Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 277 He dares to do such a thing!Is the King of Chu really not afraid of anything?

Sure enough, Li Kuiqing didn't dare to ask any more questions, he didn't dare to hide anything, and hurriedly named more than a dozen names.

This is the core member of their party.

Shen Lian wrote down the names one by one.

"That's all?" he asked.

Li Kuiqing didn't dare to hide it: "This is all about our party. If Commander Shen doesn't believe it, you can go and inquire about it. It's not a secret."

Shen Lian took a deep look at Li Kuiqing, then nodded slightly.

He could tell that Li Kuiqing was about to pee out of fright, and she really didn't dare to lie.

But there are less than 20 people, which means that there is more than one faction to deal with His Royal Highness Chu.

He wasn't too surprised.

After all, there were many factions in the imperial court. As far as he knew, there were more than a dozen of them, so he didn't care much about them.

If you look closely, it is estimated that there are dozens of them.

Every prince has a faction that belongs to it.

Then the aristocratic and commoner factions.

Factions in various regions.

factions of various interest circles.

There are even more princes.

There are too many, and some officials have intersections among many factions.

And it is precisely because of the chaos of the factions that the number of members in each faction is not too large. Except for the few major factions, the other factions are not very prosperous.

As for Li Kuiqing's faction, relatively speaking, it is pretty good. Although the number is not too large, but because their status is not low, they can be ranked in the top ten among the factions of the imperial court.

Shen Lian thought for a while, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly smiled.

Looking at Li Kuiqing, she smiled as if seeing a chicken waiting to be slaughtered.

"Commander Shen, you...what are you laughing at?"

Seeing Shen Lian's smile, Li Kuiqing shuddered subconsciously, and her heart tightened for no reason.

Shen Lian chuckled, and said, "It's nothing, I just think you are good people!"

"Good guy?" Li Kuiqing said.

Shen Lian said with a smile: "Yes, you are not very good people. You have dedicated yourself to let other parties know that the King of Chu faction is not easy to mess with, and you have tried the depth of the water for them. You are so Isn’t it a good person to sacrifice oneself for others?”

When Li Kuiqing heard this, her hands and feet felt cold.

His complexion changed suddenly, and he wanted to beg Shen Lian for mercy.

But Shen Lian didn't even bother to look at him again. He waved his hand directly and said, "Li Shilang, I suspect that you are going to murder the imperial officials and try to assassinate me here, so I need to take you back to Dali Temple for investigation." Tan, I hope you don't resist, otherwise I reasonably think that you are resisting arrest, and in the midst of the chaos, if you hurt yourself, it would not be wonderful, don't you think?"

Li Kuiqing, who was still about to struggle, suddenly turned pale because of Shen Lian's words.

I really didn't dare to move anymore.

Shen Lian sneered, waved his hands in disdain, and said, "Take it away!"

A Bao immediately grabbed Li Kuiqing.

Shen Lian raised his head, glanced at the still blue sky, and sighed with emotion: "Isn't it good to live well? You have to make trouble..."

"I don't know how His Majesty will solve the matter here. If it doesn't work, just give way and let me do it myself..."

"Today's matter, heh, has just begun."


At this moment, two figures suddenly fell from the wall and stopped right in front of Shen Lian.

Shen Lian withdrew his gaze from the air, and saw the two figures that had just appeared, they were the Jin Wuwei.

The two Jinwu guards bowed to Shen Lian one after another: "Commander Shen."

Shen Lian nodded slightly, and said calmly, "What did your Majesty say?"

When the two Jinwu guards heard Shen Lian's words, they couldn't help being a little shocked.

How did Shen Lian know that they came here with a sacred mandate?
How does he know everything?

The two Jinwu guards were surprised, but without any hesitation, they said: "Return to Commander Shen, please rest assured that Your Majesty told Commander Shen, His Majesty will handle the matters here, and Commander Shen can do his own thing, don't worry about things here. "

Shen Lian nodded slightly.

There was no surprise on his face.

It felt to the two Jinwu guards, as if Shen Lian had expected it long ago.

This made them feel even more in awe of Shen Lian. You must know that Shen Lian killed an official ordered by the court.

Moreover, he is still a senior member of the court, a servant of the fourth rank, and this is not a petty official.

