Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 276: Partisan Controversy!The dark tide is surging in Chang'an City!


Lu Xie had no idea that things would develop like this, and that Shen Lian would seize on one of his angry words and want to go online.

Jinyiwei Abao grinned and said, "My lord, don't worry, I can testify for you!"

After saying that, he directly drew out the horizontal knife at his waist, and said to Lu Xie: "Lu Shilang, don't resist, otherwise we have the right to use the knife if you resist arrest."

After finishing speaking, Ah Bao walked towards Lu Xie.

A few people who looked like guards suddenly rushed in front of Lu Xie, and they all drew their knives, facing A Bao directly.


"Go one step further, Kill Unforgiven!"

Those guards scolded Ah Bao one after another.

Seeing this, Ah Bao narrowed his eyes slowly, like a tiger about to prey.

He turned to look at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly yelled loudly: "Back off! I, Shen Lian, are handling the case. Do you want to rebel? How dare you draw your sword to stop it?"

"Retire now, and I can let the past go!"

"Otherwise, if you dare to obstruct it, you will be dealt with as treason..."

The expressions of these guards changed when they heard Shen Lian's majestic words.

They seemed to have never thought that how to protect their master would turn into treason.

As for Shen Lian, his face was expressionless, and he stared straight at them. His voice was so cold that it made them feel cold all over: "As for the crime of treason, according to the law, kill without forgiveness, and punish the nine clans!"


Shen Lian's voice suddenly became louder, and his tone exploded in their ears like rumbling thunder: "Don't back down!"

wow la la-
The next moment, these guards didn't even look at Lu Xie at all. Under Shen Lian's powerful gaze, they all lowered their heads subconsciously, without making a sound, not even daring to fart. Straight back down.

The stunned Lu Xie behind him was exposed in front of Shen Lian.

Lu Xie, the servant under the door, was extremely shaken in his heart at this moment, and even under Shen Lian's expressionless and powerful gaze, he couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

He never expected that Shen Lian would be so rude to him on the bright side after knowing his identity.

How could she go so far on the line and hold on to a single angry word of her own.

His face was extremely gloomy and ugly. Because Lu Xie was from a noble family and held an important position in the court, he had never been bullied like this before. He had never been subjected to such anger, and he could not stand it.

Even though he knew that Shen Lian was not easy to provoke, he still did not expect this situation.

Lu Xie looked at Shen Lian coldly, gritted his teeth and growled, "Shen Lian, are you going too far?"


Shen Lian raised his eyebrows, and said: "Lu Shilang, if you are not blind, then you should take a look at the situation in front of you. I was just traveling normally, but you all blocked me, Shen Lian, here one by one, and you were still angry , without even showing your face, as if you saw how much I let you down."

"So, you say I'm too much? You pat your conscience and ask it, who is too much?"

Lu Xie said in a cold voice: "I am older than you, and I can become a member of your father's generation, so you don't know how to respect elders?"


Shen Lian was laughed angrily: "You can't make sense, so you use age to suppress people?"

"Lu Xie, you also know how old you are, and the result? You are so old, but in terms of title, you can't compare with me, a kid who is less than [-], so you don't think you have lived to the belly of a dog Are you in it? Don't you feel anxious standing in front of me? Don't you feel inferior?"

"you you….…"

Because of his background and status, Lu Xie was always treated with compliments wherever he went. He had never been ridiculed like this before.

This made him tremble coldly, and his whole body trembled with anger.

He glared at Shen Lian angrily, raised his finger to point at Shen Lian, and said sharply: " no education, no quality! Since I was a child, I have no father or mother, no one to raise and no one to teach, no wonder you are so vulgar, No wonder so--"

With a quick swipe, before Lu Xie finished speaking, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared directly in front of him.

Shen Lian grabbed Lu Xie's finger pointing at him.

Under Lu Xie's panicked gaze, Shen Lian said expressionlessly: "First, didn't your parents tell you not to point your fingers at others? This is very uneducated behavior!"

"Second, you can bully me or insult me. To be honest, I think you are mentally retarded, and I despise you from the bottom of my heart, so I don't care what you say."

"But you should never, never insult my parents. Although they died early, this is not a reason for you to insult them. Only His Royal Highness the King of Chu can comment!"

