Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 257 Shocking Change!Wei Wang rebelled!

Chapter 257: Shocking Change!Wei Wang rebelled!

All the news from the outside has come in, and it has been confirmed that what happened last night.

So sure!

The last trace of luck in my heart disappeared.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a deep breath, with a trace of despair showing on his old face.


Really hopeless!

I've never been so hopeless in my life!
Li Shimin is not dead, do they still have a chance of winning?
How else could they overcome them?

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang were like two dead dogs, paralyzed on their seats, their eyes straightened, their faces stiff and dim.

how could it be possible!
How is this possible!
Oh my God!
My goodness!
Really all dead!

And I heard from people outside that none of them escaped, not one of them! !
In other words, Li Shimin must have taken an absolute advantage in numbers and completely surrounded them, otherwise, it would be impossible for none of them to escape.

The ending of these 1 people seems to be exactly the same as the ending of the 2000 people attacking Suzaku Garden at night!



Difficult to accept!

"We... Gudong... What else can we do?"

"Li Shimin, damn it, this Li Jia Erlang, how many tricks does he have yet to use!"

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe roared with difficulty.

He was almost out of breath.

"I don't know, I really don't know!"

"We, we... Patriarch Li, brother Li, what do you think we are going to do, what are we going to do!?"

The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang looked weakly at the head of the Li family in Longxi.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi turned his head to look at them miserably, smiled wryly, and shook his head, feeling a little numb all over.

"How do I know? When Li Shimin comes back, he will definitely attack us!"

The Patriarch of the Li Family in Longxi had a bitter expression on his face, deeply powerless.



In the lobby, it instantly became like a dead tomb!
After an unknown amount of time, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi suddenly raised his head, and a trace of violence flashed in his eyes.

"Since the matter has come to the present, we have nothing to back down, just... just reverse it!!"

"There are masters behind Li Shimin. We probably have nothing to do with these methods. At worst, let's fight with them!"

"Damn it, support Li Tai's ascension to the throne now, mobilize all our forces, and at worst share the world with Li Shimin!"

"How about this plan?"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi shouted excitedly.


"This...according to the law, Li Chengqian is the crown prince. Is it useful for us to support him?"

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang stood up abruptly, their eyes bursting.

"In charge of the world, how should I divide it?"

Patriarch Cui's Patriarch of Qinghe was short of breath, and asked in a trembling voice.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a deep breath.

"Let's take Li Tai and Li Yuan away now. If Li Chengqian is also in Chang'an City, then we will send troops to capture him and put him under house arrest! We have the strength, after all... Li Shimin probably won't be able to come back for a while!"

"Taking advantage of this time, let's go to Luoyang! Mobilize all the people and contact those forces that want to restore the former dynasty. It is inevitable that we have no chance of winning!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi clenched his fists tightly.


The Patriarch of the Cui Clan in Qinghe and the Patriarch of the Zheng Clan in Xingyang had no hesitation.

"We have no time to delay, without delay, now, we have to go!!"

The Patriarch of the Li Clan in Longxi stared at the two of them, and said: "Luoyang is under the control of our family, the power inside, plus the power of our family in the ten realms of the world, as long as you raise your arms and shout, the flames of war will definitely break out again!"

"A lot of heroes are fighting for the throne, I don't believe that Li Shimin can't be beaten!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi shouted again.

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang looked at each other and gritted their teeth.

"Okay, that's it!!"

They know that they must not sit still.

If Li Shimin comes back, it will be really troublesome.

"Let's split up now, I'll go to Wei Wangfu, you call our troops!"

"By the way, first order people to close the city gate, and no one is allowed to enter!"

"Go, act!!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi raised his arms, and he walked directly outside.

Even the snow could not stop him.

Li Jia Erlang!

Damn Li Jiaerlang!

It must be reversed! !
Wei Wangfu.

Li Tai and Wei Ting Chai Lingwu are together.

