Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 268 The King of Chu is Scary!Your Majesty Chapter is here!

How to make it? ?
That's for sure! !
Li Shimin nodded slowly.

"For sure, this kind of snow sand salt is mined and definitely needs to be processed, but..."

Li Shimin took a deep breath, he turned his head to look at Duan Tianya beside him.

"Guard Duan, do you know how to make snow sand salt?"

Li Shimin's voice was extremely low.

He was suppressing his excitement.

He was also suppressing his impatience.

Duan Tianya smiled and shook his head.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this salt does not belong to our Chu Palace. You should ask other people around the Chu Palace about this matter."

Duan Tianya said calmly.

Li Shimin sighed when he heard this.

"By the way, Your Majesty, there is one more thing, those rebellious families, and... His Royal Highness the Third Prince."

"In Luoyang City, the Supreme Emperor abolished the Third Prince's position as the King of Wei in front of the people of the city."

Duan Tianya reported the news that just came over.

King Chu is done?

Li Shimin heard the words.

Breathing a little short.

The corners of his eyes trembled crazily.

The body trembled violently.

Is it all over in Luoyang?

He couldn't help laughing out.

He really never expected that Li Kuan would drive the Shizu back again.

Like a sheep herder.

These guys...
How do they still have the face to come back?

How dare they return it! !
But there are indeed difficulties, and what kind of waves can they make.

"Your Majesty, the Third Prince, and those from the Ten Clans. They didn't even enter Luoyang City. They hurried to Luoyang, but, Your Majesty, this Luoyang City has been completely controlled by His Highness."

"They arrived this morning, and then... they also came back this morning."

Duan Tianya continued.


"This group of stupid people, good good good good good good good!!"

"When the King of Chu comes back in the future, I will definitely reward him well! There are also a group of guys from the Shizu, who have the face to come back, and dare not go outside."

"Okay, good to be back, good to be back! When the time comes, I will have to welcome you well!"

Li Shimin's eyes were terrifyingly deep.

The voice became more and more gloomy.

He still clearly remembers those Jinwu guards who died in front of his eyes.

If it wasn't for the dragon guards, he would have died long ago, and would have died in their hands long ago.

Now, dare to come back! ?

very good!

Great! !

Li Shimin's eyes were serious, his breathing was short, and his chest burst with sugar.

This news really caught him off guard, Kuan'er, it was too heaven-defying.

Beautiful! !
Let these bastards, get out of here, get out of here, they are all a bunch of rubbish now!
next to.

Empress Changsun, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui were also stunned.

This news!

It was really too sudden, too shocking and unbelievable.

They originally thought that with His Royal Highness the King of Chu, there would be no big troubles, and Luoyang City would not fall into their hands. They could only choose a small city to live in.

So, this is good news for Datang.

After all, Luoyang City is too important.

If it falls, it will definitely boost the opponent's morale.

Just give them a small city, no matter what you do, it will restrict them a lot.

However, they never expected that this group of people would be sent back directly by His Highness King Chu.

When they went out, they were still arguing. The group of guys from the aristocratic clan must have thought that everything was according to plan.

But, when they came back, they had already become prisoners! !
Be nice! !

Back to Chang'an! !

go back now!
After a while, you will definitely have to greet him in person!
I really don't know what expressions they will have when they see His Majesty.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we must welcome them well!"

"Old minister... When the time comes, the old minister must accompany His Majesty to greet him. Your Majesty, please don't leave the old minister behind."

"Grandma's, hahaha... These idiots were sent back by His Royal Highness Chu King just now, cowhide cowhide cowhide, His Highness Chu King cowhide!"

Excited, Wei Zheng made a reservation first.

When the time comes, he should have a good talk with Wei Ting and the others, take a good look at their expressions, and see them off properly.

In any case, he was also an official in the same dynasty.

The wine before leaving must be well prepared.

"Yes, Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the King of Chu is really too strong. I have never encountered such a good show in my whole life. Hahaha..."

