Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 259 Li Shimin Shocked! 1 Everything is under the control of the King of Chu!

Chapter 259: Li Shimin Shocked!Everything is under the control of King Chu!

Just behind the room, when Li Shimin, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and Wei Zheng entered, they immediately wailed incomparably comfortably.

"This room is too comfortable, so warm, my God! No, no, let me lie down!"

Changsun Wuji lay directly on the ground.

"My God, this... is like spring, and it's too warm."

Wei Zheng also sat down on the ground, just like his grandson Wuji.

Honestly, they really have never felt so comfortable in winter.

This feeling!
This temperature!
Feeling tired all over the body, it dissipated in an instant, and the ice on the body disappeared in an instant.

Duan Tianya supported Li Shimin to sit down.

Then the servant hurried to prepare the food and drink.

Li Shimin looked eastward and touched westward, the corners of his eyebrows twitched wildly, unbelievable.

The table is hot!
The teacup is hot!
Even the ground is warm!

He really had never seen such a warm and comfortable room, especially in this winter.

To know.It is very difficult for the common people to survive the winter.

Even in the imperial city, it is difficult.

Apart from relying on the crazy accumulation of charcoal, there is no other good way.

In this way, except that there is some warmth next to the coals, but as long as you leave a certain distance, the cold wind is still biting.

But this house...
Li Shimin pursed the corners of his mouth and stared wide-eyed, full of curiosity.

Duan Tianya smiled.

"Your Majesty, there is also a greenhouse in Chu Palace."

"All of them were designed by His Highness, using hot water for heating."

"It's more convenient than burning coals for heating, and it's also much more comfortable."

"Your Majesty, there is also a shower in the side room, do you want to take a quick shower first?"

"Then take a good rest? In the past two days, His Majesty and all the princes are really exhausted. No matter how urgent you are, you can't wait for these few hours."

Duan Tianya said.

Hot water for heating?
Li Shimin looked at the messy iron pipes in the room, and touched them with his hands. Sure enough, they were extremely hot.

These pipelines can be said to be full of every corner of the room.

Only in this way can the temperature fill the entire room.

Li Shimin pursed his chapped lips and nodded slowly.


No matter how urgent it is, there is no rush for these few hours.

I have to say, Kuan'er is really out of his mind, to think of such a way.

"Grandma's, when I get back to Chang'an, I want to do it at my house!" Du Ruhui was so envious.

"Auxiliary machine, produce such iron pipes for me when the time comes, I will make an order first." Du Ruhui hurriedly said to Changsun Wuji.

Such iron pipes are really rare in the market, but don't be afraid, Changsun Wuji's family produces iron, and casting such pipes is extremely simple.

Changsun Wuji nodded repeatedly and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say...."

He is also crazy, keeping these designs in mind.

To be honest, having such precious heating equipment in winter is really more comfortable than a fairy.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu is really a great talent!
Don't look at His Majesty, there are people like Du Ruhui himself, the scenery is infinite.

However, the life of His Royal Highness King Chu is truly comfortable.

There are igloos in summer!
There is such a warm room in winter!

Oh my God!
The envious eldest grandson Wuji has a full face.

Next to him, Li Shimin took a deep breath, got up slowly, pressed the table with his hand, and went to the shower room under the leadership of Duan Tianya.

Wei Zheng, Changsun Wuji, and Du Ruhui hurriedly followed.

Not long after that, there was a sound like killing a pig in the side room.

But not long after, the sound of killing pigs disappeared, replaced by an extremely comfortable figure.

A full half an hour passed.

Li Shimin and the four of them came out wearing thick bathrobes.


Refreshing all over.

The previous embarrassment completely disappeared.

"It's so comfortable, this is too comfortable."

"No, I'm a little sleepy, Your Majesty, I'm going to sleep."

"Ah...too tired, go to sleep first, let's talk about it first, Your Majesty."

"This bath, I have never taken such a comfortable bath in my life, grandma, I feel much lighter all over my body."

"No, no, too sleepy, too sleepy, sleep!"

Changsun Wuji and the three said in succession.

Everyone yawns.

It was Li Shimin, whose eyes could hardly be opened.


