Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 242 Temple!I want to kowtow to the king of Chu?

Chapter 242 Temple!I want to kowtow to the king of Chu?

Jing Zhao Fu Yin.

The other is the two county magistrates of Chang'an County and Wannian County.

All the arresting yamen servants were dispatched, and the Jingzhaofu soldiers in Chang'an were dispatched.

Not for anything else.

Just because today, the sweet potatoes outside the city are about to start harvesting.

They couldn't wait for the harvest of sweet potatoes from Suzaku Gate yesterday.

People look forward to the stars and the moon. It can be said that they are counting the hours with their fingers and opening their eyes bit by bit until dawn.

When the sun came out, they dragged their families to the fields of crops.

Moreover, not only the farmers who planted sweet potatoes were dispatched this time, but the entire village of Zhuangzi came.

Who wouldn't want to borrow a piece of the legendary sweet potato?
Thirty to forty dan per mu!

This is a treasure that yields thirty or forty dan per mu.

Who is not excited?
Who doesn't boil?

Who can't stand it?
Outside Chang'an.


This was carried out at the same time as the pilot experiment of sweet potatoes outside the imperial city.

The sweet potato outside the imperial city turned out, and the imperial city guards had already arrived here.

Compared with the sighs a few months ago, today, every household in this village has hung red lanterns, as well as all kinds of red silk and red paper, anyway, it dresses up the whole Zhuangzi beautifully and happily.

I don't know, I thought there was a royal nobleman who was going to marry a farmer in this village.

"Watch it, watch it for me, don't hurt the sweet potatoes, dig one by one, pull out one by one, otherwise, old man, I will kill you bastards for His Royal Highness Chu."

"His Royal Highness Chu, you can just watch from the sky. If there is any mistake, His Royal Highness Chu will not let you go."

"My mother, His Royal Highness the King of Chu is the great benefactor of our Guojiazhuang, our ancestor, this is too big!!"

"His Royal Highness Chu is invincible, His Royal Highness Chu is invincible!"


When Li Shimin walked here with the three of them, Changsun Wuji, before he saw anyone, he heard an excited shout resounding through the sky.

Muramasa was really excited.

He stood on the ground and frantically commanded the villagers in the village.

There was no delay at all.

Be careful.

He is really more careful than serving his own father.

I'm afraid it will affect the harvest of sweet potatoes.

Now, he understands the importance of sweet potatoes very well. The yield of this thing is [-] dan per mu. As long as it can be popularized by then, why are they afraid of not having enough food?

Even if you eat three meals a day, you can't finish eating so much food.

Thinking of this, Muramasa's stomach growled a little, he couldn't help it, because he was over 70 due to excitement, but he still didn't close his eyes at all, and the sun came out all night.

As soon as it was dawn, I couldn't help rushing over with people.

As for not eating, it is not surprising at all. After all these years, when did they eat in the morning?

Both are lunch and dinner.

Two meals a day is the most basic common sense for the people of Tang Dynasty.

Except for those landlords and nobles, ordinary people are completely unable to eat three meals a day.

Even after experiencing so many disasters, many people can't eat twice a day.

Really can only maintain not to be starved to death.

As for eating enough, when did the common people experience this feeling?

It is estimated that there are no two or three times a year.

However, it is different now.

The villager knew it, and so did the farmers in Guojia Village.

The yield per mu is [-] dan, which is a crop with a yield of [-] dan per mu.

But whatever you choose, you can't finish it this year, and there will be a lot left.


You can eat every meal, and you can eat every meal.

The villager is staring at the men of Guojia Village.

One by one, they scraped away the soil with their hands to welcome the harvest of sweet potatoes.

The women in Guojia Village also follow behind the man. When the man pulls out the sweet potatoes, they will carefully clean up the soil on them and pile them together.

Around, there are counts of people photographed by the county government.

On the ground, there are Jinwu Guards watching.

Tension and order.

Li Shimin took his eldest grandson Wuji and the three of them down from the carriage.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

For this group of uninvited guests, Muramasa was a little dissatisfied at first, frowned, and wanted to drive them away.

At such a critical time, he didn't want to make any mistakes.

However, the Jinwu Guard guarding the ground directly knelt down on one knee and drank respectfully.

