Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 264 The family is crazy!Luoyang City has changed drastically!

Originally, they thought it would go smoothly, but now that something went wrong, they couldn't help but feel a little bit worried.

After all, yesterday said that when entering the city, there will be a huge welcome.

Speed, slow down.

However, Luoyang City is right in front of you, and you can't go too slowly.

The scout quickly turned back.

"General Chai, at the city gate, everything is as usual."

"The soldiers above are also standing, but... there is no sign of the city gate being opened."

The scout hurriedly said.

Chai Lingwu looked up at the closed city gate.

"Go, you knock on the door first, let them open the city gate now."

Wei Ting ordered.

The scouts took the lead.

"It looks like everything is as usual. It's just that Patriarch Li is too cautious. If I ask someone to knock on the door, it should be opened as soon as I go out. Hehe..."

Wei Ting smoothed his beard with his hand and said with a smile.

Everyone agreed, and their eyes were fixed on the Luoyang city gate, which was already very clear in front of them.

They didn't wait until the city gate opened wide, but waited for the scouts again.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on here?"

Wei Ting swallowed hard, and shouted at the scout.

The head of the Li family in Longxi, the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, Chai Lingwu and others also frowned, and the look in their eyes could kill.

Baiguan was even more puzzled and a little at a loss.

The convoy has arrived, what's the matter with you when the city gate arrives?

damn it!
open the door! !
"Patriarch, Patriarch!!"

"They...they don't open the gate, saying that the city gate must never be opened without their order from Inspector Li."

"Patriarch, no matter how we knock on the door, it won't work!!"

The scout was sweating profusely, and in such a cold day, hot fog was coming out of his head.

He was knocking on the door just now, but the city gate remained motionless.

The soldiers above didn't even look at them.

No reason! !
"What? Damn it, what are they doing! Rebellion?!"

Wei Ting was furious when he heard this.

The head of the Li family in Longxi, the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, and Chai Lingwu are also surrounded.

For a moment, he froze in place, completely at a loss.

Such a situation, honestly, they never imagined.

What time is this? Suddenly this happened!

"Li Longtian! Damn it!!"

"Let's go! Follow me to the gate of the city, I don't believe it, but if he sees me, Li Longtian won't open the gate!!"



The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi was going to be furious.

He strode forward.

Seeing this, Wei Ting and Chai Lingwu followed immediately.

This matter has become a big deal!

Just kidding, that's not how it works.

They traveled around for two days to come to Xincheng to ascend the throne, but they never expected that this would turn out to be like this.

Grandma's! ?

Now, the gates of the city cannot be entered! !
This is embarrassing, it can't be thrown like this! !

If it spread, all of them would really become the jokes of the whole world.

What five surnames and seven looks.

What family power.

What controls the world!
It's all bullshit! !
Now they can't even get through the gates of the city. Their rebellion and rebellion are too hip.

Several people walked very fast.

The face is also very dark.

It's like it's about to split.

Although no one spoke, their anger had already begun to spread crazily outward.

But now, they are suppressing, suppressing...
They wanted to see what Li Longtian was doing! !

damn thing!
Do you want to ruin me?
"What's going on? What is Wei Shangshu doing here?"

"I don't know, there is also the Patriarch, are they knocking on the door?"

"Do you still use the head of our family to knock on the door of Luoyang City? The governor of Luoyang City is from our family."

"It's not good, it's not good, it's not good, I heard it just now, it's because Luoyang City won't open the door for us."

"What? How is it possible? Why don't they open the door for us!"

"That's right, it's impossible, absolutely impossible! Give Li Longtian 1 guts, he wouldn't even dare!"

"Then I don't know, but now, it seems that there is really no good way."

"How did it happen, how did this happen? If Luoyang City doesn't open, and we don't go to Chang'an, don't we want to..."

"No, no, no, definitely don't take care of it. If the Patriarch and the others come forward, Luoyang City will definitely open the door."


