Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 244 Surname Boiling!The world is holy!

Chapter 244 The people are boiling!The world is holy!
This is made by the best craftsman in Chang'an that Kong Yingda found.

When the stele was erected, the people coming and going around suddenly froze together as if they had been enchanted.

They looked at the two steles with firm eyes and rapid breathing.

These two steles also seem to have injected soul into the Chu King Temple.

"Student Kong Yingda! May this monument last forever!"

"I also hope that students all over the world, when they go to visit His Highness the King of Chu, can take a look at the above words and wash their souls."

"I also wish that this monument, together with the Temple of the King of Chu, will forever protect the world of the Tang Dynasty and protect the people of the Tang Dynasty forever!"

"Student Kong Yingda, pay homage to His Royal Highness King Chu!"

Kong Yingda flung up her robe, took a step back, and knelt down.

"Student Yu Shinan..."

"Student Gavinda..."

"Student Lu Wenyuan..."


"Meet His Royal Highness the King of Chu!"

All the masters and students of the Guozijian knelt down in front of the stele.

Sincere heart.

The sky is a lesson.

The King of Chu said.

One temple and two monuments.

Yongzhen National Games!

Keep the people forever!

Peace in the world!

Prosperity in the world!

At this moment, there was silence all around, only the whisper of the wind, like a whisper, came to the world with the blessing of God.

Wei Zheng looked at Kong Yingda and the others, exhaled softly, and walked over silently.

Facing the two tall stone steles, salute and kowtow.

Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji......
They all went in too.

"Send, the golden plaque enters the temple!"

Kong Yingda stood up, and he gave another soft drink.

Behind, some students came up, they carried the golden plaque together, followed Kong Yingda and others, and walked slowly inside.

In front of the main hall of the Temple of the King of Chu, there are huge crowds of people.

There was no room left to put incense candles in the big incense cauldron.


Thick, thick, and long smoke fluttered and flew towards the sky, as if the sky above the Temple of the King of Chu had dimmed a lot.

However, the people are still the servants of the past.

There was simply a Jinwu Guard, who brought a huge cauldron and put it in the middle, but this cauldron cannot be used for incense.

But joss sticks can be thrown in directly.

They discovered that even if they were given another incense cauldron, it would not be enough for the worshiping people, so they simply burned it in the cauldron furnace.

Kong Yingda took each step with a solemn expression.

He is dressed in a long robe with clusters of flowers, a jade belt around his waist, and hairpins on his temples.

This dress is only worn when the Kong family holds a grand ceremony.

Today, he took it out.

In the main hall, a huge golden statue of King Chu is located inside.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes.

Unlike ordinary dust.

Like a fairy.

"Open the plaque!"

Kong Yingda gave a soft drink.

Sun Simiao went up and removed the red cloth from the golden plaque.

"The world is the most holy!"

The four gold-plated characters are as lifelike as dragons leaping and tigers leaping.

"Up the plaque!"

Kong Yingda gave another soft drink.

Immediately, the craftsmen who had been prepared for a long time followed, and carefully hung the golden plaque in the middle.

The world is holy!

The four characters, reflecting the sun, are shining and shimmering, just like ripples in pure water.

Kong Yingda, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui all looked up.

The people outside knelt on the ground and looked at the golden plaque devoutly.

"The most holy in the world! Be worthy of the name!!!"

Among the crowd, an old man yelled: "Old man, thank you, the King of Chu, for the reward of sweet potatoes. Thank you, old man!!"

"His Royal Highness Chu is a saint, thank you His Royal Highness for caring about the people, helping the people, and saving the people!!"

"The most holy in the world, that's great, my family pays homage to His Royal Highness King Chu!"

"The saint is above, the little one kowtows, I hope His Highness the saint bless the little one safe!"


The people are boiling.

No one knows the weight of these four words. Even the illiterate people, when they silently read these four words, their hearts tremble and their souls flutter, which cannot be calmed down for a long time.

The world is holy!

Who has ever enjoyed such a title?
Even His Majesty today does not have such a title.

to be frank!
As soon as these four words came out, King Chu had far surpassed Li Shimin in a certain sense.

Li Shimin, after all, is just an emperor, not a saint.

Kong Yingda smiled.

