Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 258 Take Li Yuan out of Chang'an City!Arrived at Lishan!

Chapter 258: Take Li Yuan out of Chang'an City!Arrived at Lishan!

"I also went to Wei Zheng and his three's house to see, but they were not there either. They were away all night last night, so they must be with His Majesty."

Qin Qiong said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty should have left the imperial city."

"Moreover, His Majesty was so eager to leave yesterday, there is actually a reason for His Majesty and the others."

"But... Where can your Majesty and the others go?"

Cheng Yaojin's eyes were eager.

Li Jing took a deep breath, looked at several people, and shook his head.

"do not know."

"But! I guess, maybe it's very likely that I went to the foot of Mount Li."

Li Jing frowned, his eyes were deep, and he looked at the heavy snow outside: "Your Majesty, they have only one possibility."

"With such weather, it is worth letting His Majesty go out of the imperial city in person. There is no other place except at the foot of Mount Li."

"Hiss... Let's go, gather the army, and meet His Majesty!"

"However, we can't finish the trip. Yaojin and I will go, and the others will guard Chang'an City, maintain order and wait for us to return."

Li Jing ordered directly.

At this time, the matter was urgent, and he did not hesitate.

At this moment, it also reflected the stability of Li Jing, the military god of the Tang Dynasty.


"it is good!"

Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and the others also had absolutely no opinion on this.

Something happened to His Majesty, Chang'an City must not be messed up!
But just as Li Jing's voice fell, Cheng Chumo hurried in.

Look flustered!

His face is dull!

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"Father, Uncle Li, Uncle Qin, there are many people outside blocking our gate, and everyone is not allowed to go out, otherwise, we will shoot to kill!"

Cheng Chumo shouted loudly.

"What! His grandma's! Who is so short-sighted, I want to take out their intestines!"

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin's anxious mood suddenly exploded.

At this time, how dare you block Cheng Guogong's mansion!
who is it?

Eat bear heart leopard guts! !
Yuchi Jingde also stared, rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush out.

However, he was directly caught by Li Jing.

"You two, don't be impulsive."

"Ordinary people don't dare to do this, and His Majesty is not here at this time, I'm afraid it will be... troublesome."

Li Jing's eyes were gloomy: "Go, go to the door and have a look!"

Qin Qiong's pupils were also shocked, and his face was very ugly.

His Majesty has disappeared and there is no news for the time being, but now the Duke's Mansion is blocked again and they are not allowed to go out. What is this for?

Two words jumped out of his mind directly!

Everyone hurried.

The doorman rushed up and yelled at Cheng Yaojin.

"My lord, they sealed our door with wood from the outside."

"My lord, what should we do?"

"Grandma, open the door! I'll smash it for grandpa!"

Cheng Yaojin shouted.

But just as his voice fell, there was a voice from outside.

"General Cheng, stay at home honestly, don't force us to do it."

"I am following His Majesty's order, whoever dares to rush out of the mansion at this time will be shot to death with random arrows!"

When Cheng Yaojin heard this, the anger in his heart immediately rushed up.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty is not in Chang'an City right now, how is that possible!"

"Take out the imperial decree and let me see it!"

Immediately, there was laughter outside.

"Hahaha, General Cheng, don't howl, if you dare to come out, you will be greeted by thousands of arrows piercing your heart!"

"Let's save some energy, these words are what His Majesty said."

"What are you guys doing? Are you rebelling?" Yuchi Jingde yelled at the words.

"Your Majesty's order!"

The other party only gave them these four words.

"It's troublesome, the underground will never issue such an order, so... there is only one possibility."

"This so-called His Majesty is not the real His Majesty!"

"Someone wants...someone wants to usurp the throne!"

Li Jing's eyes shrank sharply, and his voice trembled a little.

Damn it!
Even if he was the military god of the Tang Dynasty and fought for thousands of miles, he really never thought that at Li Shimin's age, someone would dare to rebel.

Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and the others were even more stunned when they heard this, and they froze in place for a while.



Who dares! !
"Who is it?" Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth.

"Besides that one, who else?" Li Jing's voice was low.


that one!

"It's King Wei! King Wei's mind is really filled with water, grandma, pharmacist, what should we do now?"

"How about... breaking out?"

Cheng Yaojin asked.

