Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 267 Li Tai's Fate!Li Shimin's shock!

In front of the city gate, the snow was no longer visible at all.

Only... blood!

The first group of family guards who rushed forward couldn't even find a complete body.

Incredibly tragic!
Incomparably tragic!
It's also incomparable... Ridiculous!

Time seemed to stand still.

Heaven and earth, everything is quiet.

Only the two hundred dragon guards still stood there calmly.

A lot of people,

The opposing family is...
In contrast, it's really ridiculous, just as ridiculous as primitive people attacking a modern army.


Like a tomb!

Inside and outside Luoyang City, only the wind is left!

"How is it possible? How is it possible? How is this possible?!"

"No! No! No! It's impossible, absolutely impossible!!"

"Go on, go on. Attack, attack!!"


Li Tai roared.

Because of his excitement, his throat was filled with blood, which rushed out of his mouth frantically.

"Cough cough cough..."

Li Tai coughed frantically and knelt down on one knee.

With his hands on the ground, he stared at the Luoyang city gate ahead, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He is not reconciled! !
He is really not reconciled! !
damn it!
Why is this! !
And around, none of the elites of the aristocratic clan rushed forward, and they all froze in place, and even took a few steps back.

Everyone gasped in unison, their eyes filled with fear.

Who would dare to go up in such a scene?
Li Tai has never experienced war, but they have a very clear understanding of war.

Such a scene, such a crushing horror, is no longer something they can resist.

If it is strong, there is no other choice except death.

The gap is too big! !
Just this wave directly shattered all their confidence.


Occupied the whole body!
Take control of their brains gradually!
The surrounding area was still extremely silent.

Only Li Tai knelt there on one knee, his face full of grief and resentment! !



After a few breaths, the Luoyang people who were eating melons on the city wall broke out first.

The scene is too brutal!
The taste is too good!
When have they ever been stimulated like this.

Broken arm!

broken leg!

Cut off your hands!

And that splatter of blood!

The horror of the scene was so terrifying that the common people couldn't bear it at all, and some people vomited it out directly.

Paled face!

Shortness of breath!

However, although many people couldn't resist such a stimulus, the excitement in their eyes became clearer and clearer.

When did they see such a situation?
Such a sharp weapon, when have they heard of it?
The sound of the explosion just now, the smell of blood and the pungent smell of gunpowder explosion in the air are intertwined, entangled, and crazily rushing into their brains.


Really crazy! !

Blood spurts!
It's as if it exploded! !
"This... this... His Royal Highness King Chu is too strong, the family rebels, hahaha... you come, keep coming!"

"That's right, His Highness the King of Chu is here, why don't you quickly raise your hands and surrender, and dare to rebel against me, Tang Lu, you should be killed, you should be killed!"

"Come on, come on, keep coming, if you don't have this ability, don't think about rebelling!"

"You dare to rebel, I really don't know what you have eaten. Long live the king of Chu, long live the king of Chu, long live the king of Chu!"

"King Chu! King Chu! King Chu!!!"


The people are crazy.

They yelled.

Although the voice trembled a little, and even though the voice was a little trembling, the people all stood up.

At this time, why don't they understand what happened! !

This group of people left Chang'an and rebelled against Datang. They wanted to turn Luoyang City into a new capital and fight against Chang'an! !

Fortunately... Fortunately, the King of Chu is still here!

Fortunately, the King of Chu is here!
Otherwise, I will become a thief under inexplicable circumstances.

Li Kuan was standing in front of the city wall.

Looking down at the convoy of the family below.

"If you resist again, you will be killed without mercy!!"

"Now, let's go on the road obediently, who dares to change his mind again, everyone, believe it or not, this king has a more terrifying thunder method?"

"Set off!!"

Li Kuan shouted.

At this time, in Luoyang city, teams of dragon guards rushed out again.

There are as many as thousands of people.

When they saw this force, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, the head of the Li family in Longxi, and the head of the Cui family in Qinghe were all heartbroken.

Just now, they thought there were only about 200 guards.

