Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 240 The family's trump card!The Duke's Daughter Qi visits!

Chapter 240 The family's trump card!The Duke's Daughter Qi visits!
"This... Wan'er, don't be impulsive!"

"it's not good?"

Princess Changle blinked and said hastily.

"Not good? What's wrong!"

"Yes, let's go! Go talk to Miss Yan'er."

"You can't just guess at others like this, maybe they will be sisters in the future."

Du Ruyan also stood up, and then said while patting her chest angrily.

Changle smiled wryly.

Kuan'er probably didn't even know that he already had such a powerful... admirer.

I really don't know what expression I will have when I wait for Kuan'er to come back and find out about this.

Indignantly, the others also stood up, obviously supporting the decision.

Seeing this, Princess Changle didn't stop them either.

Anyway, I'm fine with myself.

Have fun watching the show!

Do I have to write a letter and say hello to Kuan'er first?

When he came back, he was taken aback.

Princess Changle thought to herself.

But, when she realized it, Du Ruyan and Li Wan'er had already left.

Goal, Pingkangfang!

Yanquelou, Miss Yan'er!

No one really thought that the absolutely talented women in the minds of countless scholars in Chang'an could do such a thing.

To be honest, Du Ruyan and Qin Qing don't have countless followers and defenders?
Talent, learning, and wisdom can be said to be the pinnacle of women in the Tang Dynasty.

Status, family background, can also be said to be the pinnacle of women in the Tang Dynasty.

But now they want to forcibly break into the Yanque Tower for the sake of the King of Chu.

It's really shocking to hear it out.

The Li family in Longxi, the main residence.

On the old face of the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, a trace of relief finally appeared.

It's finally over.

This matter is finally over!

Not to mention anything else, the grand ceremony is over.

Hou Junji, the Li family of Zhaojun, and that group of Turkic people will be executed when Chu Wang Li Kuan returns.

It did not involve Chu Wangfu, let alone other aristocratic families.

Since there is no fermentation, then this matter has passed.

Now Chang'an is boiling, and the whole world is boiling.

The whole world is filled with joy.

They must be completely safe.


The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi listened to the steward's report, and heaved a deep breath. He looked at the other party and nodded.

"This matter has come to an end."

"In this case, we can continue with our strategy, what do you think?"

The Patriarch of the Li Clan in Longxi looked at the Patriarch of the Zheng Clan in Xingyang and the Patriarch of the Cui Clan in Qinghe.

The two of them nodded vigorously one after another, and then turned their fists very vigorously.

"That's right, Li Shimin has finished the investigation on this matter, if that's the case, we have no way out."

"Patriarch Li, I, Cui, support you!"

Qinghe Cui's Patriarch said in a deep voice.

The big rock in his heart really fell down.

I have to say that this matter has been weighing on them these days, and it has really brought them endless pressure.

The family has never encountered such a big crisis.

But it's finally over now.

Temporary is over.

However, Qinghe Cui's Patriarch also understood that if he did not launch other attacks on Li Shimin, then Li Shimin would deal with them next.

The court is in power!

Li Shimin is in power!
Then, their aristocratic clan will surely shrink back, let alone the birth of today's sweet potato, Li Shimin's control over the world will become more and more stable.

If the family doesn't fight back absolutely this time, then they will really be suppressed by Li Shimin in the future.

At that time, is the clan still a clan?
Can a gate valve still be a gate valve?
He can't accept it!
He has already paid the price of Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun.

There is also a huge help from the Turkic side, which is also gone.

These days, the family can be said to be extremely passive.

I have been flustered.

If you don't take the initiative to attack, you may really have to face Li Shimin's stewed knife to cut your flesh. When the time comes, can the family still be called the family?
This is a trump card in their hands!
It can be said that it is a trump card that can directly hold Li Shimin as long as it is played.

As for this trump card, to be honest, the Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe didn't know how he would lose!
He really doesn't know!
This trump card, to be honest, is ten times more ruthless than the Turks!

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang also took a deep breath.

He nodded and swallowed hard.


"Patriarch Li, whether our family can regain its former glory and glory depends on this time."

