Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 213 I Can't Believe It!The terror of King Chu!

Chapter 213 I Can't Believe It!The terror of King Chu!
"Hey... It's just a pity that His Highness the King of Chu is not in Chang'an at this time. The Empress must miss His Highness the King of Chu very much."

Du Ruhui sighed.

The crowd was dejected.

Soon, in the darkness, Jin Wuwei walked in with the old man and an old man dressed like a beggar.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Li Jing and others looked over.

Under the night, the torches on both sides of the road illuminated the place red.

However, after all, there is no daylight.

They stood in front of the gate of the Tai Chi Palace and watched. They didn't see their faces clearly yet, but they saw the beggar next to the old man, who was wearing a white Taoist robe that was still patched.

For the first time, their minds were still blank, and they didn't have any thoughts.

But being the beggar version of the old man is a little closer.

They saw the familiar old face, and also saw... a medicine box on his back.

In an instant!


Electric flint!

A ball of fire suddenly rose in my heart.

Taoist robe!


medicine chest!

It can be said that Qiqi vacated this idea out of thin air in their minds.

In the next moment, the few of them only felt an electric current pass through their bodies.

Could it be that…….
All of a sudden, Changsun Wuji and Wei Zheng couldn't calm down at all.

Hastily pulled on the Taoist robe and rushed down in a hurry.

Even Li Junxian came to his senses. He didn't think much about it at first, but when he saw everyone rushing down, he was stunned for a while.

Then after seeing the Taoist robe on the old man and the medicine box, he couldn't calm down anymore.

I don't care to kneel down.

Get up directly, stride forward.

"Old man, you are..."

Changsun Wuji shouted, his eyes were about to pop out, and his whole body was shocked beyond belief.

Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Li Junxian, and Li Jing were also short of breath, looking at the old man in disbelief.

The old man smiled lightly.

"Eldest grandson Pushe, the old man came here from the south on the order of His Highness, and came into the city to help take a look at the condition of the empress."

"I don't know, can I?"

the old man asked with a smile.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!"

How could Changsun Wuji dare to say anything else, so he nodded vigorously and danced excitedly.

Sun Simiao! ! !

In their minds, this name all rose up.

Who would have thought, who would have thought!

It turns out that the legendary Sun Simiao, the old genius doctor Sun, is from the Chu Palace! !
What the hell!

To be honest, Changsun Wuji and the others are all in a daze now.

Your Highness, King Chu, is this... so buff? !
Even the old god Sun was able to live in the mansion, and... he even asked the old god doctor to come from the south.

I'm a bitch!
How dare you!

Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and the others followed beside them, swallowing hard, looking at the old man in front of him who was still walking steadily, although his heart was bursting.

Swallowing this mouthful of saliva made my throat a little sore.

They are really dumbfounded!
They are really stupid!
They were really stunned!

The Prince Chu's Mansion is really... Absolutely amazing!

Li Junxian led the way in a hurry, pulled off his robe, and rushed into the Tai Chi Palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"The genius doctor Sun is here, and he has been found!!"

Li Junxian shouted excitedly.

Li Shimin was holding the hand of Empress Changsun. Hearing this, he turned his head and stared at Li Junxian.

His face was shocked.

"What, old genius doctor Sun found it?"

"Yes, yes! And he... the old man..."

Li Junxian was a little speechless.

There was no way, this shock made his brain ischemia and his scalp numb.

"Your Majesty, Old Miracle Doctor Sun is a member of His Highness King Chu, and he has arrived now, just outside, just outside!!"

Li Junxian took a deep breath and let out a fierce roar.

What? ! !
Sampler? ! ! .
Li Shimin stood up suddenly.

The eyes, which were already bloodshot, seemed to explode at this moment, as if they could bleed.

The old genius doctor Sun has taken refuge in Chu Palace? !

Li Shimin was also stunned.

He was stupid and couldn't react.

How is this possible!
But that's it... Fabulous!

Kuan'er, Kuan'er, you bastard, I don't know what else is in the mansion.

The old genius doctor Sun... Is the old genius doctor Sun under your account? !

Li Shimin's brain twitched, but he subconsciously walked out.

When he took two steps, Sun Simiao walked in surrounded by eldest Sun Wuji, Wei Zheng and others.