Coupled with the fact that Lu Xie is under the crown prince's account, the sum of so many identities is enough to make officials at the level of the six ministers dare not act rashly.

But what about Shen Lian?

He said he would kill him, without any hesitation.

Originally, the two of them thought that Shen Lian might be too angry and didn't think clearly about the consequences of killing someone like Lu Xie.

But now that they saw how Li Shimin shielded Shen Lian and how calm Shen Lian was, they knew that His Majesty also valued His Royal Highness Chu's faction!
Moreover, Shen Lian knew this very well, that's why he dared to kill him.

They thought that Shen Lian didn't think about anything and was a reckless man.


In fact, Shen Lian had already thought about everything clearly.

"Then I'll leave it to the two of you, please."

Shen Lian spoke directly.

How could the two dare to make a big deal, and they nodded in agreement.

Shen Lian smiled without any delay, and after offering her hand to the two, she asked A Bao to escort Li Kuiqing to leave.

As for Lu Xie's body and those guards, the Jinwu Guards will naturally handle it, so Shen Lian doesn't need to worry about it.

As the Jinwu Guard who protects the dragon of the Tang Dynasty, and as an institution directly under Li Shimin, it is not impossible to handle such trivial matters.

Just like that, Shen Lian swaggered away from here.

However, the two officials who originally blocked Shen Lian and tried to threaten Shen Lian did not end well.

And this, Shen Lian knew, was just the beginning.

He believed that these two idiots were used as guns to test their bottom line, and there must be many people watching.

Now I left safely, and one of the two was dead and the other was arrested... Once this matter is exposed, it will definitely cause a huge shock to those who stared at it.

At that time, it will definitely set off a storm in the hearts of many people.

After all, he dared to kill directly.

For those who are good at playing tricks, what they did on behalf of King Chu should be a very unqualified player.

Therefore, in the future, this matter will definitely continue to brew, which will cause huge waves among many parties that are trying to completely seize power from themselves.

Just like that, Shen Lian went back to the Yamen of Dali Temple in a blatant manner, contrary to many people's expectations.

And the matter of intercepting Shen Lian's death and arrest soon spread completely.

Soon, many forces were swept away.

Countless people were shocked when they heard the news.

On the one hand, I was shocked how could there be such a fool as Lu Xie, who directly intercepted Shen Lian and humiliated his parents. Isn't this the god of longevity who hangs himself because he thinks his life is too long!

How stupid is Lu Xie for Shen Lian's character of revenge, dare to provoke him like this?
On the other hand, they were even more shocked by Shen Lian's daring to kill people directly in the street. Lu Xie is certainly stupid, but he is a fourth-rank official, a member of His Royal Highness, and Shen Lian actually scolded his parents just because of him. , Just kill people in the street.

This... this is a little too ruthless, right?

Is His Royal Highness the King of Chu really so arrogant?It caused the subordinates to be so outrageous!
What's more, Shen Lian has not received any harsh criticism or influence for killing such a big man as Lu Xie. This... also allows many people to have a deeper understanding of Shen Lian and the King of Chu.

That's crazy and ruthless, don't be responsible!

In just eight words, they were more vigilant and fearful than they had previously known.

In this way, many parties have told their own people that they have given up on seizing power. Shen Lian and the king of Chu will come to the court this time. This matter cannot be done.

They could tell that Shen Lian was so ruthless this time, with the intention of killing chickens and monkeys.

They weren't stupid either. Shen Lian had already given them a chance. If they retreated despite the difficulties, then, with Shen Lian's ability, they might die without knowing how to die.

Therefore, the smart forces resolutely gave up, and some forces even considered how to make friends with Shen Lian and make up for their previous mistakes, so as not to be hated by Shen Lian and King Chu.

But not all forces are very smart.

Not everyone will retreat in spite of difficulties.

Just like the faction that Lu Xie and Li Kuiqing belonged to, they were the first to be fooled into testing Shen Lian, and they suffered heavy losses directly.

Both Lu Xie and Li Kuiqing are their backbones. Now that they are killed and arrested, it is simply a traumatic blow to them.

In addition, other forces ridiculed them.

For a moment, the people of this force were extremely ashamed and angry.

In addition, His Royal Highness is not in Chang'an City, which gives them the ability to make their own decisions.

At this time, the mansion of Yushi Wang Wenru.

