Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 221 Strange Meal!The discovery of Empress Changsun!

"I think the cooks in my Cheng's mansion are already very good, but in comparison, they are a bit worse."

Cheng Yaojin looked at the table of dishes that had been wiped out at the moment, and was a little puzzled.

To be honest, the ingredients are about the same.

But this taste, the difference is indeed a bit big.

Is it because of the chef?
Not necessarily!
Cheng Yaojin thinks that his cooks are definitely not weak, and they are delicious. He specially searched for these cooks. Which one is not top-notch?
But the dishes of Chu Palace far surpassed theirs by a large margin.

Wei Zheng also nodded.

"Indeed, the cooks in the imperial city are almost unparalleled in the world, but I have eaten so many times in the imperial city, old man, and they are completely inferior to these."

"Ha ha ha ha……."

Sun Simiao laughed when he heard the words, and continued: "These cooks in the mansion are all recruited from the market at will by His Highness."

"It's not a special training..."

Li Shimin took a sip of tea, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Not specially trained?
He thought that it should be trained by Li Kuan himself, but Sun Simiao didn't understand what Sun Simiao said.

Can an ordinary cook cook such a meal?

The cooks in the imperial city almost all learned how to cook when they were young, but even so, they had to be screened layer by layer before they could enter the imperial dining room.

"is it?"

Li Shimin stood up slowly.

"Old Immortal Sun, can I go in and have a look at this kitchen?"

His eyes are slightly serious.

If these reasons are removed, the difference should be in the kitchen.

It seems that I have never been in these places for cooking.

All of a sudden, Li Shimin became interested.

"Your Majesty, of course there is no problem with this, just ask Your Majesty to do as you please."

Regarding this question, Sun Simiao certainly had no reason to refuse.

Visit places where meals are cooked.

The nature is really good.

Since His Majesty has such a passion, the old genius doctor Sun really can't refuse, no matter how you say it, visiting the kitchen is much better than rummaging around in other places.

Big deal, I'll send His Majesty and the others some of the vegetables they've been eating later.

It's not worth much.

"I'll go down with His Majesty to have a look."

Queen Changsun said.

To be honest, she is not really interested in other places, but the kitchen, Empress Changsun really wants to take a look.

After all, this meal is really delicious.

Although she is a queen, she is also good at cooking. When she is free, she likes to follow Li Shimin, and cook some of her own specialties for these children.

In the eyes of Empress Changsun, this is already one of the joys of life, and it is not a lowly thing.

After all, people take food as their heaven.

This is an amazing skill.

So, despite being queen, she didn't stay away from the kitchen.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui were all taken aback for a moment.

They really did not expect His Majesty's request.

Go around the kitchen?
What can there be in the kitchen?
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, since this is the case, you two should go and take a look around. After looking around, let's go to the backyard and take a look around."

"Yes, Your Majesty, we haven't looked at some corners of the Prince Chu's mansion, the palace grids, etc., but we happened to look at them all today."

"That's right, Your Majesty, just take a casual look at the kitchen. The food is so delicious, I guess it's a human thing. It's really not good. When I leave today, I will borrow the cook from the Chu Palace for a few days."

"This is the correct answer, Your Majesty!"


Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui all spoke, but they didn't get up.


They are not interested.

And seeing His Majesty go with the Empress, this is the place where my son eats.

What are they going to do?
What can there be in the kitchen?

Aren't they all the same pots and pans?At most, these pots and pans in the Chu Palace are made of gold, what else can there be?


Look at the meals you eat are all the same.

They also have pork, lamb, and chicken.

They have also seen these vegetables.

It's no different.

Li Shimin nodded with a smile.

Nor did they force them.

After all, it was just a kitchen, and he wanted to check it out just on a whim.

As for what they said, Li Shimin also understands, what can there be in a kitchen?
Even if there is a baby, it will not be placed in this place.

Little Sizi and Princess Changle are still cooking.

