Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 215 The Wrath of the World!Empress Zhangsun guessed!

"Didn't the queen mother's illness mean that she couldn't be cured?"

"How did it get better? Damn it!"

Li Tai was extremely angry.

Originally, he thought that the eldest grandson queen would definitely die this time!
He is very clear about Empress Changsun's illness.

When he heard about the situation when Empress Changsun was about to relapse this time, he had a judgment in his heart, that is, ninety-nine out of ten would die here.

The Tai Medical Department was helpless.

Who else in the world can save him?
As for Sun Simiao?

To be honest, from the very beginning, Li Tai had no hope in his heart.

Sun Simiao's reputation is extremely resounding, but these years, the dragon has been on the prowl, so how could he happen to appear in Chang'an.

As for the order to intercept and kill Sun Simiao, he also issued it just in case.

However, Li Tai really never expected that Empress Changsun would be rescued.

It was still saved by King Chu.

This made him unacceptable.

In the past two days, he did not visit the palace, but felt that Empress Zhangsun would definitely die, so he has been preparing for other things.

As long as Empress Changsun dies, Chang'an will be in chaos. When the time comes, he will surely seize countless opportunities by making a surprise move.

but now…….

All is gone.

Became a bubble!
Li Tai tightly packed the legs of the table with his fingers, and sat down slowly.

Dim vision.

His face was solemn.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be about to change, but in the end, after tossing and tossing for so long, everything returned to the original point.

"Lee... Kuan!!"

Li Tai took a deep breath, his whole brain was about to explode.

It's him again! !

And that Sun Simiao actually defected to this guy!

damn it!
If you really want to seek refuge, you should also seek refuge with the prince. Even if it is not the prince Li Chengqian, you should find him Li Tai. Isn't this... Isn't it to find yourself or Li Chengqian?
What a shitty disciple.

What the hell is the prescription given by Li Kuan.

After Li Kuan's guidance, he touched the threshold of medicine.

From Li Tai's point of view, these were Sun Simiao's intentions to give Li Kuan his prestige and to win the hearts of the people for Li Kuan.

What is Li Kuan?
Return the prescription he wrote. If he knows medical skills, Li Kuan doesn't mind eating this table.

Li Kuan's heart was burning crazily, scorching his internal organs. He felt that the blood in his body was boiling and roaring, and he just wanted to vent it.

If it weren't for Sun Simiao, his strategy this time could be said to be foolproof.

Who would have thought that it would be destroyed by Li Kuan in the end!

damn it! !

Do not!
Li Kuan's eyes were blood red, and he was so angry that he was in a daze. There seemed to be a white mist bubbling from the top of his head.

The Li family in Longxi, the main residence.

The heads of the Li family in Longxi, the Cui family in Qinghe, and the Zheng family in Xingyang all looked solemn.

Of course they also knew about the news in the imperial city.

But who would have thought that the process would be so dramatic.

Never thought that it would be Li Kuan, the King of Chu, who cured Empress Changsun's condition in the end!
"What do you think about this matter?"

"Chu Wang Li Kuan, it seems to be getting more and more difficult."

The head of the Li family in Longxi had a low voice, which was a pity.

His thoughts are similar to Li Tai's. Originally, they felt that as long as the eldest grandson died, then Chang'an would really be in complete chaos. When the time comes to fish in water, the family might get the upper hand and settle their troubles completely. .

However, who would have thought that Empress Changsun would be saved.

"This guy really deserves to be hacked into pieces, damn it!!"

"He himself is not in Chang'an, but this Chang'an is in chaos because of him, and he has repeatedly ruined our good deeds!"

"Phew... what shit Li Kuan gave the prescription, it was definitely Sun Simiao who gave the prescription to Li Kuan!"

Qinghe Cui's Patriarch's eyes were full of gloom.

He didn't believe that Li Kuan was really good at medicine!

At this moment, the three of them are deeply involved in Sun Simiao's choice, let alone him.

To be honest, the importance of Sun Simiao, even a family would not dare to neglect, and Sun Simiao's influence is almost equal to that of a family...
This is really not a casual talk.

This is a fact!

Sun Simiao, Old Immortal Sun, this name has been heard by almost all the people in the world.

