Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 272 I am not as good as the king of Chu!unprecedented!

But in fact, they are now worse than refugees.

Because they are prisoners being escorted.

And it's still the kind that can kill the Nine Races!
Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu...
Now they are at the forefront.

He raised his head and looked forward. From here, he could already see Chang'an City.

It was like a giant beast.

Sleeping Behemoth!

The convoy in front has disappeared.

In front of them, there is only a broad road, although this road is still relatively difficult to walk.

"Let's go."

"Don't be such a mother-in-law! Chang'an City, you should be familiar with it? To be honest, there is no need to be so cowardly, a pair of A."

Li Yuan smiled and looked at the person in front of him, not forgetting to play the cards in his hand.

The head of the Li family in Longxi and others all took a deep breath.

They looked left and right,

Without a carriage, everyone got down and walked.

This number is far less spectacular than the previous team.

However, in the eyes, those faces that were once extremely proud, now become timid, with death and despair.

What clan pride is there.

These once extremely noble clan children have become... disaster victims.

That's right!

It is the disaster victims! !
The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi and the others had no doubts.

If someone said that they could be rescued now, but if they were to be slaves, this group of people would definitely follow without hesitation.

What family!
Shit family!

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi finally realized clearly that there is no difference between himself and the people at all, everyone is just human.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi let out a breath.

With his head down, he walked forward dully.


Only the sound of footsteps, trampling through the snow.

"Grandpa Huang, Grandpa Huang, I was wrong! My grandson really knows I was wrong! Grandpa Huang, can you save me? Can you... can you speak nice words to father, queen and mother."

"Grandfather, I was the one who was bad before, but... But, we are a family after all!!"

Next to the carriage, Li Tai followed closely.

He smiled flatteringly.

Chapped lips.

The complexion is sallow.

He said to Li Yuan as if to please him.

Shangguan Haitang, who was playing cards, didn't even look at him, and concentrated on playing Fight the Landlord.

Li Yuan glanced at it a few times, but he just smiled, his eyes were not clean at all. In his heart, Li Tai had been completely expelled from the royal family by him! !

But Li Tai kept talking, flattering, with a dry mouth.

Chang'an is really getting closer.

They also finally saw that on the city wall, under the city wall, and even a full ten miles away, there were people, and they were all people who came to welcome them.

If it was before, they would definitely be very excited.

But now...
When they saw this scene, they were terrified! !
Really completely scared! ! !

And the last line of defense in my heart completely collapsed.

" don't want to go back, I don't want to go back, I want to go back to Luoyang, I want to go back to Luoyang!!"

"So many people... so many people..."

"God, what evil did you do in your previous life? Why did you treat me like this, why did you treat me like this! Ancestors, I'm sorry for you, I've made you ashamed!"

"No, no, I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving, woooooo...I'm not leaving, I didn't rebel, I didn't rebel!"


Many people are a little bit broken.

The head of the Li family in Longxi, the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, Wei Ting, and Chai Lingwu didn't say anything, but the corners of their mouths, eyebrows, and even their scalps were all twitching at this moment.

What's more, they are still wearing the luxurious dresses that they put on that day.

This is to follow the dragon's merits, and this is to assist Li Tai to ascend the throne.

but.Now they have no chance to replace it.

What a great irony, what a great irony! !
Wei Ting swallowed with difficulty, and there were bursts of "clack" sounds in his throat. He looked down at his clothes, gritted his teeth, and took them off directly regardless of the cold weather, and then threw them in the roadside…….
Even the boots were taken off and thrown aside.

The others looked at him, couldn't help but take it off in a tacit understanding.

These official uniforms that once represented their unparalleled glory are now like discarded garbage.

"This time... old man..."

Looking at Chang'an City, Wei Ting took a deep breath, his eyes were red, and two lines of hot tears came out.

"Old man, I'm sorry for my ancestors! Old man, I was wrong! It's so wrong!!"

he murmured.

As soon as these words came out, there were a lot of sobbing sounds from around.