Muttering in his mouth is all meat.

The two had a great time eating.

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun got up and walked to the kitchen side by side.

But Sun Simiao stood up and followed.

Anyway, he is also in charge of entertaining Li Shimin today, so he should accompany him.

The kitchen of Prince Chu's Mansion is not big, but it is not small either.

Li Shimin stood at the door and looked around briefly, looking very well-behaved.

It's no different from other wealthy families.

It's just that there are too many pots and pans.

Five cooks and a few maidservants were cleaning up. When they saw Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, their faces became tense, and they hurriedly bowed their heads to pay their respects.

Li Shimin waved his hand, smiled and asked everyone to stand up.

"You all go down and rest first."

Sun Simiao said.

The servants quickly retreated.

"Your Majesty, look at it casually, touch it casually, hehehe..."

Sun Simiao smiled lightly.

"If you like anything, just take it."

Li Shimin pursed the corners of his mouth, also smiled, and didn't say much.

walk forward.

The water tank, um, is very big, and there is still a full tank of water in it.

The cauldron is not small, and it has been brushed clean now.

As for the place below, Li Shimin bowed and took a look. There were still sparks in the place where the fire was burning, and it seemed that it had just been extinguished.

That's right, after all, I had to leave food for them just now.

It cannot be completely extinguished at this moment, and a little temperature must be maintained.

"Your Majesty, everything seems normal here."

Empress Changsun stood at the vegetable cutting place, looked at the knives and sundries, and said.

Li Shimin rubbed his nose.


This place is almost the same as a normal kitchen.

But as he was walking, suddenly, his eyes froze slightly.

In front of a pot, there is a pile of bottles and cans.

"What is this?" Li Shimin asked.

"Return to Your Majesty, these are some salt, sugar, and some spices."

"There are also in the palace?"

Sun Simiao replied.

Li Shimin's eyes flickered.

He had seen some of these things in the Chu River restaurant.

And there are many more that he has never seen.

He sighed and nodded in disappointment.

These are, indeed, very common,

Although Datang's salt is extremely precious, it is not lacking for the landlord's family with a slightly better family background.

Not to mention the Chu Palace.

My lord, if you can't afford salt, wouldn't it be a joke?
Naturally, there is no shortage of salt or anything in the palace.

Very commonplace.

Li Shimin turned around, his eyes slightly disappointed.

Empress Changsun followed beside her and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, it's nothing special."

"That dish should be because of the cook's skill, which is why it tastes so good."

Li Shimin nodded.

He lifted his leg and walked out.

Sun Simiao also left here.

However, when Empress Changsun passed the pot, she raised her eyebrows slightly and walked towards those bottles.

Is it really a matter of cook skills?
also can not put.

Empress Changsun really had some doubts in her heart.

That cook, no matter how you look at it, is an ordinary cook.

But the pots and pans are similar to others. If there are other reasons, the problem can only lie in these bottles and cans.

Empress Changsun opened one casually.

A very common spice in Tang Dynasty,
Open another one, same thing.

The third, the fourth, are almost the same.

It's nothing unusual, even if Datang didn't have it, there would be Chuhe Restaurant.

Empress Changsun can call out her name.

Empress Changsun thought to herself, she might be suspicious.


want to turn around,

But his eyes, for some reason, were still fixed on those unopened bottles and jars.

"Forget it, everyone is here, let's take a look."

Empress Changsun murmured to herself, and stretched out her hand again.

The rest of the cans are all opened.

Empress Changsun glanced over all of them casually.

But suddenly, the eyes that had just swept over suddenly tightened.

Looking back, she directly locked on a white porcelain jar.

Brows frowned slightly.

That is…….
Empress Changsun looked at the jar full of things that looked like snowflakes, with a little hesitation on her face.

What it is?
so white!

So pure!

So bright!

