Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 271 The Fortune of Chang'an City!Little Si's nagging!



Empress! !
Erchen, you are really wrong! !

I shouldn't... You shouldn't have listened to their words!
Erchen was wrong!
Li Tai hugged his legs fiercely with both arms, and leaned against the corner of the carriage, tears kept rolling down.

He regrets it!
I really regret it!

Myself, wouldn't it be good to be the King of Wei?

This throne, even if it is not his own, can still live a lifetime.

Why rebel?

Why do you have to rebel?

damn it!
Damn it! !

Li Tai roared in his heart.

However, no one has answered him.

The sky is getting darker and darker, like the bottom of a pot that has been burned for decades, and you can't see your fingers.

Outside the car, there was only the sound of the wind, which began to howl.

Cold, crazy invaded his body.

Li Tai's hug became tighter and tighter.




He is really going crazy!

Please God, don't make it dawn!Do not dawn!Please God, never dawn! !

There is only one thought in Li Tai's mind now.

at the same time.

the other side.

Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, the head of the Li family in Longxi...
At this moment, the expressions on each of their faces completely lost their expressions.

The eyes are dull.


Like a dead body.


"Where... have you been?"

The Li family in Longxi insisted on opening their mouths, and let out a few extremely low moans.

Wei Ting didn't move, just looked at the carriage in the dark.

"do not know."

"It should be... It should be dawn soon, right?"

"Chang'an, we're almost here."

Wei Ting's voice was extremely hoarse, as if sand had been worn away.


"Who would have thought that our final fate would be worse than the old Mrs. Li of Zhao County, Hou Junji, Jieli Khan and the others."

"Phew... this is really..."

"The fame of a lifetime will be destroyed once!"

The lifeless words of the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi resounded again.

In the dark, in the carriage, no one answered.



Still silent! !
After a long time, the Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe seemed to be crying slowly.

"When you arrive in Chang'an... When you arrive in Chang'an, please ask the king of Chu and Li Shimin."

"Those family members, can't they all die with us? There are many children among them who can't even walk at noon."

"When we arrive in Chang'an, let's... let's admit our mistake right away? So, maybe, just kill three and five clans, and won't exterminate the species."

The Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe exclaimed.

"The King of Chu is no longer in the convoy. We can only beg Li Shimin, just because we are afraid... Li Shimin won't give him a chance."

"Hey... Let's talk about it tomorrow. I still have some snacks here. You haven't eaten all day. Who wants to eat?"

"Don't eat, I can't eat."

"When we get to Chang'an, let's have a meal of decapitation."


In the carriage, there was lifelessness, and the silence was like a cemetery.

The front of the convoy.

"Woooooo...Mother, mother, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Daddy, daddy, think of a way, what should we do? This has nothing to do with us, I don't want to die."

"The mistakes made by the ancestors, why should we be counted on our heads? Wow wow wow..."

"I knew I wouldn't come out, I knew I wouldn't come out, let's run away, let's run away."

"At this time, where can I escape? I don't think I can go very far, and I will be eaten by wild beasts outside."

"When we arrive in Chang'an, are we really going to be beheaded?"

"Rebellion, we are creating a law, haha....hahahaha.... I thought I could have the power of a dragon, but who would have thought that it would be like this in the end! It would be like this!!"

"Hey, the best outcome is that the man beheaded and the woman is sent to the priest's workshop. However, the crime we have committed is too great. When we arrive in Chang'an tomorrow, we will probably be sentenced to death directly."

"Jaosifang?, but I don't want to die, and I don't want my mother to die either! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....

On the carriage where the family members are sitting.

No one sleeps.

There were crying sounds from every carriage.

Some are low, some are howling, some are crazy...

The direction of the convoy has not changed.

Time, unconsciously.

The sun has slowly risen from the east.

On the vast plain between the vast Luoyang and Chang'an, there is incomparably quiet and serene.

Without these teams, it would be like a fairyland.

The snow is still there.

