Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 243 Yongzhen National Fortune!Heaven can learn from it!

Chapter 243 Yongzhen National Fortune!Heaven can learn from it!

In what respect, can I compare with Kuan'er?

Li Shimin sighed in his heart, he was the only one who could talk about the tiger's skin now.

However, everyone hopes that their children can surpass themselves, but now Li Shimin feels a little bit of helplessness and sadness.

I, Nima, don't want you to surpass it so early!

Li Shimin even felt that if the King of Chu was born more than ten years earlier, there would be no legend of King Qin in this world. In the whole world, there is nothing more than a minister of the King of Chu!

"Yeah, three days later, I really don't know what kind of scene it should be."

"Chu King Temple, hiss..."

Li Shimin took a long breath, feeling infinitely emotional.

"The temple will open in three days? At that time, the concubine really wants to take a look, of course, as an ordinary pilgrim."

Empress Changsun narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

Chang'an, after the events of the Great Ceremony.

Another news spread.

Let the people are extremely excited and excited.

Moreover, this kind of excitement and excitement was a little different from that during the grand ceremony, and they all felt that what happened this time was closely related to themselves.

The Temple of King Chu is about to open!
Immediately, all the incense and candle shops in Chang'an were sold out.

Countless people began to get busy.

With the opening of the Temple of the King of Chu, how can you lose yourself?
I must offer my tribute and sincerity to the King of Chu!

National Supervisor.

Kong Yingda is holding a candle in the room and writing books.

"Go far, go far, go far!"

"Something happened, something happened, something happened!"

At this moment, Yu Shinan rushed over while running and shouting.

Kong Yingda put down the pen in his hand, raised his head with a smile, looked at the panting Yu Shinan, and shook his head slightly.

"You, Shinan, we're all grown up now, can we get rid of this irritable temper, we've been like this since we were young, and we're still like this now."

"Can't, change it?"

Kong Yingda said.

Yu Shinan hecked twice, and sat down directly in front of Kong Yingda.

"Chongyuan, you're right, they're already big anyway, and they're about to sink into the ground, so why do you care so much?"

"Of course it's how you feel comfortable, not to mention, this matter is really beyond your imagination."

Yu Shinan shouted.

"what's up?"

"Chuwang Temple is about to open!"


When Kong Yingda heard this, his originally smiling eyes suddenly stared.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded slowly.

"Chuwang Temple, is it finally about to open?"

"That's right. I went there not long ago to see it. It has come to an end. If this is the case, can the Zijian of our country lose its manners?"

"The King of Chu is the sage of poetry in the world, and he is also the leader of scholars."

"Order to go down, get ready, and the big tribute from the Zijian of our country must also be paid!"

"Also, when that day comes, all the disciples of the Imperial College will go together."

Kong Yingda said thoughtfully.


Yu Shinan rubbed his hands together and quickly responded.

The two discussed some details, and Yu Shinan excitedly went to work.

King of Chu!

Li Kuan!

This name really holds a lot of weight in their hearts.

A guiding light for scholars, a giant in the world for scholars!

As disciples of their Guozijian, they must not lose their etiquette.

Kong Yingda watched Yu Shinan go away, got up slowly, closed the door, lit a few more candles, and brightly illuminated the room.

Then, a box was pulled out.

turn on.

Inside, there is a plaque.

"The world is the most holy!"

Four characters, engraved, flamboyant and phoenix dancing.

"Finally able to hang up."

Kong Yingda said in a deep voice.

This plaque was prepared by Kong Yingda a long time ago. In addition, there are two stone tablets, which are also offerings from the Imperial College for the Temple of the King of Chu.

Three days later, it happened to be able to stand together in the temple with the opening of the temple, suppressing the universe and warning the world forever.


A small yard.

Ma Zhou, Baiyi, Gao Gong, and a few friends sat on the floor together.

"Three days later, the Temple of the King of Chu will be opened. Shall we go? I heard that many scholars will offer a stick of incense, and those who are rich will pay a big tribute." Bai Yi said in a deep voice.

"That's right, I just grabbed five handfuls of incense this afternoon, and the others are all sold out." Gao Gong also said.

"Who says it's not? The people all the way are boiling. There's no way. The King of Chu has done too many things for our Tang Dynasty."

"That's right, if it wasn't for His Royal Highness King Chu, this imperial examination would have been aborted long ago."

