Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 212 Sun Simiao is dead?The old man entered the imperial city!

Followed by.

Fill up the two cups of tea, put them in front of the two of them, then gently put down the kettle, and said with a smile: "Perhaps, it may be that old doctor Sun, who thinks he can't cure the empress's illness, so he dare not go out?"


This laughter was full of helplessness and bitterness.

"How is this possible? He is an old god, no way, absolutely no way, as long as the old genius doctor Sun comes forward, the queen mother's illness will definitely be cured."

Princess Changle's voice suddenly rose.

Sun Simiao was already their last hope.

If Sun Simiao has no other way, then it is really... despair.

The old man looked at them, took a deep breath, stroked the nose of the quiet little son next to him, and said slowly: "Sun Simiao, Mr. Sun, is not a god."

"A lot of times, he's also powerless."

"The world says he is a god, but who knows, the real god has never been known."

"Your Highness, don't worry, there is no way out, there will always be a way."

Princess Changle couldn't understand this.


Under the small pavilion, there was silence.

Soon after, Princess Changle and Xiao Sizi left here.

The old man got up.

The moment he got up, there were faint footsteps in the shadows behind him.

"Her Royal Highness, the others, and even everyone in Chang'an City, think that this old man can save Empress Changsun."

"But... this disease, old man, there is really nothing you can do about it."

Hearing this, the old man froze, and immediately continued his actions, picking up the teapot and cups.

"Yes, we are all highly regarded."

The voice fell.

Right now.

A long and loud howling sound resounded between heaven and earth.

The old man and the figure in the shadows suddenly put down everything in their hands, walked out of the pavilion, raised their heads suddenly, and shrank in an instant.

A black spot was rushing down rapidly.

getting bigger.

Only then did he realize that the black spot was exactly a falcon.

The falcon was very fast, and when the two old men blinked, they had already arrived in front of them.

The two hurried up, and then the old man opened the bamboo tube under his feet, and there was a piece of paper inside.

Open the paper again, there is a prescription inside.

The two old men were excited, and after a quick look, they immediately walked back.

One day passed quickly.

Sunset and sunrise.

When the last ray of sunlight in the setting sun disappeared, Chang'an once again fell into daylight, the daylight shone by the torches of the whole city.

Chang'an is still noisy.

But this time, amidst the noise, there was exhaustion.

After all, the common people felt a little tired and a little discouraged.

Taoist temples, temples, all kinds of corners, almost all places, they searched all over, but they didn't see the slightest sign of Sun Laoxian.

In fact, I haven't even seen a similar one.

There are a few 80-year-old monks in Chang'an, but there are not many 80-year-old Taoist priests.

"What's going on? Elder Doctor Sun, is he in Chang'an!"

"Maybe... the news is wrong? It can't be done, my legs are going to be crippled, hey... I'll take a break first, the old god Sun won't... won't he die in a daze after entering Chang'an, right? "

"Ah, this..."

"My God, it must be so. Why can't we find the old doctor Sun? We have to search the whole of Chang'an."

"Who said it wasn't? That's it. After all, if Old Immortal Sun is still alive, he will be in his 80s, or even 90 years old. Be darling, maybe Old Immortal Sun has unknowingly..."

"If that's the case, what should I do about the empress' condition?!"

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, it's over, it's over..."


Among the people, various opinions began to arise.

no way.Counting the days, it has been one night or two days.

But not a hair was found.

is it possible?

If it is an ordinary person who is still alive, he must be able to find it.

After all, all the people in Chang'an are boiling, and all the people are devoted to searching, let alone adding those endless soldiers.

Almost everyone is able to take charge of a place by himself, and search the entire Chang'an without any dead ends.

People really don't know what to do.

For a moment, in Chang'an, there was an indescribable sadness floating, condensing, and brewing.

In front of Suzaku's door.

Jieli Khan looked at the people coming and going with gloomy expressions, but his heart was extremely excited.

The incident was so big that they already knew what happened to Datang.

