Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 262: The King of Chu Controls the Overall Situation!The worry of the family!

Chapter 262: The King of Chu Controls the Overall Situation!The worry of the family!

Cui Fei was confused.

what happened?

what happened?
How did you fly out by yourself?
Just now, Cui Fei has high confidence in his actions.

After all, how old is Chu Wang Li Kuan?

And beside him, there are only three maids.

No matter how you look at it, these three maids are all war scum, even though there is a maid in a battle suit with a spear in her hand.


No matter how you look at it, that long gun doesn't match her very well, as if it's trying to scare people.

Therefore, Cui Fei moved.

At this moment, Cui Fei, whose mind was full of chaos, endured the pain like splitting his head, and stared at the maid holding the spear.

Long gun!

It was a long spear that blocked him just now, it couldn't be... is it her?
how can that be!

Cui Fei couldn't accept it.

How old is that maid?And his own skills, not to mention one of the best in the entire Luoyang City, but it is absolutely no problem to be ranked in the top ten.

How could it be possible to be blown away by a little maid?

But when Cui Fei looked over, he took a deep breath, and his whole body was going to explode.

It was the maid!

Her gun hadn't been retracted yet, maintaining the same movement as before.

How can it be?

how is this possible! !
How old is she?Such explosive power, and the reaction just now...
Cui Fei only felt that his brain was about to burst, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

The blood flowed from the nose like a broken river, which could not be stopped at all.

Just now, that shot hit his nose.

It has collapsed.

Li Kuan's expression was unmoved.

He didn't turn his head back.

"Why bother? You must seek your own death."

After finishing speaking, Li Kuan walked directly outside.

Shangguan Haitang and Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly followed, while Lu Lingqi who was behind did not move, and walked towards Cui Fei step by step with a spear in hand.

"Those who dare to touch His Highness."


A cold voice squeezed out from between Lu Lingqi's teeth, a pair of beautiful eyes fixed on Cui Fei, and a coldness gushed out from the tip of her gun.

Like an emissary from hell!
Li Longtian and the others were all stunned.

Terrified, he hurriedly stepped back a few steps towards the back.

Can't believe it!


Cui Fei kicked his feet vigorously, moved towards the back in a panic, and said in fear: ", you, what are you doing?!"

"I... I, Cui Fei, but Sima of Luoyang, I am a general, you can't kill me! You, a little maid, are not worthy of killing me!!!"

"Damn it, King Chu...His Royal Highness King Chu..."

"Save me, save me, save me..."

Cui Fei screamed in horror.

Under the threat of death, even if he is the general who commands all armies, so what?

Still yelling and dying.

However, no one responded to him.

The sound of Lu Lingqi's footsteps was getting closer.

At this time, suddenly, Cui Fei jumped up from the ground, and a dagger stuck out from his sleeve, and went straight to Lu Lingqi's throat.


Cui Fei's expression was ferocious, but at this moment, he fired a shot!
Cui Fei hadn't even gotten close to Lu Lingqi yet.

The tip of the gun was completely buried in his mouth.

I can't even scream!
Direct sudden death! !
Only the fear in those staring eyes showed what kind of horror he had encountered during his lifetime.

The spear was retracted.

Cui Fei's body fell directly to the ground.

Don't rest your eyes!

But Lu Lingqi didn't change at all, she wiped the tip of the gun on him before walking outside.

"Your Highness, wait for me."

Lu Lingqi also whispered nervously.

It seems that killing someone is not as important to her as Li Kuan going away.

cluck cluck....
In the lobby, Li Longtian and the others made unnatural sounds from their throats.

They were terrified, looking at the back of Li Kuan in front of them.

They... what the hell are they?

Cui Fei, Sima of Luoyang City, just died like this?
Chu Wang him!
Who is he?
Oh my God! !

Is King Chu's heart so cruel?

And that maid, it seems that the king of Chu is the only one in the world, and he doesn't care about everything else.

Oh shit!

damn it!
Li Tai, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, and the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, the Patriarch of the Qinghe Cui family, what did they do?
Do they know what they are doing?