"Let's not talk about the imperial examinations. In the midst of the locust plague, if it weren't for His Royal Highness Chu's food, it would be a question of whether we would be able to survive now."

"Anyway, I have to go to the incense sticks. This pork makes me feel that I can't use up all my energy. With this, I owe His Highness the King of Chu a lot. Otherwise, I won't have the pork this time after recovering from a serious illness." Waiting for the nutritional value, it is estimated that this will freeze to death."

“… … .
"Everyone spoke with each other.

The indescribable love of the king of Chu.

The unfinished King of Chu Gong.

Ma Zhou laughed lightly, took a deep breath, and nodded: "You are right, the King of Chu can be said to have changed our entire lives. Without the King of Chu, the rise of the poor family would never have been possible."

"Set up your mind for the heaven and the earth, set up your life for the people, set up a legacy for the sages of the past, and create peace for all generations."

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu abides by his words. He is the teacher of our students. For such a big event, can I not go?"

"Although we are in short supply and can't pay a big tribute, we must definitely not lose our hearts."

"Do your best!"

What Ma Zhou said was extremely firm.

Also extremely sure!

Bai Yi Gaogong and the others nodded vigorously when they heard the words.

"That's right, that's it!"

"Do your best!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu has helped us too much, and we have nothing to repay. If we don't show our intentions at this time, when will we have to wait?"

Several people discussed loudly.

In the yard, it was extremely intense.

And the time passed little by little.

Three days is not short, but it is not long either.

Even under the expectation of the endless people in Chang'an, it can be said that it passed by in the blink of an eye, and it will arrive soon.

Temple of King Chu.

Located in Xinghuafang.

It can be said to be the center of Chang'an City.

Quiet and loud are perfectly blended together.

There is only one room between Xinghuafang and Zhuque Street, and not far to the west is the West Market.

There is no doubt that Zhuque Avenue and West Market are the most noisy and lively places in Chang'an.

Here in Xinghuafang, there are also rare pine forests, and the environment is pleasant. It can be regarded as an extremely leisurely place to live in Chang'an.

Originally, there were several large courtyards here, but they were all left by people from the previous dynasty. They were in disrepair for a long time, and there was no owner at all.


It would be a waste to keep this place, so Jingzhao Mansion put the Chu King Temple here.



The combination is just right.

But with the reappearance of the sun today, half of the silence here disappeared without a trace, and it was all lively.

Without him!

Just because the Temple of the King of Chu was opened today!

In Chang'an City, countless people gathered here.

Not only the old people who like to believe in some gods, but also many young people.

Even, at a glance, there are not many old people, most of them are young people.

They may not believe in Buddhism or Taoism, but the Temple of King Chu has endless weight in their hearts.

to be frank!
The Chuwang Temple can also be said to be related to everything in the world.

Some people seek fame.

In Datang, is there any one of those gods who is better than the king of Chu?

I'm afraid not!
Worshiping the gods is really not as good as worshiping the king of Chu.

Some people ask for well-being.

As the master of the old genius doctor Sun Laoxian, this health and longevity, is there any other god who is better than His Royal Highness Chu Wang?

Someone wants to get rich.

Look at the inexhaustible food, the inexhaustible treasures, and the sweet potatoes that produce thirty dans per mu in the Prince Chu's mansion. How can anyone in the world be richer than the King of Chu?This is the god of wealth in the world!
Some people ask for marriage.

To be honest, those ladies and women who are looking for marriage are all thinking in their hearts that they want to marry the king of Chu directly.

No matter how you look at it, the Chuwang Temple seems to be able to accommodate everything.Almighty in the world!
The sky is only just beginning to light up now.

However, countless people were already standing in front of the Chu King Temple.

"When will the door open? There are quite a lot of people now."

"Of course there is an auspicious time for this, but I don't know if it is now."

"Who knows? By the way, I don't know who opened the gate of this temple for the first time. There is no presider in the Temple of the King of Chu, but the first official opening of the Temple of the King of Chu will definitely not be without the presence of respected people." .”

"I haven't heard of this either. Could it be His Majesty?"

"Your Majesty? Shouldn't it be? Your Majesty will come at this time? Your Majesty is honorable, but when you enter the temple, everything must be respected by the King of Chu. Thinking about it, His Majesty will definitely not come?"

"Then who knows, I don't care anyway, I won't be able to grab the first stick of incense later, and I will definitely grab the first hundred sticks of incense."