I didn't close my eyes all night.

They've been waiting, they've been waiting....
Waiting for the good news of the family.

But one night passed, and there was still no news at all.

From the excitement at the beginning, to the current listlessness.

After all, Wei Ting and the others are not young anymore, and Li Tai is obsessed with womanizing every day, so he has been hollowed out long ago.

Three people, sitting on a stool, lowered their heads, taking a nap.

Nodding my head from time to time, opening my eyes from time to time, and then closing them again, it can be said that each of them is very difficult.

It is not easy to be able to sit still now.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, it's bad, it's bad, something happened, something happened!"

And at this moment, finally, a guard rushed in from the outside.

The voice was anxious.

All four of them were awakened at once.

They were just waiting for news.

It can be said that it was like a conditioned reflex, and he stood up immediately, his eyes were hazy, and he was at a loss.

"Huh? What? What did you say? Something happened, what happened?"

Li Tai swallowed, and wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, his mind was still a little fuzzy, and it was even more uncomfortable when he spoke.

After all, it was fierce.

It's a little confusing.

Wei Ting and Chai Lingwu also wiped their eyes vigorously, feeling at a loss.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, outside, outside the city... people are dead, many people have died!"

"According to the rumors outside, those people are going to kill... to kill His Majesty!!"

"It's just that His Majesty is nowhere to be seen now. Chang'an City has been bombed now, and I heard that tens of thousands of people died outside!"

"Your Highness, should we go and find His Majesty?"

What the guard said was also stumbling.

His Majesty was assassinated.

Now there is no trace.

For them, this news was an explosion against the sky!


When Li Tai heard this, he suddenly woke up completely.

Tens of thousands of people died!
His Majesty is missing!
He suddenly looked at Wei Ting and the two of them.

Wei Ting and the others are also awake at this moment, their eyes are shining brightly, their brows are furrowed, they are all thinking, all are thinking.

1 people died?

Now the whole city of Chang'an knows it!
Also, there is no trace of His Majesty?
In other words, the family didn't kill His Majesty yesterday?
If he was killed, the news must have spread early.

There was no trace of His Majesty at the scene.

His Majesty is not dead!

Li Shimin is not dead!
Wei Ting's eyeballs were about to pop out.

How can it be?

He almost exclaimed, but luckily he reacted and immediately covered his mouth.

"Go down."

"The king knows."

Li Tai also responded quickly, and ordered directly.

The guard hurriedly withdrew.

"Your Majesty is not dead!!"

When the guards left, Wei Ting uttered a panic.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

"1 people, this is the elite of the [-] clan. They... They are all dead, but the whereabouts of His Majesty and them have not been seen. Doesn't it mean that His Majesty is not dead?"

"My God, how is this possible! Can this also miss?"

Wei Ting's voice almost jumped out.

To be honest, this matter really exceeded their expectations, and they always felt that this action should be foolproof.

But who would have thought that the ending would be like this!

"Then what to do? Then what should we do?"

Li Tai shook his hands, really panicking.

Wei Ting and Chai Lingwu looked at each other, but they also looked at each other in blank dismay, neither of them had any idea.

How is your Majesty doing now?
What the hell happened there last night?
Hundreds of Jinwu Guards killed all the elite of the family like this?
How can it be!

Regarding the information on the scene last night, they don't know, they don't know at all!

This makes them unable to judge at all!

Also, it is not easy for them to judge whether His Majesty is dead or not.

Although there is no corpse, it may be said that the underground has been killed, but the corpse was taken away by someone.



The four of them became anxious, and at this moment, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi rushed in from the outside.

"Patriarch Li, what's going on outside?"

"That's right, Patriarch Li, what's going on outside Chang'an City?"

"Your Majesty... Is His Majesty dead or not?"

"Patriarch Li, Patriarch Li, the [-] elite members of our family... have they all been killed?"

"What's going on outside? We must take immediate measures."