But this...
Who would have thought that there were so many of them in Luoyang City.

A group of myself has no chance of winning against 200 people. Now, with thousands of dragon guards here, what qualifications do they have to resist?

let's go! !
Let's go back! ! !
Now they have no choice but to go this way.

Thinking of the terrifying army in front of them, they couldn't help shivering, their scalps were going to go numb.


Thunder in hand!

It should be the thing that roared in front of the Luoyang city gate just now.

If this thing continues to explode, wouldn't it be...
what! !

Everyone shuddered.

When the time comes, I'm afraid my head won't stay at all.

At the moment, no one spoke.

No one dared to question it.

They all turned around.

U-turn flat.

Go in the direction of Chang'an.

But, there is only one exception!
Li Tai! !
He still knelt there.

not moving at all.

Like ice sculptures.

Li Kuan looked at him and turned to look at Li Yuan.

"Grandpa Huang, how should Brother Huang deal with this?"

"Also ask you to give me some advice."

Li Kuan said.

No matter how you say it, Li Tai is the King Wei of the Tang Dynasty, a member of the Li family of the royal family, and his own emperor's younger brother, so he is not suitable to deal with.

Coincidentally, Li Yuan is here.

The question was thrown right at him.

Li Yuan's old eyes narrowed slightly.

"I, Li Yuan, the Supreme Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty, once again declare that Li Tai deliberately conspired against the law, deprived Wei Wang of his status, and demoted him to a commoner!"

"Take it away! He will be handed over to His Majesty just like the clan!!"

What Li Yuan said this time was extremely decisive.

He is very clear that now is the best time to solve this matter!

Absolutely not mother-in-law.

Li Tai, in fact, was already murderous in his heart.

However, he is the Supreme Emperor after all, no matter what, we still have to wait until Chang'an.

"That's fine, Grandpa Huang, let's go, let's go back."

Li Kuan supported Li Yuan and walked down the city wall.

Those Luoyang people standing on the city wall, you look at me, I look at you.

"Long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu!!"

The first burst.


The voice, soaring into the sky!
"Long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu!!"

"Long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu!!"

"Long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu, long live the King of Chu!!"


Like a sharp sword, straight into the sky.

The sky and the earth exploded, and the universe shook.

The people of Luoyang are all kneeling! .
Li Tai's mind was blank at the moment.

He could no longer feel any temperature, he just felt that the world was spinning before his eyes.

The snow on the ground, the blue sky, the majestic city, the messy city gate battlefield...
Everything became chaotic.

He feels that the earth is no longer the earth, the sky is no longer the sky, and the city is no longer a city.

His position as king of Wei is gone.

Nothing left....
Everything, gone! !


I lost! !
Completely defeated! !
Defeated cleanly! !
Li Kuan!

King of Chu!

Li Tai took a deep breath, his voice was sweet...

A mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

Then, he felt as if his body was spinning, lightly, and his head was directly stuck to the ground.

Lost consciousness.

Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, the head of the Li family in Longxi, and the head of the Cui family in Qinghe turned their heads when they heard the voice.

Several people, you look at me, I look at you.

In the end, they walked over together, lifted Li Tai up, and threw him into the carriage.

The two-day relationship between the monarch and his ministers has since then completely come to an end.

"It's over, it's over for us, and the family is over. Now, even if Li Shimin kills me, there is absolutely nothing in the world to say."

"Yeah, not to mention, Li Kuan is here! The King of Chu... Huh... We have been completely defeated by the King of Chu."

"It's been a failure since the beginning!"

"Yeah, now, I understand, I understand everything! On that day, the Broken Star Camp sneaked into the Suzaku mansion, and they should have died in the mansion directly. We waited all night foolishly, hahaha... . . . "

"And that day, the elites of the family rushed out to the King of Chu's courtyard. The world evaporated in silence. It's ridiculous. How could the world disappear suddenly? They should have died in front of the King of Chu's courtyard as well. , It's a pity that we didn't even notice anything."

