Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 263 Arrived in Luoyang!Things don't seem to be the same!

Chapter 263: Arrive in Luoyang!Things seem to be different!
"Li Longtian is also an old man. He certainly knows this."

"Could it be... Could it be that something went wrong in Luoyang?"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi suddenly raised his head and said in a deep voice.

He is also under a lot of pressure now.

After taking this step, they have no way to turn back.

This is related to the success or failure of the family, so we have to be cautious!

Luoyang is their base camp.

Now they have given up on Chang'an, if something happens to Luoyang, then...
They are really going to be lonely ghosts.

In a short time, I couldn't even find a place to stay.

Then, in Chang'an, it will be very easy to catch them all!

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the carriage.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you.

They were silent one after another.

Wei Ting took a deep breath, shook his head, and said directly: "No, Master Li, how is it possible! Luoyang, it's absolutely fine, it's fine..."

Wei Ting said several times that he was fine.

It seemed to be comforting the head of the Li family in Longxi and others, and it seemed to be comforting himself.

"Luoyang, we have been in business for an unknown number of years."

"Hehehe... It can be said that from top to bottom, they are all members of our family, and there will be absolutely no trouble!"


The Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe also nodded repeatedly, and said, "It's the watchman, who is a member of our family, Luoyang, what kind of trouble can there be?"

"Furthermore, Chang'an is under our control now. There is no news about it. It is impossible for them to control Luoyang quietly, unless they are gods!"

"Yes, on this point, you can rest assured that Luoyang is definitely ours and our home stadium!"


Chai Lingwu, head of the Li family in Longxi, also echoed Wei Ting's words again and again.

At this time, there was a sudden anxious voice coming from outside the window.

"Patriarch Li, a letter from Luoyang!"


Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a sharp breath, and hastily opened the curtain of the car himself, ignoring the people around him.

Grabbed the envelope.

"If you really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here."

"It's all right now, Patriarch Li, you can rest assured."

Wei Ting had chapped lips and a low voice, but he could hear that he was also a little excited.

after all.

There has been no reply, no matter who will have a murmur.

Read it quickly.

Then, with a long exhale, the whole person was completely relaxed.

The seriousness on his face just now, and the anxiety in his heart all dissipated.

"Li Longtian and the others have already started making arrangements."

"The people in the city are also starting to prepare to welcome them now. Red lanterns, ribbons and so on are all being prepared."

"The letter said that the musicians are also rehearsing, just waiting for us to arrive in Luoyang tomorrow."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi smiled and handed the letter to Wei Ting and the others.

Wei Ting and others quickly circulated it.

In an instant, there was only a happy atmosphere in the carriage.


"Let me just say, Patriarch Li, are you worrying too much?"

Wei Ting laughed.

"Yeah yeah."

Chai Lingwu nodded again and again: "For so many years, Luoyang has always been ours, and it has never changed."

"Furthermore, the whole of Chang'an is now under our blockade. Li Shimin, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and the others have not heard anything about them. Their lives and deaths are unknown."

"Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, and Qin Qiong are all under our control."

"It's impossible for them to arrive in Luoyang before us. Now, let's wait. When we arrive in Luoyang, we can rest well. This time, everyone is tired."

"Then, you can send troops to regain Chang'an, and the world will be unified!!"


Immediately, excitement appeared on everyone's faces.

Everything is developing towards their preset direction.

"Okay, everyone, let's take a rest, eat something, and get some sleep."

"When we wake up, we should be in Luoyang."

"At that time, gentlemen, we should open up history together, leave a name in the history, and praise it in the world!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said relaxedly.

In the carriage, there was another burst of hearty laughter.
There was nothing to say all night, only the wind outside the carriage.


The sun rose from the east again, slowly swallowing the darkness between heaven and earth.

At this time, on the horizon in front of the convoy, a majestic, lion-like giant city slowly appeared.

"It's here, it's here, it's finally here!!"

