Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 205 Class Teacher Zhang Chao!Thank you all over the world!

Empress Changsun also shook her head, waved her hand, and told Li Junxian to go down.

"Your Majesty, I think he doesn't have that much courage, hey..."

Empress Changsun sighed.

Li Shimin was still thinking.

He didn't know what was wrong, but he always felt that there was something wrong with what Li Junxian said.

Frowning slightly, he exhaled.

"I don't care about him, this kid, I hope I can be more honest."

"In two days, the army of the Northern Expedition will enter the city. You must prepare to go down. When the time comes, Avalokitesvara, you must come out of the city to meet me."

"Hey... I really don't know, Kuan'er, when will he come back, I really miss him a little bit."

Li Shimin said.

Looking at the scenery outside the Taiji Palace, he was full of nostalgia.

"Kuan'er...who knows." Empress Changsun also sighed.

She is worried.

One of his two sons seems to be on the verge of disappearing.

The other one has not been seen at all until now.

Is the royal family of the Tang Dynasty really so ill-fated?

Li Shimin straightened his back.

He stood up.

"Guanyin maidservant, let's go and accompany me for a walk."

"Go and see the sweet potatoes. According to observations, the sweet potatoes are about to mature in about ten days. I really don't know what the whole sweet potatoes look like?"

Li Shimin shook his head, put those boring things behind him, and said expectantly.

For the sweet potatoes.

Not only him, but people all over the world are waiting.

Suzaku Gate.

Li Shimin led the eldest grandson empress, chatting with each other without saying a word, and walked slowly outside the gate of the imperial city.

In front of Suzaku's gate, there are still many people.

That notice attracted an endless stream of people.

There is no way, this battle report is too exciting. Although the above content has been spread throughout Chang'an, everyone seems to want to come here to see it with their own eyes, to see it with their own eyes.

When Li Shimin and Empress Changsun came out of the imperial city, they really attracted the attention of many people.

"Look, look! It's Your Majesty and the Empress! They're coming out, they're coming out, hurry up, go, go, go and greet Your Majesty and the Empress!"

"What? Your Majesty has come out? Wow Kaka... Get out of the way, let me tell His Majesty about the northern border, Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what do you think of the mysterious army in Northern Xinjiang? And that mysterious Highness, who did you find? If you have any clues, please tell us, Your Majesty!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, that Highness is really my benefactor of Tang Dynasty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we must not chill the benefactor's heart!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, that's how it should be. Our Tang Dynasty is not that kind of stingy person. Your Majesty, the mysterious army should also invite them to Chang'an!!"

"Your Majesty, what do you think of what you said to that Highness?"


The people cheered and surrounded him.

Both Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were caught off guard.

It was really never expected that the common people would have such deep gratitude for this group of mysterious troops, and they would also have such great reverence for that Highness.

But yes, Your Highness...
Thinking about it, Li Shimin felt that there was yearning in his heart.

To be honest, who doesn't have a dream of becoming a loose fairy these days, even if he is an emperor, he is really envious of such a thing.

Miss that Highness.

With a wave of hands, the Tang Dynasty's crisis can be resolved, which is so chic.

"Everyone, His Highness, and the mysterious army under his command, I have been looking for people, but time is too urgent, and nothing has been found yet."

"However, I promise you that as long as there is any clue, it will be announced to the world!"

"As for inviting them to Chang'an, to be honest, this is also my wish. I also want to have a drink with my benefactor who saved my Tang Dynasty."

"However, this Highness seems to have escaped from the world of mortals. He is unrestrained in the world and has never shown his face. I am also very helpless."

Li Shimin raised his hands and pressed them down lightly. The mixed voices in the field dissipated slightly and calmed down a little, then he raised his voice and shouted.

Seeing the people like this, Li Shimin's gloomy mood suddenly brightened a lot.

"As for what His Highness said."

Li Shimin smiled and continued: "I have written it countless times."

"If you offend me in the Tang Dynasty, you will be punished even if you are far away! I am ashamed, and I can't compare to this Highness in what I want!"

"If there is a chance, I will definitely ask this Highness for advice!"

Li Shimin clasped his fists and smiled at the common people.