"Whether we are famous in history, or face our ancestors without face, just look at this time, the sweet potato has been born, and the people will bid farewell to hunger from now on. In this way, as long as the sweet potato is popularized, our so-called food is not too big for the world. affected."

"Every household of the common people will have food and clothing. To be honest, our food is just icing on the cake. It will not play a decisive role for the common people."

"We must not watch the court continue to develop endlessly like this!"

"Not to mention, Li Shimin still has an imperial examination!!"

"Look, the destruction of the Li family in Zhaojun has successfully opened a gap for Li Shimin, an absolute gap for officials!"

"Those children of the Li family in Zhaojun will be wiped out in the next time. Those who should be imprisoned, those who should be dismissed will be dismissed, and those who should be demoted will be demoted."

"As soon as the imperial examination comes out, those poor families will fill these positions. At that time, the advantages of our aristocratic family will also be greatly restrained."

The voice of the head of the Zheng family in Xingyang was trembling.

He analyzed the forms in front of him one by one.

When it comes to deep love, I can't even hold the teacup in my hand.

Now he knows very well what the family will face.

Li Shimin, not Li Yuan, he was the king of Qin when he was young, and now he is the emperor. With such a great advantage, will he see that the aristocratic clan still occupies more than [-]% of the world?
What are you thinking!

"If we do nothing, Li Shimin will weaken our strength step by step."

"You must not watch him do this, absolutely not!"

"Salt, Patriarch Li! Now this is the absolute trump card, use this lore trump card, and the next one will be our dead wood!"

"As long as you use salt, don't think about it, Li Shimin will definitely soften, and the court will definitely prostrate under us. This is our chance!"

"One move, defeat the enemy!"

"I can't be with Li Shimin's mother-in-law anymore, laughing and joking!"

The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang stared straight at the head of the Li family in Longxi.

His voice was hoarse.

In the end, it all broke down.

As the five surnames and Qiwang, as the largest family in the world, as the ruler of the world.

They really can't stand it, and they will be led by the nose by the court.

The glory of the ancestors was taken away by the court.

Everything about him was destroyed by the court.

They are really intolerable!
They originally wanted to achieve great achievements and completely control the court, but how many days are they now?
It's come to this point.

They were originally very close to becoming the real masters of the world.

But now!

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang let out a deep breath.

Chest burst!

The pupils are split open!

Very blood red!
He is not reconciled either.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi looked at the two of them and nodded.

There is incomparable depth in the eyes.

His fingers tapped lightly on the table.

Breathing, slightly heavy.

"I know, but don't worry."

"Hou Junji also has a grudge against the Li family of Zhao County. This time, we will take revenge together!"

"Ha! Salt! As long as we use this hole card, Li Shimin has no chance to compete with us, no chance, and no possibility!"

"If he insists on going his own way, it's a big deal... the big deal is to change the appearance of this world!"

"His Li family, this country, won't let them sit anymore!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said slowly, resolutely, in a deep voice.

The big deal is to subvert Datang again. In this world, if the surname is not Li, other surnames will be happy to cooperate with them.

Salt has this power!
The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi is very clear.

Once they didn't want someone surnamed Yang to sit in the world, so they just cooperated with Li Yuan and the others.

Now, they strike again, even after the war, the power of the family has not been fully recovered.

But Li Shimin is not a good person, they still have the strength, and then make the world chaotic.

It's their trump card!
People can't eat less salt, otherwise they will lose all their strength and be very close to death.

Now, the salt is almost all in their hands.

As long as they are willing, as long as the supply of salt is stopped, the court will be in great trouble, and Li Shimin is bound to be devastated.

But it's not that they are not gods, they can't change salt!
At that time, everything will not be their final decision?
As long as they secretly incite people's hearts, it will be easy to set off the situation at the end of the Qin Dynasty again.

Rebelling against the king everywhere, stirring up the world again.

At that time, the Li family will be considered a fart!
"Patriarch Li, this time is really our perfect opportunity."

"As long as it is successful, everything will be the same as before, and the world is still ours!"

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang raised his teacup and said.

