Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 282 The performance is really good!This is your hard work fee!

The housekeeper is also not to be outdone.

For a moment, the two of you talked to each other, and I said something, the mocking one was Shu Chang.

When Shen Lian came to his senses, Ah Bao was still mocking the housekeeper.

Abao: "I have seen stupid ones, but I have never seen such a stupid one. If a king is elected in the world of fools, you will definitely be the first!"

Shen Lian: "..."

What are you talking about?

Why didn't I know that my subordinates were so good?
This connotation of people's words is called Shunliu! !
Ah Bao still wanted to continue to use his eloquence to connotate the butler, when he suddenly noticed a very weak gaze.

He quickly raised his head to look, and as expected, his lord was looking at him with a complicated expression.

Ah Bao laughed and said, "My lord, are you listening to vent your anger?"

Shen Lian: "...Ah Bao."

"Hey, my lord, tell me."

"Write out all the fat and water in your belly some other day, and show me, I'm learning and learning. If you have such a connotation, I really feel ashamed of myself!"

Abao scratched his head, and didn't understand if Shen Lian's words had any deep meaning. Anyway, he would do whatever Shen Lian told him to do. He chuckled and said, "This is passed down from generation to generation by our masters. Ordinary Jinyiwei people have a straightforward personality. But the brain is stupid, and there is often nothing to say when swearing, so our previous generation, including the previous ones, passed on the classic quotations we summed up from generation to generation, so that we not only have strong fists, but also are not afraid of anyone! If adults like it, I I just copied a copy by hand, and I will send it to the adults when I go back.”

Shen Lian: "..."

Are curse words passed down from generation to generation?


In order for future generations not to fall behind in the scolding, Jin Yiwei pioneers, they are really worried!
Shen Lian no longer knew how to evaluate it.

After thinking about it for a long time, I could only say dryly: "Good intentions, hehe, good intentions!"

Ah Bao laughed and said, "My lord, I think so too."

Qin Ziyi saw it and felt that the topic could not go on like this. He hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Commander Shen, you should hurry up and tell me how the butler teleported. I don't have that much patience. See You master and servant are singing the oboe here."

The butler also nodded, noncommittal.

When Ah Bao heard this, he immediately forgot about the inheritance of his predecessors, and quickly looked at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian exhaled lightly, and said unhurriedly: "The steward is a man, not a god, so if he can do it, it must be in a way we can understand."

"If there is no accident, I guess, maybe there is a secret passage in this hall, which can lead directly to the gate."

"Even if there is no secret passage, there should be something similar that can allow him to rush to the gate in the shortest possible time."

"Secret passages?"

Abao looked at this room, but after searching for a long time, he didn't find any shadow of the entrance to the secret passage.

"My lord, where is the secret passage?"

The corners of Shen Lian's mouth curled up, and he smiled meaningfully, but did not speak.

At this moment, Qin Ziyi frowned and said, "Commander Shen, if the murderer is really the butler, it's not right, there is a time conflict."

"According to what you said when you entered here and found the corpse, at that time, the steward happened to be at the door and just received the officials who came to visit, so... Even if there is a secret passage, he can't blink Time, ran to the door, right?"

"No matter how good his kung fu is, this is not something that one person can do."

A Bao himself is a warrior.

He also came from the door, and after thinking about the distance he had traveled, he frowned and said: "No matter how fast, it is a straight line distance, from here to the door, there must be [-] breaths, and there is no obstacle in the middle. at top speed."

"Otherwise, the time for twenty breaths will not be up."

"But we heard the screams, at most three breaths later, the adults kicked the door open... In other words, no matter how fast the housekeeper is, he can't reach the gate in three breaths at most, right?"

It's not that Ah Bao doesn't believe in Shen Lian.

But no matter how you think about it, it's unreasonable.

Neither can be explained.

If you insist on explaining, you can only use the means of immortals.

So... what the hell is going on here?

Abao felt that his brain could no longer turn the corner.

Qin Ziyi also frowned at this time.

I just feel that no matter how I think about it, the butler's teleportation cannot be explained.

