Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 220 Almost ascended to heaven!King Chu Wushuang!

Chapter 220 Almost ascended to heaven!King Chu Wushuang!
Oh my God!
When in his life had he reached such a high position?
Since childhood, he has never even been on the roof, this time it is directly higher than the treetops.


But the blood in his body faintly began to boil.

"Yes, Your Majesty, if you get off the rope, you might be in danger!" Li Jing also said in a deep voice.

He looked around, his heart surging.

It was also the first time he stood at such a height.

This feeling is really cool.

Looking down, Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui, former friends, have become like ants. The feeling is incomparable.

And the things that used to be big.

Such as a house, such as a yard, but looking at it this way, it is actually nothing more than that.

It's just that I have never seen it like this before, so I always feel that it is big, but from the sky, it is really nothing.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde grinned and looked into the distance excitedly.

Li Shimin's face darkened.

Can't go up?

He was anxious, like a fire burning.

Although his heartbeat was beating violently and his breathing was short of breath, Li Shimin still wanted to go up, still wanted to go up! !

At this height, even the Prince of Chu’s mansion cannot be seen completely.

Not to mention, overlooking the entire Chang'an.

When Li Shimin thought of this picture, he was so excited that he couldn't restrain it.

Chang'an is at your feet.

Everything is in the eyes.

All are ants.

That feeling!

Li Shimin clenched his fists and shouted excitedly: "Let go of the rope!!"

He shouted down to Oita, commanding.

"Your Majesty!" Wei Zheng's eyes widened sharply.

"No, absolutely no, Your Majesty!" Li Jing also stopped abruptly and shouted downward.

"Your Majesty, no, Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

"It's too dangerous. If you continue to go up, it's really too dangerous. We don't understand. Your Majesty, no, absolutely no!"

Even Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde also began to dissuade them.

But now, Li Shimin's eyes were a little red.

"Kuan'er gave me a chance to become a god, how could I just miss it!!"

Li Shimin's voice was a little hoarse, he was already on top.

The secretion of dopamine in the brain has completely controlled his brain.

He is the emperor!

He is the ruler of the world!

This time, Li Shimin really wanted to see what the place he ruled looked like! !

On the ground, it is impossible to appreciate its appearance.

Only by looking down in the air can you understand the true meaning of it! !
Li Shimin's hands were tightly clenched.

Don't listen to advice at all!
"No! No!"

"Whoever dares to let go, I want his head!"

"Pull His Majesty down to this palace, pull it down!"

But below, Empress Changsun has already noticed something is wrong.

The big ball is not too far away from them, Li Shimin and his roar can be heard from below.

Your Majesty is going crazy!
He even ordered the people below to let go!

If it flies out, it will be uncontrollable. If so, wouldn't it be...

It's really going to be numb! !
Empress Changsun was also a little bit up, she never expected that Li Shimin, who dared to fly not very high, would start to float.

Immediately, Empress Changsun already had a decision in her heart.

She directly yelled at Li Junxian and Jin Wuwei: "Pull it down now!!"

Li Junxian took a deep breath, not daring to be negligent, and immediately asked someone to slowly pull the rope down.

He agreed with this order from the bottom of his heart.

It is really too dangerous for His Majesty to be up there.

How long did it take to go up?It is even necessary for people to let go of their hands. In this case, if they really float away, they will not be able to land at that time, or in case of any accident and suddenly fall, the consequences of such a high distance will be unimaginable!
More than a dozen Jinwu guards did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly acted.

Sun Simiao stood on one side, watching the big ball start to fall, and he was also relieved.

"What are you going to do?"

"no, do not want!"

"Guanyin maidservant, Guanyin maidservant, please, let me be higher, just a little higher, this time, just this time, okay?"

Li Shimin lay on the basket, looked down at the "ants" just getting bigger and bigger, and knew that the people below started to pull.

he begged!
He is excited!
He doesn't want to go down.

Where is this?

No, I didn't even have the "meaning" at the beginning!

