Chapter 464

Although before this, Yan Song had already had some guesses about his physical condition, but when these words came from the mouth of the imperial physician, he still had an expression of disbelief, and immediately said subconsciously.

"Could it be that all this is due to the pill that His Majesty fed me back then?"

Although they had already learned the general situation of the matter from Jiajing before this, they still couldn't restrain their curiosity. After all, only the statement of the person concerned is the most convincing.

After that, Yan Shifan hesitated for a moment, and then confirmed to Yan Song.

"Father, did His Majesty really feed you a pill?"

As soon as Yan Shifan finished speaking, the imperial physicians in the room also looked at Yan Song eagerly.

When Yan Song heard this, he thought for a moment, nodded, and immediately responded: "Yes, I was confused at the time, and I only remembered that a pill was sent into my mouth."

"Then my whole body was wrapped in a warm current, and then I fell asleep."

After listening to Yan Song's narration, everyone no longer doubted Jiajing's previous statement. Immediately, the gray-haired imperial physician stood up and said with emotion: "Your Majesty is really a god-man. From ancient times to the present, No one else can do this!"

The words of the imperial doctor resonated with the other people present: "Yes, my family has been doctors for generations, but I have never seen such a scene. Even the rebirth of the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing is completely inferior to Your Majesty!"

After that, the imperial physicians calmed down and bid farewell to Yan Song: "Old Yan Ge, since your health is no longer serious, it is time for us to leave, and we must hurry up and tell His Majesty the news!"

Hearing this, Yan Song nodded slightly, and immediately glanced at Yan Shifan who was beside him, and the latter also quickly signaled, stepped forward and said respectfully.

"My lords, this way please!"

After that, Yan Shifan called the housekeeper, whispered a few words in his ear, and the housekeeper left in a hurry.

Not long after, the housekeeper went back and forth, and quietly stuffed each of these imperial doctors with a thick stack of bank notes.

Those imperial physicians had never seen such a scene before, they repeatedly declined: "Mr. Xiaoge, how did this happen!"

Hearing this, Yan Shifan turned his eyes away from these imperial physicians, and immediately said: "I, Yan Shifan, have noticed all your hard work today, please don't refuse!"

Seeing that Yan Shifan had reached this point, the imperial physicians no longer refused, and stuffed the bank notes into their sleeves one after another.

"Master Xiaoge, then I'll take my leave now!"

"Well, everyone, go slowly!"

After instructing the housekeeper to send the imperial physicians away, Yan Shifan turned his eyes away and went straight to the room where Yan Song was.

As soon as Yan Shifan entered the room, Yan Song's voice rang in his ears: "They all left?",

When Yan Shifan heard this, he immediately bent down, cupped his hands, and said respectfully: "Father, the children have sent them back!"

After Yan Song got the exact news from Yan Shifan, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked Yan Shifan, "Did they make any trouble during my illness?"

When Yan Shifan heard this, he immediately fell into memory. After a while, he cautiously responded: "Father, during your illness, my child really has no time to take care of other things, so I don't know much about it..."

After listening to Yan Shifan's response, Yan Song immediately became angry, and immediately reprimanded: "There is a way, Mount Tai collapsed in front of you, and your face didn't change. With your virtue, how can I rest assured in the future? ?”

"Don't tell them the news as soon as possible, otherwise, something might happen!"

After Yan Song's analysis, Yan Shifan also quickly realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately bowed his hands to Yan Song and said.

"Yes, father, the child will do it now!"

After Yan Shifan finished speaking, he just walked out a few steps when he was stopped by Yan Song.

"and many more!"

When Yan Shifan heard the words, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, then looked at Yan Song in surprise, and asked.

"Father, what's the matter, do you have anything else to tell the child?"

I saw Yan Song glanced at Yan Shifan, and said unhurriedly.

"Let's go to the kitchen later, and make me something to eat. Your father and I haven't eaten for almost a day!"