Wang Wenru, 50 years old, is famous all over the world for his sharp words and beautiful writing.

As a censor, he often speaks uprightly, so he has a high status among scholars and is honored as a great Confucian.

At this time, in the palace, in the hall.

There are more than a dozen people gathered here.

These people's faces were very bad, some were sighing, some were roaring angrily, the whole hall was busier than the vegetable market.

"It's unreasonable! It's really unreasonable! Lu Shilang and Li Shilang were just reasoning with Shen Lian, but Shen Lian turned out to be so vicious and committed murder on the spot! This person is so cruel, and he controls such a great power, who can feel at ease?"

"That's right! We must report to His Majesty to impeach Shen Lian! Even if the King of Chu covers him up, the court is not the King of Chu's court, and such a vicious person must not be allowed to have such power!"

"Besides, after he killed someone, he didn't blame him at all. This is simply putting the laws of the Tang Dynasty on the ground! Shen Lian is definitely using his power for personal gain! I don't believe it, he can really cover the sky with one hand!"

"Lu Shilang is such a kind and gentle person, but in the end he was brutally killed by Shen Lian, and Shen Lian even slandered Lu Shilang's reputation. It's really hateful!"
"That's right!"

"Old Wang, tell me, is Shen Lian hateful! What should we do? We all listen to you!"

As soon as someone's voice fell, the others echoed one after another, and all looked at Wang Wenru who was sitting in the chief seat.

When Wang Wenru heard what they said, he gently put down his teacup.

He said: "Your anger, I am very clear, and your desire to avenge Lu Shilang is also clear to me, but this matter is far more complicated than you imagined."

"Do you really think that Shen Lian and King Chu can cover the sky with one hand?"

"If His Majesty hadn't nodded, do you think that some factions would really swallow this breath? But now, except for us being angry here, the other factions haven't said a word. How good it is to unite to check and balance the matter of the King of Chu. In the end, I still didn’t say a word, so you didn’t find the problem?”


The expressions of these officials changed when they heard Wang Wenru's words.

Wang Wenru sighed with emotion, and said: "Shen Lian, he killed Lu Xie mercilessly, and as a result, the court was silent, and other factions were silent. Do you really think it will be useful if you go to impeachment and go to play? Instead of being hated by Shen Lian, Bu Lu Xie's retreat?"


An official shook his hand holding the cup, and the cup fell directly onto the table.

Tea was immediately spilled all over the table.

He raised the cup in a hurry, and the expression on his face could not help but panic.

No one else laughed at him.

Because they were all frightened by Wang Wenru's words, and their foreheads were soaked in cold sweat.

If they go to impeach Shen Lian, will Shen Lian hold grudges?

Will follow Lu Xie's back road.

This this…….
Someone couldn't help laughing and said: "Shen Lian, he...he is not such a person, we didn't scold him, he...he, why should he hate us."

As soon as the man said that, someone couldn't help but curse secretly.

How dare you write memorials to impeach others for no reason, and why should they remember you.

Bad can be.

But being stupid is really fatal.

In the palace hall.

It was silent, eerily quiet.

All the officials who were roaring angrily now shut up.

The officials who had made a lot of noise and said they would file a complaint in front of Li Shimin and make Shen Lian pay the price also lowered their heads at this moment.

Only now did they realize that their perception of Shen Lian and King Chu was somewhat wrong.

They dared to make trouble for Shen Lian. With the protection of King Chu and His Majesty, Shen Lian would really kill people.

Lu's dead body is still alive, right in front of their eyes!

Thinking of this, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Occasionally, a voice sounded: "Shen Lian, he, he can't do this. We impeached him for his own good, for the good of the king of Chu, to prevent the king of Chu from being too powerful and causing accidents. Hate us!"

When everyone heard this voice, they sneered twice in their hearts.

Some people with brains will not respond.

Such words.

It's fine to talk to people outside, but inside their faction, isn't it stupid or something to say such things?
Why did they impeach Shen Lian, and why did they send Lu Xie and Li Kuiqing to threaten Shen Lian.

Isn't it just greedy for Shen Lian's right to come to court?
Isn't it just to test the bottom line of the King Chu faction for His Royal Highness?
So on the premise that everyone knows their purpose, it is really funny to say these words.

(End of this chapter)

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