Liu Guang followed, staring at the 80-something old man in a simple white Taoist robe.

Sun Simiao! !
Is he the Immortal Sun? !

If you are really immortal, you will be extraordinary at first glance!

"Old... old man."

The moment Li Shimin saw Sun Simiao, as soon as he met Sun Simiao, the next breath, Li Shimin fell to his knees.

"No, old genius doctor Sun, please ask doctor Sun to help, hurry up and save the empress..."

"I beg the old doctor Sun!!"

Li Shimin is extremely sincere.

Kneeling on the ground, knocking his head on the bluestone board, there was a sound.

In an instant, everyone in the entire Tai Chi Palace knelt down.

"Ask the old genius doctor Sun to act!!"

"Ask the old genius doctor Sun to act!!"

"Ask the old genius doctor Sun to act!!"


The voice was loud and pierced through the sky.

Countless imperial physicians from the Imperial Medical Office, although they are all a little baffled now, I don't know why the old god appeared directly.

However, since Elder Sun's genius doctor has arrived, they should kneel down.

Here, even His Majesty is far inferior to Sun Simiao.

No matter who it is, this kneeling should be done.

Sun Simiao looked around the Taiji Palace, smiled lightly, passed Li Shimin directly, and walked to the bedside.

sit down.

Put down the medicine box.

"Your Majesty, everyone, get up quickly."

"The old Taoist is nothing more than a doctor from the Chu Palace, a doctor who is away from home, and a disciple of His Royal Highness Chu. What kind of genius doctor is not a genius doctor, it is just a question mark raised by some outsiders, hehehe..."

Saying that, Sun Simiao had already taken out the silver needle,
"Liu Guang, come here, the old man will tell you a prescription, you can go to decoct the medicine now."

Hearing this, Liu Guang rushed over without mentioning it, and carefully grabbed the paper and pen.

Sun Simiao's appearance was reflected in the old eyes, full of fanaticism and happiness.

I... was actually named by the old genius doctor Sun! !
I am a good boy! !

I am proud! ! !
Liu Guang roared in his heart.

His hand holding the pen was trembling.

Sun Simiao had already started to give medical treatment, and at the same time, he clearly recited the prescription word by word in his mouth.

After finishing, Liu Guang went down in a hurry.

Inside the Tai Chi Palace, there was silence.

Li Shimin and the others all knelt in the direction of Sun Simiao without getting up.

He stared straight at Sun Simiao's rescue in front of him, but the explosion in his heart had already exploded the sky.

The words just now...
What the hell!

Listening to it, I just feel chills all over, which is unbelievable.

The world-renowned genius doctor Sun Lao kept saying that he was just a disciple of His Highness King Chu.

Everyone can't accept it.

How old is His Royal Highness the King of Chu.

how could it be possible! !

However, even though he had countless doubts in his heart, at the moment Sun Simiao was treating the grave-faced Empress Changsun, and no one dared to speak.

He just stared at Sun Simiao without daring to blink.

Even breathing became much lighter, for fear of being disturbed.

In the Tai Chi Palace, the silence was incomparable.

Li Shimin and others waited in silence.

After a short meeting, Liu Guang had already walked over cautiously with a bowl of decoction.

"Master Sun, this medicine is cured, I don't know how to take it."

Liu Guangsheng was afraid of disturbing Sun Simiao who was treating him, so his voice was very soft.

Sun Simiao nodded slightly.

With a joint movement of fingers, all the silver needles inserted in Empress Changsun's body were pulled out, she exhaled lightly, turned her head, and looked at Li Shimin behind.

"Your Majesty, it's better for you to work hard and help feed this bowl of soup and medicine."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's shoulders trembled, he got up immediately, and walked over in a panic, his fingers trembling, trying to take the medicinal soup in his hand.

But Liu Guang flashed away.

He dared not give the medicine to Li Shimin.

He is very clear that His Majesty is very excited now, if there is a mistake and the medicine is spilled or poured, wouldn't it be His Majesty...
"Your Majesty, you can feed, the old minister is fine with the bowl."

Liu Guang said quickly.

Li Shimin took a deep breath?

He didn't refuse, and he knew very well that to tell the truth now, his hands and feet were a little unsteady.





It can be said to be a mess of various emotions.

