Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 241 What the Second Generations Think!Carnival in town!

Chapter 241 The Second Generation's Thoughts!Carnival in town!
To be honest, this scene is really extremely rare.

I don't know if Miss Yan'er can be the opponent of Ms. Du and Ms. Li.

Most certainly not.

Miss Li Wan'er alone could kill Miss Yan'er in seconds.

At that time, will you pull your hair, tear your clothes, and roll all over the floor?
The scenes of scolding and fighting have already appeared in countless people's minds.

But just as they were guessing, suddenly, someone came down the stairs.

"Sisters, look, I didn't entertain my sister well today, please forgive me."

"When there is a chance, my sister will definitely make preparations to entertain all my sisters."

Miss Yan'er said with a smile.

"Sister, what can I say? My sister has been busy all day today, so I should rest early and come to my sister's house as a guest some other day."

"How can a younger sister invite her sister to drink tea?"

"Of course it's the elder sister who takes care of the younger sister."


Du Ruyan held Miss Yan'er in one hand, and said with a smile on her face.

Li Wan'er, Qin Qing and the others were also on the side, echoing again and again.

A happy scene.

When seeing this scene, the customers in the hall guarding the stairs were stunned.

What the hell!
what is this?
Did not fight! !
They just came to mind.But they have already imagined a passionate drama.

Chang'an's once-in-a-thousand-year oiran fights against the talented daughter of the Duke of Chang'an?
How terrifying and exciting would it be to spread this shit?

But now this is....
Could it be that they reconciled?
For this sister and sister, with this smile again and again, could it be possible that some agreement has been reached with His Highness King Chu?
What the hell!

real or fake?

Everyone in the hall opened their mouths blankly.

not moving at all.


They all looked at Miss Yan'er, smiled and sent Princess Du Ruyan Changle and the others out of the Yanque Tower.

When Miss Yan'er walked towards the stairs until she could no longer see her figure, there was a "bang" in the hall, and it exploded completely.

"Grandma's, grandma's! What good deeds did His Royal Highness the King of Chu do in his previous life? This is the agreement that Ms. Du and Ms. Yan'er have reached?"

"I don't know, but looking at such a happy and harmonious appearance, it seems that they have all calmed down, what the hell, envy, my concubine was beaten by my tigress for three days and three nights, but His Royal Highness Chu... "

"It's really amazing, it's really unbelievable! A person who lives as His Highness the King of Chu can be regarded as having no regrets in life."

"Who says it's not? Hey, Miss Yan'er, Miss Du, Miss Li and the others, as long as there is one who can look me in the eye, I can be excited for several days, but now, all of them are treated like this by His Royal Highness King Chu. Conquered, and even now, His Royal Highness the King of Chu has never made an appearance."

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu probably doesn't even know that he has so many choices."

"What did His Royal Highness King Chu do? Why haven't you returned to Chang'an?"

"I don't know, the King of Chu is not only talented, unparalleled in poetry, and has the appearance of a poet, but also in terms of lyrics and music, he can also be called a sage of music. To have such a talent, hey... let alone Miss Yan'er They are gone, I only hate that I am not a daughter, otherwise, I will definitely not marry His Highness the King of Chu in this life!"


In the Yanque Tower, it was extremely chaotic.

Oh shit!


Just envy!

They also know that the gap between themselves and His Highness King Chu is too big, jealous?hatred?
Ha ha!

This has nothing to do with them, and it is even said that they have no right to be jealous at all.

And in the crowded hall, there was a table in the corner, and a few people were sitting on the table.

"So, in the future, we will still be...relatives?" Fang Yiai looked at Qin Huai and said to them.Some said speechlessly.

Qin Huaidao's mouth twitched.

Wei Ling also looked a little embarrassed.

Cheng Chu looked at them with a silent smile and poured tea for them.

He understood Fang Yiai's current mood very well.

They had nothing to do today, and as young grandpas, of course they wanted to celebrate, so they hit it off and came directly to the Yanque Tower.

But who would have thought that they would see their sister and come here together to find their "sister"?
And it's all because of King Chu!

The feeling in my heart can't be expressed.