With the King of Chu here, would they dare to rebel?

Grandma's joy!


It's all over! !
In everyone's mind, at this moment, there are only these two words left.

With the king of Chu here, how can you make a fart?

"what should I do now?"

"Cui Fei is dead, let's... Gudong..."

"His Royal Highness, the unfathomable. This rebellion seems to be over."

"Hiss... It's already over before it even starts. Tomorrow morning, His Majesty and the others will come to Luoyang City, what should... what should we do?"

"The key is the current news, and it can't be spread at all, damn it! We don't know anything about why His Royal Highness Chu is so tyrannical all of a sudden."

"If we knew, we wouldn't have made such a big mistake. That mysterious army alone can completely dispel all our thoughts."

"Mysterious army... That's right. It turns out that the world is not in the hands of our family, nor is it in the hands of the court. Now look at it, it's all in the hands of His Highness the King of Chu."

"What else should we do? Next, let's..."

"What else can I do? Hahaha...suicide? Do you dare? Anyway, I don't dare, go back to Chang'an, I don't know about Li Tai's rebellion, if I can escape, save my dog's life, earn money Yes! If you can’t, it’s not a loss if you can live for such a long time! At least, give us a full meal before you die?”

"That's the only way to go. Hey... Rebellion, it's lonely to rebel."


In the lobby, Li Longtian and the others sat on the floor with wry smiles.

Now, what else can they do?Nothing can be done!
Cui Fei didn't even close his eyes.

The strength of His Highness the King of Chu is much stronger than what they imagined!
Now, with the mysterious and unpredictable guards of King Chu guarding them, they can only wait for the trial.

Luoyang City is gone...
Completely, gone.....
Li Kuan walked around Luoyang city.

The people here don't know what happened yet, and they are still extremely calm.

Under Shangguan Haitang's arrangement, all the soldiers guarding Luoyang were from Hulong Villa.

The snow is still thick.

But the sun is already good.

It seems that the successive heavy snow days are about to stop, and the weather is finally starting to clear up.

above the city wall.

Li Kuan stood here, looking in the direction of Chang'an.

Lonely, wide.

That glance could not see the end at all, only the white and snowy official road in the eyes, now there is no one.

"The scenery is really beautiful. It would be great if Xiao Sizi was here."

"But there are more important things to deal with right now. Tomorrow, this place will be lively."

"I really don't know what kind of expression my king's stupid third brother will have when he stands below and sees this king here."

"The journey was full of wind and dust, with such a heavy snow, from Chang'an to Luoyang, I must be very tired already?"

"It's just, it's a pity, it's a waste of time, and I have to go back again."

Li Kuan smiled and shook his head helplessly.

"Your Highness, they asked for this."

"No wonder others!"

"The family members always thought that the world belonged to them, and they were still immersed in their dreams, but they didn't know that everything they thought about had slipped away unknowingly."

"Even if it's not the turn of Li Tang's royal family, or His Royal Highness, there will still be Fan Yang Lu and the Big Dipper!"

"However, I always believe that there is only one master in the world, and there is only one master in the world!"

Shangguan Haitang said respectfully.

Li Kuan's face was calm, and there was no disturbance when he heard the words of the Lord of the World.

The corner of his mouth exhaled lightly.

"When the spring begins, the imperial examination will begin, and Datang will finally be on the right track."

"Shen Lian and the others, what's the matter? They took it from Tubo?"

Li Kuan asked again.

"Your Highness, it's over. According to intelligence, the army has already begun to station in Luoxi City."

"The Tubo people are vulnerable! Far inferior to those Big Dipper and Fan Yang Lushi!!"

"Dongchang sneaked in secretly and carried out a beheading operation, and then it was completely taken over by Jin Yiwei and the others."

"Next, we just need to arrange for people from the imperial court to go there."

Shangguan Haitang replied.

Li Kuan nodded: "That would be the best."

As he spoke, he turned his head and glanced at Shangguan Wan'er who was trembling beside him.

Both Lu Lingqi and Shangguan Haitang are martial arts practitioners, only Shangguan Wan'er's body is slightly weaker.