Li Shimin sat by the bed and gently embraced Empress Changsun into his arms, while Liu Guang stood aside, holding a medicine bowl.

Li Shimin took the spoon and fed it to Empress Changsun bit by bit.

Sun Simiao tidied up the medicine box, then slowly got up and backed away.


With this medicine, the Empress must have cured her illness. As for the silver needles I used just now, it was just to help stimulate the vitality in Empress Changsun's body.

The most important thing is this prescription, the prescription sent by His Highness.

In fact, when Empress Changsun was seriously ill, Sun Simiao already knew about this matter, and learned of the illness on the way to Chang'an, and came to Chang'an to start various experiments.

However, he did not come.

Without him, because he knew very well that relying on himself alone would not be able to cure Empress Changsun's illness at all.

Therefore, it did not really appear until His Highness's prescription arrived.

Otherwise everything is in vain.

little by little.

Li Shimin fed all the decoction to Empress Changsun.

The moment he finished drinking the medicine, Li Shimin felt that Empress Changsun's complexion had warmed up a little.

It was really pale before, but now... It seems that it has moved again, and the blood began to flow back and spread.


Li Shimin took a deep breath, and carefully put Empress Changsun in his hand on the bed.

Then, after taking a deep look, he stood up abruptly, looked at Sun Simiao who was standing behind, and knelt down directly.

"Shimin, thank you, old genius doctor Sun, for your action!"

"Shimin also replaced Wugou, thank you old genius doctor!"

Li Shimin was extremely dignified, his voice was excited, and he was convinced.

This is a miracle doctor!

Sun Simiao glanced at him, shook his head lightly, and said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to thank the old man."

"The old Taoist said that the old Taoist is just a disciple of His Royal Highness King Chu."

"This prescription was also sent by His Highness the King of Chu. How could you be able to cure Empress Empress with my old skills?"

"Besides, if the old man had this ability, he wouldn't have waited until now to appear."

"Your Majesty, you should thank His Highness King Chu a lot."

Sun Simiao directly refused, explaining the origin of the prescription.

After all, this prescription really has nothing to do with him, and this time, he did not help at all, but he just brought the prescription.

When Li Shimin heard this, to be honest, he didn't believe it.

No matter how smart and talented the king of Chu is, but this prescription came from the hand of the king of Chu? ?
how could it be possible!
How old is he?

What is the inheritance of Tang's doctor?
It is brought by the master! ?

In terms of age, at King Chu's age, he may still be just a helper, giving the master some medicine or something.

Who has ever heard that the achievements in medicine at this age can surpass Sun Simiao?

Absolutely impossible! !

Not to mention Sun Simiao, even if he surpassed a junior apprentice, it would be good.

All eyes were on Sun Simiao.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui stared at Sun Simiao in bewilderment.

Li Shimin spat, smiled wryly, and said, "Old genius doctor Sun was joking, Kuan'er...he is only so old, how can he be qualified for you to be called a teacher?"

"Old genius doctor, did Kuan'er lock you up in Chu Palace by some means? If that's the case, just speak out and I'll make the decision for you."

"This brat, there is really no big or small, old doctor Sun is a living god of my Tang Dynasty, how dare he treat you like this, and let you pretend to be a doctor from the Chu Palace."

"Don't worry, old doctor Sun, I will teach him a good lesson, and I hope old doctor Sun will be magnanimous and forgive this unfilial son once."

Li Shimin's face became extremely solemn.

He felt that he had found the key to this matter.

It must be so! !

It is already outrageous that the old genius doctor Sun can become a doctor in the Chu Palace. If it is spread, it will definitely win the shock of the world.

Let me ask, who in the world has the qualifications to let the old genius doctor Sun become an unknown doctor?

Even the imperial city does not have this ability.

Changsun Wuji and the others were shocked when they heard the words.

It was so!

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that Li Shimin was right.

The old genius doctor Sun must be able to become a steward, it must be because His Royal Highness Chu Wang used some shady methods.

Liu Guang stood beside him, and the imperial physicians from the imperial medical office, no matter how big or small, all rolled up their sleeves.


Hearing what His Majesty said, as long as Sun Simiao said a word, they would definitely rush to Chu Palace.

Even though the king of Chu has a noble status, he is not qualified to treat the old god like this.


However, Sun Simiao laughed outright.

He shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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