On the carriage, the family members of the family and officials were also a little panicked at the moment.

All kinds of speculation swept through.

It was an uproar and at a loss.

Dazed, frightened.

It is also disturbing!
All eyes were fixed on Wei Ting, the head of the Li family in Longxi and the others.

If they go, the city gate is still not open, hiss...
No one expected that the first step would be so unsuccessful.
Luoyang Mansion.

Li Longtian and others sat weakly on the stool.

The sun outside the lobby is already very high.

Everyone's eyes were dull, staring straight at the outside.

"Your Majesty and the others, as well as the Patriarch, should be here, right? Hehe..."

"But, the city gate is not open, it's over, it's over, this time, the so-called nobles are all over!"

Someone said in a hoarse voice.

Li Longtian took a deep breath.

He sat up slowly.

He swallowed hard.

"No, this time, it's really gone!"


Li Longtian smiled wryly.

The whole body is numb.

"Your Majesty, Patriarch Li, I, Li Longtian, am sorry for you!"

He yelled and fell to his knees on the ground.

There are no more miracles.

There is no chance of a comeback.

"The King of Chu! They are all Kings of Chu!!"

"This time, the King of Chu has caught them all. We may have fallen into the trap of the King of Chu."

"For more than half a year, the king of Chu has not been in Chang'an for more than half a year, but he is indispensable for everything."

"We... We took it step by step, and we were forced to this point by him!"

"King Chu, I understand, it's all him!!"

"Although he is not in Chang'an, he is leading us step by step!"

Li Longtian clenched his hands tightly.

He slammed on the ground fiercely, tearing like pillars, and went crazy.

The others looked at Li Longtian like this, and their eyes were also filled with deep despair.

Now, His Majesty, they should be calling the door.

I don't know if the king of Chu went out to meet him.

What should they look like when they saw King Chu?
unimaginable! !
Shi Clan, this time they lost completely, too thoroughly?

They didn't lose to the court, they didn't lose to Li Shimin, but they lost to King Chu!
Everyone took a deep breath.

I just feel pain in my chest.

They, hurry up!

However, there was nothing he could do.

In front of Luoyang city gate.

Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, they came here step by step.

The snow can still cover half of their calves.

Here, they said in their letter that a path must be cleared out.

However, no!

Two large characters hang above the city gate.

However, the gate of the city was tightly closed, and there was no sign of opening it at all.


Not at all!

They didn't rehearse either.

If it had been rehearsed, the snow in front of the city gate would definitely not be so clean and smooth.

What are they doing?
"Open the door, open the door! Go get Li Longtian out, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!!"

"Just say that His Majesty is here, we are here!"

"Hurry up, whoever can call Li Longtian here will reward him with a thousand taels and a general!"

Wei Ting looked up at the soldiers on duty and shouted loudly.

However, those soldiers didn't even look at them and remained motionless.

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

"Damn it, call them out quickly, call out Li Longfei and the others quickly, and tell me that the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi has arrived!"


The voice of the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi was so loud that his throat was about to burst, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.

Out of breath.

Essence lost.

It can be said that the heart is in chaos!

However, no matter how they shouted, those soldiers kept their movements and didn't even look at them.

They, like clowns, are like homeless dogs, barking here.

In this way, even if they don't want to admit it anymore, they can still understand that Luoyang City has changed!
problem occurs!
This time, something really happened!
This point, they really never thought of it, and they never guessed it.

Thousands of calculations, it can be said that everything is counted, but this step...
There is no need to calculate the steps at all, something went wrong.

"What to do? What to do? What should we do now?"

Chai Lingwu panicked, his previous calmness completely disappeared.

"Li Longtian and the others, did they fall for Li Shimin? No, even if he falls, Cui Fei and the others are still there. It's impossible for them to fall for Li Shimin, and we don't know anything about it."

Wei Ting was anxious, extremely anxious.

"I don't know, I don't know either."

"What shall we do now?"