Wei Zheng's tense eyes loosened abruptly. Although he felt a little regretful, it was acceptable to stop His Majesty's crazy thoughts.

Big deal, just wait for His Royal Highness King Chu to come back, and then go up to have a look.

When the time comes, you must take a good look at it.

Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde supported Li Shimin.

Otherwise, they were really afraid that the excited Li Shimin would fall straight down.

Slowly, the big ball fell down.

And just as the big ball hit the ground, the fire in the stove suddenly went out.

Visible to the naked eye, the filled ball began to deflate.

"His Majesty!"

Empress Changsun hurried over and helped Li Shimin jump out of the basket.

Several people jumped out quickly.

Li Shimin stood on one side, and he quietly watched the big ball disappear. The speed of this disappearance was so fast that he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

If you really let go.

After they ascended to a high altitude, and then, the stove suddenly went out, then...
Judging by the shrinking speed of the big ball, it seemed that it was too late to send them down.

In the end, there is a high probability that it will be smashed into a mess.

Li Shimin took a deep breath.

The corners of his eyes danced wildly.

He was silent.

He was speechless.

However, he stepped on the solid ground, and the scene just now appeared in his mind.


Everything turned into ants!
Yard, flowers, trees, and people!

Not to mention how high he flew, but he really flew this time.

Myself, go to the sky! !

I am higher than some birds can fly!
Himself, overlooking this piece of land!
Kuan'er, this stinky brat, how did he do it?Such a treasure, he didn't even send someone to tell him!

If I hadn't asked Old Immortal Sun myself, I still don't know that there is such a useful artifact in the world.


It's absolutely perfect!
My mother, if it wasn't for Kuan'er, to be honest, he wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Wei Zheng, Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde stood behind Li Shimin.

Wei Zheng was supported by Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui.

His legs are still a little weak now, and he can't stand at all.

Think about it, there is really a fear.

If Empress Changsun hadn't been pulled down just now, if the stove went out suddenly, what would be the consequences?
He swallowed hard.

But there was not much fear in the eyes, and there was even a trace of excitement and... and the desire to do it again!

That kind of feeling is really amazing. I saw a picture that I had never seen in my life.

Everything underground!
All become so small!
Wei Zheng took a deep breath.

He knows that if this technology can be perfected, of course, it may have been perfected now, but he doesn't know it.

If His Royal Highness the King of Chu can explain the key points clearly to the people, Datang... Datang is really about to usher in an extremely explosive development opportunity! !

Think about it.

The sky is full of big flying balls.

Being able to travel to and from Luoyang City, these neighboring cities that are not far away, is a huge impetus to Datang.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu is really a genius in the world! !
"Your Majesty, since Your Majesty is done with the experience, let someone put the big ball into the warehouse."

"Hehehe... Please don't pay attention to His Highness's little skill."

Sun Simiao suddenly opened his mouth and said modestly.

The corner of Li Shimin's mouth trembled.

A little trick?
You call this a little trick?
If you don't pay attention to this thing, are you blind?


"The old god was joking, Kuan'er has such a skill, it's unheard of before, I can't even imagine it, it's really the best in the world!!"


"It's just... It's a pity that we still can't manipulate it skillfully. When Kuan'er comes back, I must study hard."

Li Shimin let out a long breath.

"It's easy to say, when His Highness comes back, Chu Palace will definitely tell His Highness as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, why don't you go eat some simple food."

Invited by Sun Simiao.

The sun is well past due south now.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's stomachs rang at the same time.

Cuckoo like thunder, completely non-stop.

If you don't eat lunch now, you really have to have dinner.

The little Si beside him was also holding his stomach, his little face was bitter.

It was a pity that the big ball didn't sit on it, but who would have thought that he would be hungry here.

Originally, I didn't feel hungry because of the excitement, but when I relaxed, the feeling of hunger came.

Li Shimin rubbed his stomach and nodded slightly.

"Okay, Immortal Sun, then... trouble."

