Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 210 No way!Only the legendary one was born!

Chapter 210 No way!Only the legendary one was born!

"What! You can't even save that..."

Changsun Wuji stood there in a daze.

Dazed, at a loss.

Now, he finally understood why Li Shimin pinned his hopes on Liu Guang.

The steward of the Chu Palace clearly couldn't treat it, and although Liu Guang's medical skills were inferior to the Chu Palace's steward, at least he didn't give an affirmative answer that it couldn't be cured.

at this time.

Even if there is a slight possibility of treatment, His Majesty will firmly grasp it, right?
Changsun Wuji thought so.

Then, he clenched his fists.

Not only His Majesty, he also thinks so!
Even if there is a slight possibility, we must save Empress Changsun!

He turned and walked back.

Go find Liu Guang!

To urge, to instruct, to pray!
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's all right, Your Majesty."

"Doctor Liu, how is your condition? Is it safe? Is it under control?"

"Those old prescriptions of the empress in the past will definitely be effective for the empress."

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Your Majesty will be fine with the Imperial Medical Office here."


Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, and Li Jing talked repeatedly.

Li Shimin's face was stiff. He looked at the crowd, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes in pain.

"Auxiliary machine, what's going on? Doctor Liu, what's the matter?"

Seeing this, Wei Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked again.

Changsun Wuji hastened to repeat what happened before, and even told the housekeeper of Chu Palace that he was helpless.

Immediately, there was a dead silence outside the Taiji Palace.

"Then...then...then is there any other way?"

"Finding a new prescription is too slow, no! This is absolutely not possible!"

Wei Zheng was the first to roar.

He is well aware of the difficulty of experimenting with a new recipe.

Whether it is the reconstitution of various herbal medicines or individual experimental observations, if everything goes well, it will take at least half a year;

At that time, the day lily was really cold.

"Doctor Liu, is there any other way? You talk, talk!"

"There must be other ways, right? You have practiced medicine all your life, there must be other ways."

"Doctor Liu, we must save the Empress."

Du Ruhui begged.

Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde and Li Jing all stared at him in panic.

They knew very well what Empress Changsun meant to Datang and His Majesty.

If Empress Changsun passes away right now, I really don't know what disturbances will be caused.

Li Shimin swallowed hard, and he stared at Liu Guang earnestly, waiting for his answer.

All eyes were on Liu Guang.

Liu Guang smiled wryly.

The snow-white beard on his chin was already wet with beads of sweat. It was usually chic and elegant, but now it became extremely stiff.

"Your Majesty, and everyone."

"Up to now, there is only one reliable method left."

"That is... that is to ask the teacher to treat Sun Simiao, Mr. Sun, perhaps, he still has a way!"

Liu Guang told the fact that he was also a little desperate.

He knew that finding a new prescription was really too difficult for Empress Changsun,
The medicines that he asked Empress Changsun to take just now were not only old prescriptions, but also other new prescriptions developed and formulated by the Imperial Medical Office, but all of them were ineffective.

Even if it is necessary to prepare other prescriptions, it may be difficult.

Really can only turn to the legendary Sun Simiao for help.

As soon as the name came out, Li Shimin's pupils shrank suddenly.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui glanced at each other, but they all fell silent.

Sun Simiao! !
They are not unfamiliar with this name, on the contrary, it can be said that they are very familiar with it.

too familiar.

The people of Tang Dynasty, even if they have never heard of their names or His Majesty's name, they have definitely heard of the name Sun Simiao.

Those people in the mountains may not even know Datang, but they definitely know the old miracle doctor Sun Simiao! !
Counting the years, the old genius doctor is almost 80 years old now.

However, since the war in the previous dynasty, no one has seen Mr. Sun again.

I could only occasionally hear where Miracle Doctor Sun had appeared, but no one could find it.

Shenlong sees its head but not its tail.

They don't even know that old doctor Sun is still alive.

In fact, since Li Shimin ascended the throne, the whole world has been mobilized to let them search for Sun Simiao's trace.