Li Jingyao shook his head.

"We are definitely a thorn in their side right now. If we act recklessly, the other party will really attack."

"It's not difficult for them to dare to rebel, and it's not difficult to kill a few of us, and it's nothing."

"It's just that now they may have other things, and they are just trapping us for the time being."

"Wait, wait, we don't have any other options yet."

Li Jing said in a deep voice.

He looks at the door.

The door has been sealed with wood.

Except for this door, Li Jing believed that the entire mansion was surrounded.

If you go out rashly, you can only die!


Cheng Yaojin was in a hurry.

"No, but, I think they are afraid of certain things, so they didn't kill us. Just wait quietly now, don't let them jump over the wall in a hurry."

Qin Qiong exhaled forcefully.

"Listen to the pharmacist."

"At this time, we must not get confused. They are so anxious, which means that His Majesty should be fine. As long as His Majesty is fine, so what if he takes this position?"

Qin Qiong said.

Li Jing nodded.

"Yes, wait for Your Majesty! Your Majesty..."

Li Jing said slowly.

Hand, tightly clenched the saber.

Imperial City.

Li Tai, led by Wei Ting, the Patriarch of the Li Family in Longxi and others, rushed directly into the Zhuque Gate, and then went straight to Li Yuan's residence.

Time is urgent.

They are absolutely not allowed to waste a single minute.

The eunuchs and maids in the imperial city still don't know what happened.

But seeing that Li Tai was wearing a dragon robe, his expression was hurried and anxious, what dare they say?
He could only kneel on both sides, trembling.

The Jinwu Guards who were in charge of protecting the imperial city wanted to defend it, but they had no leader and didn't know what to do.

Li Shimin is not here.

Li Junxian was seriously injured and still unconscious.

Not to mention that because of Li Shimin's eagerness to leave last night, many Jinwu guards were transferred from the imperial city.

Therefore, the current defense of the imperial city cannot resist the people of the family at all.

Helpless, he could only watch Li Tai go straight to Li Yuan's residence.

Li Yuan sat on the stool, covered with thick mink fur.

"Grandfather, I'm here to save you."

"You have suffered all these years, so please invite Grandpa Huang to accompany me to Luoyang to restore the stability of the world!"

Li Tai knelt down and shouted.

"The Supreme Emperor, please move to Luoyang with us."

"The Supreme Emperor, please! Time is running out, the traitor has been executed by us, and the people of the world are waiting for the news of the Supreme Emperor's safety!"


Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu and the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi also spoke one after another.

Li Yuan looked at them.

In the cloudy eyes, everything is indifferent.

Not happy or sad.

Calm and quiet.

It's just that he stared at Li Tai and remained motionless.

He has experienced hundreds of battles, and he is also a party who has experienced Xuanwumen. He can only be said to be very disdainful of the methods of people like Li Tai.

Looking at the appearance of this group of people, I knew that Erlang was definitely not dead.

Compared with Erlang, Li Tai is really much tenderer.

However, Li Yuan also had to sigh with emotion that his old Li family had a lot of talents.

First the son usurped the throne, and then the grandson took over.

Fortunately, the eldest grandson Li Chengqian is not in the palace recently, otherwise he might see blood.

Li Yuan was a little speechless.

Seeing that Li Yuan had been silent for so long, Li Tai got a little anxious, got up, and waved violently, trying to force Li Yuan to be carried out.

"No, I'll go by myself."

Li Yuan got up slowly, and said to Li Tai.

Li Tai was overjoyed when he saw it, and hurriedly supported Li Yuan. He looked like a good baby, but his pace was very fast.

It can be said that he was dragging Li Yuan out.

Hurry back to Luoyang!
This is the only thought in his mind!

He knew that only by returning to Luoyang could he be truly safe.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, Wei Ting and Chai Lingwu followed closely behind, and led the family guards, directly boarded the carriage, regardless of the snow conditions, rushed out forcibly.

The maid guards in the entire Imperial City looked at this scene with astonished expressions, even more fear in their hearts, and lowered their heads even deeper.

After leaving the imperial city, he rushed all the way to Luoyang.

At the same time, the direct bloodlines of the major aristocratic families in Chang'an also became nervous and busy, dragging their families and rushing towards Luoyang together.