This feeling is too mysterious. To be honest, they have never experienced such a thing before.

"Then I have to teach you later, brother?"

Qin Huaidao glanced at Fang Yiai.

Fang Yiai smiled wryly.

"Then who knows, anyway, there is a common brother-in-law, what should we call it?"

"Grandma, forget it, walk around, drink, drink, keep drinking!"

Fang Yiai stood up and walked towards their previous private room.

They also heard the rumors outside just now.

It's the so-called girl Yan'er who wants to fight the daughter of the duke!
They also thought that when the time comes, they will really fight to persuade and persuade, who knows, it has nothing to do with them in the end.

It will be redundant.


Cheng Chu smiled silently.

He took a sip of tea and walked into the private room with a few others.

The food and drink are still there.

But the warm atmosphere just now has cooled down a bit.

Fang Yiai, Qin Huaidao, Wei Ling and the others sat there, not knowing how to continue drinking the wine.

"Come, come, drink!"

"You guys, why are you all drooping your faces?"

"To be honest, I'm really envious of you guys. Being able to get in touch with His Highness the King of Chu just like this."

Cheng Chumo took a sip of wine by himself.

Of course he also knew what was wrong with these people.

To be honest, they are all queens of the state, with high status, and never thought about whether their sister is the main wife or not.

It can be said that this is related to the face of a duke's mansion.

But looking at the current situation, if you really want to marry His Highness the King of Chu together!
I'm a bitch!

Of course, the main thing is that it was too unexpected.

In silence, several people looked at Cheng Chumo.

Cheng Chumo took a light breath, his eyes were a little dignified.

"Now, the situation is actually very clear."

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu has far surpassed the Crown Prince. No matter how we look at it, if we can follow His Highness the King of Chu, in this life, success, fame, glory and wealth will surely be within reach."

Cheng Chu said silently.

Fang Yiai frowned.

"But His Royal Highness is still a prince, King Chu..."

"Yes, the King of Chu is not the eldest son after all." Qin Huaidao was also puzzled.

Cheng Chu snorted silently.

His years were the longest among them.

Naturally, this knowledge is also more outstanding than theirs.

In these years, he followed the army and fought in the north and south, and he already had a sharp eye.

Not to mention, after the First World War in Northern Xinjiang, Cheng Yaojin would tell him from time to time that he must follow His Highness the King of Chu from now on and not have any other thoughts.

What could be wrong with making my old man value it so much?

It's just that a few of them have been staying in Chang'an, and the layout is a little smaller after all.

"Prince? Hmph!"

"The prince now only has these two words, and he only has these two words!"

"I'm telling you, His Highness King Chu is far more terrifying than you think. Think about it carefully, Du Ruyan, Li Wan'er, and the others, you know more than I do. Otherwise, how could they be so harmonious? And this girl Yan'er, all of them She is a proud and talented woman."

Cheng Chumo took a deep breath and called again.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly stunned.

Meditate, analyze.

It does!

They hadn't thought deeply about this before. In other words, they were still not smart enough to smell the swords and swords going on in the temple.

"So, Chu Mo, you already have a decision?"

Qin Huaidao asked in a deep voice.

Cheng Chumo glanced at the few people staring at him, and nodded vigorously.

Road slowly.

"From now on, I will swear allegiance to His Royal Highness King Chu."


In the study room, the lights were brightly lit, changing cups.

After Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and others finished the grand ceremony in the imperial city, they gathered here together.

Today's grand ceremony, everyone is extremely excited.

Naturally, he didn't drink much during the ceremony, and he couldn't vent the hearty pleasure in his heart at all.

After all, at the grand ceremony, they can't drink alcohol recklessly.


Du Ruhui drank the wine in the bowl again in one gulp, and ate a piece of braised pork happily.

"Cool! Hahaha!"

"Turk, finally destroyed!"

"The aristocratic family will also become the end of the battle. They probably won't be able to make any troubles. Come, come, drink and drink!"

"From now on, our Great Tang is really peaceful, and the people of my Great Tang can finally go to the future without any worries."

Du Ruhui's face was flushed, and there was excitement in his eyes.

