Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 260 Fan Yang Lu's Thoughts!King Chu's arrangement!

Chapter 260: Fan Yang Lu's Thoughts!King Chu's arrangement!

The official road between Chang'an and Luoyang can be said to be the best in the whole world.

Not one of them at all!

However, it is still very difficult for this large group of people to walk today.

Naturally, these two teams were exactly Li Tai, Wei Ting, and all the members of the imperial court and Chang'an clan led by the head of the Li family in Longxi.

Bring home.

People, all are here.

As for stuff?
The worst thing about the family is things.

In other words, the worst thing in the family is money.

As long as people are alive, they have everything, but if people are gone, everything is gone.

This point has been passed down by the clans for thousands of years, and they understand it very well, better than anyone else.

Li Tai sat in the carriage.

Looking nervously at the scenery outside the window.

The carriage is moving slowly,

However, even so, Chang'an City was getting farther and farther away, and an inexplicable peace of mind rose from the bottom of Li Tai's heart.

Just get out of there!

He believed that when he returned to Chang'an, according to the background of the family, even if the father returned to Chang'an, everything would be over.

Without the support of the aristocratic clans, there is no chance to fight against him in Chang'an!

Almost all of the ten realms in the world are under the control of the aristocratic clan.

How many of the ten officials in the world are descendants of the aristocratic family?

He can't figure it out, and no one can figure it out.

But, one thing is for sure, lots and lots!

This is the confidence of the family!

This is also the deep meaning of the family!

Li Tai looked at the dragon robe on his body.

Great fit and so refined.

This dragon robe was prepared by him long ago.

Unexpectedly, today, I actually put it on?
Li Tai's spirit was still in a trance.

In the carriage, besides him, there was another person.

Li Yuan!

However, Li Yuan seemed to have fallen asleep, wrapped in a woolen blanket, with a pillow behind his head, snoring slightly, looking very peaceful.

Li Tai took a deep breath.

He dare not disturb.

"Your Majesty, take a rest first, it will be soon, don't worry, the road ahead has already been cleared up, and Luoyang has already spied spies to report the news."

"Eighty percent of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty have followed. Chang'an is already a ruined city."

"In Luoyang, we have already started preparations. We will arrive in Luoyang tomorrow morning. It will be a grand ceremony to welcome His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, you only need to be a good emperor, you don't have to worry about anything else, don't worry!"

Wei Ting said in a deep voice outside the window, reporting the situation.

Li Tai nodded vigorously.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Tell the others, when we get to Luoyang, we will clear out the rebels in Chang'an, I will definitely reward you greatly!"

Li Tai said excitedly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wei Ting bowed and continued, "Your Majesty, you should take a break too."

"Last night, I'm afraid I didn't have a good rest. Old Shen also went to sleep in the carriage behind."

Li Tai lowered the car curtain.

Close your eyes.

The tense nerves were slightly relieved.

Suddenly, a sense of drowsiness rushed up, and he fell into a gray and deep sleep.

In a carriage behind the carriage.

Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, the head of the Li family in Longxi, the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, and others were all sitting with maps in their hands, with solemn expressions.

"It's coming soon, maybe it won't take tomorrow morning to arrive in Luoyang ahead of schedule."

"Hmph! Li Shimin...Even if he doesn't die, the world belongs to us!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi snorted coldly.

"That's right, Chang'an can do it too!"

"The officials who did not come with us were all killed, and Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, and Li Jing were all killed by the dead behind!"

"It is difficult to mobilize the army now. The snow blocks the horse's footsteps. In the heavy snow, it is difficult for the sixteen guards to display their strength."

"When we return to Luoyang, we can recruit a large army and directly attack the sixteen guards!"

"By the way, the people in the sixteen guards should continue to keep in touch. If they want to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, let them go to Luoyang immediately to defend the new master!"

Wei Ting said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded.

Sixteen guards!
This is Li Shimin's last reliance, but do you really think that these sixteen guards are all his own?
As everyone knows, they have already been lured by their family a lot.

In addition, with the military system of the Tang Dynasty, the army is still composed of civilians, and it will take some time for them to regroup.

But the army of the family has always been there.

Either way, they all won.

"By the way, and all the granaries in Chang'an have been burned!"

"Not one left!!"

"Even if Li Shimin is not dead, how can he fight us?"

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe added.

"Yes, everything is ours, not ours, no one wants it!"

