ideal door

Chapter 36 Breaking Into My House?

Chapter 36 Breaking Into My House?
Suicheng Garden.

Lin Ximeng was picking and washing vegetables in the kitchen, while Lin Xiya was in the hall, mopping the floor with her trousers rolled up.

Hearing the sound of the door, Lin Nanfang entered the door and began to take off his shoes as usual. Lin Xiya hurried over, took the slippers from the shoe cabinet, and put them in front of her father.

"Old Bei, be careful to be slippery." Then he took the bag from his hand and put it in the cabinet.

Lin Nanfang looked at Lin Xiya and was stunned. This was the first time in three years that this little girl treated him like this. A long-lost feeling made him suspicious.

"What's the situation? Why did the sun rise from the west today?" Lin Nanfang was stunned for a while, and finally spoke.

"Old Bei, was it an accident? Are you flattered? Come on, I'm waiting for you to cook." Lin Xiya dragged the floor, her eyes fixed on the ground, and she seemed to be talking to the air.

"Did you get into some trouble again?" It was hard for Lin Nanfang to imagine that he was so considerate in the past that he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.He is very clear that he has not crossed over.

"You don't expect me to order better? Old Bei, we must keep pace with the times. As for me, I am now an advertising salesman with orders. I have succeeded. It won't take long for me to become a rising star in the advertising industry. "

Lin Xiya raised her fist and shook it proudly and ostentatiously. Usually following Shen Jianghe, she began to have the capital to brag.

Bragging, in fact, can also be said to be a manifestation of the self-confidence of an advertising salesman.

"Why am I so unconfident?" Lin Nanfang smiled reluctantly.

She was so angry that she turned her face up and snorted at him.

Lin Nannan hurried to the study, where Sudan Qing was sitting at the desk writing something.

"Hey, why is your daughter so sensible now? What kind of ecstasy soup did you give her?" He wondered what kind of drama the mother and daughter were playing in front of him, and Lin Xiya's current appearance was a little unbelievable.

"What ecstasy soup do I drink? I make it magic." Sudan Qing pretended to smile mysteriously.

"I don't think you two are normal, are you still magical? You're almost stunned." Lin Nannan snorted.

"You're not normal. The girl doesn't behave well. You get angry. If you behave well, you still have doubts. What should you do to be satisfied?" Sudan Qing said angrily.

"Then let's talk about it, don't go around in circles, return magic, and see what kind of magic you are."

"This girl may be because she met a person, and now she is good. She has done a good job in business, and she has learned to be a human being in the process of doing business."

"Isn't there a saying? Doing things is like being a human being. If you can't do it well, how can you do it well? Tell me, is this magic?"

"A person? Who? Do you know him?"

"I must know a foreigner. They used to be colleagues in An'an's company, and now they are both in the city newspaper, doing the same kind of advertisement."

"There is such a thing? I can't believe it. This girl can't pretend, right? How can it be so simple to change a person? If you say change, you will change? Even a god, if you meet this girl, you may be helpless."

"I doubt it too, but the facts are right in front of you, and you have to believe it. Besides, he also helped An An. If it wasn't for him, An An's company would have gone bankrupt."

"What you said is simply beyond my imagination. I'm a little curious. What is the origin of this person you are talking about?"

"No background, just an ordinary person, but he is a nice person, from Chujiang, named Shen Jianghe."

"Shen Jianghe?!"

"You don't know him too, do you?"

"I don't know him, but I know this person. I heard from Mengmeng several times that he saved her before. It seems to be this person."


Sudan Qing was a little horrified, why did she know nothing about this!
Lin Nanfang told her the original story of Lin Ximeng being robbed, and said that it was Lin Ximeng's request to keep quiet, not that he deliberately wanted to hide it.

"Should I find a time to invite him to dinner and thank him well?" Lin Nanfang suggested.

"Let's go with fate, Lin Xiya is yet to be seen, invite him to dinner, and worry that the current balance will be destroyed unintentionally." Su Danqing is still worried that this will bring a burden to Shen Jianghe. After knowing that Lin Xiya is his daughter, on the contrary If you are afraid of your hands and feet, you may fall short.

From Lin Xiya's words, on the one hand, she understood her daughter's recent behavior, and on the other hand, she also indirectly understood Shen Jianghe.Sudan Qing could tell that Shen Jianghe had been trying to change her.

It's better to let things develop naturally.

Thinking about the big game of chess that I wanted to play before, I just wanted to keep my face and see if Shen Jianghe would be as I expected.

Actually, Shen Jianghe didn't have that much magical power.After Lin Xiya signed the first advertising order, she realized that she had the potential to do business just like herself.

Sudan Qing asked Lin Xiya to learn from Shen Jianghe, otherwise Sudan Qing would no longer help her with her work in the future, and Shen Jianghe happened to force her everywhere at work.

In this way, Sudan Qing and Shen Jianghe cooperated unintentionally, and Lin Xiya's true ability was stimulated.