"Yeah... and this time, tens of thousands of elites came out to intercept and kill Li Shimin, hahaha... Li Shimin is not a god, but he can survive and rush out. It must be the people of Chu Palace."

"King Chu, Li Kuan! He...he is the disaster star of our family. We are too stupid after all, too stupid. In Li Kuan's hands, we are like headless flies, allowing others to play with us!! "


In the snow, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, and the head of the Li family in Longxi walked and talked with one step deep and one step shallow.

Everyone's face is full of bitterness, wry smiles, and depression!

The truth is always so unprepared.

Even if they don't want to believe it, but at this point, this is the truth!

Li Kuan!

This prince of the Tang Dynasty, who was born out of nowhere, suppressed everything!
Who would have thought that his ending would be like this!

Came from Chang'an, now back to Chang'an again.

I really don't know how much ridicule they will attract when they return to Chang'an.

Just thinking about it, they all felt that a mouthful of blood was brewing, and thought of spraying it out of their throats.

Shame! !
All their lives, they have been all-powerful all their lives. When did they lose such a big person?

All the glory of the family is in their hands.

The world is wide!
The world is broken!
The king of Chu is out!
The family is destroyed!
It should be due to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. In the future, this Great Tang will be in the hands of the King of Chu, and I don't know where it will go.

Unfortunately, they will never see each other again.

Think about it, really looking forward to it.

Suppose Li Kuan ascended the throne.

In this land, a different history will be written. Li Kuan is definitely different from the emperors of all dynasties, definitely different!
Li Kuan will definitely create a history! !

new history! ! !

They couldn't see Datang's direction, they couldn't guess it at all, because they couldn't see through Li Kuan at all, how could they see through Datang's direction?
But, no doubt.

It's bound to be full of splendor!
It will be full of glory!
This is bound to be full of legends!
Datang... hiss...
Li Shimin gave birth to a good son!

damn it!
Li Kuan, why isn't he the queen of the family! !

If the family has such a hero, in the future...
Everyone sighed in unison.

Following the convoy, lifeless, they walked towards the distance.
Chu Wang's other courtyard.

Under the dark passage.

Li Shimin, Empress Changsun, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, and Changsun Wuji stood here.

In front of him, it was all white... Salt! !

And this salt is exactly the snow-sand salt that I saw in Chu Palace! !

so much salt....
Li Shimin was almost out of breath.

The fuck!

Can't believe it!

Completely bewildered!
Empress Changsun and Changsun Wuji also had trembling lips and trembling eyes.

They lived here for two days.

Then, Duan Tianya brought them here today, to this vast cellar under the secret passage.

They saw this scene thoroughly! !

No wonder that when it snows, the Chu Palace can be so extravagant, covering the entire roof with snow, sand and salt.

How much snow, sand and salt are there in front of you?

Anyway, it's a pile of piles.

Do the math, at least there must be hundreds of thousands of loads!

my mother! !


It's absolutely perfect! !

Li Shimin only felt dry mouth.

Just like this, the aristocratic clan still dare to use salt to fight against themselves?
What the hell!

Who gave them the guts? ?

With these salts, the Tang court is absolutely invincible.

It's just a pity that the family has turned against them.

Perhaps, the aristocratic family may also know that their cards have expired, so they are so brave and risky.


Li Shimin often exhaled, walked over, stretched out his hand, and grabbed a handful from the bag.

White flowers.

Slip through your fingers.

Kuan Er, Kuan Er, your private money...

What the hell!

Li Shimin was completely speechless.

"Your Majesty, we, this is a hair."

"I really don't know how His Royal Highness the King of Chu got these snow, sand and salt."

Wei Zheng's voice trembled a little.

"Yes, who said no, Your Majesty, this snow and salt, grandma's... I really never thought that His Highness King Chu could have so much... so much storage."

"That's enough to sprinkle the entire roof of Chang'an once."

Changsun Wuji said excitedly.

"Your Majesty, how do you feel about this snow and sand salt? His Highness King Chu should know how to make it."

Du Ruhui pursed his chapped lips, swallowed hard, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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