They've been looking forward to it, and they've been looking forward to it.

It can be said that they have been waiting for this day for so many years.

Originally, they thought that it would take at least ten years before they could breathe a sigh of relief from the hands of the family.

Of course, the greatest probability among them is that they will be killed by the family and suppressed by the family. They will not be able to really stand up in this life and can only become a puppet of the family.

But who would have thought!

How long does it take?

It has only been a few months since the imperial court's life hangs by a thread until now it has completely broken through all the shackles.

"Yeah, grandma, I really didn't expect that there would be such a day in the family!"

"Five surnames and seven Wangs, one family has been lost, and they are crippled, and they are no longer as strong as before."

"The Li family of Zhaojun was framed just like that, tragically left history, and became a wave in the long river."

"Afterwards, being scolded by others was inevitable."

Wei Zheng was also deeply moved and couldn't extricate himself.

Changsun Wuji nodded: "Who says no, His Highness the King of Chu, you have really done too many things for our Tang Dynasty. It is really thanks to His Highness the King of Chu that we can have what we have today."

Li Jing pursed the corners of his mouth, his face was full of smiles, which he couldn't suppress no matter what.

"I, Li Jing, have never served anyone in my life, but His Royal Highness King Chu is one!"

"I really can't imagine how he did these things."

"It's really a great blessing for the common people to have the King of Chu, and they will be free from worries in this life!"

"Look at the sweet potatoes today, tsk tsk tsk, I have never seen such a good crop in my life, it is amazing!"

Li Jing said repeatedly, with admiration and respect in his words.

He is a generation of military gods.

But it would be extremely shocking to praise a young man so much now, if it were at other times, it would be extremely shocking, but now Changsun Wuji and the others really feel that it is extremely normal, and there is nothing wrong with it at all.

His Highness the King of Chu!

There hasn't been one in a thousand years, but now there is one, and it's sold by them in the Tang Dynasty. It's really God's will, God's will!
"Stop talking, come, come, drink, drink!"

Cheng Yaojin raised the wine bowl again.

He was a little drunk.

"Anyway, I have already told Cheng Chumo that in this life, just let him follow His Highness the King of Chu. Don't have any other thoughts. The King of Chu is his destination."

Everyone also raised their wine bowls again and again.


"Okay Cheng Yaojin, you are cunning, cunning, no, when I get home, I have to tell that worthless brat!"

Qin Qiong laughed.

"That's right, that's right, I have to tell them well when I get home!"

"Grandma, it's fine if they have a bit of the talent of His Royal Highness Chu, but unexpectedly, they can't even match a bit!!"

"I just hope that they can make some achievements by following His Highness the King of Chu in the future."

Yuchi Jingde said in a deep voice.


Du Ruhui sighed, shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid His Royal Highness the King of Chu may not like them."

"What's the matter? At worst, the old man will blow this face out, and when His Royal Highness King Chu comes back, please tell him and beg him."

"Anyway, begging His Highness the King of Chu, that's no shame!"

Cheng Yaojin laughed drunkenly.

Everyone laughed.

Moon stars are rare.

The night sky is clear.

Laughter resounded through the sky.

"Come, come!"

"This bowl, let's respect His Royal Highness the King of Chu together."

"In the future, when His Royal Highness Chu comes back, I will definitely have a good drink with His Highness Chu!!"

The whole of Chang'an stayed up all night.

Really carnival into the night.

Whether it is the common people or the Duke, they all fell into the great joy of celebration.

Datang, these years have really been full of disasters.

This time the grand ceremony,

It's really.... The previous haze was swept away, and the atmosphere of the entire Tang Dynasty was relaxed and active.

No more, heavy!
No more, groan and resentment!

When the sun rises and the sun fills the whole world again.

Chang'an City was actually even quieter than at night.

no way!
A night of carnival and boiling, people's energy is always limited.

There is always a moment of silence.

However, the tranquility of Chang'an did not affect the continued carnival outside the city.

All the people opened their eyes wide, one by one, not daring to close their eyes at all.

They were so excited that they didn't feel sleepy at all.

The nerves were so tense that he couldn't relax at all.
(End of this chapter)

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