"This group of old things are going to be blown up one by one, and they say that the family is more important than everything, grandma's, I have long disliked them."

"Now, they are still rebelling. Your Majesty, let's go. It's time for us to go back and get ready. It's getting late."

Du Ruhui rolled up his sleeves and coaxed excitedly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, counting the time, they should arrive in Chang'an by noon."

"Let's organize the organization so that the people of the whole city will come out, and the ten-mile long pavilion will be full for them."

"Then, let the common people take a look at the ugly faces of this group of guys from the Shizu, this salt, don't worry, Your Majesty, let's talk about it after this matter is over."

"For the time being, Chang'an won't be missing. It's better for us to go back now."


Changsun Wuji rubbed his hands and nodded in agreement.

Salt, right here.

Not to mention the king, it is not certain that His Highness the King of Chu will be able to give the method of making salt in the future.

At that time, such snow and sand salt will really be inexhaustible.

In addition, the family has been put to death.

One by one, they are all prisoners now. Naturally, their salt will belong to the imperial court.

There is no shortage of people.

Now, the most urgent thing is to catch those guys from Shizu! !
The three bowed and asked one after another.

Empress Changsun stood there.

Although she was shocked.

Still did not speak.

The king of Chu is coming back.

The family's rebellion plan was completely ruined.

It's a good thing, a great thing, but...
Empress Changsun couldn't help laughing.

She pursed her lower lip lightly.

Take a deep breath.

She knows what she's worried about.

The clan is coming back.

with everyone.

And his own son, Li Tai, was among them.

This time, he made a big mistake, a mistake that no one can save him.

However, Empress Changsun knew that he had found all of this by himself.

Complicate with the clan.

He even ate the bear heart and leopard guts, and wanted to kill himself, His Majesty, Changsun Wuji and the others.

However, we will see Li Tai tomorrow, and the Empress Changsun will be a mother after all.



She only has anger and the determination to hate iron but not steel.

If Li Tai could have one or two wide children, such a thing would not happen, and he would not be able to reach this step.

But now, it's too late!
If you do something wrong, you will be punished.

If you are beaten, you must stand at attention.

This is a matter of course.

Li Shimin nodded.

He took a deep breath and looked at Duan Tianya.

"Guard Duan, please prepare, we are going back to Chang'an now."

Duan Tianya immediately cupped his hands: "Understood, Your Majesty!"

"Then please go up, Your Majesty, and I will prepare right away."

Duan Tianya turned around and left here.

Li Shimin glanced at Empress Changsun.

Empress Changsun smiled a little stiffly.

"Guanyin maidservant, Li Tai found this by himself."

"With such a result, no one can save him."

"Rebellion? Hmph, I really want to see what I am like, and I dare to rebel like others, I am courting death!!"

"Since he wants to die, then I will help him. He has only one way to die. Otherwise, I will not be able to explain to the people of the world."

"Such a person, Guanyin maidservant, you just treat it as a dream, without this son! Let's go!!"

"Kuan'er and Chengqian are the direct descendants of my Li family, the prince and king of Chu in my Tang Dynasty, and the future of my Tang Dynasty!!"

Li Shimin flicked his sleeves and hurriedly walked outside.

His steps are a little messy.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui also looked at Empress Changsun and sighed softly.

"Empress, Your Majesty is right."

"Don't think about it."

Changsun Wuji supported Empress Changsun's arm.

"Let's go back to Chang'an."

Empress Changsun nodded slowly.

Say nothing more.

at this point.

What can I say?

Your Majesty is right, and my brother is also right.

Wei Wang Li Tai, should be killed!

Don't kill, keep it is always a scourge!

In this world, after all, he couldn't help him to toss about like this, and Empress Changsun felt even more desolate now.

She didn't want to admit it, but it was the truth.

This time, when the family intercepted him and the others, there was definitely Li Tai's shadow behind him.

Self-inflicted, can't live!

Empress Changsun walked out slowly.

Outside, Duan Tianya had already driven the carriage over.