When the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi had just walked in, Wei Ting and Chai Lingwu rushed up directly.

Look anxious.



The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a deep breath, looked at them, scanned them quickly, and landed on Li Tai.

"Your Highness, on behalf of the Longxi Li Family, I welcome Your Highness to the throne!!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi fell to his knees directly.


As soon as these words came out, the entire sky exploded.

And the whole hall was also suddenly quiet, Wei Ting and Chai Lingwu froze on the spot.

Li Tai also never expected that the last thing would be like this!
I am the emperor now?
Welcome yourself to the throne?

Oh my God!
His hands trembled violently, and his lips trembled violently.

"Patriarch Li, what the hell is going on? What the hell is going on?"

"Enthronement? Me?"

Li Tai was terrified.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi nodded slowly.

"Yes, it's you."

"Your Highness, His Majesty has disappeared, please ascend the throne now! Then, take the late emperor and leave Chang'an for the time being, just in case!"

"Luoyang is the absolute hometown of our family, and all the people there belong to us."

"So, even if Li Shimin survived by chance, we still have the power to fight!!"

"Your Highness, you know that there are ten ways in the world, not to mention others, and five of them are in the hands of our family. If we support you, then the result will be worse. It will be ruled separately from Li Shimin, and we have the first emperor. It's time for the late emperor to issue an order!"

"Let's say that Li Shimin is a rebel, and his position is not right, we are the orthodox!"

"At that time, the power of the world will be mighty. Even if Li Shimin comes back, he can only surrender!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said in a deep voice.

Li Tai swallowed hard, he only dared to let his mind go blank, his throat was burning, and it hurt very much.

This news really made him think nothing at all.

He didn't know what to do for a while.

Father, father is missing?

Taking Grandpa Huang to Luoyang by himself?

But, but...
But can I be the opponent of my father?

Li Tai felt guilty.

But there was absolutely nothing he could do.



For a while, Li Tai looked bitterly at Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu and the others, and he had no idea how to choose.


Wei Ting took a deep breath. Listening to the words of the head of the Li family in Longxi, he knew very well that the current situation was very bad for him.

Otherwise, they would not be allowed to leave Luoyang.

However, what happened yesterday has already happened!
They also knew very well that if Li Shimin came back, their situation would be even more passive.


Now the only way forward is to fight to the death!
Not to mention, can Li Shimin be his opponent?

Not necessarily!
The power of the family is not clear to outsiders.

But, they know it!
What kind of explosion will the family explode in a desperate situation!
Just as the head of the Li family in Longxi said.

Of the ten ways in the world, five of them are absolutely under their control. As long as the family gives an order, these five ways will directly take over and oppose Li Shimin.

Now, that's the only way to go!

This is the old capital!

It is also the city with the strongest family foundation, and it is truly safe to go there!

Just go to Luoyang!

The two of them looked at each other with final consideration in their eyes.

All together, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu and both also knelt down in front of Li Tai.

"Your Majesty, please transfer Luoyang!"

"We will return to Chang'an when everything is cleared up and the world is clear!"

"Your Majesty, please!"

Wei Ting shouted in a deep voice.

Li Tai took two steps back. He looked at the two of them with some horror, but he also knew that this step had to be taken!
"Okay, then the king... Then I will listen to the three lovers!"

"Let's go, welcome the Supreme Emperor first, and then transfer to Luoyang!"

Li Tai took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

Li Jing, Qin Qiong, and Yuchi Jingde, the former officials of the Qin Palace, rushed together.

They didn't even know what happened outside last night.

Moreover, His Majesty has completely disappeared now, only tens of thousands of corpses remain outside the city, making them terrified.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Your Majesty is not in the palace, I sent someone to ask, not only that, the empress is also not here."

"It's snowing heavily outside now, what the hell are they doing outside the city, Your Majesty?"

Yuchi Jingde yelled, with a look of eagerness on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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