Lin Xiya was not the kind of person who stretched out her clothes and opened her mouth to eat. Although she was not as well-behaved as Lin Ximeng, she was still sensible.It's just that she failed the college entrance examination that year, but Lin Ximeng was admitted to the university. There was a gap in her heart, and she was very depressed. In order to cover up and attract the attention of her parents, she made unreasonable troubles.

So, when Shen Jianghe looked at her that time, he guessed that she was a showman.

It was some unintentional but erroneous hits, which gradually restored Lin Xiya to her original appearance.

Lin Ximeng did not go to Metropolis Daily for an internship. Under Sudan Qing's persuasion, she went to the North District Radio and Television Center for an internship. After the internship, she can go to work directly with a staff, which is almost everyone's dream.

With Lin Xiya's transformation, Lin Nanfang and his family began to enjoy themselves happily just like they did three years ago.

This Shen Jianghe seemed to break into their lives invisibly.

The Metropolis Daily's argument about "equal work with different pay" began to ferment, and later developed to the point where some people directly accused the advertising department.

The method of accusation is to shout out from the air, saying that the advertising department is nepotism, and a group of Chujiang people are trying to create their own small world in the agency compound.

The advertising department of the metropolitan newspaper is now strong and strong, and most of them are still from Chujiang. As a Chujiang native, Chu Hanfeng has no concept of nepotism, nor does he deliberately recruit only Chujiang people. However, one thing is for sure. This group of people from Chujiang followed Chu Hanfeng's lead, and they did everything unambiguously.

However, these accusations caused a commotion in the compound, and caused troubles to Chu Hanfeng's work to some extent.

The people from "Chujiang Mansion" specifically discussed this kind of argument. According to the relationship, these five people do not belong to Chu Hanfeng's "direct lineage". Their purpose is only one, not to be marginalized.

With the rapid growth of the advertising market, a large number of salesmen are needed. There were very few people engaged in this field before, and it was very difficult to recruit people with relevant business experience.

As long as one person enters this industry, the people around him may also enter this industry. This is the herd effect, including Shen Jianghe. If it weren't for Wang Jiaze, he would never have taken this step.

The people in "Chujiang Building" came to a conclusion that when there is not much difference in business quality and experience, there is no distinction between relatives and talents, and the employment is based on people.

In fact, they are unnecessary. The purpose of doing this is not only to comfort Chu Hanfeng, but more importantly, they want to be safe under Chu Hanfeng's wings.

When they told this conclusion to Chu Hanfeng, he just smiled slightly.

However, with the promotion of the advertising work, the advertising department began to surge under the tide, surging without warning.

As for Shen Jianghe, he has seen countless companies in the industry, and has his own understanding of this industry in his heart.According to the characteristics of the industry, he has made careful and careful consideration, started his plan, and asked himself to complete it before the editorial department took back the editorial rights of Consumer Weekly.

Lin Xiya, and only Lin Xiya can be his most capable assistant.

Lin Xiya has some admiration for Shen Jianghe, admires his tenacity, admires his ability to endure hardships and stands hard work, and admires his ability to analyze, judge and make decisions, but he just can't understand his domineering appearance.

"Shen Jianghe, slow down, I'm a little girl, how can I compare with you!" She had to trot to keep up with Shen Jianghe who was walking swiftly ahead.

"In the advertising industry, there are only excellent salesmen and unqualified salesmen, there is no distinction between male salesmen and female salesmen. Hurry up!" Shen Jianghe didn't look back, and his words were not polite at all.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't walk anymore." She gasped a little, her face turned scarlet.

"Do you want me to carry you?!" Shen Jianghe turned and walked towards her.

Hearing that he was going to carry himself on his back, his face turned pale with fright.

"Here, cool down." He didn't mean to recite her, but just took out a pack of wet tissues from his bag and handed it to her.

A slap in the face, and another sweet date, are the methods Shen Jianghe uses to deal with her now.

"When is the end of this day?!" She groaned a little.

"It won't take many days."


"You'll get used to it in a few days. These days will never end. It's the work of the predecessors who planted trees and the descendants to enjoy the shade. You are the predecessors now. If you want to enjoy the shade, you have to work harder!" Her problems are in his place. It's not a problem, I know how to work hard every day.

"Shen Jianghe, why do you say something so unlovable?" Lin Xiya complained.

"With your understanding ability, you still run business? This is called dying first and then reborn." He tried to talk to her as much as possible to offset her exhaustion.

"Grandma is really going to die now." She said weakly, unable to understand how he had such physical strength, working all day without getting tired.

"Lin Xiya, the delineated key customers are nearly a hundred, and it takes an average of four customers a day to go to them. It takes a month, but the memory of ordinary customers is only a few days, and they may not remember what they said last time, including who you are. , Customers may not even have an impression, but still want customers to advertise? So, now, speed is the first priority.”