Moreover, some people secretly sent them a message, as long as they waited until the chaos broke out, they would be saved.

"This is really God helping me!"

"Empress Changsun is about to die. As long as she dies, the whole Chang'an will definitely be in chaos. At that time, there is definitely a chance!"


Jieli Khan exhaled excitedly.

His eyes swept over the common people, as well as the soldiers along the street, waiting patiently.

The Li family in Longxi, the main residence.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi listened to the report below.

His brows stretched even more.

The Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe put down the teacup in his hand, wiped his mouth, looked at the night outside, and said, "Perhaps, our chance is coming."

"Sun Simiao is not in Chang'an. No one can save Empress Changsun. She is going to die. As long as she dies, Chang'an, and even the entire Tang Dynasty, will definitely be in chaos!"

"It's still a big mess! I've already sent people to appease Jieli Khan and the others. When the time comes, just hack them to death, and this matter will be over."

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang took a deep breath, nodded and said: "That's right, as long as they die, Li Shimin will have no more evidence. This matter is an unresolved case. No matter how hard they investigate, they will not be able to find out the truth."

"It's not certain... At that time, neither Hou Junji nor the Li family of Zhaojun will have to sacrifice."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi listened to their words, and smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth.

"Dead! It's best to die quickly, as long as Empress Changsun dies, we can fish in troubled waters."

"It's just that Sun he in Chang'an?"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi was slightly puzzled by this.

Sun Simiao can be said to be the idol of the whole people, and everyone pays attention to him.

"Hehe, Patriarch Li."

"We all regard ourselves as juniors in front of Miraculous Doctor Sun. Do you think that Miraculous Doctor Sun is still here?"

"If you can't find it, you are already dead. Who can live forever?"

Qinghe Cui's Patriarch said.

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang nodded slightly: "That's right, I think there's a high probability that he's already dying of old age."

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi felt more at ease in his heart, and a slight smile appeared on his face, but his tone was somewhat regretful.

"That's a pity. Old Sun's genius doctor is dead, so we'll probably be there soon."

"I just hope that... before we die, we can push our respective families to the peak."

"At that time, under the underworld, I will be able to meet my ancestors properly."

The head of the Li family in Longxi said.

The two nodded.

"Get ready, Empress Changsun probably won't last for a few days."

Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin is getting irritable now.

Empress Changsun's breathing became more and more subtle and difficult.

The pulse in her body was also disappearing bit by bit, as if it was going to be unstoppable.

Almost everyone in the Imperial Medical Office is here.

On the square in front of the Taiji Palace, a fire broke out, and all kinds of medicinal materials were scattered all over the floor.

The imperial medical office has decocted medicine here, and it will be brought in directly.

Save time running back and forth.

On both sides, people from the Buddhist and Taoist schools were also full, and the voices of various prayers and blessings rang out again and again.

"" Haven't found it yet, Li Junxian, what on earth are you eating!damn thing! ! "

Li Shimin roared, he stood at the gate of the hall, his eyes were bloodshot.

Li Junxian didn't say anything, just knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, this subordinate is incompetent, and this subordinate deserves to die. If something happens to the empress, this subordinate will definitely be buried with her!"

Li Junxian had no explanation.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I don't know Your Majesty, is there any news here?"

"Your Majesty, what's the matter? Your Majesty, the old minister is incompetent. I haven't found any trace of the old doctor Sun here."

"His Majesty……."

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Li Jing rushed in together.

They were extremely anxious, their faces were pale, and their steps were heavy.

It's been almost two days.

They can be said to have been running and searching, just like Li Shimin, they never closed their eyes.

However, the result was...
Li Shimin's eyes were a little cold.

He stared at them coldly, but did not move.

"His Majesty!"

Changsun Wuji swallowed, and called out again.

Only then did Li Shimin's eyes flicker, he took a deep breath, shook his head, and in the next breath, he laughed: "Zhen...Zhen...haha, I don't have any news either."

"Your Majesty!" Changsun Wuji's voice trembled slightly, a little at a loss.

Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and the others also dimmed their eyes.

He pursed his chapped lips and clenched his stiff fingers, feeling at a loss.



At this moment, none of them knew what to do.

Li Junxian's head was firmly on the ground.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! I wonder if there is any news from Immortal Sun?"

At this time, Liu Guang ran out of the hall in a hurry.

Liu Guang is not young anymore, but during this period of time, he has never closed his eyes and has been holding on.

The steps are a little faltering.

The profuse sweating never stopped.

His eyes were a little stiff.

Hearing this, Li Shimin rushed into the Tai Chi Palace without any hesitation.

"His Majesty……."

Liu Guangda was shocked, he didn't know why, and wanted to call out, but Changsun Wuji and the others stopped him directly.

"Physician Liu, don't shout anymore, there is no news about old doctor Sun...not yet."

"Empress Empress, how long can you last? And... can you save me? Tell us the truth."

Fang Xuanling gritted his teeth, but he had to ask this question, they must know about the physical condition of Empress Changsun.

Changsun Wuji shivered suddenly beside him.

However, he didn't say any more, just stared at Liu Guang.

"Is... not? Chang'an City is not big. If you are sure that the old doctor Sun is in Chang'an, how can you not find it?"

"If you can't find it, then it's broken. Everyone, the queen's condition is urgent..."

"Old man, I... I am incompetent!"

"This time, empress... Gudong..."

Liu Guang was anxious, the answer was somewhat unexpected.

He took a deep breath, glanced over everyone's faces, and sighed: "The Imperial Medical Office is incompetent."

"The empress's illness this time came too suddenly and violently. It should be from the previous incident, which made the empress too worried and stressed, so..."

"We really don't know what to do."

Liu Guang's voice was hoarse.

When he said these words, the eyes of Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Li Jing and others trembled.

They looked at each other a few times, what can they do?

Tai Medical Department tried its best.

It can be said that Liu Guang has tried countless methods these days, and he has also led the Imperial Medical Office without rest. They are all watching.

Nothing but nothing.

There is really no way.

It fell silent again.

After Liu Guang finished speaking, he rushed into the Tai Chi Palace again.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and the others stood outside, feeling extremely depressed, watching the people coming in and out of the Imperial Medical Office, very anxious, but there was nothing they could do?
"Empress Empress... Auxiliary machine, hey..."

Wei Zheng patted Changsun Wuji's shoulder lightly.

Everyone stood outside the hall, motionless.

But at this moment, suddenly, a Jinwu guard rushed in from the outside in a hurry.

"Commander Li, there are people asking to see you outside. There are two old people in total. One of them is said to be the housekeeper of Chu Palace."

"We said that the imperial city is closed, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter, but the man said nothing and didn't leave, saying that you must let him in."

"Otherwise, we cannot bear the consequences."

Jin Wuwei said anxiously.

Since Empress Changsun fell ill, Li Shimin ordered to strengthen the protection of the imperial city, and ordinary people were not allowed to enter.

But this person is from Chu Palace.

He also said that he was ordered by the king of Chu.

Although he is a housekeeper, the Chu Palace is a bit special in Chang'an after all, so he weighed it and hurriedly came to report and inquire...
Li Junxian, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his head when he heard this.

There is some doubt in his eyes.

Eldest Sun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui were also a little dazed.

They are all familiar with the old man and know his medical skills are superb, but he can't save Empress Changsun.

But at this time, what is the old housekeeper doing here?
Is it difficult....
Has an antidote been developed?
However, this possibility can be said to be very small.

"Let the old gentleman come."

Li Junxian thought for a while, then said.

The Jinwu guard hastily retreated.

"Everyone, I can't say that the old gentleman is passing some messages to the empress on behalf of His Highness the King of Chu. I really can't stop it."

Li Junxian said to Changsun Wuji and the others.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and the others all nodded.

"Commander Li is right. His Royal Highness the King of Chu is not in Chang'an now. The old man...maybe he has something to say to the Empress for His Highness the King of Chu."

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