Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 283 Incredible!It turned out to be like this!

Everyone nodded slightly: "Of course, you can see it at a glance."

Shen Lian smiled and said, "So, you all think that the murderer killed the deceased behind his back, right?"

"It's still up to you to say."

Some officials sneered and said: "You can see it if you have eyes, but you ask twice. It seems that the right wing of His Royal Highness Chu is rumored to be nothing more than that."

Shen Lian glanced at this person, smiled lightly and said, "Really?"


He suddenly elongated his voice, and said lightly: "I don't think so! I, Shen Lian, think the murderer..."

He suddenly pointed to the corpse on the floor and said, "It's lying here!!!"


Everyone was taken aback when they heard Shen Lian's words.

"Lying here?"

"Shen Lian, are you kidding? How could the murderer lie here and stab the dagger into the back of Wang Lao's chest? This is simply impossible!"

"That's right! Shen Lian, even if you lie, please find a better lie, okay?"

Everyone didn't believe Shen Lian's words.

Not to mention them, even Ah Bao was a little dazed at this moment.

Can't understand Shen Lian's words.

The cause of death of the deceased was that the back of the heart was stabbed with a dagger, and the deceased died facing the ground, so the murderer must have shot behind the deceased.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to lie on the ground!

And lying on the ground, the hands are also facing the ground, there is no way to use the dagger...
Therefore, with their imagination, they really can't imagine how to kill people lying on the ground.

This made them all look at Shen Lian.

And Shen Lian's expression didn't change a little when he heard their words of distrust.

After all, this was a crime that Beichen and the others had committed specifically to frame him. If these idiots figured it out easily, then either Beichen and the others underestimated themselves, or they themselves were stupid.

But Beichen, are they stupid?

of course not!
Do they underestimate themselves?

It's even more impossible!
After all, I am one of the most trusted and entrusted people by His Highness, and I even entrusted all nations to come to court, which can be seen.

So, this case is complicated.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me."

Shen Lian spoke lightly, not in a hurry.

I didn't get blushed at all because of other people's distrust, and insisted on making them admit that my words were the truth.

He said: "Your brains are not working well, I don't blame you."

"Next, I will demonstrate the process of the murderer's murder. I hope you will use your brains and watch carefully with your eyes wide open. If I finish the demonstration and you still don't understand...then you are really stupid."

Being ridiculed by Shen Lian for being stupid, the faces of these officials all turned dark.

They looked very ugly.

But when they thought that Shen Lian was his subordinate... When they reached their mouths to retort, they swallowed them back fiercely.

After all, he is under the powerful king of Chu, and he is backed by His Majesty.

They can only endure.

Seeing that these officials did not speak, Shen Lian laughed without any surprise.

As an official, don't care about corrupt officials or honest officials, knowing the current affairs is the first criterion for being an official.

Knowing who you are is the second criterion.

Finding one's own position is the third criterion.

These officials seem to have learned the basic principles well.

"A Leopard."

Shen Lian ignored them and returned to the case itself.

Ah Bao hurriedly looked at Shen Lian: "My lord."

Shen Lian pointed to a thin thread on the ground and said, "Find a thread with the same thickness and material as this thin thread."

"here has."

Before Ah Bao could speak, Qin Ziyi took a handful of thread from a yamen servant and said, "I found this outside the window. I don't know if it's useful, so I put it away for now."

Shen Lian glanced at Qin Ziyi and said with a smile, "Thank you Qin Shaoqing."

Afterwards, Shen Lian pointed to a pillar and said, "Abao, have you seen that pillar? Is there a small piece of thin thread tied there on the pillar?"

Abao hurriedly took a closer look, and as expected, there was really a small piece of thin line.

"My lord, yes."

All the officials also approached the pillar at this time, and they all saw the small thin line.

An official asked: "What's wrong with this thin thread? Is there any problem?"

Shen Lian didn't answer.

Instead, he glanced at the butler.