At this moment, the village panicked violently, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty! The villager of Guojiazhuang, the old man pays his respects to His Majesty!"

"Oh, please get up quickly, Muramasa."

Li Shimin quickly helped him up.

For such an old man, the laws of the Tang Dynasty stipulated that even if he made a slight mistake, he did not have to be arrested and interrogated.

Moreover, it also stipulates that you don't have to bow down when you see officials!

"Old man, how are the sweet potatoes harvested here?" Li Shimin asked with a smile.

"Report to Your Majesty, it's all right."

"Look, look, it's so big, so many, and so thick, my old man has never seen such a good thing in his whole life!!"

"My old man doesn't say anything else, I will replace the four or five hundred people in Guo Gu's family village, thank you Your Majesty, thank you His Highness King Chu, for bringing us such good crops!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

Muramasa said excitedly.

Li Shimin smiled and said: "You don't have to thank me, but you should thank the King of Chu. To be honest, I don't know where these things came from. They are all handled by the King of Chu. I just help He left it to the people."


Li Shimin laughed.

Without any greed.

No need!
Sweet potatoes are too important. Needless to say, records and introductions of sweet potatoes will be indispensable in all history books in the future.

It should be that his achievements are absolutely indispensable, but if he wanted to embrace them all, Li Shimin never thought about it.

Not to mention, he just wants to raise the prestige of King Chu now.

For the world, for Datang, for the common people!

"Yes, as His Royal Highness, Your Majesty, I really don't know when His Royal Highness will come back. At that time, my old man will come to the door to give His Royal Highness a good kowtow."

Muramasa said very solemnly.

"I don't know about this, the King of Chu has his own affairs."

"However, in my opinion, there is no need to kowtow at the door. He is the king of our Tang Dynasty, and it is his duty to consider the people!"

Li Shimin said with a smile.

There was sourness in the smiles.

I have been emperor for such a long time, but I have not received such treatment.

Unknowingly, the prestige of the brat King Chu surpassed himself among the people.

"Yes, old man, there is no need to go to His Highness the King of Chu."

"No, the Temple of the King of Chu in the city is about to be completed. On the day when the gate opens, just go to burn incense and kowtow to the statue of His Highness the King of Chu."

Zhangsun Wuji said with a smile.

Temple of King Chu!
This was built in Chang'an by Li Shimin's order a few months ago.

Now, it is finally about to be completed, and it looks like it will open the door to welcome the incense.

Hearing this, the village grinned: "Master Sun Guogong, needless to say, our Zhuangzi is already ready."

"Hey hey... just wait until the Temple of the King of Chu is completed, our Guojiazhuang will definitely carry a big tribute to honor His Highness the King of Chu."

"The people in our Zhuangzi are all waiting to get it now. When the time comes, all of them will go, all of them will go!"

Muramasa said.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui all looked at each other with bitterness in their hearts.

They were also a bit sour.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu already has a holy temple.

And from the looks of it, it seems that when the door opens, Chang'an will definitely be even more lively.

If you don't pay attention, His Royal Highness Chu Wang has already surpassed them by far.

They also thought that they could leave a name in history and have a good posthumous title after death.

But His Royal Highness, the King of Chu, looks like he's going to make a god!
Living people build temples!

Since ancient times, who has had it?
His Royal Highness the King of Chu was the first to open such a great merit, and he was also recognized by the people.

Can't imagine!
"it is good!"

"Old man, you should harvest the sweet potatoes well, Zhen, go to other places and go around, hehe....Turn around."

Li Shimin laughed.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in Guojiazhuang, they boarded the carriage, left here, and searched for other Zhuangzi.

It wasn't until the sun went down that I returned to Chang'an again.

And at this time, someone from the Ministry of Industry sent a brochure, saying that the Temple of the King of Chu had been completed, and asked Li Shimin to appoint an auspicious date for the opening of the temple.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui were also standing by the side with solemn expressions.

The day has really come!

To open a temple!
I just talked about this in the afternoon, and it's done now?

Li Shimin looked at Zhezi, raised his head and glanced at Changsun Wuji and the three of them.

"You tell me what day is better."

"Your Majesty, this..."

Changsun Wuji pursed his lower lips, and said, "Your Majesty, it's better for you to say it. No matter what you say about this matter, it is a major event in my Tang Dynasty, and countless people are also watching."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this day is up to you to decide."