"Patriarch Li, I respect you!"

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe also said in a deep voice.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi nodded, and drank the tea in his hand in one gulp.

"All of you, tell the news to the other companies, explain the pros and cons to them, and get them to cooperate. It's not difficult."

"As for Wei Wang's mansion, also say hello to him. When the time comes, we will help him become an anti-king all the way."

"Destroy Li Shimin together! Jiangshan, we should do it!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said in a low voice.

The voice is extremely sharp.

The voice is also deep, there is no doubt about it!

The two nodded.

They discussed for a long time that night.

Chang'an City.

Pingkang Square.

Bird House.

Miss Yan'er sat by the bed.

Princess Changle, Du Ruyan, Li Wan'er and the others sat at the table.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

It seems that the sword is on the verge of breaking out.

Qiu Ju, Miss Yan'er's maid, was holding her handkerchief nervously. She stood cautiously next to her own lady, staring at the uninvited guests in front of her.

Du Ruyan, Li Wan'er, their expressions were extremely serious.

In the whole room, Princess Changle was still the most relaxed.

After all, this matter has little to do with me.

Speaking of which, I am also here to come to the theater, and secondly, I can also be a judge, after all, I am also choosing a wife for my younger brother, so I can't be sloppy, can I?

At this moment, outside the room, those guests also came out of their boxes one after another.

They just guarded the stairs, making the hall on the first floor impenetrable.

I don't care about enjoying myself at all.


Really exciting!

In this life, who has ever encountered such a thing?

The majestic princess of a country, and the daughters of four princes, actually came to the Goulan like the Yanque Tower, and even went directly to Miss Yan'er's room.

What happened in the imperial city today has spread throughout Chang'an!
Almost everyone knew that Miss Yan'er's lyrics and music were all written by His Highness King Chu.

At the same time, it also proved that Miss Yan'er has a very close relationship with His Highness King Chu.

In this way, the purpose of these daughters of the dukes coming here is self-evident.

what is this?
The main room suppresses the side room?

Not even.

It really doesn't count!

After all, everyone knows.His Royal Highness the King of Chu has never had a royal court at all.

Then, the purpose of the daughters of the Dukes of the state to directly force their way into the Yanque Tower is a bit interesting.

"Do you still need to think about it? This must be a battle between rivals in love. The appearance of Ms. Yan'er made Ms. Du and Ms. Li feel the crisis."

At this time, in the somewhat quiet hall, someone said something sour.

This sentence can be said to have exhausted the guesses in everyone's minds.

Apart from this matter, they really couldn't figure out what the daughters of the dukes of the country were doing here.

"His Royal Highness Chu has a lot of confidante, tsk tsk tsk... At first, I thought that Miss Li Wan'er was devoted to martial arts, but who knew that she also liked His Highness Chu."

"Who says no, look, not only Ms. Yan'er, but Ms. Du and the others are all heavenly immortals, the best in the world. His Royal Highness King Chu has such charm. We, envy, envy! "

"Grandma, it turns out that Miss Yan'er has her own heart for a long time, and I finally know why Miss Yan'er has not opened the cabinet for so long. Also, with His Royal Highness Chu Wang being such a god-man, if it were me, I would not open the cabinet either." , come to face our group of poor scholars."

"His Royal Highness Chu is not only unparalleled in talent, but also has such attractiveness. If I can have a fraction of the talent of His Highness Chu, will I still have to spend money to come to Pingkangfang? Just kidding, it must be the top card in the big Goulan of Pingkangfang , vying to invite me to have a talk!"

"Return [-]%? You don't even deserve to cut His Highness Chu's nails. It's a beautiful idea. However, if it were someone else, I would definitely have the heart to strangle him to death. Why change to His Highness? There were no disturbances at all, and I even felt that the beauty of a man and a woman is a match made in heaven."


In the entire hall, there was mourning and envy.

Really sour!

The sour gas filled the air and condensed in the hall.

Some customers who have spent money have no intention of enjoying it at all, and just want to see how the final outcome will be.

Could it be that they would fight for His Highness King Chu?

(End of this chapter)

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