Shen Lian glanced at everyone's furrowed brows, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

He stretched slightly, and said, "Okay, it's getting late, let's end this farce quickly."

Qin Ziyi, A Bao, the housekeeper and others all looked at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian laughed and said, "Qin Shaoqing, go ahead and call everyone over. Aren't they always clamoring to find the real murderer and take revenge?"

"Go and tell them that this case has been solved by Shen Lian of Chu Palace!"

"I'll tell them who the murderer is, who wants revenge, and let them do it—"

After a pause, he said meaningfully: "--as long as they have the guts!"

When Qin Ziyi heard Shen Lian's words and looked at Shen Lian's confident look, she immediately became a little less confident.'s really broken, right?

However, he hasn't found anything strange yet.

"Go ahead and call them all over."

Qin Ziyi didn't quite believe it, but she still waved her hand and asked the servants of the Dali Temple to let them in for the banquet.

The butler saw that his people had come, and his confidence rose instantly, so he rushed to Wang Wenru's corpse, crying bitterly.

"Master, you died so badly! An hour ago, you told the little one that you should entertain Shen Lian well and make amends for Shen Lian, but who knew... Shen Lian was so vicious, and he was so cruel to you. Master, you hurt the killer!"

While wiping tears, the steward raised his head and looked at Shen Lian angrily, gritted his teeth and roared, "Shen Lian, as an official of Tang Dynasty, you are so disregarding the law and killing people like hemp! In your eyes, there is still Law, is there still Your Majesty?"

"My master is such a good person, why do you have the heart to do it!"

Seeing the butler crying bitterly, if he didn't know what the truth behind it was, Shen Lian might really be deceived.

This acting skill is really high!
When the other officials saw this, they also felt sad. They all agreed with the butler, angrily reprimanded Shen Lian, and asked Qin Ziyi to arrest Shen Lian.

Shen Lian picked his ears, ignored them at all, and just let their words be farts.

Handling a case still pays attention to evidence.

not to mention!
This person in front of him is the right wing of the King of Chu, and his status is distinguished. His Majesty may be watching this case, and more evidence is needed.

As for Ah Bao, because he knew in advance that the housekeeper was not a good bird, and he had scolded so much, so when he saw the housekeeper crying until his eyes were red, he just sneered in his heart.

For the first time, he felt that watching the performance of these thieves was so funny.

Recalling that every time his lord treats those thieves, he is the same as himself now, everything is clear, and then watching those thieves dance their claws, like a monkey... He envies his lord.

It's nice to watch such a funny monkey show for free.

As for Shen Lian, he didn't have so many thoughts. After all, he had seen a lot, so he felt that was the case.

No matter how funny the monkey is, if there are too many monkeys, it will be no surprise.

He listened to these people's words quietly, and when their voices became hoarse and they had to stop to rest, Shen Lian slowly said, "Is it finished?"

His tone was neither salty nor weak, and his attitude was calm and indifferent, as if what these officials said just now was not aimed at Shen Lian.

This immediately made those officials feel as if they had punched cotton, and their hearts were terribly depressed.

Shen Lian ignored them, he looked down at the butler, and said, "Are you finished too?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Lian flicked his finger, and a copper plate fell directly in front of the butler, and turned around on the ground a few times before falling down.


The housekeeper looked blank.

Shen Lian said indifferently: "Although I've seen too many plays, I don't think it's so exciting, but you have worked hard. After acting for so long, there is hard work without credit, so it's hard work."



Seeing the penny lying in front of him, the butler's face immediately flushed red. He only felt that what he said just now was directly smashed back by Shen Lian with a copper coin.

A copper plate, why send beggars?

He felt that he had been insulted like never before!
But Shen Lian ignored him at all, and didn't look at his angry eyes, so that the housekeeper's anger couldn't be conveyed to Shen Lian.

Almost didn't get bored.

Shen Lian just walked to the stool calmly, and then sat down.

Erlang raised his legs, and at some point a chess piece appeared on his finger, and the white chess piece kept beating on his finger bone.