There seemed to be no impurities at all. It can be said that there was only one word that popped up in Empress Changsun's mind, and that was "Snowflake"!
It is really like snowflakes, extremely white and tender.

Empress Changsun stretched out her hand and grabbed it.

Those grains, one by one, were round and smooth, and she gently flowed these snowflake-like particles from one hand to the other.

This is too white and smooth too.

Color, like snowflakes.

And the sense of touch is like the finest river sand.

Holding it in your hand, the feeling is really indescribable!

"what is this?"

Empress Changsun is puzzled?

She can be sure that she has never seen this ingredient before.

"Another exclusive secret recipe derived by Kuan'er?"

Empress Changsun thought so.

However, these things are placed on the pot table, don't think about it, they are definitely used for cooking, like spices.

The effect is definitely not bad.

Empress Changsun swallowed.

She slightly pursed the corner of her mouth, stretched out a finger, dipped a little on it, and then put it in her mouth.


However, when she put her tongue into her mouth, Empress Changsun's body suddenly trembled, and she was completely numb.

Stand still.

not moving at all.

Eyes burst.


This this.……

Her breathing suddenly rose, her eyes burst, she couldn't believe it, she stared at the snow-white thing in her hand, she was so horrified, she couldn't say a word, her breathing was rapid, as if a blower was plugged in.

What did I eat!
When her fingers entered the mouth, Empress Changsun really felt it. The salty taste spread and exploded on her taste buds. She felt that her mouth had been completely captured, and her soul was like being beaten hard. With one punch, the trembling continued.

When has she ever tasted this taste?

She admits that salt is as common to her as the dirt outside.

After all, she is the queen of a country, the virtuous mother of this land in the world.


She had never tasted such a taste.

So pure! !

Apart from salty, there is no other slight taste.

You know, all the salt in Datang is green salt, mined from wells or mines.

It is the most primitive and most garbage raw material.

There was no processing or craftsmanship during the period, even if it was sold, it was sold directly.

Some of the salt is really like a rock, very hard, too hard to work.

Even if it is broken, but put it into the pot, it is impossible to completely melt the thick salt particles.

If you put it in the dish like this, even if you can have some salty taste, but from time to time you will eat a salt particle, which will creak in your mouth. People go straight to it.

It will make people completely lose the fun of eating.

Even Empress Changsun, after a country, the imperial dining room is already the most sophisticated kitchen in the Tang Dynasty, but even so, it cannot be avoided.

It can be seen how the people's homes outside the imperial city eat salt.

However, this salt, this snow sand salt, melts in the mouth, that kind of salty, without any other taste at all.

Salt is the taste of salt! !
Even Empress Changsun felt that as long as she was given a big pancake or a bowl of rice, to put it bluntly, she didn't need to eat vegetables, just salt was enough.




Empress Changsun's hands trembled a little.

She stared at the snow, sand and salt, her eyes really seemed to have condensed into substance.

She has never seen such salt in her life, not just her, she can be sure that no one in the whole world has seen it.

But there are so many Chu Palaces! !

The dishes in Chu Palace just now are so delicious, it must have a lot to do with this salt! !


It's absolutely perfect! !

She took a deep breath and calmed down her heartbeat which was like a storm.

She swallowed deeply again with difficulty.

He forced himself to divert his gaze, and put it back in other bottles and jars.

On the other side of this snow sand salt, there is another jar, and the contents in that jar seem to be similar to snow sand salt.

It is also white.

It just looks like the particles are bigger than snow sand salt.

Empress Changsun couldn't control it, she didn't have any thoughts in her mind yet, but her hand had already grabbed it.

Grab it.

Feeling the weight in her hand, Empress Changsun put it directly into her mouth.

cluck cluck....
These particles make a lot of noise when they rub against the teeth in the mouth.

Even Empress Changsun was impatient and wanted to taste the taste of these particles, so she crushed quite a few of them.


But the next moment, Empress Changsun was completely dumbfounded.

This taste! !

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