"Please lead the way, but at this point, there is no need to bother, let's go directly to the back kitchen to eat something."

Li Shimin said.

The meal time must be over now.

The servants of Chu Palace must have finished eating long ago, so Li Shimin didn't want to make a big fuss and let the chef cook it now.

He thought, why not just go to the back kitchen to see if there is anything to eat, just eat something.

After all, they didn't come to Chu Palace to eat.

Hurry up and eat well, maybe you can go around more, in case you find anything, it is not comparable to having a delicious meal here.

"Yes, old fairy, you're welcome."

"When we arrived at Prince Chu's Mansion, we almost all went home, so we can just eat something in the back kitchen."

Empress Changsun also said.

Sun Simiao nodded with a smile.

"Your Majesty, empress, even though that's the case, we must not mess with the etiquette in Chu Palace."

"Everyone, please, the old Taoist has ordered his servants to keep food, and it's in the back kitchen. Let's just go directly."

"That's great!" Li Shimin nodded.

Sun Simiao led the way.

Li Shimin turned his head and looked at the warehouse. At this time, the warehouse was being closed.

"Your Majesty, let's go."

"Let's eat first, don't think about anything else."

"It's really not possible. When Kuan'er comes back, let's ask him more. The big ball is here. Are you still thinking about it?"

Empress Changsun said with a smile.

Li Shimin nodded.

He let out a long sigh: "Hey..."

"I just don't know, Kuan'er, when will this kid come back."

"Let's go, let's go, let's eat first."

"I've been busy all morning, I'm really hungry."

Li Shimin followed.

Wei Zheng, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and the others looked at each other and walked forward in silence.

His Highness Chu, this subordinate, does not know what other treasures there are.

No, after eating, we must search carefully!

The Chu Palace definitely has other secrets!
It's just that I don't know where His Royal Highness King Chu put it.

back kitchen.

This is an independent small courtyard, especially when the cook is cooking.

When Sun Simiao led the crowd, the cooks hadn't left yet, they had been waiting.

After all, this is His Majesty, and the Empress, and several Dukes are here, so the Chu Palace can't really ignore it at all.

is not it?
"Your Majesty, Empress, and everyone, please sit down."

"The old man will arrange for someone to serve the meal."

Sun Simiao led the crowd and sat in a long pavilion outside the kitchen.

Li Shimin nodded, indicating that Sun Simiao didn't need to bother so much.

Soon, people from Chu Palace came up with food.

Still steaming.

These are specially prepared for them.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, everyone is hungry, please eat quickly, I won't say anything else here, just treat it as your own."

"As you wish, as you please."

Sun Simiao said again.

However, when he finished this sentence, he became a little numb.

Need to say that?
He just reacted.

I heard that those in the backyard, what kind of food, sweet potatoes, etc., this group of people really regarded the Chu Palace as their own home, and moved it casually, let alone these meals.

If they were polite when eating, Sun Simiao would really look down on them.

Dress up one by one!
Why not pack it when transporting food.

However, Li Shimin and the others were really not polite, picked up chopsticks or something, and started to eat.

They are really hungry.

There was a burst of gobbling.

Several people eat, that is called a joy.



"Old Immortal, the food in our Prince Chu's Mansion is really delicious. I always feel that it is much better than the food outside. Even the imperial food in the imperial city can't compare."

Li Shimin rubbed his stomach and said with great satisfaction.

"Yes, it's really good." Empress Changsun also praised.

Wei Zheng swallowed his saliva, gulped down another chicken leg, his mouth was full of oil, and said, "Your Majesty, empress, what they said is right, the taste of this food, for some reason, is much more delicious than the outside."

"It's delicious, it's really delicious!"

Cheng Yaojin's eyes were a little red.

A plate of braised pork in front of him was completely eaten by him.

"Phew... so cool, so satisfying! This is eating meat!!"

"This meat is indeed delicious, salty but not bitter, sweet but not greasy."

"I really don't know how it was made."

(End of this chapter)

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