There was a lot of movement.

The people were fooled.

What's happening here?
Is this treason or escape?

Looking at them like this, does it mean that His Majesty is safe and sound?

It sure is!

In this way, the corpses outside Chang'an City can also be found out. They are all from the family. Last night, the family must have wanted to intercept and kill His Majesty, but His Majesty escaped.

Oh my God!
When this fact appeared, the common people were a little short-circuited in their brains.

"How many Jinwu guards did your majesty bring yesterday? Under such circumstances, can you also wipe out all the dead soldiers of the family?"

"Damn it, isn't it! The clan dares to rebel with such combat power? Are their brains kicked by donkeys?"

"Then who knows, but they took the Supreme Emperor and left. This is to fight against His Majesty."

"With the Supreme Emperor, there is an orthodox title. After all... After all, the position of His Majesty is not very glorious, is it?"

"The aristocratic family is going to completely reverse it, stop pretending, hey, I don't know where His Majesty is now."

"Then who knows, I hope His Majesty still has the Empress, come back quickly, what is this?"


The common people in Chang'an City talked a lot.

They watched everything that happened in the city, really a little dazed and at a loss.

The imperial family of the Tang Dynasty has rebelled again!

Moreover, His Royal Highness Wei Wang also abandoned Chang'an, no matter how you look at it, it looks like he fled to Luoyang.

I really don't know what is going on in this world.

And this moment.

Li Shimin, Empress Changsun and Changsun Wuji have arrived at the Chu King's Courtyard at the foot of Mount Li.

Under the protection of Duan Tianya, almost no accident happened again.

Li Shimin looked at the scenery ahead.

Not only him, but everyone like Empress Changsun was stunned.

The Chu King's Courtyard in Lishan seems to be out of this world.

It also seems to be out of the scope of the human world.

It also seems to be unconstrained by the world.

Everything around was buried under the snow.

But the Chu King's Courtyard is like the only pure land in the world, inside, not a single piece of snow can be seen.


"This is the same as the Chu Palace in Chang'an City!"

Changsun Wuji took a deep breath and said softly.

"Could it be... Could it be that the snow here is also melted with salt?"

Wei Zheng guessed.

"If that's the case, here... how much salt is used here?"

Du Ruhui was slightly shocked.

Li Shimin pursed his chapped lips.

After walking for a day and a night, he really couldn't hold on anymore.

"Go in and talk."

He gave a low snort and walked over directly.

Now the sun is setting again.




Everything is sweeping over him.

Even Li Shimin couldn't hold it anymore.

Empress Changsun gritted her teeth, she was speechless at this moment.

Still standing here is already the greatest success.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui also pulled up the last bit of strength in their bodies and slammed the door.


With this voice, the people inside came out.

"Your Majesty, oh, Your Majesty, please come in quickly."

"It's a snowy day, why is Your Majesty here?"

The servants of Chu Wang's other courtyard hurriedly shouted.

Li Shimin looked at him and was taken aback.

"Hurry up and help His Majesty and them go in."

"This journey, Your Majesty, and all the princes are exhausted."

Duan Tianya ordered softly.


Immediately, the servant quickly supported Li Shimin, greeted and shouted, and walked towards the yard.

I have to say that after entering the King Chu's Courtyard, the journey is much easier.

After all, there was no snow in the yard at all.

Walking, as usual, is extremely easy.

Li Shimin also let out a heavy breath.

He glanced at Empress Changsun worriedly, and immediately ordered: "Find a room, light the charcoal, and let us have a good rest."

"This body feels like it's going to be stiff."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is a greenhouse here. It's where His Highness lives in winter on weekdays. It's better to go there first."

The servant quickly answered.

At the same time, on the road, two maids hurried over and helped the eldest grandson empress.

"Both of you, serve the empress to the hot spring room."

"Let the empress take a good rest first."

"Your Majesty, I wonder if this arrangement is appropriate?"

This servant looked at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin nodded.

This is the other courtyard of the King of Chu, and it is truly safe to be here.

Although Li Shimin didn't know the real details of this courtyard and what it was like, he always felt that this place was much safer than the protection of so many Jinwu guards in the imperial city.

The two maids left with the help of Empress Changsun.

Empress Changsun didn't resist either, she really couldn't hold it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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