"Look, Luoyang is ahead, Luoyang is ahead!!"

"Hahaha....It's here, cheer up everyone, Luoyang City is ahead!!"


At this time, the guards at the front erupted into bursts of excited cheers.

Immediately, the heads of the carriages behind were all exposed.

These are the family members of the aristocratic family, and the family members of the officials who followed Li Tai.

Their faces showed exhaustion.

The eyes are all extremely relaxed.

The whole person looks sluggish.

However, at this moment, ecstasy and crazy joy finally appeared in their cloudy eyes! !

That city is simply the most anticipated treasure in their hearts! !
Luoyang City!
arrive! !
Hard work day and night.

Such a difficult day finally survived.

Oh my God!
In the eyes of many people, they couldn't help it all at once, and tears fell crazily.

"It's here, it's here, look, look, hahaha... We're finally here!!"

"Luoyang City, Miss, look, that's Luoyang City!"

"Madam, Luoyang City is finally here. We can finally take a hot bath and have a good rest."

"Oh, it's Luoyang City, it's really Luoyang City, young master, young master, look, Luoyang City is here!"


Suddenly, there was another burst of overwhelming cheers.


It's more lively than New Year's Eve.

The young ladies and young masters of those aristocratic families even ran out of the carriage and jumped up excitedly.

The old ladies and masters of those aristocratic families all heaved a long sigh of relief, and their hearts were full of the joy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

This road really broke them.

Li Tai was also woken up by such cheers.

That night, he hardly ever fell asleep.

The whole person was in a trance.

The bloodshot eyes were like spider webs.

After hearing the cheers outside, the whole person was about to rush out of the car window.

He stared at the huge city in front of him, and his breathing was a little short of breath.

Involuntarily grinned out, extremely excited and excited.


finally reached!

Li Yuan also woke up, but he just glanced outside, then changed his position, and fell asleep again.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Go in, go in!!"

"It's so indecent, it doesn't fit His Majesty's status."

"Your Majesty, Luoyang City is ahead. It is estimated that all the officials in Luoyang City are ready."

"Your Majesty, go in and straighten your appearance."

"I'm waiting... I'm about to enter the city!"

Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu and the others hurried over from behind.

A bright red dress.

This is not an ordinary official uniform, but a formal dress that is only worn during grand ceremonies.

Now, everyone, all put on.

Ahead is Luoyang City!
At this moment, they finally arrived!
"No problem, no problem!"


Li Tai took a deep breath and said repeatedly.

However, he retreated obediently.

Then, hastily opened the curtain.

"Wei Ting, wait a minute, what should I do?"

He was a little nervous.

However, I couldn't control my excitement.

I... I am finally going to ascend the throne! !
I am finally going to become the emperor! ! !

As long as you enter Luoyang City, all of this will stand still!

However, Li Tai is not old after all, and his mind is unstable. Before such a big event, he can't calm down at all.

Wei Ting clasped his fists with a smile, and his whole body was extremely relaxed.

"Your Majesty, when the time comes, you just need to follow the prompts."

"It's very simple. If the ceremonial officer invites you to get off the car, you get off the car. If you are invited to enter the city, you enter the city. It is the same as the previous sacrifices in Chang'an. Your Majesty, you have participated in it."

"It should be understood."

Wei Ting said quickly.

Li Tai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

"Okay, then thank you Wei Aiqing."

"Whatever your majesty says, this is what the minister should do."

"Your Majesty, go in and have a rest. Get ready, old minister, as if you have heard the cheers from the common people in Luoyang City, hahaha..."

Wei Ting said hastily.

Li Tai took a deep breath, put down the curtain, sat in the carriage, and kept patting his dragon robe.

I'm afraid there is something flawed.

Li Yuan slowly opened his eyes, looked at the opposite side, excited, danced, Li Tai, who seemed to be going to heaven, chuckled, but didn't speak, and simply closed his eyes.