"Since it's all quiet, then shut up. Don't you want to know who killed Wang Wenru? Don't you want to know what's going on in this case? Then listen quietly!"

The housekeeper directly said coldly: "My master was killed by you, what else could be going on!"

"Shen Lian, I know you are very smart. You must be deliberately misleading us by coming to solve the case. We won't believe you!"

When other officials heard it, they did too.

This is one of the most trusted people of the King of Chu. If you keep dragging on, no one will dare to arrest him when the people of the King of Chu come.

He's stalling for time!

Isn't that smart?
However, Shen Lian ignored the housekeeper. He said calmly, "You said that I, Shen Lian, is smart. This is a fact, and I can't refute it, just like the thief in your play just now. It's all a fact, and I can't refute it."


"But what does cleverness have to do with solving crimes?"

Shen Lian said unhurriedly: "Just now you also saw it outside, I have never left here, and Qin Shaoqing is watching, everything here is in place, so I, Shen Lian, cannot appear out of thin air Clues and evidence, right?"

"You don't need to believe me, but your own eyes, and Qin Shaoqing, you should believe it."


All the officials looked at me and I looked at you. After thinking about it, they nodded.

They were indeed staring into the hall from the outside all the time. If something was wrong with Shen Lian just now, they would have yelled a long time ago.

In addition, Qin Ziyi is also a member of his own camp, so he will not cheat them.

Therefore, they still believed that Shen Lian didn't move any hands or feet.

Seeing everyone nodding, Shen Lian smiled, and continued to say calmly: "So, you can doubt me, but you can't doubt the evidence here, can you?"

"I can lie, but the evidence can't lie!"

"As for any case, there needs to be sufficient evidence to form a closed chain of evidence, so that the front and back can be matched, so that the case can be said to be solid."

"Therefore, for my Shen Lian's next analysis, you can use your brains, think, and think about whether what I said is right or wrong, I think..."

Right or wrong, I think..."

Shen Lian glanced over the faces of these officials one by one, and said unhurriedly: "You should have this kind of discerning ability, right?"

When all the officials heard Shen Lian's obviously aggressive words, their brains immediately became hot.

You can say that we can't solve the case, but you can't say that we don't even have the ability to solve the case.

We are stupid, but we also have dignity!

"Of course! We naturally have the ability to discern!"

"Shen Lian, you'd better not play tricks, or I will be the first to report to His Majesty! Even if His Highness King Chu protects you, you can't bend the law for personal gain! Your Majesty will definitely see the details!"

"We'll keep an eye on you!"

These officials spoke one after another.

The corners of Shen Lian's mouth raised slightly, and he didn't care about their attitude.

As long as everything is under your control.

He looked at the butler. The butler was waiting for Shen Lian to provoke him, and then he refused. He would never give Shen Lian a chance to solve the case. He would directly let Qin Ziyi catch Shen Lian based on the existing clues.

He was waiting for Shen Lian to speak, as long as Shen Lian gave him something to say, he would not let Shen Lian do what he wanted.

Then... He looked at Shen Lian, as if he didn't see himself, his eyes swept over him, as if sweeping into a cloud of air, and ignored him directly.

"Let's talk about the murderer's modus operandi first."

Shen Lian spoke lightly.

Steward: "...Why didn't you ask me?"

He couldn't help asking loudly.

Shen Lian raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "We are all court officials, you are just a servant, let me ask you, are you worthy?"


The butler didn't say a word, and almost vomited blood out of breath.

His face suddenly flushed with anger, and his whole body trembled.

Seeing that the butler was about to die of anger, Ah Bao couldn't help expressing his admiration to his lord.

It's too awesome for my own adults to hate others.

It is a hundred times better than the swearing skills that I have inherited from my ancestors!

Shen Lian did what he said, and really ignored the housekeeper. He began to tell the case: "You can also see that the cause of death of the deceased was that the dagger pierced the back of the heart and died directly."

"So, normally, the killer fought with the dead, and then found an opportunity to stab the dead in the back, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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