I, Jiajing, successfully cultivated immortality

Chapter 463 Yan Song's Dream

Chapter 463 Yan Song's Dream
At night, Qianqing Palace.

After Jiajing came back from the Yan Mansion, he started to lay the Spirit Gathering Formation in the Qianqing Palace.

At this moment, I saw Jiajing sitting on the futon, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed.

Suddenly, Jiajing suddenly opened his eyes, surrounded by lavender mana, and his aura became extremely terrifying.

In an instant, Yun's lavender mana around Jiajing's body turned into countless silk threads, and Jiajing began to restore bit by bit according to the spirit-gathering formation diagram in his mind.

Gradually, an obscure formation was gradually completed. Since Jiajing's strength has been greatly improved compared to the past, this step is quite easy.

After that, Jiajing took out the storage bag, took out two spirit stones, and placed them in the eye of the array.

After absorbing the spiritual energy contained in the spirit stone, the spirit gathering array began to operate automatically, and the surrounding spiritual energy also began to gather in the direction of the Qianqing Palace.

Seeing this situation, Jiajing couldn't help but look happy, and immediately held his breath, and began to feel the mystery of it carefully.

In the process of helping Yan Song to heal, Jiajing's mastery of his own strength has reached a new level!

After all, under the circumstances at that time, if Jiajing didn't control the power in his body well, even if he made a slight mistake, Yan Song would have to die.

And thanks to Jiajing's grasp of his own power, the shackles of the realm in Jiajing's body have also loosened a lot.

Along with the Qianqing palace, the concentration of aura became higher and higher, and the exercises in Jiajing's body began to operate automatically, and began to breathe out the aura around him.

With every exhale and breath, Jiajing absorbed all the escaping aura around him. Those auras flowed along the meridians in Jiajing's body, and after going through a cycle of heaven and earth, they immediately entered the cyclone in the dantian and were stored.

During this process, the lavender mana originally stored in the dantian was also continuously compressed and solidified during this process.

Just like this, Jiajing was immersed in the state of cultivation, five lavender thunder talismans suspended in mid-air as usual, protecting Jiajing, and silver-white thunder flashed in the air from time to time, sending out 'Crackling' sound.

At this moment, when Lu Fang looked at the dark clouds accumulating in mid-air and the faintly visible thunder in the dark clouds, she withdrew her eyes and said to herself silently.

"Your Majesty is practicing Taoism again!"


At night, Yan Mansion.

At this moment, Yan Song, who had slept for a long time, finally woke up slowly. He only remembered that he had a long dream.

In the dream, Yan Maoqing, who was in charge of escorting the salt tax at the beginning, withheld 300 million taels of silver privately, and then only distributed 100 million taels to the emperor. This matter naturally angered the emperor, and then quickly pulled the "down" curtain.

During this process, Xu Jie and others defeated Yan successfully. Not only was his son Yan Shifan killed, but Yan's party was also liquidated. His Majesty pardoned his capital crimes based on his many years of contributions, and then released himself. Home in Jiangxi.

"Liuxinju has become Liubiju?"

"Also, I, Yan Song, begged all the way back to my hometown in Jiangxi, and ended up living in a tomb, begging everywhere, dying of hunger and poverty. When I died, I didn't even have a coffin!"

Thinking of this, Yan Song suddenly sat up from the bed, his face full of self-mockery.

But soon, Yan Song came to his senses, touched his body in disbelief, and asked in doubt, "I'm not dead?"

Not only that, at this moment, Yan Song felt extremely relaxed, and the illness that had been tormenting him for a long time seemed to have completely disappeared. Not only that, the dull pain in his chest also disappeared.

Yan Song has never felt so good. At this moment, he seems to have endless energy.

Immediately, those previous memories also began to continuously emerge in Yan Song's mind, Yan Song said to himself while recalling the previous memories.

"I remember, back then, there seemed to be a voice asking me, would you like to do it again to make up for my mistakes?"

"After this, it seemed that a pill was sent into my mouth, and then a warm feeling spread all over my body!"

"The only ones in the room at that time were me and His Majesty, that is to say, it was His Majesty who fed me a elixir to make me heal?"

When Yan Song was still struggling with this matter, there was a "squeak", the door of the room was pushed open, and Yan Shifan walked in with the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital.

Seeing that Yan Song had woken up, Yan Shifan's face was full of excitement, and he immediately came to Yan Song's body, held his hand excitedly, and asked, "Father, are you awake?"

At this moment, Yan Song looked at Yan Shifan in front of him, and couldn't help showing a little disappointment on his face. After all, in his dream, he witnessed Yan Shifan's fate with his own eyes——was taken to the vegetable market and beheaded!
Also because of this, looking at Yan Shifan standing in front of him alive, Yan Song couldn't help but feel a sense of unreality in his heart, and murmured to himself: "Could it be, am I dreaming?"

Seeing Yan Song's nagging, Yan Shifan panicked, and quickly turned his gaze to the imperial physician aside, the meaning of which was self-evident.

When the imperial doctors saw this situation, after whispering for a long time, they just looked serious, and then explained to Yan Shifan: "Mr. Xiao Ge, according to our opinion, Mr. Yan Ge has probably lost his mind and gone crazy!"

When Yan Shifan heard this, his face was full of surprise, and he lost his voice: "What, you are crazy!"

Seeing this situation, those imperial physicians explained to Yan Shifan even more convincingly: "Generally speaking, a situation like Mr. Yan Ge's is a typical case of insanity.

Seeing this situation, Yan Song's face was covered with black lines, and he said unhurriedly, "I'm not crazy yet!"

Hearing this, Yan Shifan's face was full of surprise, and he kept saying, "Father, so you are not crazy!"

Seeing this situation, those imperial doctors also lowered their heads silently, deliberately reducing their sense of existence.

After that, Yan Song looked at the imperial physicians, and immediately asked, "It's so late, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that Yan Song's eyes fell on him, the imperial physicians responded immediately: "Old Yan Ge, we are here to take care of you at the order of His Majesty, is there any discomfort in your body at present?"

Hearing the words, Yan Song had a general perception of his physical condition, and immediately responded without thinking: "No, I have never felt so good. It seems that all the pains have disappeared in a short time?"

Hearing Yan Song's words, the imperial physicians gathered again, and after whispering for a long time, the gray-haired imperial physician stood up and asked Yan Song.

"Mr. Yan Ge, in order to better assess your current physical condition, can we take your pulse?"

Yan Song naturally has nothing to do with this, besides, he also wants to know how his current physical condition is.

After getting Yan Song's permission, the imperial physicians immediately took Yan Song's pulse, while Yan Shifan stood aside with a worried look on his face.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the imperial doctor moved his hand away, looked at Yan Song at the side, and immediately said with emotion.

"Old Yan Ge, excuse me, you have fully recovered!"


(End of this chapter)

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