"Top one hundred? It's hard, isn't it? Looking at these people, it's probably not bad to be able to burn."

"Oh, no, look, the temple gate is about to open!"


At this moment, someone roared.

Immediately, the eyes of countless people all looked over.

He saw that the closed temple door was opened a crack.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Simiao walked out from inside.

It was Sun Simiao who opened the door.

This is Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui. After much deliberation and deliberation, they finally came up with the most suitable candidate.

Your Majesty is not coming out!

They, the dukes of the state, are not qualified to open the gate of the Temple of the King of Chu.

After all, from the point of view of official positions, the king of Chu is the king, and they are just courtiers.

In this way, they can only look for people who are not officials. Kong Yingda and the others have thought about it, but they are still not qualified.

Kong Yingda has a great reputation.

But most of this prestige is concentrated among scholars, and it is almost meaningless to those ordinary people.

Ordinary people don't read books, and they don't care who knows about it.

Therefore, after much deliberation, Sun Simiao was the most suitable.

The name of the old fairy resounded throughout the world.


The healer of Chu Palace is Elder Immortal Sun. If Immortal Sun opened the Temple of King Chu, it would be appropriate no matter what.

Sun Simiao looked at the people standing in front of him, like a wall.

Especially some old people, their eyes are red, and the incense candles in their hands are tightly guarded on their chests, and they are already in the posture of charging.

"The auspicious time has come, the Chu King Temple, open!"

Sun Simiao yelled a few words, then dodged to the side.

Immediately afterwards, before his words fell, the people in front made a "squeeze" and rushed towards the Temple of the King of Chu.

The gate of this temple is high, wide and magnificent.

But now, it seems extremely crowded.

The common people rushed in one after another, and no one was willing to lag behind.

But it didn't take long, the Chuwang Temple was filled with the smell of burning joss sticks.


It's black and white.

Really scary.

Sun Simiao, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji, they all stood together.

Just around the corner from the door.

They couldn't get in either.

"His Royal Highness Chu has such a deep reputation among the people, I wonder if His Royal Highness knows it himself?" Changsun Wuji sighed.

"I don't know, hahaha... When His Royal Highness Chu comes back, I think I may be confused. I believe that if the news of His Royal Highness Chu's return spreads on that day, the people will definitely walk out of Chang'an. They are the people who welcome the King of Chu!" Wei Zheng narrowed his eyes, looking at everything in front of him, feeling a little dreamy.

He put himself in.

Just thinking about it makes me feel light all over, as if my soul is soaked in hot springs, it's unbelievably refreshing.

It's just that such a scene, I will never get it.

It is too difficult for the people to recognize it like this.

Du Ruhui swallowed, nodded and said, "Who says no, it's really enviable."

Sun Simiao was not too surprised by this.

Because, he already knew that with His Highness's strength, it would be like this sooner or later.

"His Royal Highness, the old man Kong Yingda, led the Imperial College and students to celebrate you."

"Today, the Imperial College sent a golden plaque! Two stone steles, the teachings of His Royal Highness the King of Yongchu established the soul of my Tang Dynasty."

"Thousands of generations, never ending!"

Also at this time.

Kong Yingda led all the masters and students of the Guozijian in a mighty manner, and walked in from the crowd.

After all, the name of Guozijian is somewhat resounding in Chang'an.

The crowd separated spontaneously.

Looking at these giant scholars with bright heads and white scriptures, and each green student.

"Hey ha! Hey ha!"


At the same time, a group of craftsmen brought two ox carts, on which were placed two stone tablets covered with cloth.

Seeing this, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and Sun Simiao went up to meet him.

They knew that the Guozijian was going to erect a monument and send a plaque to His Royal Highness the King of Chu.

After all, in the Temple of the King of Chu, if you want to add these things, you have to report them to the court. If Li Shimin doesn't nod, who dares to let them go?

Wei Zheng and the others led the ox cart to the place that had been prepared long ago.

This place is in the middle of the road ten feet away from the temple gate.

The stele is up!
Red cloth, tear it off and lift it up!
"Set up your mind for the heaven and earth, set up your destiny for the life and the people, follow the sages of the past, and create peace for the world!"

"No relationship, no tribute, no vassal, no land, the emperor guards the gate, and the king dies!"

Two giant monuments, one on the left and one on the right.

The words above are vigorous and powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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