"But this time I came out because I wanted to take a look at the situation of the sweet potatoes."

"I don't know, what happened to the sweet potato?!"

Li Shimin turned his head to look at the fence guarded by Jin Wuwei not far ahead.

"Your Majesty, the sweet potatoes have almost grown, and they are extremely vigorous. Today, we met the Great Tang's defeat of the Turks. Such a big event, it should be pushed aside!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, I'm more happy than happy, we must prepare well!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, hurry up and get rid of it, the yield per mu is a thousand catties, and the people all over the world are staring at this place."

"Who says no, Your Majesty, all my relatives in Lingnan have come to Chang'an just to witness the birth of such a fetish."


The people were noisy again.

Speaking of this sweet potato, they couldn't help but jumped up.

The sweet potato vines had already spread out of the fence, extending outward for a long, long time, covering a large area.

Especially those common people who had been squatting hard for three months, couldn't control their eyes, and tears flowed out of their eyes.

They really watched the sweet potatoes take root and sprout little by little.

Finally....Finally, it's time to harvest.

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun walked over slowly.

Looking at the sweet potato, I am very happy.

This sweet potato is really going to be ready!

He looked at the fence that was so entangled with sweet potatoes that he couldn't tell it was a fence, and swallowed, it seemed that the sweet smell of sweet potatoes was in the air...
Li Shimin squatted down and gently squeezed the sweet potato leaves with his hands.

"No rush, no rush."

He shook his head.

"The army of the Northern Expedition is coming, and people like Jieli Khan will also be escorted to Chang'an."

"This is a great happy event. When the time comes, I really want to celebrate with the people. When the time comes, the Chang'an ten-mile lantern will be displayed!"

"Hahaha... At that time, on that day, I will share the harvest of sweet potatoes with the people of the world!"

"It's also just right. There are still about ten days before the sweet potatoes are fully ripe. Everything is just right."

Li Shimin said loudly.

"Your Majesty is holy, Your Majesty is holy!!"

"Datang Invincible, Datang Invincible, Datang Invincible!!"

"Those words His Majesty said, I feel a little dizzy thinking about it, Grandma, that day is really a carnival day for our Tang Dynasty, but I don't know if His Royal Highness Chu will come, can you witness the miracle of sweet potatoes with your own eyes? "

"Yeah, it seems that His Royal Highness the King of Chu hasn't come back to Chang'an yet. What did he do there? Could it be that the mysterious His Royal Highness is His Royal Highness Chu!?"

"" Hahaha... what are you thinking?How old is His Royal Highness the King of Chu, how can he have such soldiers! "

"That's right, I think you are confused."


The people are excited.

They talked to each other.

Discuss the scene when the army entered the city, discuss the scene when the sweet potato was unearthed, discuss who the mysterious Highness is...
The people of Chang'an are really very leisurely and full of expectations at this moment.

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun stood up slowly and entered the city amidst the farewell of the common people.

one day.

Two days.

time flies.

Two days later, there was news that in the early morning of the third day, the army would enter the city, bringing the khans of the major Turkic tribes with them.

When the local three-day sun just fell on the earth.

Chang'an is already crazy.

The common people, countless common people, swarmed all the way, and the welcoming team went directly to ten miles away.

All the people in the city came out.

The city walls are also full of people.

It looks like stars.

The sun in late autumn is white but not hot, bright but not dazzling.

The huge sun hangs in the sky, and the outline of the sun is clearly visible.

The leaves are turning yellow.

But the grass on the ground is still green.

The wind, blowing, can't be called whistling, but it can't be called slow either.

On the city wall, the flag of the Tang Dynasty resounded fiercely.

"The army is back, hahaha... I, Tang, finally waited for this day, who would have thought that it would be so fast!!"

"Who said it wasn't? When the war in northern Xinjiang first started, I thought it would last until next year. I didn't expect that even one month's time would not be used up."

"Hey... It's just a pity that the mysterious army didn't follow back, otherwise, it would really be considered consummation."

"Who said no, oh, look, your majesty has come out!"


Some people exclaimed.

Then, in an instant, earth-shattering shouts resounded on Suzaku Street.