As soon as the words fell, a cold light flashed in Shen Lian's eyes, and he exerted force on his wrist.


Then there was a click sound, and Lu Xie's finger was directly broken by Shen Lian.

A scream suddenly sounded in this silent alley in an instant.

Lu Xie's eyes widened, his face was distorted because of the pain, he stared at Shen Lian with wide eyes, and cursed angrily: "You little bastard, how dare you, how dare you—"

Before Lu Xie could finish speaking, Shen Lian kicked Lu Xie flying.

With a bang, Lu Xie directly hit the wall on one side.

But before he landed, Shen Lian rushed over when he saw a blur in front of him.

Under Lu Xie's resentful and terrified gaze, Shen Lian kicked out again, directly kicking Lu Xie into the air.


While Lu Xie was being kicked away, Shen Lian shouted directly.

Without any hesitation, Ah Bao drew his sword out of its sheath in an instant and threw it at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian turned his right hand, grabbed the handle of the knife directly, looked at Lu Xie who fell from the sky, and took back the anger, resentment, distortion, hatred, and panic in Lu Xie's eyes.

He said indifferently: "Originally, I just wanted to teach you a lesson."

"Being used as a gunman without knowing it, thinking that you are in control of everything, but not knowing it, is just a poor bastard being used, so I am lazy to deal with you idiot."

"But you should never, never scold my parents!"

"I'm not a good person, I just have principles, but you, touch my principles, step on my bottom line, if you want to blame... just blame yourself for not being able to control that mouth!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Lian didn't give Lu Xie any chance to speak, and the horizontal knife flew out of his hand.

next moment!
The horizontal knife directly pierced Lu Xie's heart, nailing Lu Xie to the wall in an instant.

Blood, left from the wound.

And that Lu Xie struggled for a few times, but there was no more sound.

The whole person was directly nailed to the wall.

At this moment, the entire alley became extremely silent.

There was an eerie silence for an instant.

The guards carried by Lu all stared wide-eyed at this moment, each and every one of them had shock, horror, daze and bewilderment on their faces.

Shen Lian! ! ! !
Shen Lian, a subordinate of the King of Chu, killed their master without saying a word!
This, this, this...

What are they going to do?
These guards were completely stunned.

Some people panicked and wanted to turn around and flee from here. They needed to report the matter here to the prince, otherwise, if Lu Xie died, they, the guards, would be unable to eat and walk around.

While thinking about it, someone moved secretly, wanting to leave secretly.

"Whoever dares to leave without my permission, Shen Lian, will be killed!"

But at this moment, Shen Lian's voice suddenly sounded.

This sound, like a knife directly hitting their throats, immediately stopped the guards who were about to escape.

His face was pale, and cold sweat kept pouring out of his body, but he really didn't dare to move.

"A leopard!"

Shen Lian ignored them and looked at A Bao.

Ah Bao was shocked at this moment, and only then did he react.

He thought that his lord just wanted to teach this hateful Lu Xie a lesson, but he didn't expect that his lord would directly kill Lu Xie.

My lord, that's too rigid!

He hurriedly said, "My lord."

Shen Lian said: "Keep an eye on them, don't let anyone go."

Ah Bao quickly nodded and said yes, his eyes fixed on the guards for an instant.

Shen Lian didn't care about them.

He raised his head, looked at one side of the wall, and then looked back expressionlessly.

He knew that the crown prince had been sending guards to monitor Lu Xie secretly, so the guards would definitely tell Li Chengqian about killing Lu Xie himself.

so what!

Behind him is His Royal Highness the King of Chu!

Moreover, His Highness also told himself recently that he, Shen Lian, can make his own decision about the struggle with Li Chengqian!
So Shen Lian was not worried about killing a Lu Xie.

next moment.

He walked directly to the rearmost carriage.

Seeing him approaching now, all the guards in the carriage were extremely nervous.

They looked at Shen Lian, feeling terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

Whether it was Shen Lian's fierce skills just now, or his murderous intent, they felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave and dared not stop them.

When he walked to the carriage, Shen Lian didn't even look at the guards. He looked at the carriage that had never moved, and said calmly: "Li Kuiqing, if you don't want to be the next Lu Xie, then get out."

