Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 211 Yuan Tiangang Can't Do Anything!The killer strikes!

"We can't miss such a lively event. I suggest letting the children go out and look for it. Anyway, Chang'an is now full of officers and soldiers. There are people everywhere. It's very safe."

Yu Shinan rubbed his hands excitedly.

Kong Yingda took a deep breath and nodded sharply.

"Okay, that's it! Inform the children and let them start looking too."

"Empress Changsun is still waiting, let's go, we can't be content to be queens, go too! Let all the masters of the Imperial College go too!"

As Kong Yingda said, he had already got up, put on his outer robe and walked out.

This news is too shocking.

Empress Changsun is critically ill.

Who would have thought that Immortal Sun lived in seclusion in Chang'an.

It's just that Kong Yingda doesn't understand, the momentum has already become so loud, why the old god Sun hasn't come out yet.

After all, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Moreover, the old genius doctor Sun will never spare his medical skills to the common people, let alone the empress of the generation of Empress Changsun.

The old genius doctor Sun has his own ideas, but now, he can't take care of that much anymore, he should look for it first, and then we can talk after we find it!
Wei Wangfu.

Li Tai also got the news.

However, he was not excited.

On the contrary, when he heard the news, his brain suddenly congested, and a thought suddenly occurred to him.

The importance of the queen mother to the emperor is well known in the world, and everyone knows it.

If... If the queen mother dies suddenly during this great joy, then...
At that time, will the trial of the Turks and the subsequent series of celebrations be cancelled?

Then, he fished in troubled waters and directly assassinated Jieli Khan and the others.

Everything is over.

As long as Empress Changsun dies, Li Tai absolutely believes that his father will be extremely sad. At that time, he probably really can't control other things.

not sure…….
Because of the impact of this incident, the father was directly bedridden, and he...
Thinking of this, Li Tai's eyes seemed to have flames flaming out crazily.

Li Tai couldn't help but wanted to applaud.


It's absolutely perfect!
However, judging from the current situation, Old Miracle Doctor Sun seems to need some time to find it. In this case, it is not too late to pass this plan on to the family immediately.

Let the family help yourself!
Li Tai immediately summoned his cronies, who rushed to the main mansion of the Li family in Longxi.


Li Tai's eyes were cloudy, like those of a wolf.

The white whites of the eyes seemed to swallow the pupils.




"Queen, don't blame Qing Que. It's Emperor Father who wants to put me to death. You won't look at Qing Que, stepping further and further away from the throne."

"I have no choice but to not miss any chance, otherwise... I may have to go ahead of you."

"If you die, you can really save my son from fire and water. When the time comes, when my son ascends the throne, I will definitely title you!"

Li Tai clutched the armrest of the chair with one hand.

A cold soliloquy spit out from his mouth.

Chill, surrounding him.

Killing intent, Ling Ran!

The Li family in Longxi, the main residence.

Of course, the matter of Sun Simiao and Empress Changsun cannot be hidden from the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi.

However, he is now thinking about how to push Li Shimin to kill Hou Junji and Zhaojun Li's family quickly.

The sudden news really made him a little unresponsive.

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang remained silent.

When they heard the news, they were all taken aback.

Empress Changsun's old illness relapsed.

This was not too sudden, but Sun Simiao was in Chang'an, which really made them a little unbelievable.

For many years, I haven't heard any news from Sun Simiao.

Who would have thought that he lived in seclusion in Chang'an.

The three were silent.

I just felt shocked in my heart, and didn't have any other thoughts.

And at this time.

People from Wei Palace have arrived.

He immediately explained Li Tai's strategy.

The head of the Li family in Longxi and the three of them suddenly stood up from the stool as they listened.

look at each other.

so cruel? !

Kill Sun Simiao? !
Prevent Empress Changsun from treating her illness? !
After the death of Empress Changsun, when Chang'an was in chaos, did he fish in troubled waters? !

The three of them gasped in unison.

To be honest, this strategy is really shocking.

They really haven't thought about it.

