Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 216 Revisit Chu Palace!Amazing medical book!

Chapter 216: Visit Chu Palace again!Amazing medical book!

Empress Changsun shook her head inwardly.

She always felt that Li Tai seemed to have gone another way.

The other river, she, and His Majesty, went up the opposite road to Datang.

The next day.

Tai Chi Palace.

"Look, Your Majesty, the concubine said it was all right."

"Chenqie has never felt that my body is so light. Even when I am not sick, I feel that I am much stronger now than before."

"Kuan'er's prescription is really amazing. After a while, let Changle drink more to avoid relapse. I believe... it will definitely have a miraculous effect on her body."

Empress Changsun said excitedly.

She's out of bed.

After lying down for so many days, I felt that my bones were going to be brittle, and when I moved a little, the sound of bagbag kept ringing.

However, the feeling of stretching, as if her whole body was beginning to recover, made her unable to bear the joy.

"Congratulations to the empress, congratulations to the empress!"

"Your Majesty has passed such a catastrophe, and I think everything will be safe and sound in the future!!"

Zhangsun Wuji said with a smile.

Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde were also standing at the entrance of the hall, very relaxed.

"Yes, this time is really thanks to His Royal Highness King Chu."

"Your Majesty, Old Immortal Sun has been living in the Prince Chu's Mansion. Do we want to prepare some gifts for the old Immortal when we go this time?"

"This is really....Who would have thought that Old Immortal Sun is actually a member of Prince Chu's mansion, His Royal Highness Chu's private house money, it seems that it is not limited to various items, there are people! Hahaha... .”

A few of them laughed lightly.

After receiving the news from Li Shimin yesterday, their excitement on the spot was a little uncontrollable.

So I got up early this morning.

Li Shimin nodded lightly, and said: "Don't worry, Elder Sun's gift has already been taken down yesterday, let's go, go to Chu Palace."

"Okay, Your Majesty please!!"

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and others scattered on the road.

Empress Li Shimin's eldest grandson, Princess Changle and Xiao Sizi walked out.

In the crowd, there was a sense of grandeur.

They didn't go through the Suzaku Gate, but through the side door.

There are too many people at Suzaku Gate.

Now the people are almost filling it up.

There are also people like Jieli Khan and Tuli Khan, all attracting the attention of the whole city.

Where to go out from is too much attention, maybe it will cause some people to make bad plans, so they directly chose a side door that is closest to the Chu Palace.

The autumn wind became slightly bleak.

The leaves on the side of the road are all showing yellow, but now, they still haven't completely turned yellow. The green is yellow, and the yellow is dyed green. It's really refreshing.

But there are already a lot of fallen leaves, which are piled up at the roots of the trees, and when the wind blows, they will jump up on the ground with a whirl.

A group of people talked and laughed.

Not long after, the Prince of Chu's Mansion has arrived ahead.

But somewhat unexpectedly, there were quite a few people gathered in front of the main entrance.

Li Shimin frowned slightly.

But this matter is also reasonable, after all, Sun Lao Immortal was just born, it will cause countless waves.

At this time, Sun Lao Shenxian was born again, and the limelight was on the rise. So many people came here to guard, so it was easy to understand.

"Your Majesty, let's go through the side door." Changsun Wuji said.

They knew about the side entrance of Chu Palace.

Li Shimin nodded without any objection.

Go to the small side door on the east side and knock.

Soon, a maid sticks out her head.

But after seeing Li Shimin and others, he hurriedly opened the door.

"Your Majesty and Your Majesty, my servant, I don't know, please come in quickly."

The maid was a little terrified.

"It's okay, it's okay, we are here as guests, we are the ones who disturb you, hehehe..."

Li Shimin didn't take it seriously, waved his sleeves, walked in with a smile.

Not long after, when everyone was walking around in the garden, Sun Simiao walked over from the front and said, "Your Majesty, why are you in the mood to come to Chu Palace today?"

Seeing that it was Sun Simiao, not the old man, now Li Shimin didn't dare to be negligent, and directly followed the etiquette.

"I've seen Old Immortal Sun."

Empress Changsun and the others also supported their bodies.