As soon as the words fell, it seemed that he was afraid that he would really become the second Lu Xie.

The cold, indifferent, and seldom-spoken Li Kuiqing just jumped off in a hurry.

His face was pale, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. The whole person could see that it was the fear from the heart.

He didn't dare to look directly into Shen Lian's eyes, and hastily bowed respectfully to Shen Lian: "Your Majesty has seen Commander Shen."

Shen Lian glanced at Li Kuiqing, and snorted coldly: "You don't know people if you don't fight, you are shameless, you insist on challenging the bottom line of my Chu Palace, Li Kuiqing, I don't want my hands to be stained with your stupid blood, so next Be smart, ask you what to answer, don't make yourself uncomfortable, understand?"

How dare Li Kuiqing say no.

He nodded hastily, bowed his head and said: "Commander Shen, please ask me, the officer will know everything and say everything."

They're all bastards!
Good words for laughter, don't listen.

Fuck the crap right now, bah!


Shen Lian glanced at Li Kuiqing with an unfriendly expression, seeing that Li Kuiqing was still a little smarter, and after seeing Lu Xie's end, he didn't continue to pretend to be cold, and snorted coldly.

They're all cheap, the kind that can't be cleaned up.

"Tell me, why are you stopping me here?"

Just as Li Kuiqing was about to speak, Shen Lian continued: "Don't give me a sloppy eye, and don't have any intention of concealing or deceiving me. You know my skills. If you think you can deceive my eyes, then you can try." try."

"It's fine if I can't find out, but if I find out..."

Shen Lian sneered: "Lu Xie can kill, you... I can kill as well!"

Li Kuiqing's whole body trembled, he swallowed, and hurriedly said: "Commander Shen, please rest assured, my officer... I will never dare to hide anything."

"Then what are the ink stains? Why don't you say it soon?" Shen Lian said angrily.

Li Kuiqing hurriedly said: "Young officer, we are waiting for Shen Lian here mainly... that is, we just want to persuade Commander Shen to do something."


Shen Lian sneered and said, "Don't say nice things, I don't think persuasion is appropriate, but threats are appropriate?"

Li Kuiqing saw that Shen Lian could see through her own thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help swallowing.

He hurriedly said, "'s a threat. If Commander Shen disagrees, then, just threaten Commander Shen."


Shen Lian snorted coldly, "What's the specific matter? You two need to stop me and act like this?"

Li Kuiqing didn't dare to hide it, and said: " is Wanbang's coming to court. This incident has never happened before, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was responsible for Turkic coming to court in the past. His Majesty is not responsible this time. It should be the Crown Prince's responsibility." Your Highness is in charge, so..."

He looked at Shen Lian nervously, and said, "The King of Chu is not in Chang'an, so...we hope that Commander Shen can take the initiative to distribute some of the rights in Wan Bang Lai Chao's hands, and it is best to distribute the rights in his hands, and then It is only fitting that . . . we choose an official to replace us."

Li Kuiqing was afraid that Shen Lian would be angry and blamed himself, so he quickly said: "However, we are just here to suggest, we don't really want to hurt Commander Shen! I swear."

Shen Lian let Li Kuiqing's last oath go as a fart.

This idea, to believe in other people's oath, is that the grave is not high enough.

However, Li Kuiqing's words made Shen Lian suddenly understand something in his heart.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu told himself before, be careful in Chang'an City.

He didn't know why he reminded him this way at first, after all, only one Fan Yang Lu family was left after the five surnames and Qi Wang were eliminated, and that Fan Yang Lu family was not in Chang'an City, so what was there to be afraid of?

Now it seems that it is His Royal Highness Li Chengqian!

He looked at Li Kuiqing in front of him with a very unkind expression, and Li Kuiqing felt like pins and needles. He wanted to put oil on the soles of his feet and ran away.

"Who is in your party, tell me." Shen Lian said directly.

Li Kuiqing couldn't help being surprised when she heard Shen Lian's words.

"Commander Shen,, what are you doing?" Li Kuiqing asked.

"Stop talking nonsense, come quickly and truthfully!" Shen Lian's eyes were murderous.

(End of this chapter)

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