"The opening of the Temple of the King of Chu is not a trivial matter. Such an achievement is rare in the world."

"However, Your Majesty, when the temple is opened, His Majesty cannot go there on that day."

"Otherwise, the matter of etiquette is always difficult to arrange."

Wei Zheng said in a deep voice.

Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui nodded again and again when they heard the words.

Of course Li Shimin also knew this truth.

King Chu is his son after all.

And now, King Chu is still alive.

This is a Sheng Temple that is one level higher than the Sheng Temple.

When the time comes, Li Shimin will arrive, do you want to bow down?
After all, this is a temple, and the saints are enshrined in it!
Li Shimin was the biological father of the King of Chu. In the whole world, how can I kowtow to my son?Not to mention, Li Shimin is still the emperor, and the king of Chu is just a king.

The emperor kowtowed to the king, let alone.

Entering the temple, no matter who it is, the king of Chu is respected.

Therefore, in order to guard against all kinds of inappropriate etiquette, it is not easy for Li Shimin to go.

"I know."

"If that's the case, then pass it on, and open the temple in three days."

"On that day, every house in the city should not close their doors or windows, and the curfew in the whole city will be lifted."

"As for the opening of the temple, everything will be handled by the Ministry of Rites."

Li Shimin ordered.

Wei Zheng hurriedly took orders.

"You three, take charge of this matter, go!"

Li Shimin waved his hand.

The three quickly retreated.

Now that this matter has been explained, they will naturally get busy.

It is estimated that the Ministry of Rites is in a daze about this matter. Since ancient times, there has been no record of this, and the Ministry of Rites has no experience. Everyone has to discuss and cross the river by feeling the stones.

Li Shimin looked at the appearance of the three leaving in a hurry, and looked down at the paper from the Ministry of Industry. He really didn't know what to say about this matter.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Of course it is a good thing!
But envy!

Li Shimin didn't dare to build a temple for himself.

Who would have thought that the Temple of King Chu came down so smoothly!
"Stinky boy, you should be immortalized forever."

"Food, books, sweet potatoes, pork, and all kinds of other things, which one doesn't have a great impact on the world, and which one doesn't save thousands of people in the world?"

"And the battle in the northern border directly saved me from endless suffering in the Tang Dynasty. You deserve it!"

"Zhen, I'm really jealous of you, hey..."

"Why don't you share some with me? When the time comes, we and I will stand together and share the incense!"

"But the things I have done all these years, I can't enter the temple."

"Although it is said that he helped establish the Tang Dynasty, how many people have achieved fame since ancient times? None of them entered the temple."

"I... naturally don't have the face to go in."

Li Shimin was talking to himself.

The word envy was written directly on his face.

With emotion, I arrived at Fengyi Hall without knowing it.

Empress Changsun, Princess Changle, and little Sizi are playing.

"Your Majesty, come back?"

"How about the sweet potatoes harvested outside?"

Empress Changsun hurriedly got up to greet her.

The voice was a little nervous.

Seeing Li Shimin like this, she also had no idea.

Originally, she thought that when Li Shimin came back, his face would be full of joy, and he couldn't wait to tell herself about the sweet potatoes outside.

"Yes, all Zhuangzi have begun to harvest."

"This year's sweet potatoes are growing amazingly, reaching a yield of [-] tons per mu!"

"I have ordered the Jingzhao Prefecture and the Ministry of Household Affairs to work together to cultivate these sweet potatoes as seeds again, and wait until the spring plowing to plant them again."

"Overall, everything is going well."

Li Shimin said.

"Then your majesty, why are you still a little depressed?"

Empress Changsun breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, but she was still a little puzzled and at a loss.

Such a good thing, why doesn't His Majesty smile?

Princess Changle and Xiao Sizi also watched obediently.

Li Shimin chuckled twice, and handed the folder in his hand to Empress Changsun.

"It's not this kid's fault."

Empress Changsun quickly took it over, examined it patiently, and after a few breaths, burst out laughing.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, are you jealous?"

"Hehehe.... This is a good thing, we Kuan'er, this is already surpassing you, Your Majesty?"

Empress Changsun laughed.

Li Shimin nodded slightly with a bitter face.

Indeed, in this respect, he is not as good as Kuan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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