For a lifetime, which one of them is not a minister?Which one is not the glory of the world?Which one is not distinguished?
But now....
They will be judged by the people of Chang'an City. Under the witness of the people, they will be stripped of all their glory and thrown into the eternal hell.

Then, in history, this day will definitely be recorded.

And they, all of them, have become a joke! !
It became the background version of King Tuo Chu! !

Everyone, I really can't accept it in my heart.

But, what can I do?

Getting closer!
They even saw Li Shimin, Empress Changsun, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and others standing in the front.

Behind them are all the bureaucrats they used to be very familiar with, and they once drank tea together and went to court together.

but now…….
Everything has changed! !
The footsteps of the people walked very slowly.

Under the urging of the dragon guards yelling loudly, he just walked forward little by little.
And this moment.

Of course Li Shimin and the others saw each other.

They are all stupid.

these people…….
They really never imagined that there are so many, and they are so complete! !
For a while, there was some silence.

They stared at the group of people and walked over step by step.

People are stupid!
Everyone is really stupid!

Li Shimin rubbed his eyes vigorously.

In front of them are the heads of the Li family in Longxi, the heads of the Cui family in Qinghe, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu...
One by one, almost all of them were familiar faces.

"My God, one is not bad!"

"His Royal Highness Chu, this is really arresting all the rebels!"

"Hiss... ho..."

"This... Your Majesty, His Highness the King of Chu is indeed His Highness the King of Chu. These people... don't need us to take action anymore, and we don't need to use any means. Cowhide, it's really too cowhide!!"

Wei Zheng screamed.

"Look, that's Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, Qinghe Cui's Patriarch, and Longxi Li's Patriarch. The rest should be all the family members."

"What the guards said is true. They didn't miss a single one. It's probably true that none of them entered Luoyang City, hahaha..."

Changsun Wuji also pointed to the front and said tremblingly.

None of them entered Luoyang City!
When Changsun Wuji said these words, the officials around him, not only the officials, but also a large number of ordinary people, were all elated.

They had never heard of this news.

Listening to it now, it really makes people feel overwhelmed, numb, at a loss, and at a loss.

"This...then what kind of rebellion are they creating? Didn't enter Luoyang City, hahaha... didn't enter Luoyang City, did you hear that? Everyone, this group of people didn't even enter Yangcheng!!"

"Gudong...... So, they went out from Chang'an, then met His Highness the King of Chu, and then turned around and came back? Hahaha... His Highness the King of Chu is invincible!!"

"His Royal Highness Chu deserves to be His Royal Highness Chu, this is too terrifying, His Royal Highness Chu is invincible, invincible, invincible!"

"Phew... Cowhide, this is too cowhide, is this His Royal Highness King Chu? This is too strong!!"

"What? They didn't go into Luoyang City? Then they were escorted back by His Highness Chu Wang? My God, His Highness Chu Wang is too strong!"
"Damn, why are you rebelling just like that? Hahaha....I'm dying of laughter, His Royal Highness Chu is invincible, His Royal Highness Chu is invincible!"


Behind him, the news swept away like waves.

The entire city of Chang'an was boiling.


One wave is stronger than one wave!

King Chu is invincible!

These four words resounded even more in the sky.

The crowd is approaching!closer!
Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu, the head of the Li family in Longxi, and the head of the Cui family in Qinghe all heard these high-pitched calls.


Look stiff.

It seems that the body has no will, and can only walk forward step by step, which has become a mechanical action.

Also when they walked a certain distance, they stopped suddenly.

This distance is very close.

Enough to see each other clearly.

Li Shimin stood there, and he looked at the other group of people one by one. He hadn't seen him for a few days, but it seemed that decades had passed on them.

Each one is like a candle going to its last breath.

It can be turned off at any time.

Behind Li Shimin, the shouts of the people also stopped.

At this moment, countless eyes were fixed on the head of the Li family in Longxi, the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, Wei Ting, Chai Lingwu and the others.



"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!!"