"Phew...the salt has been prepared for so long, the ones that should be destroyed are destroyed, and the ones that should be transported away have already been transported away. There is no more salt in Chang'an."

"They are bound to die!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a deep breath and smiled ferociously.

One order after another.

Chang'an seems to be in chaos.

The convoy, like a swimming dragon, seemed to connect the two cities of Luoyang and Chang'an.


It was snowing heavily.

The back hall of a courtyard.

A guard dressed in a black overcoat slowly walked into the yard.

"Patriarch, Chang'an City is in chaos."

"The five surnames and Qiwang, except our Fanyang Lu family, have risen up and supported Li Tai as emperor. They left Chang'an City and went to Luoyang."

This famous family guard reported everything that happened in Chang'an City yesterday.

They were obviously in the north, one month away from Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty, but they were able to know what happened in Chang'an City just yesterday.

In front of this family guard was the Patriarch of the Lu clan, Fan Yang, who was completely covered under a black robe and could not be seen clearly.

"How is Lu Yuntian?"

He didn't care about those major events in Chang'an City, but instead asked his second in command.

"Deputy Patriarch Lu, as soon as the incident happened, he led everyone in my Lu family to leave Chang'an City as well."

"But they didn't go to Luoyang, but came towards us."

Jiawei said.

The Patriarch of Fan Yang's Lu family narrowed his eyes slightly: "Well done, Chang'an city is in chaos, let them be in chaos, and it just happens that Li Kuan can't be so leisurely."

"We take advantage of this time, it's time to meet up."

Jiawei nodded upon hearing this.

Then he thought about it, and couldn't help but ask: "Patriarch, this is such a big matter in Chang'an City, and our family just stands by like this?"

"These aristocratic families finally rebelled against the Tang Dynasty. If we unite, wouldn't it be like a tiger with wings added, and wouldn't it be easier to deal with the Chu king Li Kuan?"

Fan Yang Lu's Patriarch shook his head and said, "No, this will expose us."

"If the Big Dipper didn't exist, it would be a good thing to unite together, but the reality is that there is."

"If we go to the bright side like Li Kuan, no one will know what the Big Dipper will do in the dark. This is extremely terrifying."

"The Big Dipper, any one star is not to be underestimated, and the seven stars together are even more terrifying."

"Let's fight, let Li Kuan fight with those clans, and buy us time!"

"This time we went north from Chang'an City, and it took more than a few months. We will remove tens of thousands of Li Kuan and let them continue to haunt Li Kuan. We, together with the Big Dipper, will continue to remove Li Kuan's wings."

"And...hehe, the family and the family, they are too intrusive. With the help of Li Kuan, it is also very good to get rid of them."

A cold laughter resounded in the room.

Then returned to calm.

In the back hall of a yard.

There was thick snow outside the room.

In each room, it is like spring flowers blooming.

Lu Lingqi was holding hot tea in her hand, and gently placed it beside Li Kuan.

Shangguan Wan'er and Shangguan Haitang were playing checkers, not having fun.

"Your Highness, there is news from outside."

"Wei Wang Li Tai, they are heading towards Luoyang."

"It's very bad news. Wei Wang Li Tai has already proclaimed himself emperor, and he wants to take the family with him and make Luoyang the capital of the empire."

Sitting on the rocking chair, Li Kuan looked at the snow outside the door, listened to Lu Lingqi's words, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Li Tai proclaims himself emperor? He really dares."

"This matter...Little Si, are they all right?"

Li Kuan couldn't help asking.

At this moment.

When Shangguan Wan'er and Shangguan Haitang heard this, they could see it too, and they stopped playing the checkers in their hands.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince didn't proclaim himself emperor, but His Royal Highness King Wei proclaimed himself emperor?" Shangguan Wan'er's eyes widened.

Shangguan Haitang gently rubbed the chessboard with her fingers, and said with some emotion: "Unexpected, but, Your Highness, our chance has come."

"We have too many enemies, the Big Dipper, the Patriarch of Fan Yang's Lu family, and these aristocratic families. If Li Tai becomes emperor, the five surnames and seven kings will definitely follow."

"Now it's justified. For the position of emperor, only His Highness and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are left to compete."

"Your Highness..."

Shangguan Haitang said in a deep voice with an exquisite mind.

Li Kuan glanced at her and shook his head.

