Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 204 Self-destruct truck!Li Shimin's worry!

Chapter 204 Self-destruct truck!Li Shimin's worry!
As for Li Shimin, when he heard Chai Lingwu's words, his eyes froze suddenly, and his fists were clenched tightly.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui were also taken aback.

No one expected that this Chai Lingwu suddenly asked to see him, and he would say such explosive news! !

Hou Junji! !

This was once an extremely important member of the Tiance Mansion, with numerous achievements, but... unexpectedly committed such a heinous disaster!
As soon as the name Hou Junji appeared, not only Li Shimin, but also the three of them, Changsun Wuji, were all enlightened.

It seems that it can perfectly explain why the Turkic people were able to treat the defense line of northern Xinjiang as paper, and defeated it without any effort.

It can also perfectly explain why the Turks were able to ambush on the third road to support the army's half-way interception!

Hou Junji was highly respected and powerful in the army, and he was also one of the few generals who knew a series of inside information about the defense line in the northern border.

The Li family of Zhao County!

Needless to say, this aristocratic family is among the five surnames and seven Wangs, which already explains everything.

Now Chai Lingwu actually reported these two directly!

It really made Li Shimin and the others a little at a loss.

They are still investigating the matter in Northern Xinjiang. Wei Ting's sudden appearance really messed up all their plans.

For a moment, the Taiji Palace was silent, as silent as the deep sea.

Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui all focused their gazes on Chai Lingwu.

The pupils burst.

The pupils were horrified.

At the same time, they were also pondering why Chai Lingwu suddenly mentioned this matter.

Caring for the people of the world?

For Datang Sheji?

Lie to a three-year-old child!

This group of people is powerless and early, they say so, it must be...
It must be that they feel that this is in their best interest!
In the world, coming and going, who is not for their own interests?
However, Li Shimin still has doubts. Hou Junji, if I remember correctly, usually walks very close to the Prince's Mansion, but recently the defense line in northern Xinjiang was broken by Turks one after another. He sent Jinwu Guards to investigate those who knew the defense map at that time. important minister.

Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde....
There are all of them, including Hou Junji!
After investigation, it was learned that Hou Junji was very close to Wei Wangfu recently.

Li Shimin felt a taste of conspiracy.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it for now.

In addition to Hou Junji, there is also the Li family of Zhaojun at this time.

Not to mention the Li Clan of Zhaojun, this is a powerful family member of the gentry, and the Chai Clan behind Chai Lingwu is also a big family, with an ancient inheritance. Usually, their aristocratic families are in the same trousers. Like conjoined twins.

Today, both parties were suddenly reported.

What is he doing?
However, no matter what he was going to do, since he had clues, he had to check it out.

Li Shimin nodded.

"In that case, then I will thank General Chai on behalf of the imperial court."

"It's not too late. I'm going to arrange people to investigate immediately. After all, this matter involves too much. I can't just convict them at will."

"Hou Junji, and the Li family of Zhaojun, their influence is very strong not only on the court, but also on the whole world."

Li Shimin said slowly.

Chai Lingwu nodded quickly and replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Since that's the case, the general will not bother His Majesty anymore, and please His Majesty investigate as soon as possible. Otherwise, after a long time, I'm afraid they will be aware of it. At that time, if they want to die, they may have to pay more than now. "

"Your Majesty, the old minister will retire."

Chai Lingwu retreated slowly and left the Tai Chi Palace directly.

After he left, there was no one in the Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes.

Fingers, lightly clasped on the table.

He took a light breath, glanced at the three Changsun Wuji next to him, and said, "Auxiliary machine, Wei Zheng, Keming, what do you think of these words?"

"Is what Chai Lingwu said true?"

Changsun Wuji's eyes flickered lightly: "Your Majesty, since Chai Lingwu dared to say that, it is most likely that this matter is almost the same, otherwise, with Chai Lingwu's prudent style, he would never be so offensive and frame Hou Junji and The Li family of Zhao County."

"And, Your Majesty, I think that if Chai Lingwu dared to do this, he must have discussed it with Wei Wangfu and the aristocratic family, but he just came out and said it."