At this time, the crowd of the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi was pushed away, and Li Tai was directly suppressed by the dragon guards and brought directly to the front.

Li Tai was directly pushed to the ground by the dragon guard.

Li Tai's face turned pale at this moment, his lips trembled wildly, and he was sweating violently.

Li Shimin stared at him.

Empress Changsun also stared at him.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and other court officials also stared at Li Tai.

The atmosphere became even more serious.

"Royal Father...Royal Father..."

"Queen! Queen! Save my queen, save me, queen!"

"I'm wrong, my mistake is outrageous! This is not my original intention, they are all persecuting me, mother mother! Mother mother, save me!"

It was Li Tai who spoke up first.

After all, he couldn't bear the gazes of these people at all.

Crash directly.


Lying on the ground, he rushed towards Empress Changsun.

However, it was directly blocked by the Jinwu Guard.

Empress Changsun opened her mouth, but in the end she still didn't speak, but just looked away.

"Nizi, is your grandpa back?"

Li Shimin didn't pay attention to Li Tai, but suddenly remembered Li Yuan, and quickly looked behind.

"What are you looking at, brat, the old man is here."

Li Yuan walked down from the carriage with a smile.

However, unlike the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, the Patriarch of the Cui family of Qinghe, who were ashen-faced, they were all red-faced, which is called a mental determination.

Walk like a tiger and a tiger.

Wearing a big cloak, walking like flying.

Much healthier than when he stayed in Chang'an.

"Oh! Father, are you okay!"

Li Shimin saw him.He quickly greeted him again.

"Do you see me like this, as if there is something wrong? Hmph!"

"Now that we're back, Kuan'er has helped you deal with such a big matter."

"Erlang, do you have something to say?"

Li Yuan's eyes swept over Li Shimin, and the corner of his mouth was half a smile, but his tone was unquestionable.

Although he hadn't been an emperor for a long time, but with Kuan'er behind him supporting him, Li Yuan's confidence was so tough.


He now felt that if Li Kuan rebelled, this group of people in front of him would have been suppressed.

Absolutely like thunder!
Li Shimin reacted violently when he heard this.

"Father, son, understand!"

"It's me!" Li Yuan squinted at him.

"Hiss... yes!"

"I! I understand!"

Li Shimin took a deep breath, he suddenly turned around, looking at Wei Zheng, Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui, the pillars of the country, and the people behind.

"The king of Wei, Li Tai, colluded with the inside and outside, rebelled against the world, and committed a heinous crime!!"

"From today onwards, all identities will be deprived, and they will be thrown into the dungeon, and dealt with together with other rebels!"

"Li Kuan, King of Chu, is the unicorn jade that God sent me to Tang Dynasty. He has been through the world, and he knows the past and the present, so it is not enough to evaluate."

"His meritorious deeds are unprecedented and unprecedented. For the Tang Dynasty and for the common people, even I am ashamed of what I have done, and cannot be compared."

"I, I am ashamed!!"

It can be said that Li Shimin roared out all the strength in his body.

All of a sudden, the surrounding area is surrounded by a circle.

Even Li Yuan twitched his lips.

Your Majesty Li Shimin, the emperor, has made great achievements, and the King of Chu can still beat His Majesty! !


Li Yuan was very satisfied with the result.

The smiles brightened.

Li Shimin also laughed out loud, my son Li Kuan, King of Chu, is really a fairy descended!
"Father, let's not talk about this, you have worked hard all the way, please come here."

Li Shimin's elated Li Yuan led the way.

He didn't look at Li Tai too much, Li Tai stood there like an idiot.

Stupidly, he stared blankly at his father, the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan, the Empress Changsun, they left with Changsun Wuji and others.

In the cheers of the people.

Chang'an is boiling.

But then, they... the patriarch of the Li clan in Longxi, the Patriarch of the Qinghe Cui clan, would only be greeted by icy shackles.

Arrived in Chang'an.

This thing is absolutely indispensable!
(End of this chapter)

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