The butler didn't speak any more at this time, but his eyes were dim and difficult to understand, making it difficult for people to know what he was thinking.

"Go, at that spot, and tie the end of the string there."

Abao quickly followed suit.

Soon, one end of the thin thread was tied to it.

Then Shen Lian pointed to the beam above his head, and said, "Put the other end of the string through the beam until it reaches the top of the deceased."

Without saying a word, Ah Bao jumped up directly. When he reached the beam, he took a look and said hurriedly, "My lord, there is a trace of a thin line on this beam, which is very obvious."


Some officials were taken aback.

Shen Lian hadn't checked on the beams just now, but at this moment, he seemed to know all about it.

He said indifferently: "Don't destroy that trace, it's important evidence, pull the thin line from the other side."


A Bao quickly passed through the two beams and slid the thin wire down.

And it just so happened that the thin line on the beam was right above the dead man.

"What's next?" Abao continued to ask.

The others seemed to have noticed something at this time, and they all looked at Shen Lian, and no one was beeping.

The chess piece on Shen Lian's finger was still jumping, he looked at the big inkstone on the ground, and said, "Pick up that inkstone, show it to the officials, and let them see if there is anything wrong with the inkstone."

A Bao quickly picked up the inkstone.

"This inkstone is very heavy!"

Ah Bao underestimated, and then showed the inkstone to the officials.

These officials didn't understand why Shen Lian wanted them to pay attention to this ordinary inkstone, but they still took a closer look.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Look, on this inkstone... It seems that there is a bump, and a piece is deflated there."

When everyone heard the words, they quickly turned their eyes.

Sure enough, they did see a trace of a bump.

Someone said: "Maybe it was the bump that happened when you accidentally touched the inkstone on the ground during the fight?"


"But does this have anything to do with the murderer?"

The officials didn't understand again.

Shen Lian chuckled, raised his finger slightly, and said, "Abao, tie the inkstone to the thin thread hanging down, but remember, the thin thread is just to fix the inkstone and keep the inkstone in balance, but don't tie it too tightly."

Without saying a word, Ah Bao directly followed Shen Lian's instructions and tied the inkstone to the thin thread, just below the beam of the house.

"Then go and set up that candlestick, and at the same time find a candle." Shen Lian continued to order.

Abao quickly prepared everything.

Shen Lian said: "Choose a section of the candle, use a knife to draw a gap, and then stuff the thin thread next to the pillar into the gap to make sure it won't come out of the candle by itself."

What Shen Lian said was easy to do, and it didn't take long for Ah Bao to prepare everything well.

After reading these, Shen Lian smiled, looked at the officials, and said, "Now, all the preparations have been completed."

"The murderer used this arrangement to complete the murder!"

When everyone heard the words, they all quickly looked at the whole arrangement.

Some people seem to understand something.

But there are also people who still don't understand what's going on.

"Commander Shen, this is a thin thread and a candle. Does it have anything to do with the murder? Isn't it just a knife? What does it have to do with candles?"

Some officials asked puzzledly.

Shen Lian shook his head slightly, and sighed: "It's so obvious, you still don't understand? You also grew up eating whole grains, why can you be so stupid?"

Officials: "..."

Thanks, was offended.

Shen Lian said helplessly again: "Forget it, since you still can't figure it out, then let's keep your eyes wide open and take a closer look."

"Don't blink, or you'll miss something. I, Shen Lian, won't do it a second time."

After finishing speaking, Shen Lian ignored them. He looked directly at Abao and said, "Abao, light the candles, and get ready to witness a clever timed murder!"

When Ah Bao heard Shen Lian's words, he naturally wouldn't hesitate.

He quickly lit the candle.

The flames jumped, bringing a halo.

All the officials stared wide-eyed and looked at the candle, wondering what the things that Shen Lian asked Ah Bao to prepare had anything to do with the murder.

As for Shen Lian, he yawned lightly, with a lazy look on his face.