Seeing this situation, Yan Shifan couldn't help showing a little smile on his face, and immediately responded.

"Yes, Father!"


After being on duty, Xu Jie couldn't wait to summon everyone to Prince Yu's Mansion to discuss the next countermeasures together.

Different from the past, today's Prince Yu Mansion's study room is full of joyful atmosphere, and everyone is full of expectations for the future.

In the room, there was a smile that couldn't be concealed on King Yu Zhu Zai'an's face. After looking around, he turned to speak.

"Haha, today is really a good day, Yan Song finally can't stand it anymore!"

When Zhu Zaiyi said this, he turned his gaze to Xu Jie, who was aside, and continued: "According to Gu's guess, at the latest tomorrow, the father will officially issue an edict to appoint Mr. Xu Ge as the chief assistant of the cabinet. !"

"At that time, the strict party can be officially liquidated. After the strict party is liquidated, a large number of clean and ambitious people will be appointed. At that time, all the people will be prosperous, and our Ming Dynasty will not be prosperous!"

It wasn't just Zhu Zaiyi who was happy, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng were also quite happy about it.

For Gao Gong, if Xu Jie can successfully take over as the first assistant of the cabinet, he can also fill the vacancy left by Xu Jie and serve as the second assistant of the cabinet.

Next, I just need to wait for a while, after Xu Jie retires, if there is no accident, I will succeed as the chief assistant of the cabinet. At that time, my time will really come, and I, Gao Gong, will have my own ambition!
Thinking of this, Gao Gong's eyes are full of hesitation, full of yearning for the future.

The reason why Zhang Juzheng was so happy was because there would be a vacancy in the cabinet, and he was able to fill the vacancy smoothly and officially became a cabinet assistant.

After becoming a cabinet group assistant, the next thing will be much easier, you just need to slowly get through the qualifications.

Xu Jie was also quite happy after listening to Zhu Zaiyi's words, with smiles in his eyes.

For Xu Jie, he will step on the corpse of his deadly opponent to sit on the throne of the chief assistant of the cabinet. Xu Jie has even started to plan what he will do after becoming the first assistant of the cabinet.

"At that time, after the Yan Party has been liquidated, there will definitely be many vacancies. Yan Shifan will be able to place a few reliable people in the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Procuratorate."

"When the time comes to recommend Gao Gong to His Majesty as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Rites will not be able to do so for the time being. As for other vacancies, it will be based on past contributions."

"By the way, it's time to change the positions of Wang Ting and those people, and they shouldn't be chilled!"

"After the opposition forces in the court are eliminated, I will formally appeal to His Majesty to request that the strict party's policy of changing rice into mulberry be abolished, and that rice be changed into cotton instead. In this way, the common people can also get real benefits from it. "

While Xu Jie was still enjoying the future, he heard a hasty knock on the door, everyone frowned when they saw this situation, Zhu Zaixi immediately ordered impatiently: "Come in! "

As soon as the words fell, the door of the study was pushed open, and the steward of Prince Yu's Mansion hurried in with a look of horror on his face.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Zaiqian couldn't help reprimanding him: "What's the matter, didn't Gu say before that if there is nothing important, don't bother me?"

After being reprimanded by this, the steward was stunned for a moment, then mustered up his courage and reported to Zhu Zaihui: "His... Your Highness, something serious happened, Yan... Yan Song, he... he is not dead!"


The butler's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone present, especially Xu Jie. At this moment, his face was full of shock, he got up from his seat suddenly, and came to In front of the butler, he grabbed his collar with his hand and said in a deep voice.

"What did you just say, say it again!"

At this moment, Xu Jie's eyes were red, his breathing became rapid, and the expression on his face was even more frightening. Seeing this situation, the housekeeper immediately threw a call for help to Zhu Zaixi who was beside him. eyes.

Seeing this situation, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng at the side hurried forward, and comforted him: "Mr. Xu Ge, calm down, first listen to what the butler has to say!"