But now, this strategy was actually told to them by Li Tai himself.

This is to...
Be nice!

The three of them couldn't help swallowing, this Li Tai became more sophisticated and cruel.

However, I have to say that if this strategy is successful, it can really create a good environment for them.

Especially now, the general environment of the family is very poor.

"We know, tell His Royal Highness King Wei that we will fully cooperate with him in this strategy."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi didn't think too much, so he said directly.

Since Li Tai wants to do this, the family will definitely cooperate.

Chang'an is in chaos now.

People from aristocratic clans, mixed in, no one can tell the difference.

At that time, if there is a chance to really kill, kill directly, it is extremely simple.

If you don't get the chance, just let it go.

It can be said that the contribution is very small, but if there is some progress, it can really change everything now.

The people of Wei Wangfu immediately went back to report.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a deep breath and said: "Just do this, let all the people of the family go out, and everyone is equipped with a short crossbow."

"If there is an opportunity, don't let it go!"

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe frowned, and said: "Li Tai's strategy is really vicious, and he even wants to attack his mother."

The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang narrowed his eyes slightly: "We need Li Tai to do this now, so let's order him down immediately, find Sun Simiao and kill him!!"

The eyes of the three of them are also a little faint.

Now, I can't take care of that much anymore.

The night passed quickly.

But the noise in Chang'an did not dissipate at all.

The streets and alleys are full of people.

"What's going on? Haven't you found it yet? Damn it, where is Old Immortal Sun?"

"I don't know, but the old god Sun didn't find it, but I heard that Jing Zhaoyi found many fugitives hiding in Chang'an."

"This... oh, but where is Old Immortal Sun?"

"I don't know, it seems that everything has been searched, only those members of the Gao family have not been found."

"Don't talk about it, it seems that many Gao's families have also been searched, but the old god Sun should not be there. If he is, this will definitely come out."

"Yeah, besides, Elder Immortal Sun will not live in seclusion in the homes of those powerful and noble families. The Elder Immortal has devoted his whole life to medical skills. If he wants fame and wealth, he can get it easily, so why bother with others."

"That's right, but I really don't know what to do now."

"Let's look for it, keep looking, I heard that many guards have already searched around Chang'an, hurry up, keep going!!"

"Hey, that's right. It's very likely that old miracle doctor Sun lives in a certain village."


Messy voices enveloped the entire Chang'an.

The people are extremely energetic. Even after a night of searching, it is not over at all, as if it has only just begun.

Imperial City.

Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin was anxious.

He stood in front of the gate of Tai Chi Palace, pacing back and forth.

In the main hall, Liu Guang led the Imperial Medical Office, delaying the condition of Empress Changsun at all costs.

"Why haven't you come yet? What is Jing Zhaoyi doing? What is Jing Zhaofu Yin doing?"

"Damn it, when is this? It's almost a day and a night. Could it be that even Chang'an can't turn over?"

"Old genius doctor, where are you? Come out, come out, I, please..."

Li Shimin murmured frantically.

He looked at the scorching sun that appeared again in the east, and the tears in the corners of his eyes couldn't stop flowing down.

"Royal father, queen mother..."

"Mother, how is the situation now?"

At this time, Princess Changle stood behind Li Shimin with red eyes, and she took her little son, and gently tugged at the corner of Li Shimin's clothes.

Li Shimin turned around.

He looked at his two precious girls, and couldn't help it all at once, the tears that he had been suppressing all this time, like beads with a broken string, fell down in big ones.

"'s okay, your mother will definitely get through it safely."

"Changle, take good care of your little one, don't stay here for now, let's go, go back to the princess mansion."

"Let's go, let's go."

Li Shimin gently rubbed Princess Changle's head, and said in a deep voice.

These two little guys are of no use here, they can only add to the sadness.

Another point is that Li Shimin was worried that they would see Empress Changsun like this, and they were afraid. What if Changle also had a relapse of his old illness, what should he do?

He can no longer bear other blows...