At the same time, he also took a deep breath.

A concern in my heart is finally over.

From the banks of the Weishui River, he began to order people to make stone monuments, thinking that when the Temple of the King of Chu was completed, it would stand upright.

Later, His Royal Highness the King of Chu scolded the temple to shape the soul of the Tang Dynasty.

There are also countless dedications to the people, to the world, and to the Tang Dynasty.

Kong Yingda felt impulsive, so he made the plaque by himself.

He looked at all this, happy like a child.

All of this was seen by Empress Changsun standing in the crowd.

Li Shimin didn't come after all.

But if she is a mother, can she not come?

She couldn't help but come to her son's temple, anyway, she wanted to come and see it with her own eyes, didn't she?
The little Sizi was pulling tightly, holding a bunch of candied haws in his hand.

The big eyes blinked, looking at the huge statue.

"Mother, look, it seems to be the second brother!"

The little si shouted in a childish voice.

Empress Changsun smiled and hugged her up.

"This is your wise and powerful second brother, let's go, go back, and tell your father about it."

Empress Changsun said, and left the hall with her little son in her arms.

But when passing by those two steles, his footsteps paused slightly.

Here, the crowd is still rumbling.

However, it is a little different from those burning incense.

"Student Ma Zhou, student Gao Gong, student Bai Yi..."

"Thank you His Highness Chu King for your kindness!"

"Opening the temple today, the students have nothing to repay, and a little tribute is not a respect!"

In front of the huge stone tablet, there are various offerings.

These are arranged by scholars in Chang'an...
The ten-zhang distance between the two huge steles and the temple gate has already been filled in such a short time.

The flow of people, one left and one right, one in and one out, also formed spontaneously.

Empress Changsun watched, her eyes flickering, and her heart burst.

These scholars and students are the future pillars of Datang.

The imperial examination has already started, and these people don't know how many people will enter the imperial court in the future.

This is the case now, really, so that Empress Sun is full of longing and expectations for the future!

I really don't know where Kuan'er will take them and sail the boat of Datang.

Empress Changsun let out a long breath.

Continue to walk outside.

"His Royal Highness, the old man leads the people of Guojiazhuang to kowtow to you!"

"This is what we prepared for Your Highness, please don't dislike it, Your Highness!"

"Old man, thank you Your Highness for sending us sweet potatoes!"

After leaving the temple gate, Empress Changsun paused again.

In front of the temple gate, a group of people carried a long table and put it on the ground.

The table is full of various things.

Wine, meat, snacks, fruit....

"His Royal Highness, our Liu Family Village is also here!"


"His Royal Highness Chu, all the villagers of Baishi Village, kowtow to you, thank you, thank you!!"


Behind, there are many, many such people.

They all came together one by one Zhuangzi.

With offerings.

Meet the King of Chu!

"Mother, stepmother and empress, my son doesn't understand, why do they have to kneel down to the second brother?"

The little one was full of curiosity.

Empress Changsun took a deep breath, pinched her little face lightly, and did not speak.

She was so horrified that she couldn't say anything at this moment.

I don't know when, Kuan'er, in Chang'an, in the world, had such prestige, was he respected by others?
Empress Changsun knew that Kuan'er's reputation had already been revealed, but she never expected it to come to this point.

Countless people worshiped.

Numerous Zhuangzi worshiped.

Countless students are grateful.

This is what God meant!


After all, it was because of Kuan'er that he changed his appearance! !


And because of Kuaner, my life changed!


It was because of Kuan'er that his fate was changed!

Empress Changsun put her arms around Xiao Sizi.Smiling, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"They are all worshiping your second brother, hehehe... Let's go, go back, and tell your father, I believe. Your father will be very happy to hear it."

The people are still going on.

Empress Changsun carried her little son and walked out step by step.

On the street, Zhuangzi are lined up one by one.

It actually extended all the way to the location of Suzaku Street.

There are still offerings!
The Zhuangzi around Chang'an, the people in Chang'an, and some shops in Chang'an are all expressing their gratitude to His Highness King Chu.

Empress Changsun was numb.

When did she meet so many people and visit the same temple together?

Even the largest temple in Chang'an has never seen such a scene.

Empress Changsun took a deep breath.

"Little Si, watch and remember, when we grow up, we must do things that are good for the common people."