After all, not only Empress Changsun, but also Princess Changle, and little Sizi, Princess Jinyang.

They all have the same disease....
Princess Changle was cured by the old housekeeper before, probably in the early or mid-term, but her own queen...
My family knows their own affairs well.

Li Shimin couldn't understand it too well.

For this disease, he really spared no effort, he didn't know how many people he sent out, and he didn't know how many orders he issued.

It can be said that the Tang Dynasty has been searched all over, but there is no trace of any old doctor Sun.

Li Shimin doubted that this old doctor, Sun, was still alive.

Li Shimin let out a long breath.

He bit his chapped lips and nodded.

"I know, I know!"

"Master Sun, I will find him, I will definitely find him!!"

Li Shimin clenched his fists and muttered to himself, as if speaking to Liu Guang and the others, but in fact, he was speaking to himself.

Must find! !
"Issuing a notice, as long as you can provide the traces of the old genius doctor Sun, you will be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels."

"If someone can hold the exact position of the old genius doctor Sun and confer a title, it will be hereditary and passed down forever."

"Go! Go!"

Li Shimin almost roared out.

"Li Junxian!!"

He continued to growl.

"His Majesty!"

Li Junxian responded hastily.

"Scatter out all the soldiers, search, search, even if you search Datang again, you must also find the old doctor Sun!!"

"In life you have to see people, in death you have to see corpses!!"


Li Shimin's eyeballs were about to pop out.

He's crazy, he's really going crazy!
The brain is in chaos, and there is only one thought left in the whole body, find Sun Simiao!


Li Junxian was busy.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and others looked at Li Shimin, they didn't know what to say now.


pale and weak.

There is almost nothing that can be done.

However, the traces of Old Miracle Doctor Sun have been around for so many years. Who knows where he is.

damn it.!

The crowd was silent.

But they knew that this time His Majesty had made up his mind.

The last hope can only be pinned on this.

But at this moment, suddenly, Li Junxian turned back in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

There was endless excitement on his face, and his voice was hoarse.

"Jin Wu Guard spied and reported, and discovered the news of Old Sun's genius doctor!"

As soon as these words came out, this place instantly felt like a cold cellar.

Everyone was stunned, like ice sculptures, the expressions on their faces were completely frozen, motionless.

This news, like a thunderstorm, directly stunned them.

How can it be!

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here?

They just mentioned Sun Simiao just now, and Li Shimin just issued an absolute order, and now there is news?

For a moment, none of these people reacted.

It was still Li Junxian who took two steps forward, stood in front of Li Shimin, and quickly handed over a letter in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the news from the Jinwu Guard did not expect such a coincidence. They sent it before the subordinates left the imperial city."

"Please take a look, Your Majesty!"

Li Junxian said.

Li Shimin shivered violently, a rush of heat rushed through his internal organs, making his whole body covered with goose bumps,
He swallowed hard, took it quickly, and tore it open.

Take a quick look.

Then he took a deep breath.

The pupils flickered even more frantically.

"Look for it! Go find it now! Order the Chang'an guards to block the four gates. Immortal Sun is in Chang'an, and Immortal Sun is still in Chang'an!!"

"Li Junxian, go, go, go find it now! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must invite the old god out!!"

Li Shimin's voice trembled violently.

He was unbelievably excited.

He was so excited that he couldn't help himself?

His shivering scalp tingled.

The secret letter said that Sun Simiao must still be in Chang'an.

The extremely exact location was given. Over the years, the hidden guards of the Jinwu Guard have been searching all the way, and through various clues, they finally determined it.

Originally, the old genius doctor Sun was in the south, but for some reason, he has come to Chang'an recently.

Li Shimin is crazy.

He is really going crazy.

Recently, old doctor Sun is in Chang'an.

As an emperor himself, he didn't even know.

damn it!
Li Junxian hurried down.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Li Jing all surrounded him.

"Your Majesty, what's going on here? Have you found any clues about Elder Sun's genius doctor?"

"Chang'an? Your Majesty, I haven't heard of the old doctor Sun in Chang'an in these years."