Chai Lingwu clenched his fists so hard that his nails almost sank into his palms.

At this moment, they all lost their minds.

Like ants on a hot pan.

The circle is turning.
Luoyang city.

In a luxurious courtyard.

Li Kuan opened his eyes and stood up from the meditation.

"Your Highness, you are awake."

"Your Highness, damn it... I lost again."

"Your Highness, the family's convoy has already arrived outside, should we... go and have a look?"

"Your Highness, according to the report, Wei Ting Chailing, the head of the Li family in Wulongxi, have all arrived under the city wall. Now, they are probably scolding their mothers."

When Lu Lingqi, Shangguan Wan'er and Shangguan Haitang saw Li Kuan coming out, they immediately stood up.

welcome over.

Li Kuan waved his hand indifferently.

"No hurry, go, first get some hot water, I'll wash up first."

Li Kuan's expression was calm, as if it was an insignificant matter.

When the three of them heard the words, they immediately moved.

After washing up, he enjoyed breakfast as usual, and then wiped his mouth with great satisfaction.

"Go, go out and have a look. Also...let someone call Li Longtian and the others out."

"The king allows them to go out. After all, didn't they always want to go out? Then let them go out."

Li Kuan said something casually, and then walked out very easily.

The three followed behind and nodded quickly.

Li Longtian and his group, leaving the city now, can't change anything, but it can make things more fun.

I don't know what expression the Patriarch of the Li Family in Longxi and the others will have when they see Li Longtian and his group.

And when Li Kuan walked out of the mansion, he also noticed that there seemed to be some changes in Luoyang City.


Many people walked towards the city gate curiously.

"What's going on? What happened outside? Rebellion, who rebelled? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"I don't know. I'm also confused. I heard from the nephew of my neighbor's second uncle. He works on the city wall. He said that the carriage of His Royal Highness Wei Wang is just outside."

"Ah? Really? His Royal Highness King Wei is going to be the emperor? Isn't it? His Majesty has only been on the throne for a few years, is it true?"

"I don't know, who knows? Let's go and have a look, many people have already seen it."

"Really? Go fast, I just don't know if we can see it."

"It should be possible, I'm a bitch, but His Royal Highness King Wei and the others are here, why don't you open the city gate?"

"Open the gate of the fart, hehehe, this is the fun place, this Luoyang city is no longer in the hands of their aristocratic family, but... It is in the hands of His Royal Highness Chu!!"

"What? King Chu? His Royal Highness Chu is in Luoyang? When did His Highness Chu come?"

"Then I don't know. I also heard about it. It is said that Li Longtian and the others were locked in Luoyang Mansion, and their family members went to make trouble. However, they were all blocked outside the Luoyang Mansion. None were allowed in."


The people were talking.

Everyone's face ↑ has the excitement of eating melon.

Li Kuan watched and weighed the tip of his nose with his hand.

Unexpectedly, the common people already knew about this matter, but it was true, after all, he himself did not order this matter to be kept secret.

Now, Li Tai's huge convoy is just outside the city gate, and it is extremely difficult to hide it.

"Since that's the case, let's order it down so that the common people can also go up to the city wall."

"Hehe, it has been snowing heavily for several days, and Luoyang City has been silent for too long. It's time to make the city lively."

"Besides, our Tang Dynasty has not been this lively for a long time."

Li Kuan thought for a while, and ordered again.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Shangguan Haitang bowed.

"What? Let's get out? Get out of the way, come on!"

"Let's go!"

In Luoyang Mansion, when Li Longtian and the others received the news, they jumped up from the stool, howled, and rushed outside.

Time is running out,
Although they are powerless now, as long as they can leave here, they can! !

They don't expect anything else.

King Chu is too ruthless!
Staying here is almost a dead end!
A group of Luoyang family officials, led by Li Longtian, scrambled and rushed towards the city gate.

Under the Luoyang city gate.

Li Tai is crazy.

The family members are crazy.

The family officials who followed were all crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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