"People, they will always have a steelyard in their hearts."

"Don't think that you can cover up the past by doing bad things, and don't be afraid that if you do good things, you will be snatched away or covered up."

"The eyes of the common people are discerning, but they are all watching."

"Look at your second brother. From now on, you can just learn from your second brother."

Empress Changsun lightly taught.

Although Xiao Si could not understand a little bit, her eyes were full of half-understanding.

She nodded obediently.

Others, she doesn't understand.

But there is one thing that I still firmly remember.

Learn from the second brother! !

Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shimin is replying to the memorial.

It's a little quiet around.

In the past, when he was approving memorials, he would always be accompanied by the three of them, Changsun Wuji, so that he could directly discuss and discuss any matters.

But today, they all went to Chuwang Temple.

I really don't know how the Chuwang Temple is going, whether it is going well, whether there are many people going there, and whether the incense is flourishing or not.

Li Shimin thought.

This heart can't calm down.

He casually threw the folder in his hand aside, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and licked the corner of his mouth lightly.

"The common people should be able to go. After all, Kuan'er has done a lot more for the common people than the town."


Li Shimin laughed at himself.

At this time, Empress Changsun and Xiao Sizi walked in.

"Your Majesty, we are back."

Empress Changsun said with a smile.

"Guanyin maid."

Li Shimin stood up suddenly, and hurriedly asked, "How? Is everything over at the Temple of the King of Chu?"

"It's not over yet, but there are too many people, so the concubine came back with my little son."

"Your Majesty, it's really a big loss if you don't go. The concubine has never seen that scene before."

"Old Master Confucius of the Imperial College sent two stone steles and a gold plaque to Kuan'er. The scholars in Chang'an filled the Chu King Temple with their offerings. Outside, there were rows, rows, pairs, and countless Zhuangzi and merchants. The tributes prepared by the common people were lined up from the Temple of the King of Chu to Zhuque Avenue."

"Hehe...the censer in front of the main hall of the Chu King Temple was already full. When I came, someone pushed out the cauldron, and all the people's censers were thrown into it to burn. There was no room for the people to burn incense. "

Empress Changsun said one by one.

As she spoke, she took a deep breath, her eyes still full of trance.

"In the name of Kuan'er, to be honest, Your Majesty, if the concubines hadn't experienced the opening of the temple this time, they really wouldn't have known that it had reached such a terrifying point."

"People, your eyes are sharp after all. They will read and think about whoever treats them well."

"They know that they can't help the King of Chu, and they can't do anything for the King of Chu, so they can only express their gratitude to the King of Chu here."

"Your Majesty, you don't know that those children from poor families have no money to send good offerings, so they made all kinds of gadgets by themselves."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it in this life. It turns out that there really is such a saint in the world."

"The most holy in the world, this four-character word, Mr. Kong is not wrong, and the common people are not wrong."

Queen Changsun said.

Li Shimin listened, forgetting to put down the teacup in his hand.


Blood boils.

Scalp tingling.

Goosebumps are all over the body.

The world is holy!

Li Shimin nodded slowly, wanted to laugh, but didn't know how to do it.

Kuan'er already has such prestige, he is worthy of these four words!
The world is holy!

Li Shimin would be willing to have these four words in this life even if he died.

What is this evaluation?
he does not know.

Among the posthumous titles given by the ministers of the court and central government after their death, the most highly rated ones are those of Wen Zheng, but there has never been a "sage".

Saints cannot be sealed by the court.

The imperial court also does not have the right and strength to be able to receive such a posthumous title.


This is the people, this is the choice and evaluation of future generations.

But how old is Kuaner?There are already such horrible evaluations.

And listen to the things that Empress Changsun said, even when it is the grand ceremony of the country, even when it is the time of worshiping the ancestors and heaven, the common people are not like this, ah.

But yes, this brat, for doing these things, I am extremely grateful.

"Kuan'er, you deserve it!"

After a long time, Li Shimin said softly.
The hustle and bustle of the day.

Night falls.

It starts and ends from the Chuwang Temple.

When the people inside and outside the temple quieted down, so did Chang'an.

On the second day, when the sun rose again, the temple fair of Chuwang Temple began.

(End of this chapter)

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