After taking a comfortable hot bath, the tiredness surged up all of a sudden, and I couldn't resist it at all.

Duan Tianya hurriedly led the four of them into the back room.

There was a big bed in the back room, and four people plunged into it. It can be said that in an instant, the whirring sound rose.

Duan Tianya chuckled twice, and gently closed the door.

Your Majesty and the others' tossing and tossing for the past two days has indeed consumed too much physical strength and energy.

See how tired you are.

Let's take a rest first.

Anyway, everything is under the control of His Highness.

Let them jump around for a few days about that little shit in Chang'an.

When Li Shimin and the others woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

This time, they slept in the dark.

The whole person's head was in a daze, and he didn't know what year it was.

Li Shimin was lying on the bed.

Looking at the roof, it took a while to slow down.

The brain restarted, and all the memories were re-sealed.

Li Shimin let out a long breath, and stretched his arms vigorously.

I just heard the crackling of the bones all over my body.

The brain became extremely clear, as if it could even catch the sound of the wind blowing by.

Great spirit!

Very comfortable!

Just moving my body, my legs still hurt a little.

This is because they have traveled too much before. After sleeping, although the spirit has recovered, the body is still recovering.

normal circumstances.

Of course Li Shimin also knew.

Back then, he rode his horse continuously for several days, and when he dismounted, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he rested for five or six days before he could fully rest.


And when Li Shimin just sat up, a frenzied protest came from his stomach.

Really hungry!


Before going to bed, none of them had eaten.

This wake up, not hungry is evil.

"Your Majesty, you are awake."

"Yeah, it's very comfortable. I slept so comfortably. I've never slept so soundly before."

"However, this room is too hot, we just covered a thin quilt, my God."

"This is only available during the dog days of summer!"

On the side, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui also opened their eyes.

Li Shimin looked at the thin quilt on his body.

Not to mention, they really thought it was spring and summer.

This room is really wonderful.

"Let's go out and get something to eat."

Li Shimin rubbed his stomach and said.

The three of them were excited when they heard the words, and those who nodded were like chickens pecking at rice, saying yes again and again.

come out.

Meals are ready in the conservatory anteroom.

Hot Pot!

These days, only hot pot is the best match.

It was snowing and freezing outside, and the rooms were full of heat.

Then have another bite of hot pot, absolutely amazing!

Of course, this was specially prepared by the servants, after all, no one knew when Li Shimin and the others would wake up.

If it is cooking, it must be difficult to control the temperature.

Therefore, hot pot is the most suitable.

The red soup and white soup in the pot are also completely boiling hot.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, hot pepper, along with plenty of other constant ups and downs.

Just smelling it makes your mouth water.

"Your Majesty, you are awake."

At this moment, Empress Changsun also walked in.

Still holding the snack in his hand, his face was radiant and his face was relaxed, and he could tell he had rested.

"Guanyin maid."

Li Shimin hurried up to greet him, and said with a smile, "Come, come, let's eat first, let's eat together."

"Hot pot, hahaha... eat it in the igloo in summer, and eat it in the conservatory in winter, absolutely!"

Li Shimin laughed.

some people sit down,

They put the meat into the pot one after another.

At this time, Duan Tianya walked in.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, gentlemen, how are you resting?"

"Very good, Guard Duan, come, come, sit, sit together."

Li Shimin greeted.

"Your Majesty, my subordinate will not sit down. I am here to tell your Majesty what happened in Chang'an."

Duan Tianya said.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Li Shimin frowned slightly.

"It's not a big deal. Wei Wang Li Tai has established himself as emperor, led Wei Ting, Longxi Li's and other aristocratic families, and moved the court to Luoyang."

"At the same time, the Supreme Emperor was also taken away."

Duan Tianya said.

The sound fell, and in an instant, there was no sound in the greenhouse.

Li Shimin and the others stared blankly at Duan Tianya.

This is called... Isn't this a big deal?
" dare he!" Empress Changsun said in a daze, "Guardian Duan, is there something wrong with this news?"

"Qingque, this..."

Empress Changsun was confused.

She said it was unacceptable.

Li Tai, rebelled? !

Really not much better than the rate of a bolt from the blue.

I was stunned.

"Empress, that's right."