But they couldn't figure it out, such a living god, why did he take refuge in King Chu?

Not to mention my own family, but the prince's mansion, Wei Wang's mansion, am I a hundred times stronger than the king of Chu?

What's more, he even worked as a idler in the Prince Chu's mansion, no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be reduced to a dog of the King of Chu.


Brain blank!

My mind exploded!

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe smiled wryly.

Holding the teacup, he stared at the tea in it, sighed a long time, and drank it in one gulp.

"Take this matter as a small episode, don't think too much about it."

"We're still preparing, how to guide Li Shimin, and take action to destroy Hou Junji and Zhao Jun's Li family in advance."

"Sun Simiao, this old man with no eyes, has lived for such a long time, it really is as old as a dog."

"Wait until one day, we copied Chu Wang's mansion, we must make him look good!!"

"Who would have thought that a living god would hide under the wings of King Chu. This time, it was not our carelessness, but the other party's surprise."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said slowly.

Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe nodded.

People from their clan have been looking for them for so long. To be honest, they never expected that Sun Simiao would hide in the power of the King of Chu.

"Hmph! Da da da...."

The Patriarch of the Li Clan in Longxi snorted softly, tapped his fingers on the table, and narrowed his eyes.

"I suddenly remembered it, take a look, can this work?"

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Cui Clan in Qinghe and the Patriarch of the Zheng Clan in Xingyang trembled, and immediately joined them.

Suzaku Gate.

Jieli Khan was in a trance.

Empress Changsun, who was almost certain to die, has come back to life.


Moreover, it was the mysterious King Chu of Datang who made the move.

King of Chu!

For this person, Jie Li Khan said he was familiar with him, but he was not familiar with him, and he said he was not familiar with him, and his heart was itching with hatred.

Not to mention anything else, the glazed statue that is still placed in front of them is like a nail, piercing his heart deeply.

Still bleeding like crazy.

However, he knew that he and this mysterious King of Chu were only familiar with each other by a name.

I don't even know what he looks like.

However, from kneeling to here, it will be three or four days from now.

In the past three or four days, the name Chu Wang seemed to be making calluses out of his ears.

What His Royal Highness the King of Chu printed books to save scholars all over the world!

What His Royal Highness the King of Chu has achieved the title of poet sage!
What His Royal Highness the King of Chu condensed the soul of the Tang Dynasty with a single sentence!
All kinds of mess, he was a little dazed when he heard it, and couldn't change his mind.

What's more, he also heard that His Royal Highness the King of Chu brought Datang a crop with a yield of [-] dan per mu.

At first, he didn't know what the concept of thirty dan per mu was.

However, Tuli Khan next to him sighed quietly, and gave him an analogy, which is equivalent to a cow in the Turkic grassland directly giving birth to ten calves, or once a year.

This time, Jieli Khan's eyes widened.

The cattle and sheep on the grassland are extremely precious to the Turks. By analogy, in fact, they are the basic materials of their own life just like the people of the Tang Dynasty treat crops.

However, if a cow gave birth to calves, it would be good if two of them survived in a litter. To be honest, they would still be pregnant for ten months.

A cow can only give birth once every two or three years.

But this...
There are ten heads a year, and once a year.


It's really cracked!

When Jieli Khan heard this, he didn't react for a long time, his brain was completely blank.

If this is true, Datang, they Turks really will never be able to win! !

sweet potato!

Thirty tons per mu!
Jieli Khan stared at the small fence where the heavy soldiers were holding hands, his breathing was rapid and he couldn't believe it.

I heard from them that the sweet potatoes will be harvested in a few days.

To be honest, Xieli Khan had a lot of expectations.

He didn't believe that there really were such treasures in this world.

It is simply out of the ordinary.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Imperial City.

Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin took the medicine bowl and sat gently beside the bed.

"Guanyin maidservant, it's time to take medicine."

Li Shimin said softly.

Empress Changsun had to sit up from the bed when she was doing something.

"Oh, Guanyin maidservant, don't move rashly, don't move rashly, just lie down, I'll feed you."

Seeing this, Li Shimin looked a little flustered, and hurriedly put down the medicine bowl in his hand, and said.

Empress Changsun was very helpless, she glanced at Li Shimin, smiled wryly and said: "Your Majesty, the concubine is fine."