Changsun Wuji said in a deep voice, looking at the sunlight outside Tai Chi Palace, thinking.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wei Zheng's face was a little solemn: "The matter Chai Lingwu said is not a trivial matter. It involves the Duke of the State and Qiwang of the five surnames. According to the current information, Hou Junji has recently been very close to the Wei Palace in private, and the Li family of Zhaojun came from family."

"No matter what I think, I feel that they...are the ones who arranged for Chai Lingwu to let these two forces take the blame."

"To put it bluntly, send them to His Majesty to kill, and then tell His Majesty not to pursue the matter any further."

"Things, it is enough for Hou Junji and Zhaojun Li to die."

Wei Zheng's voice was a little hoarse.

It was dangerous for him to say this.

After all, this matter is so deeply involved that even Prince Wei's residence seems to be involved.

However, Wei Zheng had to say that it was because of his personality.

Coupled with the fact that so many soldiers of the Tang Dynasty died in Northern Xinjiang, if it was because of Wei Wangfu's own silence, Wei Zheng felt that he might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

Du Ruhui nodded and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, that's about it."

"Chai Lingwu's sudden self-explosion has a high probability of showing that the Turks were defeated this time, which was beyond their expectations, and they had to do so."

Listening to what the three of them said, Li Shimin pursed his lips.

He was smiling but not smiling, his face was extremely ugly.

The eyes are cloudy.

The corners of the mouth are deep.

After pondering for a long time, Li Shimin slowly raised his head.

"Chai Lingwu, he can't be that stupid, he exposes himself so easily, why would he do that?"

"If you do this, as you said, don't they know that we can guess one or two from it? At that time, things will probably be out of their control."

Li Shimin said.

Wei Zheng smiled wryly, and said, "Your Majesty, in fact, this matter has long been out of Chai Lingwu's control."

"It's probably because they never thought that our Tang Dynasty would win, and they never thought that Jieli Khan and Tuli Khan would be captured alive."

"Otherwise, why did they do this? No matter what it is, no matter how secret their methods are, no one knows about their connection with the Turks, but Jieli Khan and the others know it well!"

"As long as Jieli Khan and the others come to Chang'an, if they don't say anything, His Majesty will definitely investigate Wei Wangfu and all the noble families thoroughly after listening to Jieli Khan's words."

"Furthermore, as long as Jieli Khan acknowledges it, even if the family has a thick skin, no matter how intertwined they are, His Majesty still has an absolute reason!"

"They have no way to stop them. At that time, if something is really wrong, and something is found out, the family who died is definitely not the Li family of Zhaojun."

"Hou Junji is definitely not the only one who died at the Wei Palace."

"Now push Hou Junji and Zhaojun Li's family to block the gun. No matter what Jieli Khan says, they will have words to refute and call them wronged."

"Underground, the old minister is definitely not specifically targeting His Royal Highness Wei Wang, it's just a reason, that's the reason, huh..."

After Wei Zheng finished speaking, he let out a long breath.

The corners of his eyes were twitching.

His heart was trembling too.

Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui met each other, but neither of them spoke.

But they also understood what Wei Zheng was thinking.

Why don't they think so?
When things got to this point, they could all think of a thing or two.

It is estimated that this time the Turks went south, the Wei Palace and the family must have done a lot of shady things.

It's no wonder that this time when the Turks went south, the group of Shizu who are afraid of death are quieter than bastards.

There was no sound from the Wei Palace.

Maybe, not sure, really...
This group of people is just waiting for the Turks to come.

By the time…….
All three of them trembled, not daring to think further.

dare not.

also can not.

If this matter is true, then...
Your Majesty cannot accept it!

The three of them took a breath together.

This time, it was really thanks to that mysterious Highness, otherwise, Chang An might not be sure, great changes would have taken place at this very moment.

A great change even more terrifying than Xuanwumen! !
Your Highness, I really want to thank you.

The three roared in their hearts, shouting with great respect.

Li Shimin's seemingly indifferent eyes trembled crazily without a trace.

The depths of his eyes became darker and darker.

What Wei Zheng said was very clear in his heart.

It's not impossible!

As long as the Turks arrive, will they still listen to what they say?
If Wei Wangfu and the aristocratic clan unite to welcome the arrival of the Turks, hehe...
At that time, how could Chang'an be able to resist?