"Come here, escort the two princesses back to the princess mansion."

Before Princess Changle could answer, Li Shimin gave instructions to the Jinwu Guard next to him.

"Princess Changle, Princess Jinyang, please!"

Immediately, four people came over and said respectfully.

Princess Changle pursed her lips.

Tears were all eaten by her.

"it is good."

"Father, if the queen mother is well, remember to tell the son, otherwise, the son and the little son will be worried."

Princess Changle knew that her father was also immersed in endless sorrow, and without being stubborn, she forced herself to show a smiling face, and left with her little son.

Li Shimin looked at their backs.

Take a deep breath.

Turn around and walk towards the Tai Chi Palace again.

Outside the Imperial City.

Suzaku Street is full of people,
Princess Changle held her little son tightly.

She didn't go back to the princess mansion, but walked towards Chu Wang's mansion.

The queen mother is ill.

She wants to tell the king of Chu the news.

The king of Chu is out now, so he always wants to know about this. I hope... just in case...
In case the queen mother really has no choice, I hope that the king of Chu can let the queen mother take a look at it with his own eyes.

The king of Chu has been here for so many days, and the queen mother has been thinking about it.

Princess Changle walked very fast.

The four Jinwu guards followed closely.

Xiao Si didn't ask any further questions. Although she was young, she was a big kid with a very clever mind. Looking at the direction her sister was going, she knew that she was going to the second brother's house.

I have to tell the most powerful second brother.

Second brother, come back quickly! !

The little Sizi called in his heart.

The Chu Palace was still extremely calm.

The door was closed quietly.

It seems that the chaos in Chang'an has nothing to do with this place.

However, there are not many people here on weekdays, and now and then there will be guards anxiously passing by.

Obviously, every house here has been checked by the guards.

Princess Changle walked up anxiously.

Boom boom boom...
The old man gently opened the door.

"Mister." Princess Changle nodded slightly.

"Grandpa, hello!" Xiao Si shouted sweetly.

"His Royal Highness, please come in quickly. I thought it was another guard. I really don't know what I'm looking for. Apart from us servants, there is really no one else in Chu Palace."

The old man smiled and moved away, allowing Princess Changle and Xiao Si to walk in.

The four guards stayed outside the door, on duty.

There is no doubt about the safety of Chu Palace.

"Mr., have you... heard about the Queen Mother recently?"

Looking at the old man who once pulled her back from the gate of hell, Princess Changle had a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Although she felt that the emperor had come to look for the old man, he was sure that the old man could not be cured, so he didn't bother him again.

But Princess Changle still has hope in her heart.

When a person is in despair, even if there is one percent hope, he will hold on to death.

"Well, I heard that, and the first time the disease occurred, the old man also went to see it."


The old man sighed and stopped talking.


Princess Changle couldn't bear to answer.

The old man let out a long sigh: "I'm old, I can't do anything..."

After getting the expected result, Princess Changle couldn't help feeling pain again.

Not even... old sir, can't help it.

She was desperate.

half an hour.

With a long sigh.

"Old man, you should hurry up and write the letter, and let the second brother come back, otherwise... Changle is afraid that the second brother will not be able to see the queen mother for the last time."

Princess Changle pursed her lower lips, her voice was extremely sad, and there was a faint pleading.

The old man led the two of them to sit in a nearby pavilion, supported his beard with his hands, and nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry, Your Royal Highness, the matter of Empress Changsun, after the old man found out, he sent the letter to His Highness as soon as possible."

"Your Highness, he must have known about this meeting, don't worry, don't worry."

The old man comforted.

Princess Changle let out a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she had something to worry about, but her face was still extremely sad.

"Hey... I really don't know if the queen mother can break through this time."

"I don't know, where is Old Miracle Doctor Sun in Chang'an, why doesn't he come out, save the queen mother."

Princess Changle said solemnly.

The old butler had just received the water bottle from the maid, and was planning to let Changle and Xiao Sizi hear this.

Hearing this, his fingers tightened slightly.

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