"Really, Chenqie feels that she has recovered very well, even when she runs, she feels fine."

"In the past few days, my concubine has been sleeping so hard that my leg feels so numb, it doesn't look like my own."

"It really doesn't matter."

Empress Changsun couldn't laugh or cry.

Ever since she took the decoction that day, she felt that her body recovered quickly. The prescription was amazing, and it directly repaired her old illness.

Now, she feels like a normal person.

No, it was a normal person.

The so-called long-term illness becomes a doctor, Empress Changsun is very clear about the location of her illness, but she has never seen it well before, but now, she knows it very clearly when she breathes.

Really want to heal!
"Oh, that doesn't work, it's only been a few days? Lie down quickly, drink this bowl of medicine, and sleep again, so that you can recover quickly."

Li Shimin's eyes turned straight, and he pushed her into the bed as if he was pressing the eldest grandson queen.

Empress Changsun: ...
But there was no other way, I could only obediently wait for Li Shimin to feed him.

I ate several bites.

Empress Changsun suddenly said: "Kuan'er... really made things difficult for him."

"Your Majesty, you said that Kuan'er has not been in Chang'an during this period, did he go to find a prescription for his concubine?"

Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin smiled lightly: "Guanyin maidservant, don't ask about Kuan'er, this brat, I can't see through him at all, hey..."

"Who would have thought that the old god Sun would become a doctor in the Prince Chu's mansion, this... such a thing, I think I can't do it..."

Li Shimin said and sighed.


He really didn't understand how Li Kuan tricked Old Immortal Sun into his subordinates and made him a doctor who didn't care.

Is it really old doctor Sun, what he said?

He became Kuan'er's disciple?
But this is too ridiculous! !

Shock is shocking, but Li Shimin still doesn't believe it.

Empress Changsun frowned, but relaxed with the next breath.

"Whatever it is, we don't have this ability anyway, since the old god Sun said so, it is naturally true."

"Living gods, will they still lie to us? Absolutely impossible, Your Majesty, let's go to Chu Palace tomorrow. Anyway, there are still four days before the grand ceremony."

"The concubine really doesn't want to lie down anymore. If you take a walk, you'll get better sooner. If you can breathe and feel better, the disease will naturally be completely cured."

"Otherwise, if you just lie down like this, even if you are not sick, you will lie down and get sick."

"Besides, the Chu Palace is very close to the imperial city, at worst, the concubine can find a place to sit, isn't it all right?"

Empress Changsun said excitedly, grabbing Li Shimin's arm with both hands.

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows.

He looked at the excited Empress Changsun, and to be honest, she was also moved.

After all, it was originally planned to go to Chu Palace, but Empress Changsun suddenly fell ill and was delayed.

Li Shimin looked at Empress Changsun's big praying eyes, pondered for a moment, smiled, and nodded slowly.

"Alright, maidservant Guanyin, just rest for another night, tomorrow... let's go to Chu Palace tomorrow!"

"Zhen, let Changsun Wuji and the others be informed, so that they can prepare properly."

As he said that, Li Shimin pursed his lips and glanced outside: "Speaking of which, Guanyin Maid, there seems to be many things in Chu Palace that I can't see through."

"Hey...what the hell is this brat doing?"

Li Shimin shook his head and said puzzledly.

Empress Changsun raised the corners of her mouth.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we just need to know that Kuan'er will never harm Datang."

"As for the others, even if you can't see through them, it doesn't matter, does it?"

Will not harm Datang?

Hearing this, Li Shimin nodded in agreement.

"Guanyin maidservant, you are right. I really can't see through this brat at all. If he wants to rebel, I think... I can't even stop him."

"Hahaha... This kid is far stronger than my other sons after all."

Li Shimin laughed twice.


When Empress Changsun heard these two words, her eyes and pupils opened subconsciously, but in the next breath, she also laughed.

She knew that Kuan'er would never rebel.

Perhaps, even if Li Tai and Li Chengqian rebelled, Li Kuan would not rebel.

With so many things happening, Empress Changsun finally had some judgment in her heart.

Li Tai!

It seemed that when he was sick, he didn't even visit him.

I don't know what to do.


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