"Yeah, there is no clue at all, Your Majesty, what is going on?"


Several people asked in haste.

Li Shimin put down the secret letter in his hand, took a deep breath, and explained briefly, everyone was shocked.

Since Jin Wuwei is so sure, then he must not be wrong.

I drop every grandma.

Old Miracle Doctor Sun is in Chang'an!
right here!

"Your Majesty, the last general will mobilize the guards right now, and we must invite Old Immortal Sun out!"

Li Jing cupped his hands, turned and left.

"Your Majesty, the old minister will issue an announcement, and anyone who knows the clues will be rewarded!"

Du Ruhui shouted, and went to work immediately.

Li Shimin looked at the backs of the two, his breathing was still extremely short.

This news is really surprising.

Hold on!
Soon, soon, it won't take long.

"The old genius doctor Sun has always been elusive, and it seems that he has never shown his face in the world these years."

"Since you are in Chang'an, you may be living in seclusion in a certain Taoist temple. Immortal Sun is a member of the Taoist sect."

"This point must be carefully reviewed!"

Changsun Wuji said quickly.

"Yes, but Your Majesty, don't worry, since you know that Sun Laoshen is in Chang'an, it won't take long to find him."

"Don't worry, you still have to protect your body."

"Even the Empress, she definitely doesn't want His Majesty to ruin her body, so she must pay attention to rest."

Wei Zheng nodded, he said worriedly.

Li Shimin pursed his lips, and he glanced at several people.

"I know, well, I'm going to accompany the maidservant Guanyin, and all go too."

"I found the old doctor Sun, come to see me right away!"

Li Shimin ordered.

Everyone hastily took orders.

Chang'an City.


This time it was not because of Turkic, nor because of Her Majesty Mysterious Highness, nor because of King Chu, but because of Empress Changsun.

Notice, come out.

It is plastered all over the streets and alleys.

Every common people knows this.

Empress Changsun's old illness relapsed, and it happened that Immortal Sun lived in Chang'an. Whoever can provide clues will be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels.

All of a sudden, the whole Chang'an exploded!
Of course, not only because of this reward, but more importantly, because of the concern for Empress Changsun.

For so many years, the common people can be said to be very clear about the empress's wisdom.

For this reason, they spared no effort to find them.

Moreover, this is Old Immortal Sun.

Unexpectedly, Immortal Sun, who had not been born for so many years, was still alive and in Chang'an City, which made countless people go crazy.

"It's not in my alley. It's the one behind my house. There is often no one living there. I looked over and saw that there was no one."

"I've searched all over the earth temples in our area, but I haven't found any trace of God Sun."

"Old Immortal Sun is actually in Chang'an. I really never expected it. Search, search, search, continue to search, we must find it, the empress is still waiting!"

"That's right, that's right, by the way, there is a barefoot doctor in a corner of Chang'an, I'll go and see, he might be the legendary Sun Lao fairy."

"That's right, that's right, look for more Taoist temples, and various doctor's shops and so on. Maybe the old genius doctor Sun lives in seclusion in it."

"Old genius doctor Sun, come out, please!!"


Groups of people and groups of guards frantically walked through every street.

People are really crazy.

Every corner, every unknown place, every remote place that no one has been to before, now has a human voice.


Search the whole city.

No one is behind?

Sun old miracle doctor.

This is an old immortal who is famous all over the world, and no one wants to see it with his own eyes and pay homage to him.

Chang'an, sleepless!
Even in the dark night, there are torches soaring into the sky, and the flames burn like daytime.

"What? Sun Simiao is in Chang'an? This..."

Guozijian, when Kong Yingda heard about this incident, his jaw almost dropped from shock.

So unexpected.

This is Sun Simiao!

I'm so tired.

The only remaining living god recognized by the whole world!
Yu Shinan nodded vigorously: "That's right, Chongyuan, old doctor Sun is in Chang'an, and now all the people are moving."

"Cooperate with the officers and soldiers to carry out a blanket search of Chang'an, should our Imperial College make a move?"

(End of this chapter)

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