Incredibly smooth!
The scorching sun in the east, the orange-red sunlight that casts down, adds a trace of peace between the heaven and the earth.

Also at this time.

Suddenly, a person rushed down from a carriage in the convoy and fled into the distance.

But at this moment!
A bow and arrow went straight through the air, passing through the man's back.

With a soft sound, the man fell down limply.


At the same time, a clear and desolate voice rushed straight into the sky.

Countless carriages suddenly fell silent.

Li Yuan saw all of this.

He, Shangguan Haitang, Shangguan Wan'er, have already got off the car.

And Li Broadband took Lu Lingqi to nowhere, so there would be no two of them.

at this time.

After all, Li Yuan had been riding in a carriage for a day and a night, and his bones were a little loose.

Just set up a place in the snow for a barbecue.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Is your brain sick? If you want to escape, don't you run away at night. At this time, what are you running for? Where else can you run away?"

Li Yuan shook his head, really helpless.

"Hee hee, the Supreme Emperor, there is still an hour before we can reach Chang'an."

Shangguan Haitang smiled.

"Well, I'm just going to finish this meal and then go home, haha, such a picnic, it's really a special taste."

"Come, come, you all eat too."

Li Yuan put the meat on the iron plate.

Then, he ate his snacks comfortably, and what happened just now didn't affect him at all. He drank two sips of wine and looked at the smoking barbecue on the iron plate. It was a comfort.

And this moment.

Outside Chang'an Mingde Gate.

The Jinwu Guard, who was in charge of the investigation, had already seen the shadow of the convoy, and immediately turned back to Chang'an to report the movement.


Team, here we come! !

At the gate of Mingde, Li Shimin, Empress Changsun, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng...
As long as they are officials in Chang'an, they will all be present.

And inside and outside below, the people of the whole city completely rushed out.

Heaps are full.

Even the city walls on both sides are full of common people!
They are also waiting! !
"Report! Your Majesty, Your Majesty!!"

"His Royal Highness Chu's convoy has arrived, and the convoy is about to arrive in Chang'an!!"

On the Mingde gate, Li Shimin was looking nervously into the distance, when a Jinwu guard hurried up and knelt down on one knee to report.

Li Junxian was still seriously injured.

Now all Jinwu Guards are directly controlled by Li Shimin.

"What? It's here? Good! Good good!!"

"Go down, welcome! I want to welcome Father and the others personally! Hahaha..."

Like a gust of wind, Li Shimin walked straight down the Mingde Gate tremblingly.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

"Why are you in a hurry!? You can't delay things, don't worry, don't worry..."

Empress Changsun hurriedly supported Li Shimin and said in a trembling voice.

Although she was comforting Li Shimin, she also knew, how could she not be excited?

Don't talk about others, it's her. Now I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my throat, and my whole body is really numb.

She looks forward to seeing Kuan Er!
"His Royal Highness Chu and the others are here, and finally they are here. Let's go and follow His Majesty, but I don't know, has His Highness Chu returned in person this time? Moreover, His Highness Chu, how many rebels have you suppressed this time?" .”

"When the time comes, you'll know after a look, hehehe, but since the Supreme Emperor is back, and His Highness the King of Chu is here, those rebels will be vulnerable."

"That's right, His Highness the King of Chu is here!"


Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui followed closely behind.

There is also snow outside the city gate, but not much anymore.

Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, and Qin Qiong are directing the soldiers to clean up.

Coupled with the trampling of the people on both sides, the ground has been exposed.

Walking is already very easy.

However, it will be difficult to leave after the sun comes out for a while, because the snow will melt at that time.

"Your Majesty, why did you come down?"

Cheng Yaojin hurried over.

"The King of Chu's convoy is about to arrive."

Li Shimin didn't speak, and beside him, Changsun Wuji said quickly.

"almost there?"

Cheng Yaojin stared fiercely, rubbed his hands excitedly, and almost jumped up.