"Your Majesty, the empress, and the three princes, please get in the car."

Duan Tianya shouted.

Li Shimin and the others walked in one after another.

The carriage moved again.

Goal, Chang'an City!
And this moment.

Chang'an, the most magnificent city in the Tang Dynasty, was shrouded in an extremely strange atmosphere.

The King of Wei has ascended the throne.

The imperial court moved to Luoyang.

Your Majesty, life and death are unknown.

In the past few days, the people in the city have been in panic and fear.

Chang'an is very depressed.

In front of the imperial city.

Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde....
A group of Tang generals, wearing armor and helmets, had cold eyes and heavy expressions.

The imperial city has been blocked by them.

Birds are not allowed inside.

However, they don't know what to do now.

Although there are people in Chu Palace, they have been told that His Majesty is safe and sound.

But now, His Majesty has been missing.

They were really worried.

Moreover, Li Tai and the others had already been away for several days, counting the time, they should have arrived in Luoyang by now.

Needless to say, the first thing they did when they arrived in Luoyang was to attack Chang'an.

Mobilize all forces and attack Chang'an!

Now, seeing that the time is becoming more and more urgent, but His Majesty has not come back yet.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty and the others should be at the Lishan Mountain, or... shall we send someone to find His Majesty?"

"That's right. People in Chu Palace said that His Majesty is safe and sound. However, it is not a long-term plan for His Majesty not to return to Chang'an."

"That's right, the people in the whole city are panicking now. If His Majesty doesn't show peace of mind, will take a long time. Once the Luoyang rebels arrive, Chang'an City will definitely collapse."

"We know that His Majesty is fine, but the people don't know, the soldiers don't know, and their hearts are unstable. This is really a big trouble."

"We must hold Chang'an firmly in our hands before His Majesty returns."


Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde and the others said one after another.

Very anxious.

Also extremely anxious.

Ever since Li Tai and the clan's elite rebelled out of Chang'an City together.

Chang'an was very depressed.

Those people were terrified.

They can feel it, not to mention that because of security considerations, they have blocked Chang'an to prevent the family from suddenly attacking again.

In this way, the common people do not know what is going on now.

And the soldiers guarding the city didn't know what happened.

Even, rumors that His Majesty is dead are becoming popular in the whole city now.

Regarding this rumor, Li Jing and the others were completely helpless.

They wanted to refute, but were powerless.

Li Tai and the others have already taken the court to Luoyang, but His Majesty has never shown up.

Even if they want to counteract the rumors, it's... difficult!

People won't believe it at all.

They have nothing to say.


Li Jing took a deep breath.

"No, we can't wait any longer."

"Besides, we can't listen to what Chu Palace said, so what is it!!"

"Just in case... I said just in case... Your Majesty is not in the Chu King's Courtyard over Lishan Mountain. If you wait like this, you will lose the opportunity. Your Majesty may be really in danger."

"Bite Jin, take someone to Chu Palace to have a look for yourself now. If there is His Majesty, I implore His Majesty to return to Chang'an to preside over the overall situation. If he is not here... Gudong..."

"Let's think of a way."

"In addition, I have to tell the Chu Palace to contact King Chu now. If King Chu can return to Chang'an, we, too... can proceed to the next step."

Li Jing shouted in a low voice.

It is extremely urgent.

Also extremely anxious.

When everyone heard the words, they gathered their fingers tightly.

It does!

If His Highness the King of Chu is here, then the situation in Chang'an will definitely be much better than it is now.

Li Tai reversed!

Li Chengqian is not currently in Chang'an City either!
His Royal Highness King Chu is the eldest son.

However, the King of Chu is not in Chang'an now!

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"Okay, I'll go now!"

With that said, Cheng Yaojin turned around and strode outside.

However, at this moment, a soldier rushed over in a hurry.

Kneeling directly in front of them.

Excited, can not be added.

"General Li Jing, General Cheng, General Yuchi..."

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, the old man is back, Your Majesty is back!!"

(End of this chapter)

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