He was sitting there with his legs crossed and chess pieces on his fingers, looking very relaxed and at ease.

He and other officials are completely like people from two worlds.

Even though he was handling this case, even though he was the most suspected person now, Shen Lian didn't look panicked or nervous at all.

It was as if all of this was within his expectations.

No matter what, he couldn't escape his Wuzhishan.

There was a wind blowing outside, creaking the windows.

The candles in the room were also constantly swaying by the wind, and the candles burned faster than usual.

Finally, the flame of the candle reached the gap where the thread stuck.

The next moment...
There was a snap.

The thin wire was burnt instantly when it touched the flame.

The thin line is divided in two.

The thin thread tied to the post was immediately the same as what Abao had discovered before, half of it remained there.

As for the thin line on the beam, it was left halfway there just like what Abao had discovered before.

And the thin thread on the beam suddenly fell down because of a very heavy inkstone tied to it.

During the fall of the inkstone, because Abao followed Shen Lian's instructions, the thin thread was not tightly tied to the inkstone, so the thin thread and the inkstone soon began to separate.

At the same time, the inkstone also began to fall freely.

The speed is getting faster and faster, coupled with its own heavy weight, it seems like the ground is approaching rapidly in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, these officials found that the inkstone was on top of the dead body.

It was found that the inkstone was above the corpse of the deceased.

And the next moment --


"This... this... this..."

A series of exclamations suddenly sounded.

All the people who saw the scene in front of them couldn't help but widen their eyes, and the eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

They stared blankly at the scene in front of them, feeling as if their whole bodies had been hit by a heavy hammer.

His body shook, and he almost fell to the ground.

All stunned.

I saw that the inkstone fell, and at the next moment, it suddenly hit the dagger in the back of the deceased, and then because of the weight of the inkstone, it smashed the dagger directly and stabbed inward...
The dagger that was originally left was completely pierced into the back of the dead man's heart in an instant.

The inkstone also fell to the side after colliding with the dagger.

That position is exactly the same as the position where Xugou picked up the inkstone before.

Hardly a huge difference.

As for the half of the thin line that fell down in the air, it's the same... The position of the remaining half of the thin line on the ground is not much different.

All in all…….
Let them know that this is definitely not a coincidence.

One is a coincidence, but with so many items falling into the same place, can it be a coincidence?

So, so... There is no need for a murderer to shoot in the back.

It doesn't even take the murderer to be here.

Can you just complete the murder case?

These officials were dumbfounded at the moment.

They thought of many developments, but they never thought of such a development.

This was really beyond their expectations.

Only then did Shen Lian stand up slowly.

He walked to the inkstone, picked it up, and said, "Look, this is the mark left by the inkstone hitting the dagger just now."

Then, he turned the inkstone 180 degrees and said, "And this is the trace left on the previous inkstone. Take a closer look, do you think there is any difference between them?"

The pupils of the officials shrank sharply.

They quickly took a closer look.

Compare carefully to find the difference.

As a result, there was no difference.

The size is exactly the same, and they also discovered that the shape of this trace is exactly the same as the shape of the handle.

So... This is almost, the ironclad proof.

Shen Lian had no choice but to secretly produce such evidence without telling them.

So... Really, everything is really focused on what Shen Lian said, so this murder case was actually committed like this!
"What about the murderer?"

At this time, an official asked: "Who actually arranged it like this? Who is the murderer?"

They were no longer so suspicious of Shen Lian.

After all, the case was already obvious, and the murderer didn't have to stay here when the crime was committed.

And with Shen Lian's cleverness, if Shen Lian had set these up, it would be even more impossible to stay here and be discovered.

So, at this time, whether they are willing or not, they already believe that Shen Lian did not kill people.

When Shen Lian heard what they said, she didn't answer them directly, but suddenly said: "What's your job?"

A middle-aged man ran over: "Commander Shen, the little one... the little one is Wu Zuo."

(End of this chapter)

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