Shen Jianghe tried his best to keep his tone calm, he was really worried that she would give up under the pressure.

He had just finished speaking when the phone rang.

"Jiang He, I can understand that you don't write to me now, but now you can't even see people, are you so busy?" Teng Xiao beat him up on the phone.

"Mr. Teng, you are busy. I went to the group several times but didn't see you." Shen Jianghe could only complain.

The advertisement of Dongcheng School is finished, and the next advertisement will not be until the next school year. The number of times he goes to Dongcheng is obviously less.

"Come over if you have time in the afternoon. You can accompany me to the project and take a look at the house." Teng Xiao didn't argue with him anymore, but made a request without forcing it.

He had told Teng Xiao several times that he did not have the ability to buy a house, but now she didn't even ask and asked him to see the house.

He doesn't want to refuse, and he can't refuse, only promise.

"Half a day off in the afternoon." He hung up the phone and said to Lin Xiya.

"Okay, okay." She couldn't wait to answer.

"But you can't just do nothing and go to see the house in the afternoon."

"Inspecting the house? Shen Jianghe, are you sick? I can't even afford a phone now, so isn't that just wishful thinking?" Lin Xiya opened her eyes wide.

"Why don't you have any wisdom? This is called inspiration! Don't you want to marry a husband? Do you also want to marry a handsome guy who can fit into the living room and the kitchen? There is no living room or kitchen. Put it down!"

Shen Jianghe said contemptuously.

"The salesman's mouth, you deceitful ghost! Everything in your mouth becomes truth. Shen Jianghe, I remember you were very refined before?" Lin Xiya felt that he had changed too much.

before?That's all passed, the era is changing with each passing day, there is no change day by day, day after day, if things go on like this, it is possible to be controlled by others.

"Oh, there is one less person who keeps his own way in this world, and one more blower who fights all over the world."

Lin Xiya pretended to regret and said.

"Shut your mouth, it's not over yet." Seeing that she had entered the self-mode and talked endlessly, Shen Jianghe scolded her.

Only when Shen Jianghe went to Dongcheng Group did he realize that today is the inspection day, and Teng Xiao called Shen Jianghe in order to increase his popularity.

Isn't this a routine for us to advertise and call from an impostor?How severe is the financial crisis now?House so hard to sell?
"Why so much nonsense? Buy me a set if you have the ability." Teng Xiao asked him to stop talking, look at the house, and think about when he will have this ability.

It can’t be done today, and it won’t work tomorrow, and a person can’t do this or that.What the advertising salesman needs is a must.

This Teng Xiao will not let go of any opportunity, and it is for his own good to hurt him.

The project site is not far from Peninsula Garden, next to Chu Hanfeng's community.

Once it comes, it will be safe, Teng Xiao personally took him and Lin Xiya to see the model house.

It turned out that Shen Jianghe was a little stimulated at Chu Hanfeng's house, but it was someone else's. At that time, his thoughts were not so strong. Now, in Teng Xiao's words of negation and negation to him, looking at the model house, he is very excited.

But it's just blood boiling. No matter what Teng Xiao said, he couldn't change the current situation. The little money in his pocket was only enough to buy a bathroom that couldn't be decorated.

"Jianghe, you can think about it. The housing price will definitely rise sharply in the future. If you buy it, you will make a profit." Teng Xiao looked at Shen Jianghe's eyes from the side, and began to encourage him at any time.

This is the typical tone of a salesman.

"Shen Jianghe, you can really consider it. Pay [-] first, and take your time later." Lin Xiya looked at the house and sighed, her powerless appearance made people sigh, and she cooperated with Teng Xiao in a somewhat vindictive manner, singing the oboe.

"Look first, Lin Xiya, work hard. If my plan comes true, don't say me, it's you. In the second half of next year, you can realize the wish of the down payment." Shen Jianghe looked at the slogan of [-] occupancy, I laughed to myself, the advertiser might not believe the advertisement, first pay [-] yuan, and after a while, the down payment will have to be paid.

In order to inspire her, Lin Xiya is 21 years old this year. If she gets married and has children at the age of 25 or 6, there will only be four or five years left. During these four or five years, she must realize her dream of marrying a husband.

As long as the work is carried out as planned, next year will be the harvest period. This is not Shen Jianghe's drawing cakes for her, but a real plan, so as to further enhance her enthusiasm for running the business.

Having said this, Lin Xiya instantly felt that time was running out, and she didn't even want to look at the house anymore, and she had some desire to gallop on the battlefield immediately.

"Then it's a deal, and I'll give you a discount when the time comes." Teng Xiao patted the two of them on the shoulder, encouraging him.

This time, Shen Jianghe can be said to be completely focused, and he really had this dream. It turned out that he had an idea, but it was a castle in the sky. Now, he has hope.If you want to gain a foothold in Suicheng, you must first have a place of peace and shelter.

(End of this chapter)

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