"Old Immortal Sun, it's really hard for you to hide it from us." Changsun Wuji shouted.

"Who says it's not? Immortal Sun, in the past, if we had anything to do with Chu Palace...if there was any negligence, please forgive us ordinary people for our bad eyesight."

Wei Zheng also hurried forward to explain.

They all know it.

In the past few months, I have done these things in Chu Palace.

Just like being a robber, shame on you!
And on weekdays, although they said that because the old man was older, they didn't give too many orders, and they could show their sense of superiority in front of Yuan Tiangang.

I really regret it!
All of their faces were hot.

If they had known that Sun Simiao was also from Chu Palace, they would definitely not be so arrogant.

"Master Sun, do you know if you are used to living in the Chu Palace? If you are not used to it, why don't you go back with me?"

"Inside and outside the imperial city, the space is spacious, and there are people from the Imperial Medical Office who can compete with the old doctor Sun, old doctor Sun, what do you think... how about it?"

Li Shimin said hastily again.

He really "covets" Sun Simiao.

If there is this old fairy sitting in the imperial city, then there is really nothing to worry about.

It can be said that as long as they don't try to die in this life, they will definitely die safely, and there will never be any death due to illness.

Elder Doctor Sun took a look at him.

Shaking his head lightly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Imperial City... the old Taoist still won't go. The old Taoist is not used to sleeping there, so it's better here."

"Besides, Liu Guang is the only person in the Imperial Medical Office who can discuss with me. The others are far behind. The old man should continue to study the medical skills left by His Highness."

"These medical skills are like a treasury, and the veterans can enjoy them freely. It's not something you and others can understand."

Sun Simiao directly refused without any hesitation.

Just kidding, can those people in the imperial medical office be compared with the suicide note left by His Highness?
impossible! !

Li Shimin was dumbfounded.

Never expected that Sun Simiao's refusal was so straightforward, and these words were too powerful.

Can the imperial medical department not compare to the medical skills left by Kuan'er?

Could it be that Kuan'er is really that powerful? !
Are all the words that Old Immortal Sun said before really true? !
"Your Majesty, Old Immortal Sun is Kuan'er Guest Qing. It would be bad for Old Immortal Sun to change at will."

"Old Immortal Sun, you can just live here safely. If you need anything, just let the palace know, and it will be arranged as soon as possible."

Empress Changsun said with a smile beside her.

Elder Doctor Sun nodded at her.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. The queen's recovery speed is really good. She is full of blood, full of energy, her forehead is bright, and her eyes are full of spirit."

"It seems that His Highness's prescription is really effective."

Sun Simiao said.

"This time, I still have to thank the old god for his action!" said Empress Changsun.

"No, the old Taoist said it, the old Taoist is just a messenger, hehe... Your Highness actually prepared this prescription a long time ago."

"His Highness once said that whenever the old lady's old illness relapses, he will be notified immediately. This time, it will be like that."

"Your Highness, I have been preparing."

Sun Simiao explained again with a smile.

Empress Changsun, Li Shimin and the others were slightly taken aback when they heard this.

King Chu has already prepared? !
Did he know that such a day would come sooner or later?
"Your Majesty, empress, don't stand here anymore, go sit in the backyard."

"I don't know what His Majesty wants to take away this time?"

Sun Simiao didn't give them time to contemplate, he continued to speak with a smile, and walked forward.

Li Shimin basically came to Chu Palace to get things. He had already heard Yuan Tiangang talk about this matter, so he knew the purpose of Li Shimin and others today.


But Li Shimin, who was deeply shocked, quickly shook his spirits.

"This... the old god was joking, how dare you."

"This time, I mainly want to thank God Sun Lao."

Li Shimin was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and followed Sun Simiao, this time he was very well-behaved, and he didn't have the aura to face Yuan Tiangang like before.


Sun Simiao chuckled, smiled, and didn't speak.

Li Shimin: ...
Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui were also a little embarrassed.

This is a bit too much to say.

"Of course, old genius doctor Sun, we also want to see what kind of medical books Kuan'er has left for the old god."