"His Majesty."

Changsun Wuji's spirit trembled. He observed Li Shimin's appearance, took a deep breath, and bowed slightly: "Your Majesty, what Wei Zheng said is only possible. His Royal Highness King Wei has always been gentle, respectful and modest, and will never do such a thing."

"Although Hou Junji has gotten closer to Wei Wang's residence recently, His Royal Highness Wei Wang may not know about this matter. It may be Hou Junji's wishful thinking."

"Sometimes, the general will not accept something outside. His Highness Wei Wang's words, they, Wei Wang's close officials, don't care. In their eyes, they only have... only their own interests."

Changsun Wuji hurriedly advised.

Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui, who were beside him, also bowed to Li Shimin.

After all, this matter involves His Royal Highness King Wei, they are not easy to be arbitrary.

Not to mention that there is no evidence now, just guessing like this is somewhat disrespectful to His Royal Highness King Wei.

never mind!

Let's talk about everything according to the results of the investigation.

Li Shimin waved his hand.

"I know, but this matter is too sensitive. Auxiliary machine, Wei Zheng, Keming, you three, go and investigate this matter carefully."

"Hou Junji, as well as the Li family of Zhao County, must find conclusive evidence. As long as the evidence is convincing, they will be arrested directly!"

"Those soldiers who are about to die in Northern Xinjiang cannot die in vain, let alone at the hands of their own family members! This is because I am sorry for them, and I must give an explanation to the living!!"

"Go, let's all go down."

Li Shimin's voice was a little low, but it also carried an unshakable determination.

The three of them bowed and retreated immediately after hearing the words.

The Tai Chi Palace became quiet again for a while.

Li Shimin put his hands on the desk, and suddenly said: "Guanyin maidservant, come out, I know you are behind."

"His Majesty……."

When Li Shimin's voice fell, Empress Changsun slowly walked out from behind the screen.

In his hand, he was holding a fruit plate.

"Your Majesty, I want to send you some fruits, I didn't eavesdrop on purpose."

Empress Changsun explained.

Li Shimin smiled slightly, shook his head, and said, "I don't blame you, what's the matter? How do you hear, do you have any thoughts?"
"Zhen, I really have a good son, hehehe..."

Li Shimin looked at Empress Changsun.

Laughed self-deprecatingly.

Empress Changsun pursed her lower lips, and gently placed the fruit plate in her hand on the table.

"His Majesty."

She called out softly, with some worry in her voice. She was not worried about Li Tai, but about Li Shimin's physical condition: "Your Majesty, don't be sad."

"In this matter, the result of all the waiting is that if the king of Wei really did such a rebellious thing, the concubine will never intercede for him."

Empress Changsun swallowed and said in a low voice.

Li Shimin glanced at her.

After thinking for a while, he shouted out: "Li Junxian, come here."

"His Majesty!"

Li Junxian walked in from the door, cupped his hands and said.

"How did you investigate the affairs of Prince Wei's Mansion? I remember, I asked you to investigate it before."

Li Shimin looked at him.

Before that, he asked Jin Wuwei to pay close attention to Wei Wangfu.

It's just that there are too many things in this series, and he has somewhat forgotten them.

Now that Wei Wangfu has become the center of the storm, he remembered again.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, everything is as usual in the Wei Palace, and there are no major accidents or changes. Except for Chai Lingwu and Wei Ting who often go in and out, His Royal Highness Wei seldom goes out."

"And our spies can only go deep into the front yard and backyard of Prince Wei's mansion. They can't get in. Only those most trusted by His Royal Highness King Wei can get in and out."

Li Junxian said.

"Is there anything different in Wei Wang's mansion from other places?" Li Shimin asked again after being silent for a while.


Li Junxian paused, and said: "It's not the same, but it seems that there are very few maids in the backyard. I don't know if this is the case."

"It's usually young eunuchs who come and go frequently, and, in the Wei Palace, some eunuchs have a much higher status than others."

Li Junxian reported.

Li Shimin: ...
He stopped talking.

Damn it!
He wanted to know what Li Tai usually did, and this investigation was a hammer.

In the backyard, the little eunuch came and went frequently.

what is this?

(End of this chapter)

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