"Welcome Your Majesty, Welcome Your Majesty!"

"The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty is unparalleled in the world!"

The people are boiling.

Under Suzaku's sect, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were dressed in splendid attire.Walking side by side, behind them are Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Pei Ji...
Rolling gentlemen, follow closely behind.

The ceremonial guards are lined up on both sides.

It is magnificent and rare in the world.

Li Shimin took a deep breath. Looking at the carnival appearance of the people on both sides, and hearing the bursting waves of coaxing in the air, he felt a little unreal.


Datang really won?


Datang really won!

Li Shimin pursed his lips, led the crowd, and walked out slowly.

In front of Mingde's gate.

When Li Shimin arrives, stand up.

In a short while, far away.There was a rumbling sound.

This is the sound of hooves!
This is the sound of the footsteps of the army!

This is the sound of the heroic souls of the soldiers who died in the battle in northern Xinjiang, crying when they returned home!


The first thing that catches the eye is the flag of the Great Tang Dynasty raised high!

In the wind, hunting sound!

Countless people.At this moment the sound disappeared, and it was extremely quiet.

Both pupils stared blankly ahead.

Their breathing became quickened, their fists were subconsciously clenched, they were waiting, they were expecting, they were excited, they were excited, and they were also suppressing the explosion in their hearts.

Li Jing, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin....
All generals are in front!

Li Jing gave a long coax, and everyone jumped off their horses together.

"Li Jing, the last general, see Your Majesty, see Your Majesty!"

"Last General Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde... See Your Majesty, see Your Majesty!"

Followed by countless soldiers and generals, shouted in unison, the voice shook the sky, endless, echoing endlessly.

It resounded over Chang'an and spread to every corner of the world!

"Good good!"

"Good good!"

Li Shimin walked forward and laughed a few times.

"Your Majesty, the last general is incompetent and failed to defend the northern frontier. Please punish him."

At this time, Li Ji came out. After all, he was the coach of Yunzhou City, the coach of Datang Beijiang, and he knelt down on both knees facing Li Shimin.

"Soldiers in Northern Xinjiang, what a tragedy!"

"Northern soldiers, die and don't surrender!"

"Northern Xinjiang soldiers, even if they die, they will be honored!"

Li Ji growled.

His eye sockets were moist.

In this battle, Yunzhou City won, but the loss of the northern border was also very severe. The defense line of northern border alone lost a full [-]%.

It can be seen how terrifying it is.

"The last general, Li Ji, here, I also want to thank that Highness!"

Li Ji looked up to the sky: "Your Highness, please accept Li Ji's worship!!"

"Without the support of His Royal Highness, hundreds of thousands of people in Yunzhou will be trampled by the Turks!"

"Without the support of His Royal Highness, Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty will face soldiers coming to the city!!"

"Li Ji, the last general, thank you here!"

Li Ji kowtowed three times in a row.

And those Tang frontier soldiers who followed Yu Liji all knelt down behind them.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"


They looked up to the sky and laughed, their hearts were extremely pious.

To be honest, even though they didn't know who that Highness was, no one could replace the gratitude in their hearts.

This kneeling under Chang'an City, in the eyes of countless people, this kneeling, everything is silent.


Li Shimin took a deep breath, and he also looked in the direction of Beijiang.

Here, not only him, everyone knows that this time Beijiang can win, this time the army can triumph this time, and this time Chang'an can be safe and sound, all because of that Highness!

"I, Li Shimin, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty! Thank you, Your Highness!"

Li Shimin took off his crown, shook his robe violently, and he also knelt down.

The direction is facing the northern border, facing Yunzhou City.

Now, when Li Shimin knelt down, the energy that had been suppressed in Chang'an completely exploded.

Countless people, clattering...
Facing the north, all prostrate on the ground.

Rolling princes also knelt down.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

This sentence resounded through the sky for a long time.

It seems that it can also spread to the north.

to those people's ears.

After a long while, Li Shimin, Li Ji, Li Jing and others slowly stood up.

"Your Majesty, that Highness even gave His Majesty a great gift!"

"Come on, pull up!"

Li Ji grinned, he stepped aside, waved his hand, and roared.

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