be a gust of cold air at that time, and the temperature dropped sharply. When this girl was jogging in the morning, she accidentally fell and broke her leg!"

Zhang Meihui said quickly, the look in her eyes changed from disbelief to expectation.

"That's right, the weather is cold, and the human body will become relatively dull. At this time, if you are bumped and wrestled, you are prone to fractures. And Xiaoyue should have serious calcium deficiency, and her bones are more brittle than ordinary people, so Very easy to break!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

Zhang Meihui and Xiaoyue's eyes became brighter, because what He Jincheng said was almost the same as what the doctors said when they went to the hospital.

"Doctor He, please save my daughter! I...I kneel down for you!"

Zhang Meihui burst into tears suddenly, as if she was about to kneel down to He Jincheng.

Although Xiaoyue's strength made her very pleased, she knew very well that Xiaoyue hoped to go back to school, study like a normal person, and go to college.

If she can help Xiaoyue get rid of the pain and return to school, she is willing to give everything of her own.

"Zhang Meihui, what are you doing, get up quickly!"

He Jincheng quickly helped Zhang Meihui up, and said with a wry smile, "It's the job of a doctor to cure diseases and save lives. What's more, a girl as good as Xiaoyue shouldn't suffer like this!"

Zhang Meihui nodded again and again, her whole body was extremely excited, Xiaoyue stood aside, clenched her fists quietly, her face was also full of excitement.

If you suddenly see hope again when you are in despair, what a happy thing it is!
"It's a pity that I don't have any equipment here, otherwise, I can help Xiaoyue solve the problem immediately!"

He Jincheng spread his hands, and then said, "Well, if you don't bother, come back to the town hospital with me, there are equipment there!"

"Okay, then let's go there now, and I'll drive!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Meihui immediately agreed.

Seeing He Jincheng nodding, Zhang Meihui immediately ran out to drive. He Jincheng helped Xiaoyue to the door of the store. After a while, she saw Zhang Meihui driving a Volkswagen Magotan. After closing the store, she followed Xiaoyue to help her. Moon got into the car.

A few minutes later, the three arrived at the town hospital.

He Jincheng immediately called Chen Fasheng and asked him to help arrange a bed for Xiaoyue in the town hospital, and then asked someone to start preparing for the operation.

Chen Fasheng had been thinking about how to repay He Jincheng, but now that he had the opportunity, of course he made arrangements immediately.

When the nurse received the operation notice, she was stunned.

They all knew who He Jincheng was.

The only doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the town hospital actually wants to perform surgery on people. When, when will Chinese medicine doctors also perform surgery?
This is a strange thing!

However, due to Chen Fasheng's relationship, he still has the right to arrange an operation, so the nurse did not hesitate too much, and soon the operating room and surgical tools were ready, and then He Jincheng was notified that the operation could begin.

"Doctor He, please!"

Outside the operating room, Zhang Meihui held He Jincheng's hand and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, for an hour at most, I think I'll give you an intact Xiaoyue!"

He Jincheng comforted Zhang Meihui with a smile, and then walked into the operating room in medical clothes.

On the operating table, Xiaoyue looked nervous, and when she saw He Jincheng in a white protective suit, she became even more nervous.

"Doctor He, can I really get better?"

Satsuki asked worriedly.

"Of course! Does Xiaoyue still believe in my medical skills?"

He Jincheng comforted with a smile.

"However, so many doctors said they couldn't see the reason..."

Xiaoyue looked sad and said in a low voice.

"That's not because they can't cure you, it's just that they didn't think of the real reason!"

He Jincheng smiled and spread out a bag of needle bags.

"Doctor He, how much anesthesia do you need?"

At this time, the auxiliary nurse asked He Jincheng for instructions.

"Anesthesia? No need!"

He Jincheng shook his head dumbly, looked at Xiaoyue who was more nervous, and smiled, "Xiaoyue, how about brother playing a game for you? Guess what will happen to you if I stick this silver needle in your leg?" Feel?"

"I... should be in pain!"

Xiaoyue hesitated for a while, and then said.

"Then let's make a bet. If it doesn't hurt, you have to listen to my brother and don't move around during the operation. If it hurts, you can tell my brother at any time, and my brother will buy you what you want most. Why? Sample?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Xiaoyue blinked, looked at He Jincheng with a gentle face, and nodded slightly.

"Xiaoyue, be good!" He Jincheng rubbed Xiaoyue's head, and then signaled the nurse to start the operation.

The nurse immediately helped to cut off Xiaoyue's trouser legs, exposing her fair thighs.

He Jincheng stretched out his hand and gently pressed the broken part. After confirming the location, the silver needle flashed in his hand, and there were three slight cracking sounds, and the three silver needles directly pierced Xiaoyue's leg.

Xiaoyue closed her eyes tightly in fright, but soon she opened them, and her eyes were full of surprises.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore, my leg doesn't hurt anymore!" Xiaoyue said in surprise.

The nurse on the side was also extremely surprised. He Jincheng's move just now really shocked her.

Is this anesthesia with silver needles without anesthesia?
"Xiaoyue, lie down, don't look, just remember to stay awake! Comrade nurse, be ready for blood transfusion at any time!"

He Jincheng gave orders one by one, and waited until Xiaoyue and the nurse responded, then picked up the scalpel and began the operation very skillfully.

The nurse looked nervous, it was the first time she saw silver needles used for anesthesia during surgery.

However, as soon as He Jincheng rowed down, Xiaoyue didn't stiffen at all, and the nurse was surprised and relieved.

"Tweezers, hemostat..."

He Jincheng was concentrating on it at the moment, and asked the nurse to give him tools from time to time. The nurse also gradually entered the state, but her eyes were still full of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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