"At the same time, Duke Li Jingguo and Duke Cheng are also controlled by the people of the family. Our Chu Palace just rescued them."

"They are all safe, but, Your Majesty, you don't have to worry, let's eat first, Luoyang... Hehehe..."

When Duan Tianya said this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Your Majesty, my Highness is in Luoyang."

In the warm room, there was a moment of silence.

The chopsticks in Li Shimin's hand were about to be broken by him.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui looked at each other and I looked at you, their mouths became dry, unbelievable.

Everyone asked Wan never thought that Wei Wang Li Tai would have such courage!
They actually rebelled openly and directly!

They stared at Duan Tianya, motionless, in a trance.

And His Royal Highness the King of Chu, now... in Luoyang? !
Oh my God!
If this is the case, wouldn't His Royal Highness the King of Chu want to face His Royal Highness Wei and those clans directly?

I'm good!
This is too exciting!

His Highness King Chu, will you make a move?
"Kuan'er...Kuan'er is in Luoyang?"

Li Shimin opened his mouth wide, with bitterness in his eyes.

It never occurred to him that Li Kuan, whom he had been thinking about day and night, was now in Luoyang.

Li Tai and the others also went to Luoyang.

Kuan'er shot, he knew very well in his heart, this group of aristocratic clans rebelled?I'm afraid it will be directly killed!
God's will?
Li Shimin didn't know what to say.

Duan Tianya nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Your Highness just arrived in Luoyang a few days ago."

"Then... is there any soldiers in Kuan'er? It will be all right?"

Empress Changsun thought of this, and couldn't help feeling worried all of a sudden.

Now that Li Tai is rebelling, he can never lose Kuan'er again, and Datang can't lose Kuan'er anymore.

"Those aristocratic families, they have a lot of people in their hands, and this time they will definitely go to Luoyang with heavy troops. Maybe, Luoyang is already their city."

"Kuan'er is in Luoyang by himself..."

Empress Changsun looked anxious.

Li Shimin also looked at Duan Tianya with deep eyes.

Although he had guesses in his heart, he knew that there was a high probability that Li Kuan would be fine, and he could even directly kill Li Tai and the others.

However, it has not been confirmed after all.

Hearing what Empress Changsun said now, my heart suddenly arose.

Slightly nervous.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui also breathed slightly heavily.

His Royal Highness Chu, are you in danger? ?
Duan Tianya was very calm.

Shake his head.

"Don't worry, empress."

"In this world, no one can be your Highness's opponent."

"Just rest, eat, drink, and sleep well. By the way, don't go back to Chang'an these days."

"It's better to wait until His Highness comes to pick you up. It is estimated that His Highness should be back soon."

Duan Tianya laughed.

Hearing what he said, the worry in Empress Changsun's heart completely dissipated.

Li Shimin's stiff gaze softened slightly.

That's good, that's good...
He heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, as I guessed, it is impossible for Kuan'er to put himself in danger.

Li Shimin even felt that Kuan'er would know the news earlier than himself.

"it is good!"

Li Shimin nodded.

He looked at the boiling hot pot, added a chopstick of beef and put it in.

"That's good, Li Tai, after all, I am not worthy of the name of Li Tang's royal family, hum! Not to mention short-sighted, but still so self-righteous!"

"It's estimated that he doesn't know now, he is like this beef, everything is controlled by others, hum! A joke!!"

Li Shimin took a deep breath, rinsed the beef, and put it in his mouth comfortably.

"Eat, don't worry about other things, Kuan'er, he will take care of it."

Li Shimin said slowly.

In the voice, there was a terrifying confidence in Li Kuan.

This confidence, at this moment, has reached its peak.

He felt that nothing in the world could escape Li Kuan's grasp.

It seems that this clan's rebellion is also under Li Kuan's control.

Otherwise, why didn't Kuan'er return to Chang'an?But stayed in Luoyang? .
Not only in Chang'an, but also outside Luoyang City, it is still very deep.

Originally, when the snowstorm came, Chang'an and Luoyang, the two most affluent towns in the Tang Dynasty, disappeared.

However, today, a group of people braved the snow and walked on the official road with difficulty.

(End of this chapter)

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