Continue to sleep on your own.

This matter has nothing to do with me anyway.

The speed of the carriage has slowed down.

Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe....
There are also Chang'an officials who followed them to Luoyang City.

They all got out of their carriages.

After all, it's time to enter the city.

They had to crowd around Li Tai.

The carriage behind Li Tai stopped, revealing a large blank space.

"Come, come, General Chai, you should stand in front of me."

"Oh, General Li, what's the matter with you standing next to me? You should be standing forward."

"Brother Cui, if you stand here, then I have to take two steps back, right?"

"Hey, Brother Wang, congratulations, Brother Wang. After the household department, it will be Brother Wang's world. Please stand up, Brother Wang."


All the officials followed behind Li Tai's carriage.

Some confusion.

After all, the position of each official is particular.

However, this time although it is said that many officials have come.

But, after all, it didn't come together.

So, all of a sudden it becomes rough.

I don't even know how to stand.

"OK OK."

"Everyone, don't be courteous. Today, everyone is the hero of the dragon, and we are the heroes of the Tang Dynasty. Today, everyone's achievements are the same. Just stand up."

"Arranged neatly, when His Majesty officially ascends the throne and moves into Luoyang, the rewards will naturally be granted again."

"a ha ha ha……."

In front, Wei Ting greeted and said.

The chaotic officials, this is considered to be a little smooth, the team slowly stood up.

And the front, Luoyang City, became more and more clear.

But as they walked, they realized something was wrong.

In the front, it seems to be a little different from what they expected.

They thought that they should be able to hear the roar of mountains and seas from a long distance. In front of the city gate, and above the city gate, there must be endless flags waving.


Something is wrong!

Luoyang City is getting closer, but the front... seems to be empty! ! !
There is no one!
Even the snow has not been cleared in any way.

All of a sudden, the faces of Wei Ting, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, and the others changed instantly.

What exactly is going on?

Wei Ting gasped.

"Quick! Quick!!"

"Go ahead and see what happened! Damn it, Li Longtian and the others won't fall asleep, will they?"

Wei Ting lowered his voice, but the drooping voice exploded incomparably, making people tremble.

No, something went wrong, right? !

But, it's impossible!
Everything is going according to what I want.

Moreover, there is no news that something happened in Luoyang City!

But how to explain everything in front of me now?
Wei Ting looked at Luoyang city approached by scouts swiftly, his eyes were extremely dignified.

Patriarch of the Li clan in Longxi, Patriarch of the Cui clan in Qinghe, Chai Lingwu and others all breathed faster, their eyes became sharper and incomprehensible.

"Don't worry, maybe Li Longtian and the others overslept and forgot the time."

"Don't worry, Luoyang City, there will definitely be nothing wrong. Maybe Li Longtian and the others are worried that it's not good to be too public. After all, at this time, everything should be safe."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said in a deep voice.

Li Longtian is a descendant of his Longxi Li family.

"That's right, if there are too many people, if a killer gets in, or some people don't want to, it will be self-defeating. When we arrive in Luoyang, the right way is to enter the city safely."

Wei Ting murmured.

"Yes, there are so many people in Luoyang, there will definitely be those who are determined to follow Chang'an. People's hearts are hard to control, and if something goes wrong, it's really hard to explain, hehehe... Doing this, That's fine too."

"When we arrive, we will open the city gate. We will enter the city safely first, and then we will talk about other things."

Chai Lingwu nodded, took a deep breath and guessed.

"Yes, yes, General Chai is still thoughtful."

"This is exactly the truth, and it should be true. Now everything should be safe."

"That's right, that's right, hahaha... There must be nothing wrong with Luoyang City. Everyone, please put away your uneasiness."

"What I said, I have never worried about it. Luoyang City knows the bottom line, so how could it be worried?"


Behind him, all the officials nodded and laughed.

However, behind their smiles, uneasy lingering.

(End of this chapter)

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