"I have never met Kuan'er before, what kind of medical skills have I studied, does he really understand?"

Li Shimin changed the subject, and hurriedly said again.

Sun Simiao paused, smiled and nodded slightly.

"Your Highness, medical skills are unrivaled in the world. I think back then, when I was walking in the Lishan Mountains, I tried hard to find a prescription, but I had no clue."

"While walking, I ran into His Highness by chance, and His Highness explained everything about my prescription in a few words."

Sun Simiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Happy face.

He smoothed his beard very gently with his hands.

Li Shimin and the others immediately pricked up their ears when they heard this.

What the hell!

Is this the past history of Immortal Sun and His Royal Highness King Chu?
"Then, Your Highness invited the old Taoist to have a meal. The meal was also delicious. What's the name of the dish... called Huaji."

"Thinking about it, I still can't help but sigh, the taste is still fresh in my memory."

"During the meal, His Highness gave the old Taoist an overview of medicine, as well as the essence of various medical techniques."

"These are things that the old man has never thought about. What the old man thought about from the very beginning was just to write out a few more prescriptions and study more herbs. However, what His Highness said is..."

Sun Simiao's old eyes reveal the depth, and the depth is full of shock.

"It is to allow medical skills to be passed down from generation to generation, and to slowly accumulate and carry forward the wisdom, so that people all over the world can afford medicine and cure diseases."

"From that time on, Lao Dao was really scared. His Highness invited Lao Dao. He wanted Lao Dao to be the director of the first relatively modern hospital in Datang."

"But before that, you have to read the books he wrote carefully, so the old Taoist joined the Chu king's forces."

"Your Highness's idea, so far, the old man still admires."

"It's just... the old way is stupid. After so many years, I finally read it almost. I just wait for His Highness to come back."

Sun Simiao said a lot in one breath.

But as he spoke, the light in his eyes was like the hope in the eyes of a teenager.

It is not obvious at all that Sun Simiao is over 80 years old at this time.

Li Shimin and the others are behind, listening, thinking, silent, shocked...
They couldn't understand what Sun Simiao said.

But, I understand!
It seems that King Chu wants to change the world again! !
Li Shimin was silent.

The others didn't speak either.


What is this thing? !

They don't know, even the name, they have never heard of it.

But, it must be something great!

It can make His Royal Highness the King of Chu value him so much.

It can also make Sun Laoshenxian work so hard for this goal.


I really don't know what His Royal Highness the King of Chu will turn this world into in the end.

Li Shimin had a clear tone.

He also swallowed his saliva.

"Old Immortal, can you show us the medical books that Kuan'er left behind?"

Li Shimin wanted to take a look.

This was left by Li Tai. He really wanted to take a look. Maybe he couldn't understand it, but the medical book that could be written made him uncontrollably curious.

King of Chu...
Did you really write a medical book?

Without any hesitation at all, Sun Simiao nodded and said, "Of course, Your Majesty, please come in."

There is a secluded courtyard in a corner of the Chu Palace.

This is where Sun Simiao currently lives.

"Hey... I'm ashamed to say that when people get old, they are not as good as before in all aspects. The old Taoist thought he would live next to His Highness."

"So, sometimes when you come to Chang'an, you can ask for advice, but His Highness is really too chaotic."

"Your Highness doesn't know what to tinker with every day. The old man thought he was messy, so he chose this place."

With that said, Sun Simiao had already opened the door with his hands.

Li Shimin nodded with a smile: "Normally, if I live with him, we won't get very close. This brat is too good at messing around."

This is the truth that Li Shimin wants to tell from the bottom of his heart.

Look at the Chu Wang Bieyuan, those little iron stones, and those firecrackers, all of them can really make people's heads confused.

Not to mention reading, even sleeping is enough.


Sun Simiao laughed.

Princess Changle and Xiao Si also got in happily.

The two had a great time here.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui all looked around seriously, wanting to discover something.

Here, they really haven't been here.

The yard is not big.

But when you walk into the yard, you can smell all kinds of medicinal fragrances.

It can be seen that Old Immortal Sun has done a lot of research and research here.

(End of this chapter)

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