Under everyone's persuasion, Xu Jie finally calmed down, immediately loosened the butler's collar, sat back in his original position, and immediately said: "Sorry, I was too excited just now, you continue to talk."

After getting Zhu Zaixi's permission, the housekeeper suppressed the panic in his heart and told the news he had received.

"According to those imperial physicians, during the daytime, Yan Song's physical condition has reached the point of exhaustion. If there is no accident, Yan Song can only wait for death in peace!"

"When His Majesty rushed to Yan's mansion to visit Yan Song who was seriously ill, he took a elixir that he had accidentally obtained in the early years, and it was this elixir that completely cured Yan Song's illness!"

After the housekeeper's voice fell, the study suddenly fell into silence, and no one spoke.

For them, all this was too magical. At this moment, they were all immersed in the butler's narration, unable to extricate themselves.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Xu Jie's stern shout broke the calm.

"No, how is this possible!"

"How could there be such a miraculous elixir in the world, which can revive a dying and dying person!"

"Fake, it's all fake!"

Seeing that Xu Jie was so excited, the butler immediately lowered his head and responded respectfully.

"Mr. Xu Ge, this matter is true. The imperial physicians who participated in the diagnosis and treatment have already spread the matter!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask them about this in person!"

Seeing the butler's words were so convincing and confident, the rest of the people in the room couldn't help but believe the butler's words to a full extent.

After that, Gao Gong on the side looked away from Xu Jie, with a look of curiosity on his face, and continued: "Is it possible that there is such a miraculous pill in this world? Can reverse life and death?"

Seeing this, Zhang Juzheng at the side followed closely and said: "Your Majesty is willing to use such a precious pill on Yan Song's body, what a waste of heaven and earth!"

Seeing this situation, the housekeeper immediately added: "According to Your Majesty, this elixir that saved Yan Song was obtained by chance, and there is only one left now!"

Having said that, the people in the room were obviously not convinced by the steward's words, and secretly said: "Your Majesty, there must be more than one pill!"

At this moment, in the hearts of everyone, there is already a strong sense of envy. Even Yan Song can get a pill from His Majesty, why can't I?
No matter what, compared with the out-and-out insects like Yan Song, I still have some advantages.

After all, people will always grow old. If you can get a elixir from His Majesty when you are old and sick, not to mention reversing life and death, preventing all diseases from invading, even if you can avoid suffering from illness, it will be great of.

In this matter, there is no shortcut, only to serve His Majesty wholeheartedly!
After that, Xu Jie's mood gradually calmed down. After clearing his throat, he continued: "Since the situation has changed now, let's suspend the implementation of the plans made earlier!"

"Yes, old Xu Ge!"

After Xu Jie's words fell, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng at the side turned and responded.

But at this moment, Xu Jie's heart is far less calm than it looks on the surface. For him, the position of chief assistant of the cabinet is already within his reach, but unexpectedly such a big change suddenly occurred.

Xu Jie could roughly predict how the government and the opposition would evaluate him tomorrow.

"Oh, what a failure!"

After Xu Jie suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart, he faced the crowd and said unhurriedly: "Next, we should..."


That night, after finishing the discussion in Prince Yu's Mansion, Xu Jie took a sedan chair and went straight back to his residence in the capital.

As soon as Xu Jie entered the door, the housekeeper immediately greeted him, and said in a low voice, "Master, you've found out everything you asked me to investigate earlier!"

Xu Jie raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and immediately asked: "Oh, where did the grains destined for Zhejiang come from?"

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for the housekeeper to speak, Xu Jie said to himself: "I told them a long time ago, those idiots, to be more careful about Cao Shunhe, now it's all right, let them play tricks for nothing!"

Seeing this situation, the butler hesitated for a long time before choosing to tell the whole story of his investigation: "No, sir, the food is transported from Fujian to Zhejiang!"

When Xu Jie heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice, "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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