After being out for such a long time, her little face turned blue from the cold.

"Let's go, go back, come back tomorrow."

Li Kuan gave the order.

A group of four people quickly hid completely.
At this moment.

Above the official road, the sun has already started to set from the west.

The temperature was also several degrees lower than at noon.

Like a snake-like convoy, densely packed, they headed in one direction together.

Li Tai hugged the blanket tightly.

It's been a day.

He has been sitting in the car all day.

He had never been in such an uncomfortable car.

too difficult!
The snow on the road can be said to flicker and tremble when the wheels are moving.

Li Tai's face was a little pale.

I don't know if it's because of Che Dianpo or because of my mood, I haven't eaten anything and I look a little weak.

"Your Majesty, the journey is halfway done now."

"Don't worry, don't worry, we will arrive in Luoyang City safely by tomorrow."

"The news of our arrival has already been received in Luoyang City. They must be preparing everything for us now. When we arrive in Luoyang, we can have a good rest."

Wei Ting opened the car window again and said to Li Tai.

Li Tai gave him a weak look and nodded.

Nothing was said.

Wei Ting glanced at Li Yuan again.

"Your Majesty, do you need anything? I'll send someone to arrange it."

Wei Ting asked.

Li Yuan glanced at him, smiled, shook his head, and said nothing.

"Okay! If the Supreme Emperor needs anything, just ask."

Wei Ting didn't say any more.

Today, he is also very tired.

But luckily, it's coming soon! ! !

Ahead is hope! !
In front, they can have everything again! ! !
Wei Ting took a deep breath.

He looked at the huge convoy.

"Speed ​​up! When the sun rises tomorrow, we must arrive in Luoyang!!"

"When you arrive in Luoyang, you are all heroes of the dragon, and your majesty will reward you a lot!"

Wei Ting roared.

Then, he jumped into his carriage.

it's dark.

The wind also rose.

Bit biting!

Wei Ting took a deep look at Li Tai's carriage, and then quickly got into the carriage behind.

Chai Lingwu, the head of the Li family in Longxi, the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, and others all had serious expressions on their faces.

They are still discussing the enthronement early tomorrow morning.

"Our scouts have already left."

"According to the time, Li Longtian and the others must have received the letter long ago, and our news must have reached Luoyang long ago."

"However, until now, there is still no reply from Luoyang City. What are Li Longtian and the others doing?"

"Could it be... don't they know to reply to a message? Such an important matter, can't be sloppy at all, what are they doing for food! This truth should not be understood!!"

The head of the Li family in Longxi had a low voice.

He looked out the car window, the sun was about to set.

The vast land outside the car window is all the same color, which makes people feel extremely heavy.

For some reason, Patriarch Li of Longxi suddenly became anxious.

Chai Lingwu swallowed his saliva, and said, "Patriarch Li, don't be in a hurry, huh... this may be from Luoyang, there is something delaying it."

"Thinking about it carefully, there are still a lot of things happening now, and they are a little flustered when the incident happened suddenly. In fact, it's all normal."

"Your Majesty's ascension to the throne is not just their business. In addition, the people in the whole city must be informed."

"We are not rebels, we are the grand succession ceremony! The Supreme Emperor, in our hands, Li Shimin, he is the rebel!!"

"So, by tomorrow morning, the common people will have to go out of the city to welcome them. However, in this snowy day, mobilizing the common people and notifying each family is busy enough."

Chai Lingwu said in a deep voice.

When everyone heard the words, they nodded again and again.

It does!

They were enthroned normally, they escaped from the rebel Li Shimin, they should obey the will of God, and the common people will come out to welcome them no matter what.

Even if it's a play, this play has to go on!

Otherwise, how should the people talk about it?


Change to Kyoto!

These are not small things!
The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi let out a deep breath.

He glanced at Chai Lingwu and nodded.

But the anxiety in my heart, I don't know why, still didn't go away at all.

"Having said that, even if things are busy..."

"No matter how busy things are, it's time to reply."

(End of this chapter)

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