Beside him, there was the little Sizi who went out to sweep the snow because of his playfulness. At this time, his small eyes sparkled, and he said excitedly: "Ah, father, the second brother is coming back."

Li Shimin was a little embarrassed at this moment, because the intelligence did not say that the King of Chu had returned, so there was a high probability that he had not.

"Son, Father doesn't know, but what is certain is that your grandfather is back."

"Hmph! That's because the second brother didn't come back, the second brother is a bad guy!!"

Xiao Si stomped the snow with his little feet angrily, apparently angry.

Li Shimin quickly picked up the little son, and kept reassuring the little son that it's okay, and I will see your second brother one day.

at the same time.

The common people looked at Li Shimin and others.

They are walking outside.

Go in the direction of Luoyang and keep going.

meet! !
Behind, countless people.

Ahead, countless guards were still clearing the road.

It is also at this time....
"Here we come... Come, Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Chu's convoy is here!"

"The convoy, the convoy! The convoy is here, the convoy is here!"

"Oh, no, why is there no one in this convoy?"

"What's going on? What happened?"

The guards clearing the road in front shouted excitedly, but at this moment, someone noticed something different.

Li Shimin quickly raised his head.


It really is!
The convoy has arrived.

However, carriages... Except for the first carriage, there was a man like a groom driving the carriage, and there was no one on the other carriages.

Li Shimin frowned.

But he didn't stop and kept going.

The people also held their breath at this moment, staring blankly, and followed.

At last it was near.

The men in the first carriage jumped down.

"The guards have seen His Majesty, the Empress, and all the princes."

"The Supreme Emperor is right behind, little one, bring the carriage here first."

"Emperor Tai said that they left Chang'an in a carriage, and now they are prisoners. They can't enter the city in a carriage."

"They don't deserve it! So, they've all gotten out of the car."

"They're all walking behind the convoy."

The dragon guard pointed to the back.

As soon as these words came out, not only Li Shimin, but also all the officials and common people gasped.

They looked.

This convoy can't see its head at a glance.

Oh my God! !

If... If the people in these carriages are walking behind, then...
How many people must there be?
Also, looking at some carriages pulling things, the things on them seem to be exactly the same as when the family escaped.

Nothing has changed! !
This is…….
Could it be... His Royal Highness Chu, sent all the rebels back?

As soon as this idea came out, the nerves of countless people seemed to be struck by lightning.

Scalp tingling!

Soul tremors!

Shortness of breath!

Round eyes?

Can't believe it!

The gentry family, with such a large force, could it be that... just lost in the hands of His Highness the King of Chu?
His Royal Highness Chu took everything in one pot?

Especially those common people, they thought, His Royal Highness King Chu happened to suppress a small part of them on the way.

It never occurred to me that His Royal Highness the King of Chu could have all of them!

I'm a bitch!

If so, this time, it is really interesting.

They looked at each other in dismay, absolutely unable to believe what happened before them.

"That's right, Father is right."

"Hahaha... You have worked hard for the strong man, come on, get out of the way and let the strong man take the carriage back to Chang'an City."

"These are all the trophies of our Great Tang!"

Li Shimin shouted towards the back.

Immediately, the crowd gave way.

The dragon guard sat up again, raised his whip, and led the convoy into the city.

Countless eyes wandered over the convoy.

The more I look at it, the more frightened I become.

Especially some officials, they are very familiar with the carriages of these noble families, and even rode in some of the carriages themselves.

But now....
Not one of them! !
All were sent back to Chang'an again! !

It's just that when we went out, there were too many people, but this time, there was no one in the car.

Oh My God.!

Your Highness, how did you do this? !

He He.……

He really took the whole rebel! !

Countless people swallowed hard.

Can't believe it at all.

The team, no.... It should not be called a team now.

A group of people, walking in the snow, are struggling to move forward.

If they were wearing incomparably gorgeous and dignified clothing, they would be similar to refugees in essence.

(End of this chapter)

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