"Your Highness...Your Majesty and the Empress, they are all fine. They are now in the Chu King's Courtyard at the foot of Mount Li, accompanied by Commander Duan."

"His Royal Highness Xiaosi was in Chang'an City. During the coup, people from the family came to attack and kill them, but they were all resolved by Jing Ke, so there is no problem."

Lu Lingqi reported again.

Li Kuan nodded slightly.

"Okay, but about the emperor, Haitang, don't talk about it next time."

"As for other things, go ahead and make arrangements to control Luoyang into our hands. Li Tai and the Li family in Longxi, who have five surnames and seven surnames, don't go to the city."

"If you rebel, you have to pay the price."

"After all, rebellion is not so easy to rebel."

Li Kuan ordered casually.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

When Lu Lingqi heard this, she immediately bowed and hurried away.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Shangguan Haitang stuck out her little tongue, with a smile like a little devil on her face: "Hey hey..."

"It is estimated that Wei Wang and the others have not thought of it. By then, Luoyang City will already be ours."

"They were shut out, so that every day is not working, and the ground is not responding."

"We can't go to Luoyang, and we can't go to Chang'an. We'll have to see what they will do when the time comes."

"Your Highness, when the time comes, shall we go to the city wall to meet them?"

Shangguan Haitang was a little excited.

Rubbing his little hands.

Looking forward to Li Kuan.

"At that time, His Highness must have arrangements."

"You, you, let's take a look at the chessboard, I won."


Shangguan Wan'er dropped the chess piece again, and laughed heartily.

"Help me wash my clothes for a month, win two out of three games, don't play tricks, I've already won twice!"

Shangguan Wan'er was extremely happy.

Shangguan Haitang's little face, which was still excited and longing, suddenly pulled down her hips.

She didn't say a word, staring at the chessboard, her whole body was in a daze.

what happened?

Lost again?
Another month of laundry? !
What Wei Wang Li Tai, what rebellion, what time to meet on the city wall, all of them were left behind by her! !
The little face is bitter.

Mouth pouting.

"Wow...Your Highness, help me win."

"Your Highness, I have washed Wan'er for three months."

Shangguan Haitang jumped on Li Kuan all at once.

Li Kuan smiled helplessly.

Rubbed her head.

He cooks and loves to play,
This is the best portrayal of Shangguan Haitang, and every time she loses, it is her.

"You...don't play so big if you don't have that ability."

"Okay, I'll help you win again this time, and if you lose next time, I won't help you."

Li Kuan smiled.

Sit down in front of the chessboard.

Shangguan Wan'er quickly rearranged the chessboard.

Somewhat excited.

Playing chess with His Royal Highness is what you wish for.

It's their favorite thing.

However, just two steps away from the chessboard, Lu Lingqi walked in again.

"Your Highness, do you want to go to Luoyang Mansion? The governor of Luoyang City has already bowed his head."

"They have already started planning to welcome Li Tai and the others, but now, I found out in time and sent people out to arrest them. Now, I have locked them all up in Luoyang Mansion."

Reported by Lu Lingqi.

"Oh, why so fast?" Shangguan Haitang wailed.

"Your Highness's tea is not cold yet."

Shangguan Wan'er also exhaled, and couldn't help but said, "Are those people so useless?"

However, Li Kuan didn't even raise his head: "Let's finish this game of chess first, don't worry, wait a while, and then go to Luoyang Mansion."

Luoyang Mansion.

Li Longtian went crazy.

Not only him, but all the top officials in Luoyang City who can be ranked will go crazy.

The governor, don't drive, Changshi, Sima, the officials who can be said to be in charge of the big and small powers of Luoyang City, are like ants on a hot pot at the moment.

They came to Luoyang Mansion today because they wanted to be together, so they quickly discussed how to prepare to welcome Li Tai and others.

After all, there is not much time left for them.

According to the news, tomorrow morning.

Li Tai, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu and other important officials of the court, as well as the head of the Li family in Longxi and other five surnames Qiwang, large and small convoys, they are about to arrive.

This is a big deal!
Chang'an's matter, Chang'an has already passed the news to them.

Datang, the sky is turned upside down!

The new emperor ascends the throne!

Luoyang has been operating for the longest time as an aristocratic family, and it is also the most prosperous place where they operate, and it is also the city closest to Chang'an.

Incomparably important.

Otherwise, it will not be the place where the new emperor ascends the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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